function powerpressadmin_edit_artwork($FeedSettings, $General)
    $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
    echo __('Artwork and Images', 'powerpress');

<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
    echo __('iTunes Image', 'powerpress');
<span class="powerpress-required"><?php 
    echo __('Required', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" id="itunes_image" name="Feed[itunes_image]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(!empty($FeedSettings['itunes_image']) ? $FeedSettings['itunes_image'] : '');
" maxlength="250" />
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('itunes_image').value ); return false;"><?php 
    echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

    echo __('iTunes image must be at least 1400 x 1400 pixels in .jpg or .png format. iTunes image must not exceed 3000 x 3000 pixels and must use RGB color space.', 'powerpress');
    echo __('Example', 'powerpress');

    echo __('A square 1400 x 1400 pixel image in .jpg format is recommended.', 'powerpress');

    echo __('This image is for your listing on the iTunes podcast directory and may also be used by other directories like Blubrry. It is not the artwork that is displayed during episode playback. That artwork needs to be saved into the media file in the form of tags (ID3 tags for mp3) following the production of the media file.', 'powerpress');

<p class="description"><?php 
    echo __('Note: If you change the iTunes image without changing the file name it may take some time (days or even months) for iTunes to update the image in the iTunes Podcast Directory.', 'powerpress');
    echo sprintf(__('Please contact %s if you are having issues with your image changes not appearing in iTunes.', 'powerpress'), '<a href="">' . __('iTunes Support', 'powerpress') . '</a>');
    if ($SupportUploads) {

<p><label class="powerpress-normal-font"><input name="itunes_image_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('itunes_image_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
        echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
</label> &nbsp; 
	<span style="font-size:85%;">(<?php 
        echo __('Using this option should update your image on iTunes within 24 hours', 'powerpress');
<div style="display:none" id="itunes_image_upload">
	<label for="itunes_image_file"><?php 
        echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" id="itunes_image_file" name="itunes_image_file"  /><br />
        if (!empty($General['advanced_mode_2'])) {
	<div style="margin-left: 85px;"><label class="powerpress-normal-font"><input name="itunes_image_checkbox_as_rss" type="checkbox" value="1" onchange="powerpress_show_field('rss_image_upload_container', !this.checked)" /> <?php 
            echo __('Also use as RSS image', 'powerpress');
        } else {
	<input type="hidden" name="itunes_image_checkbox_as_rss" value="1" />

    if (!empty($General['advanced_mode_2'])) {
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
        echo __('iTunes Episode Image', 'powerpress');
        echo powerpressadmin_new();

<p><label><input type="checkbox" name="Feed[episode_itunes_image]" value="1" <?php 
        if (!empty($FeedSettings['episode_itunes_image'])) {
            echo 'checked ';
/> <?php 
        echo __('Use iTunes image above', 'powerpress');
        echo __('Use the program iTunes image above as your iTunes episode image.', 'powerpress');
<p class="description"><?php 
        echo __('NOTE: You must still save artwork into your media files to guarantee your artwork is displayed during playback.', 'powerpress');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
        echo __('RSS2 Image', 'powerpress');
 <br />
<span style="font-size: 85%; margin-left: 5px;"><?php 
        echo __('Recommendation: Use iTunes image', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" id="rss2_image" name="Feed[rss2_image]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(!empty($FeedSettings['rss2_image']) ? $FeedSettings['rss2_image'] : '');
" maxlength="250" />
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('rss2_image').value ); return false;"><?php 
        echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

        echo __('Place the URL to the RSS image above.', 'powerpress');
        echo __('Example', 'powerpress');

        echo __('RSS image should be at least 88 pixels wide and at least 31 pixels high in either .gif, .jpg and .png format.', 'powerpress');
        echo __('A square image that is 300 x 300 pixel or larger in .jpg format is recommended.', 'powerpress');

        if ($SupportUploads) {
<div id="rss_image_upload_container">
<p><input name="rss2_image_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('rss_image_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
            echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
<div style="display:none" id="rss_image_upload">
	<label for="rss2_image"><?php 
            echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" name="rss2_image_file"  />
function powerpressadmin_edit_itunes_feed($FeedSettings, $General, $FeedAttribs = array())
    $feed_slug = $FeedAttribs['feed_slug'];
    $cat_ID = $FeedAttribs['category_id'];
    $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_subtitle'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_subtitle'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_summary'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_summary'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_keywords'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_keywords'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_1'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_cat_1'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_2'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_cat_2'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_3'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_cat_3'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_explicit'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_explicit'] = 0;
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_talent_name'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_talent_name'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['email'])) {
        $FeedSettings['email'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url_podcast'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url_podcast'] = '';
    if (!isset($FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url'])) {
        $FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url'] = '';
    $AdvancediTunesSettings = !empty($FeedSettings['itunes_summary']);
    if (!empty($FeedSettings['itunes_subtitle'])) {
        $AdvancediTunesSettings = true;

    echo __('iTunes Settings', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
    echo __('iTunes Program Subtitle', 'powerpress');
 <br />
<input type="text" name="Feed[itunes_subtitle]" style="width: 60%;"  value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($FeedSettings['itunes_subtitle']);
" maxlength="250" />

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">

    echo __('iTunes Program Summary', 'powerpress');
<p style="margin-top: 5px;"><?php 
    echo __('Your summary may not contain HTML and cannot exceed 4,000 characters in length.', 'powerpress');

<textarea name="Feed[itunes_summary]" rows="5" style="width:80%;" ><?php 
    echo $FeedSettings['itunes_summary'];

    if (!empty($General['advanced_mode_2'])) {
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">

        echo __('iTunes Episode Summary', 'powerpress');
<div><input type="checkbox" name="Feed[enhance_itunes_summary]" value="1" <?php 
        echo !empty($FeedSettings['enhance_itunes_summary']) ? 'checked ' : '';
/> <?php 
        echo __('Optimize iTunes Summary from Blog Posts', 'powerpress');
        echo __('Creates a friendlier view of your post/episode content by converting web links and images to clickable links in the iTunes application.', 'powerpress');

<table class="form-table">
        if (!empty($FeedSettings['itunes_keywords'])) {
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
            echo __('iTunes Program Keywords', 'powerpress');
 <br />
<input type="text" name="Feed[itunes_keywords]" style="width: 60%;"  value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($FeedSettings['itunes_keywords']);
" maxlength="250" />
            echo __('Feature Deprecated by Apple. Keywords above are for your reference only.', 'powerpress');
        // End iTunes keywords
    // end advanced mode

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
    echo __('iTunes Category', 'powerpress');
<span class="powerpress-required"><?php 
    echo __('Required', 'powerpress');
<select name="Feed[itunes_cat_1]" class="bpp_input_med">
    $MoreCategories = false;
    if (!empty($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_2'])) {
        $MoreCategories = true;
    } else {
        if (!empty($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_3'])) {
            $MoreCategories = true;
    $Categories = powerpress_itunes_categories(true);
    echo '<option value="">' . __('Select Category', 'powerpress') . '</option>';
    $UseCategories = powerpress_categories_strict($Categories, $FeedSettings['itunes_cat_1']);
    while (list($value, $desc) = each($UseCategories)) {
        echo "\t<option value=\"{$value}\"" . ($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_1'] == $value ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . htmlspecialchars($desc) . "</option>\n";
    if (!$MoreCategories && empty($General['seo_itunes'])) {
	<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('more_itunes_cats').style.display='block';return false;"><?php 
        echo __('more', 'powerpress');
    echo __('The category above is where you will appear when browsing iTunes.', 'powerpress');

<!-- start advanced features -->
<div id="more_itunes_cats" style="display: <?php 
    echo $MoreCategories || !empty($General['seo_itunes']) ? 'block' : 'none';
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
    echo __('iTunes Category 2', 'powerpress');
<select name="Feed[itunes_cat_2]" class="bpp_input_med">
    echo '<option value="">' . __('Select Category', 'powerpress') . '</option>';
    $UseCategories = powerpress_categories_strict($Categories, $FeedSettings['itunes_cat_2']);
    while (list($value, $desc) = each($UseCategories)) {
        echo "\t<option value=\"{$value}\"" . ($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_2'] == $value ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . htmlspecialchars($desc) . "</option>\n";
    if (!empty($General['seo_itunes'])) {
        echo __('SEO Suggestion: Select a second category.', 'powerpress');


<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
    echo __('iTunes Category 3', 'powerpress');
<select name="Feed[itunes_cat_3]" class="bpp_input_med">
    echo '<option value="">' . __('Select Category', 'powerpress') . '</option>';
    $UseCategories = powerpress_categories_strict($Categories, $FeedSettings['itunes_cat_3']);
    while (list($value, $desc) = each($UseCategories)) {
        echo "\t<option value=\"{$value}\"" . ($FeedSettings['itunes_cat_3'] == $value ? ' selected' : '') . ">" . htmlspecialchars($desc) . "</option>\n";
    if (!empty($General['seo_itunes'])) {
        echo __('SEO Suggestion: Select a third category.', 'powerpress');
<!-- end advanced features -->

<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
    echo __('iTunes Explicit', 'powerpress');
<select name="Feed[itunes_explicit]" class="bpp_input_med">
    $explicit = array(0 => __('No - display nothing', 'powerpress'), 1 => __('Yes - explicit content', 'powerpress'), 2 => __('Clean - no explicit content', 'powerpress'));
    while (list($value, $desc) = each($explicit)) {
        echo "\t<option value=\"{$value}\"" . ($FeedSettings['itunes_explicit'] == $value ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$desc}</option>\n";
    if (!empty($General['advanced_mode_2'])) {
<!-- start advanced features -->
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
        echo __('iTunes Author Name', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="Feed[itunes_talent_name]" class="bpp_input_med" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($FeedSettings['itunes_talent_name']);
" maxlength="250" /><br />
<div><input type="checkbox" name="Feed[itunes_author_post]" value="1" <?php 
        echo !empty($FeedSettings['itunes_author_post']) ? 'checked ' : '';
/> <?php 
        echo __('Use blog post author\'s name for individual episodes.', 'powerpress');

        if (!empty($General['seo_itunes'])) {
            echo __('SEO Suggestion: Include talent names and slogans not mentioned in the show title.', 'powerpress');
<!-- end advanced features -->

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
    echo __('iTunes Email', 'powerpress');
<span class="powerpress-required"><?php 
    echo __('Required', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="Feed[email]" class="bpp_input_med" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($FeedSettings['email']);
" maxlength="250" />
    echo __('iTunes will email this address when your podcast is accepted into the iTunes Directory.', 'powerpress');

    if (!empty($General['advanced_mode_2'])) {
<!-- start advanced features -->
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
	<th scope="row" >

        echo __('iTunes New Feed URL', 'powerpress');
		<div id="new_feed_url_step_1" style="display: <?php 
        echo !empty($FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url']) || !empty($FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url_podcast']) ? 'none' : 'block';
			 <p style="margin-top: 5px;"><strong><a href="#" onclick="return powerpress_new_feed_url_prompt();"><?php 
        echo __('Set iTunes New Feed URL', 'powerpress');
        echo __('The iTunes New Feed URL option works primarily for Apple\'s iTunes application only, and should only be used if you are unable to implement a HTTP 301 redirect.', 'powerpress');
        echo __('A 301 redirect will route <u>all podcast clients including iTunes</u> to your new feed address.', 'powerpress');
        echo __('Learn more:', 'powerpress');
 <a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        echo __('Changing Your Podcast RSS Feed Address (URL)', 'powerpress');
		<div id="new_feed_url_step_2" style="display: <?php 
        echo !empty($FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url']) || !empty($FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url_podcast']) ? 'block' : 'none';
			<p style="margin-top: 5px;"><strong><?php 
        echo __('WARNING: Changes made here are permanent. If the New Feed URL entered is incorrect, you will lose subscribers and will no longer be able to update your listing in the iTunes Store.', 'powerpress');
        echo htmlspecialchars(sprintf(__('Apple recommends you maintain the %s tag in your feed for at least two weeks to ensure that most subscribers will receive the new New Feed URL.', 'powerpress'), '<itunes:new-feed-url>'));
        $FeedName = __('Main RSS2 feed', 'powerpress');
        $FeedURL = get_feed_link('rss2');
        if ($cat_ID) {
            $category = get_category_to_edit($cat_ID);
            $FeedName = sprintf(__('%s category feed', 'powerpress'), htmlspecialchars($category->name));
            $FeedURL = get_category_feed_link($cat_ID);
        } else {
            if ($feed_slug) {
                if (!empty($General['custom_feeds'][$feed_slug])) {
                    $FeedName = $General['custom_feeds'][$feed_slug];
                } else {
                    $FeedName = __('Podcast', 'powerpress');
                $FeedName = trim($FeedName) . ' ' . __('feed', 'powerpress');
                $FeedURL = get_feed_link($feed_slug);
            } else {
                if ($FeedAttribs['type'] == 'ttid') {
                    $term_object = get_term_to_edit($FeedAttribs['term_id'], $FeedAttribs['taxonomy_type']);
                    $FeedName = sprintf(__('%s taxonomy term feed', 'powerpress'), htmlspecialchars($term_object->name));
                    $FeedURL = get_term_feed_link($FeedAttribs['term_id'], $FeedAttribs['taxonomy_type'], 'rss2');
        echo sprintf(__('The New Feed URL value below will be applied to the %s (%s).', 'powerpress'), $FeedName, $FeedURL);
			<p style="margin-bottom: 0;">
				<label style="width: 25%; float:left; display:block; font-weight: bold;"><?php 
        echo __('New Feed URL', 'powerpress');
				<input type="text" name="Feed[itunes_new_feed_url]" style="width: 55%;"  value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($FeedSettings['itunes_new_feed_url']);
" maxlength="250" />
			<p style="margin-left: 25%;margin-top: 0;font-size: 90%;">(<?php 
        echo __('Leave blank for no New Feed URL', 'powerpress');
			<p><a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        echo __('More information regarding the iTunes New Feed URL is available here.', 'powerpress');
        if (!$cat_ID && !$feed_slug) {
            if (empty($General['channels'])) {
                echo sprintf(__('Please activate the \'Custom Podcast Channels\' Advanced Option to set the new-feed-url for your podcast only feed (%s)', 'powerpress'), get_feed_link('podcast'));
            } else {
                echo sprintf(__('Please navigate to the \'Custom Podcast Channels\' section to set the new-feed-url for your podcast only feed (%s)', 'powerpress'), get_feed_link('podcast'));
        if (defined('POWERPRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED')) {
            // start powerpress not supported features
<fieldset style="border: 1px dashed #333333;">
<legend style="margin: 0 20px; padding: 0 5px; font-weight: bold;"><?php 
            echo __('Features Not Supported by PowerPress', 'powerpress');

	<div style="margin-left: 230px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
			<strong style="color: #CC0000; font-weight: bold;"><?php 
            echo __('USE THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS AT YOUR OWN RISK.', 'powerpress');
		<p style="margin-bottom: 0;">
            echo __('Feeds affected', 'powerpress');
		<div style="margin-left: 20px;">
            // $General, $feed_slug=false, $cat_ID=false
            if ($feed_slug) {
                echo '<a href="';
                echo get_feed_link($feed_slug);
                echo '" target="_blank">';
                echo get_feed_link($feed_slug);
                echo '</a>';
            } else {
                if ($cat_ID) {
                    echo '<a href="';
                    echo get_category_feed_link($cat_ID);
                    echo '" target="_blank">';
                    echo get_category_feed_link($cat_ID);
                    echo '</a>';
                } else {
                    echo '<a href="';
                    echo get_feed_link('feed');
                    echo '" target="_blank">';
                    echo get_feed_link('feed');
                    echo '</a>';
                    if (empty($General['custom_feeds']['podcast'])) {
                        echo '<br /><a href="';
                        echo get_feed_link('podcast');
                        echo '" target="_blank">';
                        echo get_feed_link('podcast');
                        echo '</a>';
<div id="permanent_itunes_settings">
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
	<th scope="row" >

            echo __('iTunes Block', 'powerpress');
		<input type="checkbox" name="Feed[itunes_block]" value="1" <?php 
            if (!empty($FeedSettings['itunes_block'])) {
                echo 'checked';
            echo __('Prevent the entire podcast from appearing in the iTunes Podcast directory.', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
	<th scope="row" >

            echo __('iTunes Complete', 'powerpress');
		<input type="checkbox" name="Feed[itunes_complete]" value="1" <?php 
            if (!empty($FeedSettings['itunes_complete'])) {
                echo 'checked';
            echo __('Indicate the completion of a podcast. iTunes will no longer update your listing in the iTunes Podcast directory.', 'powerpress');
        // End PowerPress not supported features
<!-- end advanced features -->
    // end other advanced options
function powerpress_admin_players($type = 'audio')
    $General = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_general');
    if (version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.6-beta', '<') && empty($General['player'])) {
        $General['player'] = 'default';
    } else {
        if (empty($General['player'])) {
            $General['player'] = 'mediaelement-audio';
    if (version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.6-beta', '<') && empty($General['player'])) {
        $General['video_player'] = '';
    } else {
        if (empty($General['video_player'])) {
            $General['video_player'] = 'mediaelement-video';
    if (empty($General['audio_custom_play_button'])) {
        $General['audio_custom_play_button'] = '';
    $select_player = false;
    if (isset($_GET['sp'])) {
        $select_player = true;
    if ($type == 'video') {
        if (!isset($General['video_player'])) {
            $select_player = true;
    } else {
        if (!isset($General['player'])) {
            $select_player = true;
    $Audio = array();
    $Audio['default'] = '';
    $Audio['audio-player'] = '';
    $Audio['flashmp3-maxi'] = '';
    $Audio['simple_flash'] = '';
    $Audio['audioplay'] = '';
    $Audio['html5audio'] = '';
    $Audio['mediaelement-audio'] = '';
    $Video = array();
    $Video['flare-player'] = '';
    $Video['flow-player-classic'] = '';
    $Video['html5video'] = '';
    $Video['videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress'] = '';
    $Video['mediaelement-video'] = '';
    //$Video['mediaelement-video'] = '';
    object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="30" height="30">
    <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=""><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent><embed src="" quality=high wmode=transparent width="30" height="30" align="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed></object></div><!-- End of generated code -->
    if ($type == 'video' && function_exists('add_videojs_header')) {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
3rdparty/colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
<script type="text/javascript"><!--

powerpress_url = '<?php 
    echo powerpress_get_root_url();

function rgb2hex(rgb) {
 rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
 function hex(x) {
  hexDigits = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f");
  return isNaN(x) ? "00" : hexDigits[(x - x % 16) / 16] + hexDigits[x % 16];
 if( rgb )
	return "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]);
 return '';

function UpdatePlayerPreview(name, value)
	if( typeof(generator) != "undefined" ) // Update the Maxi player...
		generator.updateParam(name, value);
	if( typeof(update_audio_player) != "undefined" ) // Update the 1 px out player...
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
		onSubmit: function(hsb, hex, rgb, el) {
			jQuery(el).css({ 'background-color' : '#' + hex });
			var Id = jQuery(el).attr('id');
			Id = Id.replace(/_prev/, '');
			jQuery('#'+ Id  ).val( '#' + hex );
			UpdatePlayerPreview(Id, '#'+hex );
		onBeforeShow: function () {
			jQuery(this).ColorPickerSetColor( rgb2hex( jQuery(this).css("background-color") ) );
	.bind('keyup', function(){
		jQuery(this).ColorPickerSetColor( rgb2hex( jQuery(this).css("background-color") ) );
	jQuery('.color_field').bind('change', function () {
		var Id = jQuery(this).attr('id');
		jQuery('#'+ Id + '_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : jQuery(this).val() } );
		if( typeof(update_audio_player) != "undefined" ) // Update the 1 px out player...
	jQuery('.other_field').bind('change', function () {
		if( typeof(update_audio_player) != "undefined" ) // Update the 1 px out player...


<!-- special page styling goes here -->
<style type="text/css">
div.color_control { display: block; float:left; width: 100%; padding:  0; }
div.color_control input { display: inline; float: left; }
div.color_control div.color_picker { display: inline; float: left; margin-top: 3px; }
#player_preview { margin-bottom: 0px; height: 50px; margin-top: 8px;}
input#colorpicker-value-input {
	width: 60px;
	height: 16px;
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table.html5formats {
	width: 600px;
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table.html5formats tr {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
table.html5formats tr th {
	font-weight: bold;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0 5px;
	width: 25%;
table.html5formats tr td {
	border-right: 1px solid #000000;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0 10px;
table.html5formats tr > td:first-child {
	border-left: 1px solid #000000;
    // mainly 2 pages, first page selects a player, second configures the player, if there are optiosn to configure for that player. If the user is on the second page,
    // a link should be provided to select a different player.
    if ($select_player) {
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-select-player" />
        echo __('Blubrry PowerPress Player Options', 'powerpress');
<p style="margin-bottom: 0;"><?php 
        echo __('Select the media player you would like to use.', 'powerpress');

        if ($type == 'video') {
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">&nbsp;</th>  
            if (version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.6-alpha', '>')) {
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="VideoPlayer[video_player]" id="player_mediaelement_video" value="mediaelement-video" <?php 
                if ($General['video_player'] == 'mediaelement-video') {
                    echo 'checked';
                echo __('MediaElement.js Media Player (default)', 'powerpress');
</label> <?php 
                echo powerpressadmin_new();
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_mediaelement_video" class="activate-player"><?php 
                echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
                echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementvideo($Video['mediaelement-video']);
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="VideoPlayer[video_player]" id="player_flow_player_classic_player" value="flow-player-classic" <?php 
            if ($General['video_player'] == 'flow-player-classic') {
                echo 'checked';
            echo __('Flow Player Classic', 'powerpress');
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_flow_player_classic_player" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_flowplayerclassic($Video['flow-player-classic']);
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="VideoPlayer[video_player]" id="player_html5video" value="html5video" <?php 
            if ($General['video_player'] == 'html5video') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('HTML5 Video Player', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_html5video" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_html5video($Video['html5video']);
            echo __('HTML5 Video is an element introduced in the latest HTML specification (HTML5) for the purpose of playing videos.', 'powerpress');
            echo __('HTML5 Video Player is not format specific. See table below for a list of browsers and supported formats.', 'powerpress');
			<table class="html5formats" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            echo __('Browser', 'powerpress');
					<th>H.264 (.mp4/.m4v)</th>
					<th>WebM (.webm)</th>
					<th>Theora (.ogg/.ogv)</th>
            echo __('Internet Explorer', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Firefox', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Chrome', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Opera', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Safari', 'powerpress');
			<div><sup>1</sup> <?php 
            echo __('Chrome supported H.264 in previous versions, but no longer supports the format.', 'powerpress');
			<div><sup>2</sup> <?php 
            echo __('Safari requires QuickTime installed for HTML5 playback.', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Flow Player Classic is used when HTML5 support is not available.', 'powerpress');
		<!-- videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress -->
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="VideoPlayer[video_player]" id="player_videojs_html5_video_player_for_wordpress" value="videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress" <?php 
            if ($General['video_player'] == 'videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress') {
                echo 'checked';
            echo function_exists('add_videojs_header') ? '' : 'disabled';
            echo __('VideoJS', 'powerpress');
</label> <?php 
            echo powerpressadmin_new();
            if (function_exists('add_videojs_header')) {
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_videojs_html5_video_player_for_wordpress" class="activate-player"><?php 
                echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            if (function_exists('add_videojs_header')) {
                echo powerpressplayer_build_videojs($Video['videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress']);

        } else {
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">&nbsp;</th>  

            if (version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '3.6-alpha', '>')) {
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_mediaelement_audio" value="mediaelement-audio" <?php 
                if ($General['player'] == 'mediaelement-audio') {
                    echo 'checked';
                echo __('MediaElement.js Media Player (default)', 'powerpress');
</label> <?php 
                echo powerpressadmin_new();
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_mediaelement_audio" class="activate-player"><?php 
                echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
                echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementaudio($Audio['mediaelement-audio']);

		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_default" value="default" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'default') {
                echo 'checked';
            echo __('Flow Player Classic', 'powerpress');
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_default" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_flowplayerclassic($Audio['default']);
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_audio_player" value="audio-player" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'audio-player') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('1 Pixel Out Audio Player', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_audio_player" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_1pxoutplayer($Audio['audio-player']);
            echo __('1 Pixel Out Audio Player is a popular customizable audio (mp3 only) flash player. Features include an animated play/pause button, scroll-able position bar, elapsed/remaining time, volume control and color styling options.', 'powerpress');
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_html5audio" value="html5audio" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'html5audio') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('HTML5 Audio Player', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_html5audio" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_html5audio($Audio['html5audio']);
            echo __('HTML5 audio is an element introduced in the latest HTML specification (HTML5) for the purpose of playing audio.', 'powerpress');
            echo __('HTML5 Audio Player is not format specific. See table below for a list of browsers and supported formats.', 'powerpress');
			<table class="html5formats" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            echo __('Browser', 'powerpress');
					<th>Mpeg3 (.mp3)</th>
					<th>AAC (.m4a)</th>
					<th>Vorbis (.ogg/.oga)</th>
            echo __('Internet Explorer', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Firefox', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Chrome', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Opera', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Safari', 'powerpress');
			<div><sup>1</sup> <?php 
            echo __('Chrome supported AAC in previous versions, but no longer supports the format.', 'powerpress');
			<div><sup>2</sup> <?php 
            echo __('Safari requires QuickTime installed for HTML5 playback.', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Flow Player Classic is used when HTML5 support is not available.', 'powerpress');
			<div class="updated fade powerpress-notice inline">
            echo __('NOTICE: Due to limited use, the players below (Mp3 Player Maxi, Simple Flash MP3 Player, and AudioPlay) will be moved to a separate plugin starting with PowerPress version 6.0.', 'powerpress');
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_flashmp3_maxi" value="flashmp3-maxi" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'flashmp3-maxi') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('Mp3 Player Maxi', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_flashmp3_maxi" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_flashmp3maxi($Audio['flashmp3-maxi']);
            echo __('Flash Mp3 Maxi Player is a customizable open source audio (mp3 only) flash player. Features include pause/play/stop/file info buttons, scroll-able position bar, volume control and color styling options.', 'powerpress');
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_simple_flash" value="simple_flash" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'simple_flash') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('Simple Flash MP3 Player', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_simple_flash" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_simpleflash($Audio['simple_flash']);
            echo __('Simple Flash MP3 Player is a free and simple audio (mp3 only) flash player. Features include play/pause and stop buttons.', 'powerpress');
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_audioplay" value="audioplay" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'audioplay') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('AudioPlay', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_audioplay" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_audioplay($Audio['audioplay']);
            echo __('AudioPlay is one button freeware audio (mp3 only) flash player. Features include a play/stop or play/pause button available in two sizes in either black or white.', 'powerpress');

<h4 style="margin-bottom: 0;"><?php 
        echo __('Click \'Save Changes\' to activate and configure selected player.', 'powerpress');
    } else {
        echo __('Configure Player', 'powerpress');
        if ($type == 'audio') {
<p style="margin-bottom: 20px;"><strong><a href="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=powerpress/powerpressadmin_player.php&amp;sp=1");
            echo __('Select a different audio player', 'powerpress');
        } else {
<p style="margin-bottom: 20px;"><strong><a href="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=powerpress/powerpressadmin_videoplayer.php&amp;sp=1");
            echo __('Select a different video player', 'powerpress');
        // Start adding logic here to display options based on the player selected...
        if ($type == 'audio') {
            switch ($General['player']) {
                case 'audio-player':
                    $PlayerSettings = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_audio-player');
                    if ($PlayerSettings == "") {
                        $PlayerSettings = array('width' => '290', 'transparentpagebg' => 'yes', 'lefticon' => '#333333', 'leftbg' => '#CCCCCC', 'bg' => '#E5E5E5', 'voltrack' => '#F2F2F2', 'volslider' => '#666666', 'rightbg' => '#B4B4B4', 'rightbghover' => '#999999', 'righticon' => '#333333', 'righticonhover' => '#FFFFFF', 'loader' => '#009900', 'track' => '#FFFFFF', 'tracker' => '#DDDDDD', 'border' => '#CCCCCC', 'skip' => '#666666', 'text' => '#333333', 'pagebg' => '', 'rtl' => 'no', 'initialvolume' => '60', 'animation' => 'yes', 'remaining' => 'no');
                    if (empty($PlayerSettings['remaining'])) {
                        $PlayerSettings['remaining'] = 'no';
                    // New default setting
                    if (!isset($PlayerSettings['buffer'])) {
                        $PlayerSettings['buffer'] = '';
                    // New default setting
                    if (!isset($PlayerSettings['titles'])) {
                        $PlayerSettings['titles'] = '';
<script type="text/javascript"><!--

function update_audio_player()
	var myParams = new Array("lefticon","leftbg", "bg", "voltrack", "rightbg", "rightbghover", "righticon", "righticonhover", "loader", "track", "tracker", "border", "skip", "text", "pagebg", "rtl", "animation", "titles", "initialvolume");
	var myWidth = document.getElementById('player_width').value;
	var myBackground = '';
	if( myWidth < 10 || myWidth > 900 )
		myWidth = 290;
	var out = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
/audio-player.swf" width="'+myWidth+'" height="24">'+"\n";
	out += '    <param name="movie" value="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
/audio-player.swf" />'+"\n";
	out += '    <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=1&amp;soundFile=<?php 
                    echo $Audio['audio-player'];
	var x = 0;
	for( x = 0; x < myParams.length; x++ )
		if( myParams[ x ] == 'border' )
			var Element = document.getElementById( 'player_border' );
			var Element = document.getElementById( myParams[ x ] );
		if( Element )
			if( Element.value != '' )
				out += '&amp;';
				out += myParams[ x ];
				out += '=';
				out += Element.value.replace(/^#/, '');
				if( myParams[ x ] == 'pagebg' )
					myBackground = '<param name="bgcolor" value="'+ Element.value +'" />';
					out += '&amp;transparentpagebg=no';
				if( myParams[ x ] == 'pagebg' )
					out += '&amp;transparentpagebg=yes';
					myBackground = '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />';
	out += '" />'+"\n";
	out += '<param name="quality" value="high" />';
	out += '<param name="menu" value="false" />';
	out += myBackground;
	out += '</object>';
	var player = document.getElementById("player_preview");
	player.innerHTML = out;

function audio_player_defaults()
 	if( confirm('<?php 
                    echo __("Set defaults, are you sure?\\n\\nAll of the current settings will be overwritten!", 'powerpress');
') )
		UpdatePlayerPreview('player_width',jQuery('#player_width').val() );
		jQuery('#transparentpagebg').val( 'yes');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('transparentpagebg',jQuery('#transparentpagebg').val() );
		jQuery('#lefticon').val( '#333333');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('lefticon',jQuery('#lefticon').val() );
		jQuery('#lefticon_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#333333' } );
		jQuery('#leftbg').val( '#CCCCCC');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('leftbg',jQuery('#leftbg').val() );
		jQuery('#leftbg_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#CCCCCC' } );
		jQuery('#bg').val( '#E5E5E5');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('bg',jQuery('#bg').val() );
		jQuery('#bg_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#E5E5E5' } );
		jQuery('#voltrack').val( '#F2F2F2');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('voltrack',jQuery('#voltrack').val() );
		jQuery('#voltrack_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#F2F2F2' } );
		jQuery('#volslider').val( '#666666');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('volslider',jQuery('#volslider').val() );
		jQuery('#volslider_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#666666' } );
		jQuery('#rightbg').val( '#B4B4B4');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('rightbg',jQuery('#rightbg').val() );
		jQuery('#rightbg_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#B4B4B4' } );
		jQuery('#rightbghover').val( '#999999');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('rightbghover',jQuery('#rightbghover').val() );
		jQuery('#rightbghover_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#999999' } );
		jQuery('#righticon').val( '#333333');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('righticon',jQuery('#righticon').val() );
		jQuery('#righticon_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#333333' } );
		jQuery('#righticonhover').val( '#FFFFFF');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('righticonhover',jQuery('#righticonhover').val() );
		jQuery('#righticonhover_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFFFF' } );
		jQuery('#loader').val( '#009900');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('loader',jQuery('#loader').val() );
		jQuery('#loader_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#009900' } );
		jQuery('#track').val( '#FFFFFF');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('track',jQuery('#track').val() );
		jQuery('#track_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFFFF' } );
		jQuery('#tracker').val( '#DDDDDD');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('tracker',jQuery('#tracker').val() );
		jQuery('#tracker_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#DDDDDD' } );
		jQuery('#player_border').val( '#CCCCCC');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('player_border',jQuery('#player_border').val() );
		jQuery('#player_border_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#CCCCCC' } );
		jQuery('#skip').val( '#666666');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('skip',jQuery('#skip').val() );
		jQuery('#skip_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#666666' } );
		jQuery('#text').val( '#333333');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('text',jQuery('#text').val() );
		jQuery('#text_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#333333' } );
		jQuery('#pagebg').val( '');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('pagebg',jQuery('#pagebg').val() );
		jQuery('#animation').val( 'yes');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('animation',jQuery('#animation').val() );
		jQuery('#remaining').val( 'no');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('remaining',jQuery('#remaining').val() );
		jQuery('#buffer').val( '');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('buffer',jQuery('#buffer').val() );
		jQuery('#rtl' ).val( 'no' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('rtl',jQuery('#rtl').val() );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('initialvolume',jQuery('#initialvolume').val() );
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-audio-player" />
                    echo __('Configure the 1 pixel out Audio Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
		<td><div id="player_preview">
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_1pxoutplayer($Audio['audio-player'], array('nodiv' => true));

<div id="powerpress_settings_page" class="powerpress_tabbed_content" style="position: relative;">
	<div style="position: absolute; top: 6px; right:0px;">
		<a href="#" onclick="audio_player_defaults();return false;"><?php 
                    echo __('Set Defaults', 'powerpress');
  <ul class="powerpress_settings_tabs"> 
		<li><a href="#tab_general"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Basic Settings', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_progress"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Progress Bar', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_volume"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Volume Button', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_play"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Play / Pause Button', 'powerpress');
 <div id="tab_general" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('General Settings', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Page Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="pagebg" name="Player[pagebg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['pagebg'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="pagebg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['pagebg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
                    echo __('leave blank for transparent', 'powerpress');
	</tr>	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="bg" name="Player[bg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bg'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="bg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Width (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
          <input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="player_width" name="Player[width]" class="other_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['width'];
" maxlength="20" />
                    echo __('width of the player. e.g. 290 (290 pixels) or 100%', 'powerpress');
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Right-to-Left', 'powerpress');
			<select style="width: 102px;" id="rtl" name="Player[rtl]" class="other_field"> 
                    $options = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), 'no' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['rtl']);
          </select>			<?php 
                    echo __('switches the layout to animate from the right to the left', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Loading Bar Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="loader" name="Player[loader]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['loader'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="loader_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['loader'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Text Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
                <input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="text" name="Player[text]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['text'];
" maxlength="20" />
						<img id="text_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['text'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Text In Player', 'powerpress');
          <div><input type="text" style="width: 60%;" id="titles" name="Player[titles]" class="other_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['titles'];
" maxlength="100" /></div>
                    echo sprintf(__('Enter \'%s\' to display track name from mp3. Only works if media is hosted on same server as blog.', 'powerpress'), __('TRACK', 'powerpress'));
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play Animation', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
<select style="width: 102px;" id="animation" name="Player[animation]" class="other_field"> 
                    $options = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), 'no' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['animation']);
                                </select>			<?php 
                    echo __('if no, player is always open', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Display Remaining Time', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
<select style="width: 102px;" id="remaining" name="Player[remaining]" class="other_field">
                    $options = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), 'no' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['remaining']);
                                </select>			<?php 
                    echo __('if yes, shows remaining track time rather than elapsed time (default: no)', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Buffering Time', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
<select style="width: 200px;" id="buffer" name="Player[buffer]" class="other_field"> 
                    $options = array('0' => __('No buffering', 'powerpress'), '' => __('Default (5 seconds)', 'powerpress'), '10' => __('10 seconds', 'powerpress'), '15' => __('15 seconds', 'powerpress'), '20' => __('20 seconds', 'powerpress'), '30' => __('30 seconds', 'powerpress'), '60' => __('60 seconds', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['buffer']);
                                </select>		<?php 
                    echo __('buffering time in seconds', 'powerpress');

 <div id="tab_progress" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Progress Bar', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Progress Bar Background', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
										<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="track" name="Player[track]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['track'];
" maxlength="20" />
										<img id="track_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['track'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Progress Bar Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="tracker" name="Player[tracker]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['tracker'];
" maxlength="20" />
											<img id="tracker_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['tracker'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Progress Bar Border', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="player_border" name="Player[border]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['border'];
" maxlength="20" />
											<img id="player_border_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['border'];
;" class="color_preview" />
<div id="tab_volume" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Volume Button Settings', 'powerpress');
	<table class="form-table">	
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Initial Volume', 'powerpress');
			<select style="width: 100px;" id="initialvolume" name="Player[initialvolume]" class="other_field">
                    for ($x = 0; $x <= 100; $x += 5) {
                        echo '<option value="' . $x . '"' . ($PlayerSettings['initialvolume'] == $x ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $x . '%</option>';
			</select> <?php 
                    echo __('initial volume level (default: 60)', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volumn Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="leftbg" name="Player[leftbg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['leftbg'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="leftbg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['leftbg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Speaker Icon Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="lefticon" name="Player[lefticon]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['lefticon'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="lefticon_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['lefticon'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volume Icon Background', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="voltrack" name="Player[voltrack]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['voltrack'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="voltrack_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['voltrack'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volume Slider Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="volslider" name="Player[volslider]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['volslider'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="volslider_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['volslider'];
;" class="color_preview" />

<div id="tab_play" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Play / Pause Button Settings', 'powerpress');
	<table class="form-table">	
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="rightbg" name="Player[rightbg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['rightbg'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="rightbg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['rightbg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Hover Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="rightbghover" name="Player[rightbghover]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['rightbghover'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="rightbghover_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['rightbghover'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Icon Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="righticon" name="Player[righticon]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['righticon'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="righticon_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['righticon'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Icon Hover Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="righticonhover" name="Player[righticonhover]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['righticonhover'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="righticonhover_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['righticonhover'];
;" class="color_preview" />

</div> <!-- end tab -->
</div> <!-- end tab wrapper -->

                case 'simple_flash':
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    // TODO
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_simpleflash($Audio['simple_flash']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Simple Flash Player has no additional settings.', 'powerpress');
                case 'flashmp3-maxi':
                    //get settings for Flash MP3 Maxi player
                    $PlayerSettings = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_flashmp3-maxi');
                    //set array values for dropdown lists
                    $autoload = array('always' => 'Always', 'never' => 'Never', 'autohide' => 'Auto Hide');
                    $volume = array('0' => '0', '25' => '25', '50' => '50', '75' => '75', '100' => '100', '125' => '125', '150' => '150', '175' => '175', '200' => '200');
                    //set PlayerSettings as blank array for initial setup
                    //This keeps the foreach loop from returning an error
                    if (empty($PlayerSettings)) {
                        $PlayerSettings = array('bgcolor1' => '#7c7c7c', 'bgcolor2' => '#333333', 'bgcolor' => '', 'textcolor' => '#FFFFFF', 'buttoncolor' => '#FFFFFF', 'buttonovercolor' => '#FFFF00', 'showstop' => '0', 'showinfo' => '0', 'showvolume' => '1', 'height' => '20', 'width' => '200', 'showloading' => 'autohide', 'buttonwidth' => '26', 'volume' => '100', 'showslider' => '1', 'slidercolor1' => '#cccccc', 'slidercolor2' => '#888888', 'sliderheight' => '10', 'sliderwidth' => '20', 'loadingcolor' => '#FFFF00', 'volumeheight' => '6', 'volumewidth' => '30', 'sliderovercolor' => '#eeee00');
<script type="text/javascript"><!--

function audio_player_defaults()
	if( confirm('<?php 
                    echo __("Set defaults, are you sure?\\n\\nAll of the current settings will be overwritten!'", 'powerpress');
) )
		UpdatePlayerPreview('bgcolor1',jQuery('#bgcolor1').val() );
		jQuery('#bgcolor1_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#7c7c7c' } );
		jQuery('#bgcolor2').val('#333333' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('bgcolor2',jQuery('#bgcolor2').val() );
		jQuery('#bgcolor2_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#333333' } );
		jQuery('#textcolor' ).val( '#FFFFFF' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('textcolor',jQuery('#textcolor').val() );
		jQuery('#textcolor_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFFFF' } );
		jQuery('#buttoncolor' ).val( '#FFFFFF' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('buttoncolor',jQuery('#buttoncolor').val() );
		jQuery('#buttoncolor_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFFFF' } );
		jQuery('#buttonovercolor' ).val( '#FFFF00' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('buttonovercolor',jQuery('#buttonovercolor').val() );
		jQuery('#buttonovercolor_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFF00' } );
		jQuery('#showstop' ).val( '0' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('showstop',jQuery('#showstop').val() );
		jQuery('#showinfo' ).val( '0' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('showinfo',jQuery('#showinfo').val() );
		jQuery('#showvolume' ).val( '1' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('showvolume',jQuery('#showvolume').val() );
		jQuery('#player_height' ).val( '20' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('height',jQuery('#player_height').val() );
		jQuery('#player_width' ).val( '200' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('width',jQuery('#player_width').val() );
		jQuery('#showloading' ).val( 'autohide' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('showloading',jQuery('#showloading').val() );
		jQuery('#slidercolor1').val('#cccccc' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('slidercolor1',jQuery('#slidercolor1').val() );
		jQuery('#slidercolor1_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#cccccc' } );
		jQuery('#slidercolor2').val('#888888' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('slidercolor2',jQuery('#slidercolor2').val() );
		jQuery('#slidercolor2_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#888888' } );
		jQuery('#sliderheight' ).val( '10' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('sliderheight',jQuery('#sliderheight').val() );
		jQuery('#sliderwidth' ).val( '20' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('sliderwidth',jQuery('#sliderwidth').val() );
		jQuery('#loadingcolor' ).val( '#FFFF00' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('loadingcolor',jQuery('#loadingcolor').val() );
		jQuery('#loadingcolor_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFF00' } );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('bgcolor',jQuery('#bgcolor').val() );
		jQuery('#bgcolor_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '' } );
		jQuery('#volumeheight' ).val( '6' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('volumeheight',jQuery('#volumeheight').val() );
		jQuery('#volumewidth' ).val( '30' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('volumewidth',jQuery('#volumewidth').val() );
		jQuery('#sliderovercolor' ).val( '#eeee00' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('sliderovercolor',jQuery('#sliderovercolor').val() );
		jQuery('#sliderovercolor_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#eeee00' } );
		jQuery('#volume' ).val( '100' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('volume',jQuery('#volume').val() );
		jQuery('#showslider' ).val( '1' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('showslider',jQuery('#showslider').val() );
		jQuery('#buttonwidth' ).val( '26' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('buttonwidth',jQuery('#buttonwidth').val() );
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-flashmp3-maxi" />
                    echo __('Configure Flash Mp3 Maxi Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
			<div id="player_preview"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
<input type="hidden" id="gen_mp3" name="gen_mp3" value="<?php 
                    echo $Audio['flashmp3-maxi'];
" />


<div id="powerpress_settings_page" class="powerpress_tabbed_content" style="position: relative;">
	<div style="position: absolute; top: 6px; right:0px;">
		<a href="#" onclick="audio_player_defaults();return false;"><?php 
                    echo __('Set Defaults', 'powerpress');
  <ul class="powerpress_settings_tabs"> 
		<li><a href="#tab_general"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Basic Settings', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_buttons"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Button Settings', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_volume"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Volume Settings', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_slider"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Slider Settings', 'powerpress');
 <div id="tab_general" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('General Settings', 'powerpress');
		<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
            <td colspan="2">
                    echo __('leave blank for default values', 'powerpress');
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Gradient Color Top', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="bgcolor1"  name="Player[bgcolor1]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor1'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="bgcolor1_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor1'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Gradient Color Bottom', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="bgcolor2" name="Player[bgcolor2]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor2'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="bgcolor2_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor2'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="bgcolor" name="Player[bgcolor]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="bgcolor_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor'];
;" class="color_preview" />
                    echo __('leave blank for transparent', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Text Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="textcolor" name="Player[textcolor]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['textcolor'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="textcolor_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['textcolor'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Height (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="player_height" name="Player[height]" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['height'];
" maxlength="20" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Width (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="player_width" name="Player[width]" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['width'];
" maxlength="20" />

 <div id="tab_buttons" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Button Settings', 'powerpress');
		<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Button Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="buttoncolor" name="Player[buttoncolor]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['buttoncolor'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="buttoncolor_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['buttoncolor'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Button Hover Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="buttonovercolor" name="Player[buttonovercolor]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['buttonovercolor'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="buttonovercolor_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['buttonovercolor'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Button Width (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="buttonwidth" name="Player[buttonwidth]" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['buttonwidth'];
" maxlength="20" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Show Stop Button', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<select style="width: 100px;" id="showstop" name="Player[showstop]">
                    $options = array('1' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), '0' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['showstop']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Show Info', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<select style="width: 100px;" id="showinfo" name="Player[showinfo]">
                    $options = array('1' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), '0' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['showinfo']);

 <div id="tab_volume" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Volume Settings', 'powerpress');
		<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Show Volume', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<select style="width: 100px;" id="showvolume" name="Player[showvolume]">
                    $options = array('1' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), '0' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['showvolume']);
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volume', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<select style="width: 100px;" id="volume" name="Player[volume]">
                    powerpress_print_options($volume, $PlayerSettings['volume']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volume Height (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="volumeheight" name="Player[volumeheight]" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['volumeheight'];
" maxlength="20" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volume Width (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="volumewidth" name="Player[volumewidth]" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['volumewidth'];
" maxlength="20" />


 <div id="tab_slider" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Slider Settings', 'powerpress');
		<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Show Slider', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<select style="width: 100px;" id="showslider" name="Player[showslider]">
                    $options = array('1' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), '0' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['showslider']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Slider Color Top', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="slidercolor1" name="Player[slidercolor1]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['slidercolor1'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="slidercolor1_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['slidercolor1'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Slider Color Bottom', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="slidercolor2" name="Player[slidercolor2]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['slidercolor2'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="slidercolor2_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['slidercolor2'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Slider Hover Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="sliderovercolor" name="Player[sliderovercolor]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['sliderovercolor'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="sliderovercolor_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['sliderovercolor'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Slider Height (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="sliderheight" name="Player[sliderheight]" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['sliderheight'];
" maxlength="20" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Slider Width (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="sliderwidth" name="Player[sliderwidth]" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['sliderwidth'];
" maxlength="20" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Show Loading Buffer', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<select style="width: 100px;" id="showloading" name="Player[showloading]">
                    powerpress_print_options($autoload, $PlayerSettings['showloading']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Loading Buffer Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="loadingcolor" name="Player[loadingcolor]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['loadingcolor'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="loadingcolor_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['loadingcolor'];
;" class="color_preview" />

</div> <!-- end tab -->
</div><!-- end tab container -->

<script type="text/javascript"><!--

	generator.player = '<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
	generator.addParam("gen_mp3", "mp3", "url", '');
	generator.addParam("player_height", "height", "int", "20");
	generator.addParam("player_width", "width", "int", "200");
	generator.addParam("bgcolor1", "bgcolor1", "color", "#7c7c7c");
	generator.addParam("bgcolor2", "bgcolor2", "color", "#333333");
	generator.addParam("bgcolor", "bgcolor", "color", "");
	generator.addParam("textcolor", "textcolor", "color", "#FFFFFF");
	generator.addParam("loadingcolor", "loadingcolor", "color", "#FFFF00");
	generator.addParam("buttoncolor", "buttoncolor", "color", "#FFFFFF");
	generator.addParam("buttonovercolor", "buttonovercolor", "color", "#FFFF00");
	generator.addParam("showloading", "showloading", "text", "autohide");
	generator.addParam("showinfo", "showinfo", "bool", "0");
	generator.addParam("showstop", "showstop", "int", "0");
	generator.addParam("showvolume", "showvolume", "int", "0");
	generator.addParam("buttonwidth", "buttonwidth", "int", "26");
	generator.addParam("volume", "volume", "int", "100");
	generator.addParam("volumeheight", "volumeheight", "int", "6");
	generator.addParam("volumewidth", "volumewidth", "int", "30");
	generator.addParam("sliderovercolor", "sliderovercolor", "color", "#eeee00");
	generator.addParam("showslider", "showslider", "bool", "1");
	generator.addParam("slidercolor1", "slidercolor1", "color", "#cccccc");
	generator.addParam("slidercolor2", "slidercolor2", "color", "#888888");
	generator.addParam("sliderheight", "sliderheight", "int", "10");
	generator.addParam("sliderwidth", "sliderwidth", "int", "20");
                case 'audioplay':
                    $PlayerSettings = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_audioplay');
                    if (empty($PlayerSettings)) {
                        $PlayerSettings = array('bgcolor' => '', 'buttondir' => 'negative', 'mode' => 'playpause');
        	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-audioplay" />
                    echo __('Configure the AudioPlay Player', 'powerpress');
<br clear="all" />

<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
		<td colspan="2">
			<div id="player_preview">
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_audioplay($Audio['audioplay']);
                    echo __('General Settings', 'powerpress');
	<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Background Color', 'powerpress');
		<td valign="top">
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="bgcolor" name="Player[bgcolor]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor'];
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="bgcolor_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bgcolor'];
;" class="color_preview" />
                    echo __('leave blank for transparent', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Mode', 'powerpress');
		<td valign="top">
			<div class="color_control">
                            <select name="Player[mode]" id="mode">
                    $options = array('playpause' => __('Play/Pause', 'powerpress'), 'playstop' => __('Play/Stop', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['mode']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Button', 'powerpress');
		<td valign="top">
			<div class="color_control">
                        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                    $options = array('classic', 'classic_small', 'negative', 'negative_small');
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                        if ($PlayerSettings['buttondir'] == $option) {
                            $selected = " CHECKED";
                        } else {
                            $selected = "";
                        if ($option == "classic" || $option == "classic_small") {
                            $td = '<td style="background: #999;" align="center">';
                            $warning = "(ideal for dark backgrounds)";
                            if ($option == "classic_small") {
                                $name = __('Small White', 'powerpress');
                            } else {
                                $name = __('Large White', 'powerpress');
                        } else {
                            $td = '<td align="center">';
                            $warning = "";
                            if ($option == "negative_small") {
                                $name = __('Small Black', 'powerpress');
                            } else {
                                $name = __('Large Black', 'powerpress');
                        echo '<tr><td><input type="radio" name="Player[buttondir]" value="' . $option . '"' . $selected . ' /></td>' . $td . '<img src="' . powerpress_get_root_url() . 'buttons/' . $option . '/playup.png" /></td><td>' . $name . ' Button ' . $warning . '</td></tr>';

                case 'html5audio':
                    $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
                    echo __('Configure HTML5 Audio Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_html5audio($Audio['default']);

	<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play Icon', 'powerpress');

	<input type="text" id="audio_custom_play_button" name="General[audio_custom_play_button]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
                    echo $General['audio_custom_play_button'];
" maxlength="250" />
	<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('audio_custom_play_button').value ); return false;"><?php 
                    echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

                    echo __('Place the URL to the play icon above.', 'powerpress');
                    echo __('Example', 'powerpress');
:<br /><br />
                    echo __('Leave blank to use default play icon image.', 'powerpress');

                    if ($SupportUploads) {
	<p><input name="audio_custom_play_button_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('audio_custom_play_button_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
                        echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
	<div style="display:none" id="audio_custom_play_button_upload">
		<label for="audio_custom_play_button_file"><?php 
                        echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" name="audio_custom_play_button_file"  />

                case 'mediaelement-audio':
                    $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
                    // TODO!
                    echo __('Configure MediaElement.js Audio Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    // TODO
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementaudio($Audio['mediaelement-audio']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('MediaElement.js Player has no additional settings at this time.', 'powerpress');

                    if (empty($General['player_width_audio'])) {
                        $General['player_width_audio'] = '';
                    echo __('Configure Flow Player Classic', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_flowplayerclassic($Audio['default']);

                    echo __('General Settings', 'powerpress');
	<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Width', 'powerpress');
		<td valign="top">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="player_width" name="General[player_width_audio]" class="player-width" value="<?php 
                    echo $General['player_width_audio'];
" maxlength="4" />
                    echo __('Width of Audio mp3 player (leave blank for 320 default)', 'powerpress');
        } else {
            switch ($General['video_player']) {
                case 'flow-player-classic':
                    echo __('Configure Flow Player Classic', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_flowplayerclassic($Video['flow-player-classic']);

                case 'html5video':
                    echo __('Configure HTML5 Video Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_html5video($Video['html5video']);

                case 'videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress':
                    echo __('Configure VideoJS', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_videojs($Video['videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress']);
                    echo __('VideoJS Settings', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
                    echo __('VideoJS CSS Class', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[videojs_css_class]" style="width: 150px;" value="<?php 
                    echo empty($General['videojs_css_class']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($General['videojs_css_class']);
" /> 
                    echo __('Apply specific CSS styling to your Video JS player.', 'powerpress');
                case 'mediaelement-video':
                    echo __('Configure MediaElement.js Video Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementvideo($Video['mediaelement-video']);

            if (!isset($General['poster_play_image'])) {
                $General['poster_play_image'] = 1;
            if (!isset($General['poster_image_audio'])) {
                $General['poster_image_audio'] = 0;
            if (!isset($General['player_width'])) {
                $General['player_width'] = '';
            if (!isset($General['player_height'])) {
                $General['player_height'] = '';
            if (!isset($General['poster_image'])) {
                $General['poster_image'] = '';
            if (!isset($General['video_custom_play_button'])) {
                $General['video_custom_play_button'] = '';
<!-- Global Video Player settings (Appy to all video players -->
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-save-videocommon" />
            echo __('Common Settings', 'powerpress');
            echo __('The following video settings apply to the video player above as well as to classic video &lt;embed&gt; formats such as Microsoft Windows Media (.wmv), QuickTime (.mov) and RealPlayer.', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
            echo __('Player Width', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[player_width]" style="width: 50px;" onkeyup="javascript:this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9%]/g, '');" value="<?php 
            echo $General['player_width'];
" maxlength="4" />
            echo __('Width of player (leave blank for 400 default)', 'powerpress');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
            echo __('Player Height', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[player_height]" style="width: 50px;" onkeyup="javascript:this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9%]/g, '');" value="<?php 
            echo $General['player_height'];
" maxlength="4" />
            echo __('Height of player (leave blank for 225 default)', 'powerpress');
            $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
            // Play icon, only applicable to HTML5/FlowPlayerClassic
            if (in_array($General['video_player'], array('flow-player-classic', 'html5video'))) {
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
                echo __('QuickTime Scale', 'powerpress');
	<select name="General[player_scale]" class="bpp_input_sm" onchange="javascript:jQuery('#player_scale_custom').css('display', (this.value=='tofit'||this.value=='aspect'? 'none':'inline' ))">
                $scale_options = array('tofit' => __('ToFit (default)', 'powerpress'), 'aspect' => __('Aspect', 'powerpress'));
                if (!isset($General['player_scale'])) {
                    $General['player_scale'] = 'tofit';
                // Tofit works in almost all cases
                if (is_numeric($General['player_scale'])) {
                    $scale_options[$General['player_scale']] = __('Custom', 'powerpress');
                } else {
                    $scale_options['custom'] = __('Custom', 'powerpress');
                while (list($value, $desc) = each($scale_options)) {
                    echo "\t<option value=\"{$value}\"" . ($General['player_scale'] == $value ? ' selected' : '') . ">{$desc}</option>\n";
<span id="player_scale_custom" style="display: <?php 
                echo is_numeric($General['player_scale']) ? 'inline' : 'none';
                echo __('Scale:', 'powerpress');
 <input type="text" name="PlayerScaleCustom" style="width: 50px;" onkeyup="javascript:this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '');" value="<?php 
                echo is_numeric($General['player_scale']) ? $General['player_scale'] : '';
" maxlength="4" /> <?php 
                echo __('e.g.', 'powerpress');
<p style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0;">
                echo __('If you do not see video, adjust the width, height and scale settings above.', 'powerpress');
<th scope="row">
            echo __('Default Poster Image', 'powerpress');

<input type="text" id="poster_image" name="General[poster_image]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
            echo $General['poster_image'];
" maxlength="250" />
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('poster_image').value ); return false;"><?php 
            echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

            echo __('Place the URL to the poster image above.', 'powerpress');
            echo __('Example', 'powerpress');
:<br /><br />
            echo __('Image should be at minimum the same width/height as the player above. Leave blank to use default black background image.', 'powerpress');

            if ($SupportUploads) {
<p><input name="poster_image_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('poster_image_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
                echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
<div style="display:none" id="poster_image_upload">
	<label for="poster_image_file"><?php 
                echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" name="poster_image_file"  />
            if (in_array($General['video_player'], array('flow-player-classic', 'html5video'))) {
<p><input name="General[poster_play_image]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                echo $General['poster_play_image'] ? 'checked' : '';
 /> <?php 
                echo __('Include play icon over poster image when applicable', 'powerpress');
<p><input name="General[poster_image_audio]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                echo $General['poster_image_audio'] ? 'checked' : '';
 /> <?php 
                echo __('Use poster image, player width and height above for audio (Flow Player only)', 'powerpress');

            // Play icon, only applicable to HTML5/FlowPlayerClassic
            if (in_array($General['video_player'], array('flow-player-classic', 'html5video'))) {
<th scope="row">
                echo __('Play Icon', 'powerpress');

<input type="text" id="video_custom_play_button" name="General[video_custom_play_button]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
                echo $General['video_custom_play_button'];
" maxlength="250" />
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('video_custom_play_button').value ); return false;"><?php 
                echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

                echo __('Place the URL to the play icon above.', 'powerpress');
                echo __('Example', 'powerpress');
:<br /><br />
                echo __('Image should 60 pixels by 60 pixels. Leave blank to use default play icon image.', 'powerpress');

                if ($SupportUploads) {
<p><input name="video_custom_play_button_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('video_custom_play_button_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
                    echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
<div style="display:none" id="video_custom_play_button_upload">
	<label for="video_custom_play_button_file"><?php 
                    echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" name="video_custom_play_button_file"  />

function powerpress_admin_players($type = 'audio')
    $General = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_general');
    $select_player = false;
    if (isset($_GET['sp'])) {
        $select_player = true;
    } else {
        if ($type == 'video') {
            if (empty($General['video_player'])) {
                $select_player = true;
            } else {
                switch ($General['video_player']) {
                    case 'mediaelement-video':
                    case 'videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress':
                    case 'html5video':
                        $select_player = true;
        } else {
            if (empty($General['player'])) {
                $select_player = true;
            } else {
                switch ($General['player']) {
                    case 'mediaelement-audio':
                    case 'html5audio':
                    case 'audio-player':
                        $select_player = true;
    if (empty($General['player'])) {
        $General['player'] = 'mediaelement-audio';
    if (empty($General['player'])) {
        $General['video_player'] = 'mediaelement-video';
    if (empty($General['audio_custom_play_button'])) {
        $General['audio_custom_play_button'] = '';
    $Audio = array();
    $Audio['audio-player'] = '';
    $Audio['html5audio'] = '';
    $Audio['mediaelement-audio'] = '';
    $Video = array();
    $Video['html5video'] = '';
    $Video['videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress'] = '';
    $Video['mediaelement-video'] = '';
    if ($type == 'video' && function_exists('add_videojs_header')) {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
3rdparty/colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
<script type="text/javascript"><!--

function rgb2hex(rgb) {
 rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/);
 function hex(x) {
  hexDigits = new Array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f");
  return isNaN(x) ? "00" : hexDigits[(x - x % 16) / 16] + hexDigits[x % 16];
 if( rgb )
	return "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]);
 return '';

function UpdatePlayerPreview(name, value)
	if( typeof(generator) != "undefined" ) // Update the Maxi player...
		generator.updateParam(name, value);
	if( typeof(update_audio_player) != "undefined" ) // Update the 1 px out player...
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
		onSubmit: function(hsb, hex, rgb, el) {
			jQuery(el).css({ 'background-color' : '#' + hex });
			var Id = jQuery(el).attr('id');
			Id = Id.replace(/_prev/, '');
			jQuery('#'+ Id  ).val( '#' + hex );
			UpdatePlayerPreview(Id, '#'+hex );
		onBeforeShow: function () {
			jQuery(this).ColorPickerSetColor( rgb2hex( jQuery(this).css("background-color") ) );
	.bind('keyup', function(){
		jQuery(this).ColorPickerSetColor( rgb2hex( jQuery(this).css("background-color") ) );
	jQuery('.color_field').bind('change', function () {
		var Id = jQuery(this).attr('id');
		jQuery('#'+ Id + '_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : jQuery(this).val() } );
		if( typeof(update_audio_player) != "undefined" ) // Update the 1 px out player...
	jQuery('.other_field').bind('change', function () {
		if( typeof(update_audio_player) != "undefined" ) // Update the 1 px out player...


<!-- special page styling goes here -->
<style type="text/css">
div.color_control { display: block; float:left; width: 100%; padding:  0; }
div.color_control input { display: inline; float: left; }
div.color_control div.color_picker { display: inline; float: left; margin-top: 3px; }
#player_preview { margin-bottom: 0px; height: 50px; margin-top: 8px;}
input#colorpicker-value-input {
	width: 60px;
	height: 16px;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;
	font-size: 12px;
	border-spacing: 0;
	border-width: 0;
table.html5formats {
	width: 600px;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
table.html5formats tr {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
table.html5formats tr th {
	font-weight: bold;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0 5px;
	width: 25%;
table.html5formats tr td {
	border-right: 1px solid #000000;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0 10px;
table.html5formats tr > td:first-child {
	border-left: 1px solid #000000;
    // mainly 2 pages, first page selects a player, second configures the player, if there are optiosn to configure for that player. If the user is on the second page,
    // a link should be provided to select a different player.
    if ($select_player) {
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-select-player" />
        echo __('Blubrry PowerPress Player Options', 'powerpress');
<p style="margin-bottom: 0;"><?php 
        echo __('Select the media player you would like to use.', 'powerpress');

        if ($type == 'video') {
            if (empty($General['video_player'])) {
                $General['video_player'] = '';
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">&nbsp;</th>  
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="VideoPlayer[video_player]" id="player_mediaelement_video" value="mediaelement-video" <?php 
            if ($General['video_player'] == 'mediaelement-video') {
                echo 'checked';
            echo __('MediaElement.js Media Player (default)', 'powerpress');
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_mediaelement_video" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
			<div style="max-width: 70%;">
				<div class="powerpressadmin-mejs-video">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementvideo($Video['mediaelement-video']);

		<li><label><input type="radio" name="VideoPlayer[video_player]" id="player_html5video" value="html5video" <?php 
            if ($General['video_player'] == 'html5video') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('HTML5 Video Player', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_html5video" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_html5video($Video['html5video']);
            echo __('HTML5 Video is an element introduced in the latest HTML specification (HTML5) for the purpose of playing videos.', 'powerpress');
		<!-- videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress -->
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="VideoPlayer[video_player]" id="player_videojs_html5_video_player_for_wordpress" value="videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress" <?php 
            if ($General['video_player'] == 'videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress') {
                echo 'checked';
            echo function_exists('add_videojs_header') ? '' : 'disabled';
            echo __('VideoJS', 'powerpress');
            if (function_exists('add_videojs_header')) {
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_videojs_html5_video_player_for_wordpress" class="activate-player"><?php 
                echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            if (function_exists('add_videojs_header')) {
                echo powerpressplayer_build_videojs($Video['videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress']);

        } else {
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">&nbsp;</th>  

		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_mediaelement_audio" value="mediaelement-audio" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'mediaelement-audio') {
                echo 'checked';
            echo __('MediaElement.js Media Player (default)', 'powerpress');
			 <strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_mediaelement_audio" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementaudio($Audio['mediaelement-audio']);
			<div style="margin: 30px 0;">
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_html5audio" value="html5audio" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'html5audio') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('HTML5 Audio Player', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_html5audio" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_html5audio($Audio['html5audio']);
            echo __('HTML5 audio is an element introduced in the latest HTML specification (HTML5) for the purpose of playing audio.', 'powerpress');
		<li><label><input type="radio" name="Player[player]" id="player_audio_player" value="audio-player" <?php 
            if ($General['player'] == 'audio-player') {
                echo 'checked';
 /> <?php 
            echo __('1 Pixel Out Audio Player', 'powerpress');
			<strong style="padding-top: 8px; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="#" id="activate_audio_player" class="activate-player"><?php 
            echo __('Activate and Configure Now', 'powerpress');
			<div class="updated fade powerpress-notice inline">
            echo __('NOTICE: Flash based players are no longer recommended. We highly recommend picking an HTM5 based player.', 'powerpress');
		<li style="margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom:16px;">
            echo powerpressplayer_build_1pxoutplayer($Audio['audio-player']);
            echo __('1 Pixel Out Audio Player is a popular customizable audio (mp3 only) flash player. Features include an animated play/pause button, scroll-able position bar, elapsed/remaining time, volume control and color styling options.', 'powerpress');

<h4 style="margin-bottom: 0;"><?php 
        echo __('Click \'Save Changes\' to activate and configure selected player.', 'powerpress');
    } else {
        echo __('Configure Player', 'powerpress');
        if ($type == 'audio') {
<p style="margin-bottom: 20px;"><strong>&#8592;  <a href="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=powerpress/powerpressadmin_player.php&amp;sp=1");
            echo __('Select a different audio player', 'powerpress');
        } else {
            if ($type == 'video') {
<p style="margin-bottom: 20px;"><strong>&#8592;  <a href="<?php 
                echo admin_url("admin.php?page=powerpress/powerpressadmin_videoplayer.php&amp;sp=1");
                echo __('Select a different video player', 'powerpress');
            } else {
<p style="margin-bottom: 20px;"><strong>&#8592;  <a href="<?php 
                echo admin_url("admin.php?page=powerpress/powerpressadmin_mobileplayer.php&amp;sp=1");
                echo __('Select a different mobile player', 'powerpress');
        // Start adding logic here to display options based on the player selected...
        if ($type == 'audio') {
            if (empty($General['player'])) {
                $General['player'] = '';
            switch ($General['player']) {
                case 'audio-player':
                    $PlayerSettings = powerpress_get_settings('powerpress_audio-player');
                    if ($PlayerSettings == "") {
                        $PlayerSettings = array('width' => '290', 'transparentpagebg' => 'yes', 'lefticon' => '#333333', 'leftbg' => '#CCCCCC', 'bg' => '#E5E5E5', 'voltrack' => '#F2F2F2', 'volslider' => '#666666', 'rightbg' => '#B4B4B4', 'rightbghover' => '#999999', 'righticon' => '#333333', 'righticonhover' => '#FFFFFF', 'loader' => '#009900', 'track' => '#FFFFFF', 'tracker' => '#DDDDDD', 'border' => '#CCCCCC', 'skip' => '#666666', 'text' => '#333333', 'pagebg' => '', 'rtl' => 'no', 'initialvolume' => '60', 'animation' => 'yes', 'remaining' => 'no');
                    if (empty($PlayerSettings['remaining'])) {
                        $PlayerSettings['remaining'] = 'no';
                    // New default setting
                    if (!isset($PlayerSettings['buffer'])) {
                        $PlayerSettings['buffer'] = '';
                    // New default setting
                    if (!isset($PlayerSettings['titles'])) {
                        $PlayerSettings['titles'] = '';
<script type="text/javascript"><!--

function update_audio_player()
	var myParams = new Array("lefticon","leftbg", "bg", "voltrack", "rightbg", "rightbghover", "righticon", "righticonhover", "loader", "track", "tracker", "border", "skip", "text", "pagebg", "rtl", "animation", "titles", "initialvolume");
	var myWidth = document.getElementById('player_width').value;
	var myBackground = '';
	if( myWidth < 10 || myWidth > 900 )
		myWidth = 290;
	var out = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
audio-player.swf" width="'+myWidth+'" height="24">'+"\n";
	out += '    <param name="movie" value="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
audio-player.swf" />'+"\n";
	out += '    <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=1&amp;soundFile=<?php 
                    echo $Audio['audio-player'];
	var x = 0;
	for( x = 0; x < myParams.length; x++ )
		if( myParams[ x ] == 'border' )
			var Element = document.getElementById( 'player_border' );
			var Element = document.getElementById( myParams[ x ] );
		if( Element )
			if( Element.value != '' )
				out += '&amp;';
				out += myParams[ x ];
				out += '=';
				out += Element.value.replace(/^#/, '');
				if( myParams[ x ] == 'pagebg' )
					myBackground = '<param name="bgcolor" value="'+ Element.value +'" />';
					out += '&amp;transparentpagebg=no';
				if( myParams[ x ] == 'pagebg' )
					out += '&amp;transparentpagebg=yes';
					myBackground = '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />';
	out += '" />'+"\n";
	out += '<param name="quality" value="high" />';
	out += '<param name="menu" value="false" />';
	out += myBackground;
	out += '</object>';
	var player = document.getElementById("player_preview");
	player.innerHTML = out;

function audio_player_defaults()
 	if( confirm('<?php 
                    echo __("Set defaults, are you sure?\\n\\nAll of the current settings will be overwritten!", 'powerpress');
') )
		UpdatePlayerPreview('player_width',jQuery('#player_width').val() );
		jQuery('#transparentpagebg').val( 'yes');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('transparentpagebg',jQuery('#transparentpagebg').val() );
		jQuery('#lefticon').val( '#333333');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('lefticon',jQuery('#lefticon').val() );
		jQuery('#lefticon_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#333333' } );
		jQuery('#leftbg').val( '#CCCCCC');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('leftbg',jQuery('#leftbg').val() );
		jQuery('#leftbg_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#CCCCCC' } );
		jQuery('#bg').val( '#E5E5E5');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('bg',jQuery('#bg').val() );
		jQuery('#bg_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#E5E5E5' } );
		jQuery('#voltrack').val( '#F2F2F2');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('voltrack',jQuery('#voltrack').val() );
		jQuery('#voltrack_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#F2F2F2' } );
		jQuery('#volslider').val( '#666666');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('volslider',jQuery('#volslider').val() );
		jQuery('#volslider_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#666666' } );
		jQuery('#rightbg').val( '#B4B4B4');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('rightbg',jQuery('#rightbg').val() );
		jQuery('#rightbg_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#B4B4B4' } );
		jQuery('#rightbghover').val( '#999999');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('rightbghover',jQuery('#rightbghover').val() );
		jQuery('#rightbghover_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#999999' } );
		jQuery('#righticon').val( '#333333');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('righticon',jQuery('#righticon').val() );
		jQuery('#righticon_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#333333' } );
		jQuery('#righticonhover').val( '#FFFFFF');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('righticonhover',jQuery('#righticonhover').val() );
		jQuery('#righticonhover_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFFFF' } );
		jQuery('#loader').val( '#009900');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('loader',jQuery('#loader').val() );
		jQuery('#loader_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#009900' } );
		jQuery('#track').val( '#FFFFFF');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('track',jQuery('#track').val() );
		jQuery('#track_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#FFFFFF' } );
		jQuery('#tracker').val( '#DDDDDD');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('tracker',jQuery('#tracker').val() );
		jQuery('#tracker_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#DDDDDD' } );
		jQuery('#player_border').val( '#CCCCCC');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('player_border',jQuery('#player_border').val() );
		jQuery('#player_border_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#CCCCCC' } );
		jQuery('#skip').val( '#666666');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('skip',jQuery('#skip').val() );
		jQuery('#skip_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#666666' } );
		jQuery('#text').val( '#333333');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('text',jQuery('#text').val() );
		jQuery('#text_prev'  ).css( { 'background-color' : '#333333' } );
		jQuery('#pagebg').val( '');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('pagebg',jQuery('#pagebg').val() );
		jQuery('#animation').val( 'yes');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('animation',jQuery('#animation').val() );
		jQuery('#remaining').val( 'no');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('remaining',jQuery('#remaining').val() );
		jQuery('#buffer').val( '');
		UpdatePlayerPreview('buffer',jQuery('#buffer').val() );
		jQuery('#rtl' ).val( 'no' );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('rtl',jQuery('#rtl').val() );
		UpdatePlayerPreview('initialvolume',jQuery('#initialvolume').val() );
	<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-audio-player" />
	<div class="updated fade powerpress-notice inline">
                    echo __('NOTICE: Flash based players are no longer recommended. We highly recommend picking an HTM5 based player.', 'powerpress');
                    echo __('Configure the 1 pixel out Audio Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
		<td><div id="player_preview">
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_1pxoutplayer($Audio['audio-player'], array('nodiv' => true));

<div id="powerpress_settings_page" class="powerpress_tabbed_content" style="position: relative;">
	<div style="position: absolute; top: 6px; right:0px;">
		<a href="#" onclick="audio_player_defaults();return false;"><?php 
                    echo __('Set Defaults', 'powerpress');
  <ul class="powerpress_settings_tabs"> 
		<li><a href="#tab_general"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Basic Settings', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_progress"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Progress Bar', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_volume"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Volume Button', 'powerpress');
		<li><a href="#tab_play"><span><?php 
                    echo __('Play / Pause Button', 'powerpress');
 <div id="tab_general" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('General Settings', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Page Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="pagebg" name="Player[pagebg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['pagebg']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="pagebg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['pagebg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
                    echo __('leave blank for transparent', 'powerpress');
	</tr>	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="bg" name="Player[bg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['bg']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="bg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['bg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Width (in pixels)', 'powerpress');
          <input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="player_width" name="Player[width]" class="other_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['width']);
" maxlength="20" />
                    echo __('width of the player. e.g. 290 (290 pixels) or 100%', 'powerpress');
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Right-to-Left', 'powerpress');
			<select style="width: 102px;" id="rtl" name="Player[rtl]" class="other_field"> 
                    $options = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), 'no' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['rtl']);
          </select>			<?php 
                    echo __('switches the layout to animate from the right to the left', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Loading Bar Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="loader" name="Player[loader]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['loader']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="loader_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['loader'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Text Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
                <input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="text" name="Player[text]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['text']);
" maxlength="20" />
						<img id="text_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['text'];
;" class="color_preview" />
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Text In Player', 'powerpress');
          <div><input type="text" style="width: 60%;" id="titles" name="Player[titles]" class="other_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['titles']);
" maxlength="100" /></div>
                    echo sprintf(__('Enter \'%s\' to display track name from mp3. Only works if media is hosted on same server as blog.', 'powerpress'), __('TRACK', 'powerpress'));
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play Animation', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
<select style="width: 102px;" id="animation" name="Player[animation]" class="other_field"> 
                    $options = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), 'no' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['animation']);
                                </select>			<?php 
                    echo __('if no, player is always open', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Display Remaining Time', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
<select style="width: 102px;" id="remaining" name="Player[remaining]" class="other_field">
                    $options = array('yes' => __('Yes', 'powerpress'), 'no' => __('No', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['remaining']);
                                </select>			<?php 
                    echo __('if yes, shows remaining track time rather than elapsed time (default: no)', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Buffering Time', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
<select style="width: 200px;" id="buffer" name="Player[buffer]" class="other_field"> 
                    $options = array('0' => __('No buffering', 'powerpress'), '' => __('Default (5 seconds)', 'powerpress'), '10' => __('10 seconds', 'powerpress'), '15' => __('15 seconds', 'powerpress'), '20' => __('20 seconds', 'powerpress'), '30' => __('30 seconds', 'powerpress'), '60' => __('60 seconds', 'powerpress'));
                    powerpress_print_options($options, $PlayerSettings['buffer']);
                                </select>		<?php 
                    echo __('buffering time in seconds', 'powerpress');

 <div id="tab_progress" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Progress Bar', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Progress Bar Background', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
										<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="track" name="Player[track]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['track']);
" maxlength="20" />
										<img id="track_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['track'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Progress Bar Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="tracker" name="Player[tracker]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['tracker']);
" maxlength="20" />
											<img id="tracker_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['tracker'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Progress Bar Border', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
                            <input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="player_border" name="Player[border]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['border']);
" maxlength="20" />
											<img id="player_border_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['border'];
;" class="color_preview" />
<div id="tab_volume" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Volume Button Settings', 'powerpress');
	<table class="form-table">	
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Initial Volume', 'powerpress');
			<select style="width: 100px;" id="initialvolume" name="Player[initialvolume]" class="other_field">
                    for ($x = 0; $x <= 100; $x += 5) {
                        echo '<option value="' . $x . '"' . ($PlayerSettings['initialvolume'] == $x ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $x . '%</option>';
			</select> <?php 
                    echo __('initial volume level (default: 60)', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volumn Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="leftbg" name="Player[leftbg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['leftbg']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="leftbg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['leftbg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Speaker Icon Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="lefticon" name="Player[lefticon]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['lefticon']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="lefticon_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['lefticon'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volume Icon Background', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="voltrack" name="Player[voltrack]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['voltrack']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="voltrack_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['voltrack'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Volume Slider Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="volslider" name="Player[volslider]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['volslider']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="volslider_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['volslider'];
;" class="color_preview" />

<div id="tab_play" class="powerpress_tab">
                    echo __('Play / Pause Button Settings', 'powerpress');
	<table class="form-table">	
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Background Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="rightbg" name="Player[rightbg]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['rightbg']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="rightbg_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['rightbg'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Hover Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="rightbghover" name="Player[rightbghover]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['rightbghover']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="rightbghover_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['rightbghover'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Icon Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="righticon" name="Player[righticon]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['righticon']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="righticon_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['righticon'];
;" class="color_preview" />
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play/Pause Icon Hover Color', 'powerpress');
			<div class="color_control">
				<input type="text" style="width: 100px;" id="righticonhover" name="Player[righticonhover]" class="color_field" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($PlayerSettings['righticonhover']);
" maxlength="20" />
				<img id="righticonhover_prev" src="<?php 
                    echo powerpress_get_root_url();
images/color_preview.gif" width="14" height="14" style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo $PlayerSettings['righticonhover'];
;" class="color_preview" />

</div> <!-- end tab -->
</div> <!-- end tab wrapper -->

                case 'html5audio':
                    $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
                    echo __('Configure HTML5 Audio Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_html5audio($Audio['html5audio']);

	<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Play Icon', 'powerpress');

	<input type="text" id="audio_custom_play_button" name="General[audio_custom_play_button]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['audio_custom_play_button']);
" maxlength="255" />
	<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('audio_custom_play_button').value ); return false;"><?php 
                    echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

                    echo __('Place the URL to the play icon above.', 'powerpress');
                    echo __('Example', 'powerpress');
:<br /><br />
                    echo __('Leave blank to use default play icon image.', 'powerpress');

                    if ($SupportUploads) {
	<p><input name="audio_custom_play_button_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('audio_custom_play_button_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
                        echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
	<div style="display:none" id="audio_custom_play_button_upload">
		<label for="audio_custom_play_button_file"><?php 
                        echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" name="audio_custom_play_button_file"  />

                case 'mediaelement-audio':
                    $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
                    if (!isset($General['audio_player_max_width'])) {
                        $General['audio_player_max_width'] = '';
                    echo __('Configure MediaElement.js Audio Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                    // TODO
                    echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementaudio($Audio['mediaelement-audio']);
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Max Width', 'powerpress');
		<td valign="top">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="audio_player_max_width" name="General[audio_player_max_width]" class="player-width" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['audio_player_max_width']);
" maxlength="4" />
                    echo __('Width of Audio mp3 player (leave blank for max width)', 'powerpress');
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('MediaElement.js Player has no additional settings at this time.', 'powerpress');

                    // TODO:
                // TODO:
                    if (empty($General['player_width_audio'])) {
                        $General['player_width_audio'] = '';

                    echo __('General Settings', 'powerpress');
	<table class="form-table">
        <tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Width', 'powerpress');
		<td valign="top">
				<input type="text" style="width: 50px;" id="player_width" name="General[player_width_audio]" class="player-width" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['player_width_audio']);
" maxlength="4" />
                    echo __('Width of Audio mp3 player (leave blank for 320 default)', 'powerpress');
        } else {
            if ($type == 'video') {
                $player_to_configure = !empty($General['video_player']) ? $General['video_player'] : '';
                switch ($player_to_configure) {
                    case 'html5':
                    case 'html5video':
                        echo '<p>' . __('Configure HTML5 Video Player', 'powerpress') . '</p>';
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                        echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                        if ($type == 'mobile') {
                            echo '<p>' . __('Audio:', 'powerpress') . ' ';
                            echo powerpressplayer_build_html5audio($Audio['html5audio']);
                            echo '</p>';
                        if ($type == 'mobile') {
                            echo __('Video:', 'powerpress') . ' ';
                        echo powerpressplayer_build_html5video($Video['html5video']);

                    case 'videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress':
                        echo __('Configure VideoJS', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                        echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                        echo powerpressplayer_build_videojs($Video['videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress']);
                        echo __('VideoJS Settings', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
                        echo __('VideoJS CSS Class', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[videojs_css_class]" style="width: 150px;" value="<?php 
                        echo empty($General['videojs_css_class']) ? '' : esc_attr($General['videojs_css_class']);
" /> 
                        echo __('Apply specific CSS styling to your Video JS player.', 'powerpress');
                    case 'mejs':
                        // $player_to_configure
                    // $player_to_configure
                    case 'mediaelement-video':
                        echo __('Configure MediaElement.js Player', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
	<tr valign="top">
		<th scope="row">
                        echo __('Preview of Player', 'powerpress');
                        if ($type == 'mobile') {
                            echo '<p>' . __('Audio:', 'powerpress') . ' ';
                            echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementaudio($Audio['mediaelement-audio']);
                            echo '</p>';
			<div style="max-width: 70%;">
				<div class="powerpressadmin-mejs-video">
                        if ($type == 'mobile') {
                            echo __('Video:', 'powerpress') . ' ';
                        echo powerpressplayer_build_mediaelementvideo($Video['mediaelement-video']);

                if (!isset($General['poster_play_image'])) {
                    $General['poster_play_image'] = 1;
                if (!isset($General['poster_image_audio'])) {
                    $General['poster_image_audio'] = 0;
                if (!isset($General['player_width'])) {
                    $General['player_width'] = '';
                if (!isset($General['player_height'])) {
                    $General['player_height'] = '';
                if (!isset($General['poster_image'])) {
                    $General['poster_image'] = '';
                if (!isset($General['video_player_max_width'])) {
                    $General['video_player_max_width'] = '';
                if (!isset($General['video_player_max_height'])) {
                    $General['video_player_max_height'] = '';
                if (!isset($General['video_custom_play_button'])) {
                    $General['video_custom_play_button'] = '';
<!-- Global Video Player settings (Appy to all video players -->
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="powerpress-save-videocommon" />
                echo __('Common Video Settings', 'powerpress');

                echo __('The following video settings apply to the video player above as well as to classic video &lt;embed&gt; formats such as Microsoft Windows Media (.wmv), QuickTime (.mov) and RealPlayer.', 'powerpress');
<table class="form-table">
                if ($player_to_configure == 'mediaelement-video' || $player_to_configure == 'mejs') {
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Width', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[player_width]" style="width: 50px;" onkeyup="javascript:this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9%]/g, '');" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['player_width']);
" maxlength="4" />
                    echo __('Width of player (leave blank for default width)', 'powerpress');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Height', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[player_height]" style="width: 50px;" onkeyup="javascript:this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9%]/g, '');" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['player_height']);
" maxlength="4" />
                    echo __('Height of player (leave blank for default height)', 'powerpress');
                } else {
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Width', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[player_width]" style="width: 50px;" onkeyup="javascript:this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9%]/g, '');" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['player_width']);
" maxlength="4" />
                    echo __('Width of player (leave blank for 400 default)', 'powerpress');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Player Height', 'powerpress');
<input type="text" name="General[player_height]" style="width: 50px;" onkeyup="javascript:this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9%]/g, '');" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['player_height']);
" maxlength="4" />
                    echo __('Height of player (leave blank for 225 default)', 'powerpress');
                $SupportUploads = powerpressadmin_support_uploads();
<th scope="row">
                echo __('Default Poster Image', 'powerpress');

<input type="text" id="poster_image" name="General[poster_image]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($General['poster_image']);
" maxlength="255" />
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('poster_image').value ); return false;"><?php 
                echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

                echo __('Place the URL to the poster image above.', 'powerpress');
                echo __('Example', 'powerpress');
:<br /><br />
                echo __('Image should be at minimum the same width/height as the player above. Leave blank to use default black background image.', 'powerpress');

                if ($SupportUploads) {
<p><input name="poster_image_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('poster_image_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
                    echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
<div style="display:none" id="poster_image_upload">
	<label for="poster_image_file"><?php 
                    echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" name="poster_image_file"  />
                if (in_array($General['video_player'], array('html5video'))) {
<p><input name="General[poster_play_image]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                    echo $General['poster_play_image'] ? 'checked' : '';
 /> <?php 
                    echo __('Include play icon over poster image when applicable', 'powerpress');
                    if ($type == 'video') {
<p><input name="General[poster_image_audio]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
                        echo $General['poster_image_audio'] ? 'checked' : '';
 /> <?php 
                        echo __('Use poster image, player width and height above for audio (Flow Player only)', 'powerpress');

                // Play icon, only applicable to HTML5/FlowPlayerClassic
                if (in_array($General['video_player'], array('html5video'))) {
<th scope="row">
                    echo __('Video Play Icon', 'powerpress');

<input type="text" id="video_custom_play_button" name="General[video_custom_play_button]" style="width: 60%;" value="<?php 
                    echo esc_attr($General['video_custom_play_button']);
" maxlength="255" />
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: document.getElementById('video_custom_play_button').value ); return false;"><?php 
                    echo __('preview', 'powerpress');

                    echo __('Place the URL to the play icon above.', 'powerpress');
                    echo __('Example', 'powerpress');
:<br /><br />
                    echo __('Image should 60 pixels by 60 pixels. Leave blank to use default play icon image.', 'powerpress');

                    if ($SupportUploads) {
<p><input name="video_custom_play_button_checkbox" type="checkbox" onchange="powerpress_show_field('video_custom_play_button_upload', this.checked)" value="1" /> <?php 
                        echo __('Upload new image', 'powerpress');
<div style="display:none" id="video_custom_play_button_upload">
	<label for="video_custom_play_button_file"><?php 
                        echo __('Choose file', 'powerpress');
:</label><input type="file" name="video_custom_play_button_file"  />
