/** * extrapage_sitemap * This is the extrapagesite map event function * This function check the name of the page and if it is sitemap.xml, generate the site map. * * @param unknown_type $strPage * @param unknown_type $site * @return unknown */ function extrapage_sitemap($strPage, &$site) { if ($strPage == 'sitemap.xml') { $strTplFile = dirname(__FILE__) . SLASH . 'google_sitemap.tpl'; if (!$site->template_exists($strTplFile)) { setError('Error in plugin google site map. Can not find the google_sitemap.tpl file.'); printFatalHtmlError(); die; } header('Content-Type: text/xml;'); $site->display($strTplFile); return true; } return false; }
if (!defined('SITENAME')) { define('SITENAME', false); } define("SITE", 'sites' . (SITENAME ? SLASH . SITENAME : '')); //Config File require 'lib/psiteconfigfile.php'; define("CONFIG_DIR", SITE_PATH . SITE . SLASH . 'config' . SLASH); if (is_file(CONFIG_DIR . 'myconfig.php')) { include CONFIG_DIR . 'myconfig.php'; } define('CONFIG_FILE', CONFIG_DIR . 'config.ini'); $configDescr = SITE_PATH . 'core' . SLASH . 'default_config.ini'; $configDescr = is_file($configDescr) ? $configDescr : false; $configFile = new PSiteConfigFile(CONFIG_FILE, $configDescr); if (!$configFile->parse()) { printFatalHtmlError(); } define('SITE_URL', $configFile->getDirectParam('SITE_URL')); define('PLUGINS_DIR', SITE_PATH . 'plugins'); define('PAGES', 'pages'); define('PAGES_PATH', SITE_PATH . SITE . SLASH . PAGES . SLASH . 'languages'); define('PAGES_MODELS_PATH', SITE_PATH . SITE . SLASH . PAGES . SLASH . "models"); define('CACHE_DIR', SITE_PATH . SITE . SLASH . PAGES . SLASH . "cache" . SLASH); if (!defined('MEDIAS_PATH')) { define('MEDIAS_PATH', SITE_PATH . SITE . SLASH . PAGES . SLASH . 'medias'); } define('THEME_DIR', SITE . SLASH . 'theme' . SLASH); define('THEME_URL', SITE_URL . (SLASH != '/' ? str_replace(SLASH, '/', THEME_DIR) : THEME_DIR)); //SMARTY CONFIG define("SMARTY_DIR", 'vendors' . SLASH . 'php' . SLASH . "smarty" . SLASH); //CACHES
* savesiteconfig, toggleactivateplugin, sortfiles, ajaxgettext,renamefile, loadhistorypage, upload, createdir, clearcache */ if (function_exists($action)) { if (!call_user_func($action)) { printFatalHtmlError(); } } else { printFatalHtmlError('Action Unknown'); } break; } } else { printFatalHtmlError('Internal error, action must me defined'); } } else { printFatalHtmlError('You are not connected', 505); } die; } function toggleactivateplugin() { global $configFile; if (!isset($_REQUEST["plugin"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["value"])) { setError('Internal Error in togleactivateplugin'); } $strPluginName = urljsdecode($_REQUEST["plugin"]); $strValue = urljsdecode($_REQUEST["value"]); $oPluginDir = new PPluginDir(PLUGINS_DIR . SLASH . $strPluginName); if (!$oPluginDir->isDir()) { return setError(sprintf(_('Can not find the plugin %s'), $strPluginName)); }
/** * Function: display * If page has not been cached, calculate it. * Then call the smarty display fonction * * * param: &$oPage, a reference to the object page to display */ function displayPage(&$oPage) { $strTemplateName = $oPage->getTemplateName(); $strCompiledId = $this->getCompiledId(); $this->oPageCurrent =& $oPage; $this->register_object('oPageCurrent', $oPage); //if page must not be cached, set the site cache to 0 $this->caching = $this->caching && $oPage->isCached() ? 1 : 0; //on regénére le menu si le menu n'existe pas en cache ou si la page courante a été modifiée après le menu $bGenerateMenu = !is_file(SMARTY_CACHE_DIR . 'menu.cache'); //|| (is_file(SMARTY_CACHE_DIR.'menu.cache') && $oPage->getModifiedTime()>filemtime(SMARTY_CACHE_DIR.'menu.cache')); //rebuild menu not exist (a page has been updated) or the page if cache not exists or page not use cache if ($bGenerateMenu || $this->caching == 0 || $this->force_compile || !$this->is_cached($strTemplateName, $strCompiledId)) { //check that the template file exists if (!is_file($this->template_dir . SLASH . $strTemplateName)) { setError(sprintf(_("The template file %s doesn't exist."), $strTemplateName)); printFatalHtmlError(); } //si on doit regénérer le menu, on le supprime avant if ($bGenerateMenu) { if (!deleteMenuCache()) { printFatalError(); } } //assign the menu $this->assign_by_ref("menu", $this->getMenu(isConnected())); $this->assign("PAGE_PATH", $oPage->path); $this->assign("PAGE_CONTENU", $oPage->path); $this->assign("PAGE_PATH_TITLE", $oPage->getPagePathForTitle()); $this->assign('MEDIAS_URL', POFile::getPathUrl(MEDIAS_PATH)); $oPageConfigFile = $oPage->getConfigFileObject(); if (is_file($oPageConfigFile->path)) { $this->assign("CONFIG_FILE_PAGE", $oPageConfigFile->path); } $oCatConfigFile = $oPage->getConfigFileObjectCategory(); if (is_file($oCatConfigFile->path)) { $this->assign("CONFIG_FILE_CATAGORY", $oCatConfigFile->path); } //we load filter only in case of cache $this->loadAdminFilters(); } //end calcul if (true || checkKey()) { //display the page !! $strContent = parent::fetch($strTemplateName, $strCompiledId); doEventAction('beforedisplay', array(&$strContent, &$this)); echo $strContent; } else { printError(); } }