public static function user_selection_ui($group_id = 0, $agent_type, $user_class = 'member', $all_users = '') { global $pp; // This is only needed for checkbox selection if (!$all_users) { $all_users = self::get_all_users('id_name'); } $current_users = $group_id ? pp_get_group_members($group_id, $agent_type, 'all', array('member_type' => $user_class, 'status' => 'any')) : array(); $args = array('suppress_extra_prefix' => true, 'ajax_selection' => true, 'agent_id' => $group_id); echo '<div>'; echo '<div class="pp-agent-select">'; $pp_agents_ui = pp_init_agents_ui(); $pp_agents_ui->agents_ui('user', $all_users, $user_class, $current_users, $args); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; }
function draw_exceptions_ui($box, $args) { if (!isset($box['args'])) { return; } extract($box['args'], EXTR_SKIP); // $op extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); // $for_item_source, for_item_type, via_item_source global $wp_roles, $pp_current_user; $is_draft_post = false; if ('post' == $via_item_source) { if ('read' == $op) { global $post; $status_obj = get_post_status_object($post->post_status); if (!$status_obj || !$status_obj->public && !$status_obj->private) { $is_draft_post = true; } } $hierarchical = is_post_type_hierarchical($via_item_type); } else { $hierarchical = is_taxonomy_hierarchical($via_item_type); } if ($hierarchical = apply_filters('pp_do_assign_for_children_ui', $hierarchical, $via_item_type, $args)) { $type_obj = 'post' == $via_item_source ? get_post_type_object($via_item_type) : get_taxonomy($via_item_type); } $agent_types['wp_role'] = (object) array('labels' => (object) array('name' => __('WP Roles', 'pp'), 'singular_name' => __('WP Role', 'pp'))); $agent_types = apply_filters('pp_list_group_types', array_merge($agent_types, pp_get_group_types(array(), 'object'))); $agent_types['user'] = (object) array('labels' => (object) array('name' => __('Users'), 'singular_name' => __('User'))); //if ( ! $skip_user_validation && ! $pp_admin->user_can_admin_role($role_name, $item_id, $src_name, $object_type) ) // return; static $drew_itemroles_marker; if (empty($drew_itemroles_marker)) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='pp_post_exceptions' value='true' />"; $drew_itemroles_marker = true; } $current_exceptions = isset($this->data->current_exceptions[$for_item_type]) ? $this->data->current_exceptions[$for_item_type] : array(); // ========== OBJECT / TERM EXCEPTION DROPDOWNS ============ $toggle_agents = count($agent_types) > 1; if ($toggle_agents) { global $is_ID; $class_selected = 'agp-selected_agent agp-agent'; $class_unselected = 'agp-unselected_agent agp-agent'; $bottom_margin = !empty($is_IE) ? '-0.7em' : 0; $default_agent_type = 'wp_role'; echo "<div class='hide-if-not-js' style='margin:0 0 {$bottom_margin} 0'>" . "<ul class='pp-list_horiz' style='margin-bottom:-0.1em'>"; foreach ($agent_types as $agent_type => $gtype_obj) { $label = !empty($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type]) ? sprintf(__('%1$s (%2$s)', 'pp'), $gtype_obj->labels->name, count($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type])) : $gtype_obj->labels->name; $class = $default_agent_type == $agent_type ? "class='{$class_selected}'" : "class='{$class_unselected}'"; echo "<li {$class}><a href='javascript:void(0)' class='{$op}-{$for_item_type}-{$agent_type}'>" . $label . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } $class = "class='pp-agents pp-exceptions'"; //need effective line break here if not IE echo "<div style='clear:both;margin:0 0 0.3em 0' {$class}>"; $pp_agents_ui = pp_init_agents_ui(); foreach (array_keys($agent_types) as $agent_type) { $hide_class = $toggle_agents && $agent_type != $default_agent_type ? ' class="hide-if-js"' : ''; echo "\r\n<div id='{$op}-{$for_item_type}-{$agent_type}' {$hide_class} style='overflow-x:auto'>"; $this->render->set_options($agent_type); // list all WP roles if ('wp_role' == $agent_type) { if (!isset($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type])) { $current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type] = array(); } foreach ($this->data->agent_info['wp_role'] as $agent_id => $role) { if (in_array($role->metagroup_id, array('wp_anon', 'wp_all')) && !defined('PP_ALL_ANON_FULL_EXCEPTIONS') && ('read' != $op || pp_get_option('anonymous_unfiltered'))) { continue; } if (!isset($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type][$agent_id])) { $current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type][$agent_id] = array(); } } if (!$is_draft_post && 'post' == $via_item_source && 'attachment' != $via_item_type && in_array($op, array('read', 'edit', 'delete'))) { $reqd_caps = map_meta_cap("{$op}_post", 0, $item_id); } else { $reqd_caps = false; } } global $wp_roles; ?> <table class="pp-item-exceptions-ui pp-exc-<?php echo $agent_type; ?> " style="width:100%"><tr> <?php if ('wp_role' != $agent_type) { ?> <td class="pp-select-exception-agents" style="display:none;"> <?php // Select Groups / Users UI echo '<div>'; echo '<div class="pp-agent-select">'; $args = array_merge($args, array('suppress_extra_prefix' => true, 'ajax_selection' => true, 'display_stored_selections' => false, 'create_dropdowns' => true, 'op' => $op, 'via_item_type' => $via_item_type)); $pp_agents_ui = pp_init_agents_ui(); $pp_agents_ui->agents_ui($agent_type, array(), "{$op}:{$for_item_type}:{$agent_type}", array(), $args); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; $colspan = 'colspan="2"'; ?> </td> <?php } else { $colspan = ''; // for html5 compliance } ?> <?php $any_stored = empty($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type]) ? 0 : count($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type]); ?> <td class="pp-current-item-exceptions" style="width:100%"> <div style="overflow:auto;max-height:325px"> <table <?php if (!$any_stored) { echo 'style="display:none"'; } ?> > <?php if ($hierarchical) { ?> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th><?php printf(__('This %s', 'pp'), $type_obj->labels->singular_name); ?> </th> <th><?php if ($caption = apply_filters('pp_item_assign_for_children_caption', '', $via_item_type)) { printf($caption); } else { printf(__('Sub-%s', 'pp'), $type_obj->labels->name); } ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <?php } ?> <tbody> <?php // @todo: why is agent_id=0 in current_exceptions array? if ($any_stored) { if ('wp_role' == $agent_type) { foreach ($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type] as $agent_id => $agent_exceptions) { if ($agent_id && isset($this->data->agent_info[$agent_type][$agent_id])) { $this->render->draw_row($agent_type, $agent_id, $current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type][$agent_id], $this->data->inclusions_active, $this->data->agent_info[$agent_type][$agent_id], compact('for_item_type', 'op', 'reqd_caps', 'hierarchical')); } } } else { foreach (array_keys($this->data->agent_info[$agent_type]) as $agent_id) { // order by agent name if ($agent_id && isset($current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type][$agent_id])) { $this->render->draw_row($agent_type, $agent_id, $current_exceptions[$op][$agent_type][$agent_id], $this->data->inclusions_active, $this->data->agent_info[$agent_type][$agent_id], compact('for_item_type', 'op', 'reqd_caps', 'hierarchical')); } } } } ?> </tbody> <tfoot<?php if ($any_stored < 2) { echo ' style="display:none;"'; } ?> > <?php $link_caption = 'wp_role' == $agent_type ? __('default all', 'pp') : __('clear all', 'pp'); ?> <tr> <td></td><td style="text-align:center"><a href="#clear-item-exc"><?php echo $link_caption; ?> </a></td> <?php if ($hierarchical) { ?> <td style="text-align:center"><a href="#clear-sub-exc"><?php echo $link_caption; ?> </a></td> <?php } ?> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <?php if (!$any_stored) { ?> <div class="pp-no-exceptions"><?php _e('No access customizations stored.', 'pp'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="pp-exception-actions" <?php echo $colspan; ?> > <?php if ('wp_role' != $agent_type) { ?> <a class="pp-select-exception-agents" href="#"><?php 'user' == $agent_type ? _e('select users', 'pp') : _e('select groups', 'pp'); ?> </a> <a class="pp-close-select-exception-agents" href="#" style="display:none;"><?php _e('close', 'pp'); ?> </a> <?php } if (pp_group_type_editable($agent_type) && pp_has_group_cap('pp_create_groups', 0, $agent_type)) { ?> • <a class="pp-create-exception-agent" href="admin.php?page=pp-group-new" target="_blank"><?php _e('create group', 'pp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php } // end foreach group type caption echo '</div>'; // class pp-agents if ('read' == $op && pp_get_option('display_extension_hints') && ('attachment' == $for_item_type && !defined('PPFF_VERSION') || !defined('PPCE_VERSION'))) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/item-exceptions-ui-hints_pp.php'; _ppc_item_ui_hints($for_item_type); } if ('term' == $via_item_source && in_array($op, array('read', 'edit'))) { $msg = __('To customize <strong>for a specific post status</strong>, edit the desired role / group / user permissions directly (Permissions > Groups or Users)', 'pp'); echo "<div class='pp-exc-notes'>{$msg}</div>"; } }
public static function display_ui_user_groups($include_role_metagroups = false, $args = array()) { $defaults = array('initial_hide' => false, 'selected_only' => false, 'hide_checkboxes' => false, 'force_display' => false, 'edit_membership_link' => false, 'user_id' => false); extract(array_merge($defaults, $args), EXTR_SKIP); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/permissions-ui_pp.php'; if (!is_numeric($user_id)) { global $profileuser; $user_id = !empty($profileuser) ? $profileuser->ID : 0; } $group_types = pp_get_group_types(array('editable' => true)); foreach ($group_types as $agent_type) { //if ( ! $agent_type = apply_filters( 'pp_query_group_type', '' ) ) // $agent_type = 'pp_group'; if ('pp_group' == $agent_type && in_array('pp_net_group', $group_types)) { continue; } if (!pp_has_group_cap('pp_manage_members', 0, $agent_type)) { continue; } if (!($all_groups = pp_get_groups($agent_type))) { continue; } $reqd_caps = (array) apply_filters('pp_edit_groups_reqd_caps', array('pp_edit_groups')); // @todo: reinstate? //$editable_ids = pp_get_groups( 'pp_group', FILTERED_PP, 'id', compact('reqd_caps') ); if (current_user_can('pp_manage_members')) { $editable_ids = array_keys($all_groups); } else { $editable_ids = array(); } $stored_groups = pp_get_groups_for_user($user_id, $agent_type, array('cols' => 'id')); //$addable_ids = array_diff( $editable_ids, array_keys($stored_groups) ); $locked_ids = array_diff(array_keys($stored_groups), $editable_ids); // can't manually edit membership of WP Roles groups or other metagroups lacking _ed_ suffix $all_ids = array(); foreach ($all_groups as $key => $group) { if ($selected_only && !isset($stored_groups[$group->ID])) { unset($all_groups[$key]); continue; } $all_ids[] = $group->ID; if (!$include_role_metagroups && !empty($group->metagroup_id) && 'wp_role' == $group->metagroup_type) { $editable_ids = array_diff($editable_ids, array($group->ID)); unset($stored_groups[$group->ID]); unset($all_groups[$key]); } elseif (!in_array($group->ID, $editable_ids) && !in_array($group->ID, $locked_ids)) { unset($all_groups[$key]); } } $locked_ids = array_diff(array_keys($stored_groups), $editable_ids); // avoid incorrect eligible count if orphaned group roles are included in editable_ids $editable_ids = array_intersect($editable_ids, $all_ids); if (!$all_groups && !$force_display) { continue; } $style = $initial_hide ? "style='display:none'" : ''; echo "<div id='userprofile_groupsdiv_pp' class='pp-group-box pp-group_members' {$style}>"; echo "<h3>"; if ('pp_group' == $agent_type) { if (defined('GROUPS_CAPTION_RS')) { echo GROUPS_CAPTION_RS; } else { _e('Permission Groups', 'pp'); } } else { $group_type_obj = pp_get_group_type_object($agent_type); echo $group_type_obj->labels->name; } echo "</h3>"; $css_id = $agent_type; $args = array('eligible_ids' => $editable_ids, 'locked_ids' => $locked_ids, 'show_subset_caption' => false, 'hide_checkboxes' => $hide_checkboxes); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/agents_ui_pp.php'; $pp_agents_ui = pp_init_agents_ui(); $pp_agents_ui->agents_ui($agent_type, $all_groups, $css_id, $stored_groups, $args); if ($edit_membership_link || !$all_groups && $force_display) { ?> <p> <?php if (!$all_groups && $force_display) { _e('This user is not a member of any Permission Groups.', 'pp'); ?> • <?php } ?> <a href='user-edit.php?user_id=<?php echo $user_id; ?> #userprofile_groupsdiv_pp' title='<?php echo esc_attr(__('Edit this user's group membership', 'pp')); ?> '><?php _e('add / edit membership'); ?> </a> <span class="pp-subtext"> <?php $note = apply_filters('pp_user_profile_groups_note', defined('BP_VERSION') ? __('note: BuddyPress Groups and other externally defined groups are not listed here, even if they modify permissions', 'pp') : '', $user_id, $args); echo $note; ?> </span> </p> <?php } echo '</div>'; } // end foreach agent_type echo "<input type='hidden' name='pp_editing_user_groups' value='1' />"; }