    <div id="icon-options-general" class="icon_ai">
_e('Url parameter handling', 'advanced-iframe');
_e('Advanced iframe is able to forward parameter from the parent to the iframe url. In the pro version you are also able to map parameters and add the iframe url as parameter to the parent url. Also check the documentation at "Url". For pro users are many additional options to add wordpress or url data to the iframe url.', 'advanced-iframe');
echo '<table class="form-table">';
printTextInput($devOptions, __('URL forward parameters', 'advanced-iframe'), 'url_forward_parameter', __('Define the parameters that should be passed from the browser url to the iframe url. Please separate the parameters by \',\'. Using "ALL" does forward every parameter.<br />GET and POST parameters are supported!<br />Pro users can also map incoming parameters to a different parameter. Wordpress has a couple of <href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_taxonomy#Reserved_Terms" target="_blank">reserved words</a> which can\'t be used in urls. So if you want to pass the parameter "name" (reserved word) to your iframe you can do a mapping with "ainame|name". Than the parameter "ainame=hallo" will be passed as "name=hallo" to the iframe. This can also be used if the parameters of the 2 pages do not match. Several mappings can be seperated with \',\' like normal parameters. In e.g. TinyWebGallery this enables you to jump directly to an album or image although TinyWebGallery is included in an iframe. Shortcode attribute: url_forward_parameter=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
if ($evanto) {
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('Map parameter to url', 'advanced-iframe'), 'map_parameter_to_url', __('You can map an url parameter value pair to an url or pass the url directly which should be opened in the iframe. If you e.g. have a page with the iframe and you like to have different content in the iframe depending on an url parameter than this is the setting you have to use. You have to specify this setting in the following syntax "parameter|value|url" e.g. "show|1|http://www.tinywebgallery.com". If you than open the parent page with ?show=1 than http://www.tinywebgallery.com is opened inside the iframe. You can also specify several mappings by separating them by \',\'.<br />GET and POST parameters are supported!<br />You can also only specify 1 parameter here! The value of this parameter is than used as iframe url. e.g. show=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tinywebgallery.com%3Fparam=value. You need to encode the url if you pass it in the url. Especially ? (%3F) and & (%26)! Please note that because of security reason only whitelisted chars [a-zA-Z0-9/:?&.] are allowed. Encoded parameters in the passed urls are not supported because all input is decoded and checked. If no parameter/value pair does match the normal src attribute of the configuration is used. Shortcode attribute: map_parameter_to_url=""', 'advanced-iframe'));
    printSameRemote($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Add iframe url<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;as param', 'advanced-iframe'), 'add_iframe_url_as_param', __('With this setting the url of the iframe is added as parameter to the current url. The parameter is defined in the setting before. This feature is only enabled if you also enable auto height for remote domains because the url of the iframe is sent with the same request. This enables bookmarkable urls where you go directly to the last page in the iframe. The history api which enables the change of the url is only supported by modern browsers. For older browsers the url is simply not changed. See http://caniuse.com/#search=pushstate. Shortcode attribute: add_iframe_url_as_param="same", add_iframe_url_as_param="remote" or add_iframe_url_as_param="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/add-iframe-url-to-parent', true);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Prefix for<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iframe url', 'advanced-iframe'), 'add_iframe_url_as_param_prefix', __('With this setting you can define a prefix which all (most) of your pages in the iframe have. This prefix is than not added to the url but added internally. This does reduce the length of the parameter value. The prefix has to be without http:// or https://. So a prefix could be www.tinywebgallery.com/examples/. If your pages are e.g. at www.tinywebgallery.com/examples/example1.htm and www.tinywebgallery.com/examples/example2.htm than the page parameter is only page=example2.htm and not page=www.tinywebgallery.com%2Fexamples%2Fexample2.htm. See the demo for a working example. Shortcode attribute: add_iframe_url_as_param_prefix=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/add-iframe-url-as-param-remote-domain', false);
echo '</table>';
if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
      <p class="button-submit">
        <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="<?php 
    _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');
    <div id="icon-options-general" class="icon_ai">
    _e('Zoom', 'advanced-iframe');
    _e('All major browsers do now support the zoom of iframes. Depending on your setup you can use a static zoom factor or even automatic zoom.', 'advanced-iframe');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    printNumberInput($devOptions, __('Zoom iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_zoom', __('You can zoom the content of the iframe with this setting. E.g. entering 0.5 does resize the iframe to 50%. At the iframe width and height you need to enter the FULL size of the iframe. So if you enter width = 1000, height = 500 and zoom = 0.5 than the result will be 500x250. The following browsers are supported: IE8-11, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. Older versions of IE are not supported. Please test all the browsers you want to support with your page because not all pages do look good in a zoomed mode! "Show only a part of an iframe" and "Resize iframe to content height" are supported. Shortcode attribute: iframe_zoom=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', '', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/zoom-iframe-content');
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Support zoom on IE8', 'advanced-iframe'), 'iframe_zoom_ie8', __('Zoom on IE8 does require the browser detection. And the browser detection does need a lot of memory during processing. So by default the IE8 support of zoom is disabled. If you enable this and your system runs out of memory the plugin does automatically disable this support by creating a file called advanced-iframe-custom/browser-check-failed.txt. As long as this file does exist the IE8 support for zoom is disabled. Shortcode attribute: iframe_zoom_ie8="true" or iframe_zoom_ie8="false"', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
    printTrueFalse($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Zoom absolute fix', 'advanced-iframe'), 'use_zoom_absolute_fix', __('Sometimes the zoom measurements need an additional position:absolute to work correctly. Only set this to true if the zooms doens not work as expected. Shortcode attribute: use_zoom_absolute_fix="true" or use_zoom_absolute_fix="false"', 'advanced-iframe'), 'false');
    printSameRemote($devOptions, __('Auto zoom iframe', 'advanced-iframe'), 'auto_zoom', __('This feature does automatically calculates the needed zoom factor to fit the iframe page into the parent page. Especially when you have a responsive website but the remote website is not responsive this is the only way that the page in the iframe does also zoom. Many smartphones and tablets to automatically zoom the parent page but not the iframe page. So there this feature can also be used. This feature works on the same domain and if you are able to use the external workaround and use auto height there (otherwise the width does not get transfered). Shortcode attribute: auto_zoom="same", auto_zoom="remote" or auto_zoom="false" ', 'advanced-iframe'), 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/auto-zoom-iframe-content', true);
    printTextInput($devOptions, __('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Auto zoom by ratio', 'advanced-iframe'), 'auto_zoom_by_ratio', __('This setting can be used on the SAME domain if the height of the page cannot be mesured but the ratio of the page is known. And if the width also cannot be measured automatically but is known because the iframe page has a fixed width, you can specify this width by adding with a pipe like ratio|width. E.g. 0.80|800. If you know the the ratio and the width, this setting does also work on REMOTE domains. You don\'t even need access to the remote domain! For remote domains also select SAME in the setting before as remote means that the height/width information is sent from the remote domain which is not the case here. Shortcode attribute: auto_zoom_by_ratio=""', 'advanced-iframe'), 'text', 'http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/auto-zoom-iframe-content#e35');
    echo '</table>';
    if ($devOptions['single_save_button'] == 'false') {
      <p class="button-submit">
        <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="update_iframe-loader" value="<?php 
        _e('Update Settings', 'advanced-iframe');