Example #1
 * mm_ddCreateSection
 * @version 1.0 (2013-05-22)
 * @description 
 * @uses ManagerManager 0.5.
 * @param $title {string} - The display name of the new section. @required
 * @param $id {string} - A unique ID for this section. @required
 * @param $tabId {string} - The ID of the tab which the section should be inserted to. Can be one of the default tab IDs or a new custom tab created with mm_createTab. Default: 'general'.
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_ddcreatesection/1.0
 * @copyright 2013, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.ru
function mm_ddCreateSection($title, $id, $tabId = 'general', $roles = '', $templates = '')
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender' && useThisRule($roles, $templates) && !empty($id)) {
        // We always put a JS comment, which makes debugging much easier
        $output = "\n//  -------------- mm_ddCreateSection :: Begin ------------- \n";
        if ($title == '') {
            $title = $id;
        $id = prepareSectionId($id);
        $tabId = prepareTabId($tabId);
        $section = '
<div class="sectionHeader" id="' . $id . '_header">' . $title . '</div>
<div class="sectionBody" id="' . $id . '_body"><table style="position:relative;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%"></table></div>
        // Clean up for js output
        $section = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), '', $section);
        $output .= '$j("#' . $tabId . '").append(\'' . $section . '\');';
        //JS comment for end of widget
        $output .= "\n//  -------------- mm_ddCreateSection :: End ------------- \n";
        // Send the output to the browser
        $e->output($output . "\n");
 * mm_hideSections
 * @version 1.2.1 (2014-05-25)
 * @desc A widget for ManagerManager plugin that allows one or a few sections to be hidden on the document edit page.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.2.
 * @param $sections {comma separated string} - The id(s) of the sections this should apply to. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_hidesections/1.2.1
 * @copyright 2014
function mm_hideSections($sections, $roles = '', $templates = '')
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    // if the current page is being edited by someone in the list of roles, and uses a template in the list of templates
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender' && useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
        // if we've been supplied with a string, convert it into an array
        $sections = makeArray($sections);
        $output = "//---------- mm_hideSections :: Begin -----\n";
        foreach ($sections as $section) {
            switch ($section) {
                case 'access':
                    // These have moved to tabs in 1.0.1
                    $output .= '$j("#sectionAccessHeader, #sectionAccessBody").hide();' . "\n";
                    $section = prepareSectionId($section);
                    $output .= '$j("#' . $section . '_header, #' . $section . '_body").hide();' . "\n";
        $output .= "//---------- mm_hideSections :: End -----\n";
 * mm_renameSection
 * @version 1.2 (2013-05-31)
 * Rename a section.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.5.
 * @param $section {string} - The id of the section this should apply to.
 * @param $newname {string} - The new text for the label.
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles).
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates).
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_renamesection/1.2
 * @copyright 2013
function mm_renameSection($section, $newname, $roles = '', $templates = '')
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    // if the current page is being edited by someone in the list of roles, and uses a template in the list of templates
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender' && useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
        $output = "//  -------------- mm_renameSection :: Begin ------------- \n";
        switch ($section) {
            case 'content':
                $output .= '$j("div#content_header").empty().prepend("' . jsSafe($newname) . '");' . "\n";
            case 'tvs':
                $output .= '
				$j("div#tv_header").empty().prepend("' . jsSafe($newname) . '");
            case 'access':
                // These have moved to tabs in 1.0.1
                $output .= '$j("div#sectionAccessHeader").empty().prepend("' . jsSafe($newname) . '");' . "\n";
                $output .= '$j("#' . prepareSectionId($section) . '_header").empty().prepend("' . jsSafe($newname) . '");' . "\n";
        $output .= "//  -------------- mm_renameSection :: End ------------- \n";
        $e->output($output . "\n");
 * mm_ddMoveFieldsToSection
 * @version 1.0.2 (2013-12-10)
 * @description Widget allows document fields & TVs to be moved in an another section. However you can’t move the following fields: keywords, metatags, which_editor, show_in_menu, menuindex.
 * @uses ManagerManager 0.6.
 * @param $fields {string} - The name(s) of the document fields (or TVs) this should apply to. @required
 * @param $sectionId {string} - The ID of the section which the fields should be moved to. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @link http://code.divandesign.biz/modx/mm_movefieldstosection/1.0.2
 * @copyright 2013, DivanDesign
 * http://www.DivanDesign.ru
function mm_ddMoveFieldsToSection($fields, $sectionId, $roles = '', $templates = '')
    global $modx;
    $e =& $modx->Event;
    if ($e->name == 'OnDocFormRender' && useThisRule($roles, $templates)) {
        $output = "//---------- mm_ddMoveFieldsToSection :: Begin -----\n";
        $output .= '$j.ddMM.moveFields("' . $fields . '", "' . prepareSectionId($sectionId) . '_body");' . "\n";
        $output .= "//---------- mm_ddMoveFieldsToSection :: End -----\n";
 * mm_minimizablesections
 * @version 0.2 (2015-05-30)
 * @desc A widget for ManagerManager plugin that allows one, few or all sections to be minimizable on the document edit page.
 * @uses ManagerManager plugin 0.6.2.
 * @param $sections {comma separated string} - The id(s) of the sections this should apply to. Use '*' for apply to all. @required
 * @param $roles {comma separated string} - The roles that the widget is applied to (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all roles). Default: ''.
 * @param $templates {comma separated string} - Id of the templates to which this widget is applied (when this parameter is empty then widget is applied to the all templates). Default: ''.
 * @param $minimized {comma separated string} - The id(s) of the sections this should be minimized by default.
 * @author Sergey Davydov <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2015
function prepareSection($section)
    switch ($section) {
        case 'access':
            return "#sectionAccessHeader";
        case '*':
            return ".sectionHeader";
            $section = prepareSectionId($section);
            return "#{$section}_header";