Example #1
 * printNotes Recursive function to display the notes for a record in a threaded manner.
 * @param array $parent Array of notes with the same parent thread. 
function printNotes($parent)
    // Need the main $tasks array:
    global $notes;
    global $details;
    // Start an ordered list:
    echo '<ul>';
    // Loop through each subarray:
    foreach ($parent as $threadID => $noteText) {
        // Display the item:
        //echo "<li>$noteText\n";
        //echo "(written by %s on %s)";
						<input type="submit" value="Reply" id="%s" name="addChild[]" onclick="%s" />
						<!--<input type="image" src="includes/images/minus-8.png" name="pmtRemove[]" onclick="%s" />-->
						<span %s id="%s">%s</span>
						<small>(written by %s on %s at %s)</small>
					<br /><p id="%u" style="display:none">
							<input type="submit" value="Add Reply" name="addNote[]" onclick="%s" />
							<input type="text" name="note[%u]" size="50" maxlength="100" />
					</p>', 'button' . $threadID, 'showRow(' . $threadID . ');	return false;', 'updateRemoveID(' . $threadID . ');', $details[$threadID]['userID'] == $_SESSION['userID'] || $_SESSION['level'] >= 4 ? 'class="editNote"' : '', 'note-' . $threadID, $noteText . "\n", $details[$threadID]['author'], date('m/d/Y', strtotime($details[$threadID]['date'])), $details[$threadID]['time'], $threadID, 'addChild(' . $threadID . ');', $threadID);
        // Check for subtasks:
        if (isset($notes[$threadID])) {
            // Call this function:
        // Complete the list item:
        echo '</li>';
    // End of FOREACH loop.
    // Close the ordered list:
    echo '</ul>';
Example #2
    echo '<h3 class="center">Notes</h3><br />
		<input type="hidden" id="newMain" name="newMain" value="false" />
		<input type="hidden" id="noteID" name="noteID" value="false" />';
    if (!$notesR) {
        printf('Query: %s, Error: %s', $notesQ, mysqli_error($DBS['comet']));
    if (mysqli_num_rows($notesR) > 0) {
        while (list($note, $tID, $pID, $modified, $time, $uID, $name) = mysqli_fetch_row($notesR)) {
            // Build a multidimensional array.
            // Then...
            $notes[$pID][$tID] = $note;
            $details[$tID]['date'] = $modified;
            $details[$tID]['author'] = $name;
            $details[$tID]['time'] = $time;
            $details[$tID]['userID'] = $uID;
    echo '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">';
    printf('<tr class="center">
				<input type="submit" value="Add Note" name="addMainNote" onclick="%s"/>
			<td colspan="3">
				<input type="text" name="mainNote" size="50" maxlength="100" />
		</table><br />', 'newNote();');
} else {
    header('Location: ../index.php');
Example #3
function parseRequest($request, $category)
    global $categoriesRegexp, $dateRegexp, $specialPages, $title;
    $html = "";
    if ($request == '') {
        $title = "Home";
        $html = printSpecialPage($specialPages['home'], BASE_URI);
        return $html;
    foreach ($specialPages as $page => $file) {
        if ($request == $page || $request == $page . "/") {
            // last case is for colophon page
            $title = ucfirst($page);
            $html = printSpecialPage($file, $request . "/");
            return $html;
    if ($category == "notes/") {
        $html .= printNotes($request);
        return $html;
    if ($category == "projects/") {
        $html .= printProjects(BASE_PATH . $request, $request, "projects/");
        return $html;
    if ($category == "blog/") {
        $html .= printBlogPosts($request);
        return $html;
    //error 404
    $html .= printErrorText();
    return $html;