public static function donation_button_campaign_monitor_handler($posted) { $cm_api_key = get_option("campaignmonitor_api_key"); $client_id = get_option("campaignmonitor_client_id"); $cm_list_id = get_option("campaignmonitor_lists"); $fname = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $lname = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $debug = get_option('log_enable_campaignmonitor') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } if (isset($cm_api_key) && !empty($cm_api_key) && (isset($client_id) && !empty($client_id)) && (isset($cm_list_id) && !empty($cm_list_id))) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/campaign_monitor/csrest_subscribers.php'; $wrap = new CS_REST_Subscribers($cm_list_id, $cm_api_key); try { $response = $wrap->get($email); if ($response->http_status_code == "200") { $result = $wrap->update($email, array('EmailAddress' => $email, 'Name' => $fname . ' ' . $lname, 'CustomFields' => array(), 'Resubscribe' => true)); if ("yes" == $debug) { if ($response->response->State == "Unsubscribed") { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', ' CampaignMonitor new contact ' . $email . ' added to selected contact list'); } else { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', ' CampaignMonitor update contact ' . $email . ' to selected contact list'); } } } else { $result = $wrap->add(array('EmailAddress' => $email, 'Name' => $fname . ' ' . $lname, 'CustomFields' => array(), 'Resubscribe' => true)); if (isset($result) && 'yes' == $debug) { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', ' CampaignMonitor new contact ' . $email . ' added to selected contact list'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', prin_r($e, true)); } } } else { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('CampaignMonitor', 'Campaign Monitor API Key OR Campaign Monitor Client ID does not set'); } } }
public static function donation_button_icontact_handler($posted) { if (!isset($posted) || empty($posted)) { return; } $ic_api_key = get_option("icontact_api_id"); $app_password = get_option("icontact_api_password"); $app_username = get_option("icontact_api_username"); $icontact_list = get_option("icontact_lists"); $fname = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $lname = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $debug = get_option('log_enable_icontact') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } if (isset($ic_api_key) && !empty($ic_api_key) && (isset($app_username) && !empty($app_username)) && (isset($app_password) && !empty($app_password))) { if (isset($icontact_list) && !empty($icontact_list)) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/icontact/icontact.php'; iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $ic_api_key, 'apiUsername' => $app_username, 'apiPassword' => $app_password)); $iContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $contactid = $iContact->addContact($email, 'normal', null, $fname, $lname, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); $subscribed = $iContact->subscribeContactToList($contactid->contactId, $icontact_list, 'normal'); if ('yes' == $debug) { if ($subscribed) { $log->add('Icontact', $email . ' Successfully Add Contact in iContact'); } else { $log->add('Icontact', $email . ' Contact already added to target campaign in iContact'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('Icontact', prin_r($e, true)); } } } } }
<?php // borrador // $inputName = $_GET['userfile']; // borrador prin_r($inputName); $nombreFile = $_REQUEST["nomFile"]; $opcion = $_REQUEST["opcion"]; //$nombreFile=$_REQUEST["nomFile"]; $rutaFile = $_REQUEST["rutaFile"]; echo $nombreFile . '/' . $opcion . '/' . $rutaFile; try { switch ($opcion) { case "imagen": $nomFile = $_REQUEST["nomFile"]; $id = $_GET['sessionId']; $id = trim($id); session_name($id); session_start(); $inputName = $_GET['userfile']; $fileName = $_FILES[$inputName]['name']; $tempLoc = $_FILES[$inputName]['tmp_name']; echo $_FILES[$inputName]['error']; $target_path = '../../../carpetaDocumentos/'; /* * carpturo el nombre y la extension del file */ $nombre_extension = basename($fileName); /* * carpturo la extension del file */