Example #1
function postcalendar_admin_upgrade()
    if (!PC_ACCESS_ADMIN) {
        return _POSTCALENDAR_NOAUTH;
    $pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $pcDir = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
    @(include "modules/{$pcDir}/pnversion.php");
    @(include "modules/{$pcDir}/pninit.php");
    $result = postcalendar_upgrade($pcModInfo['version']);
    if ($result === false) {
        $output = postcalendar_adminmenu(false);
        $output .= '<div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid red; background-color: pink;">';
        $output .= '<center><b>SORRY :: MODULE UPGRADE FAILED</b></center>';
        $output .= '</div><br />';
        return $output;
    // if we've gotten this far, then it's time to increment the version in the db
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $modulestable = $pntable['modules'];
    $modulescolumn =& $pntable['modules_column'];
    // Get module ID
    $modulestable = $pntable['modules'];
    $modulescolumn =& $pntable['modules_column'];
    $query = "SELECT {$modulescolumn['id']}\n              FROM {$modulestable}\n              WHERE {$modulescolumn['name']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore(__POSTCALENDAR__) . "'";
    $result = $dbconn->Execute($query);
    if ($result->EOF) {
        die("Failed to get module ID");
    list($mid) = $result->fields;
    $sql = "UPDATE {$modulestable}\n            SET {$modulescolumn['version']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($modversion['version']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t{$modulescolumn['state']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore(_PNMODULE_STATE_ACTIVE) . "'\n            WHERE {$modulescolumn['id']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($mid) . "'";
    // upgrade did not succeed
    if ($dbconn->Execute($sql) === false) {
        $output = postcalendar_adminmenu(false);
        $output .= '<div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid red; background-color: pink;">';
        $output .= '<center><b>SORRY :: MODULE UPGRADE FAILED</b><br />';
        $output .= $dbconn->ErrorMsg();
        $output .= '</center>';
        $output .= '</div><br />';
    $output = postcalendar_adminmenu(true);
    $output .= '<div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid green; background-color: lightgreen;">';
    $output .= '<center><b>CONGRATULATIONS :: MODULE UPGRADE SUCCEEDED</b></center>';
    $output .= '</div><br />';
    return $output;
Example #2
 *	Upgrades an old install of PostCalendar
 *	This function is used to upgrade an old version
 *	of PostCalendar.  It is accessed via the PostNuke
 *	Admin interface and should not be called directly.
 *	@return boolean	true/false
 *	@param  string	$oldversion Version we're upgrading
 *	@access  public
 *	@author  Roger Raymond <*****@*****.**>
 *	@copyright	The PostCalendar Team 2002
function postcalendar_upgrade($oldversion)
     *	Until PostNuke fixes the bugs
     *	with the module upgrade we are
     *	going to have to do it ourselves.
     *	Please do not use the Modules admin
     *	to upgrade PostCalendar.  Use the
     *	link provided in the PostCalendar
     *	Admin section.
    $pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $pcDir = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $events_table = $pntable['postcalendar_events'];
    $cat_table = $pntable['postcalendar_categories'];
    switch ($oldversion) {
        case '3.0':
        case '3.01':
        case '3.02':
        case '3.03':
        case '3.04':
            // we need the Date_Calc class
            require_once "modules/{$pcDir}/pnincludes/Date/Calc.php";
            // Update PostCalendar Variables
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcTime24Hours', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'time24hours'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcEventsOpenInNewWindow', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'eventsopeninnewwindow'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcUseInternationalDates', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'useinternationaldates'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcFirstDayOfWeek', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'firstdayofweek'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcDayHighlightColor', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'dayhighlightcolor'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcUsePopups', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'usepopups'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcDisplayTopics', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'displaytopics'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcAllowDirectSubmit', '0');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcListHowManyEvents', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'listhowmanyevents'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcTimeIncrement', '15');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcAllowSiteWide', '0');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcAllowUserCalendar', '1');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcEventDateFormat', '%Y-%m-%d');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcTemplate', 'default');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcUseCache', '1');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcCacheLifetime', '3600');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcDefaultView', 'month');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcSafeMode', '0');
            // alter the events table and change some old columns
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$events_table}\n                    ADD pc_catid int(11) default '0' NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\tADD pc_duration bigint(20) default '0' NOT NULL,\n                    ADD pc_sharing int(11) default '0' NOT NULL,\n                    ADD pc_language varchar(30) default '',\n\t\t\t\t\tCHANGE pc_eid pc_eid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                    CHANGE pc_location pc_location text,\n                    CHANGE pc_conttel pc_conttel varchar(50),\n                    CHANGE pc_contname pc_contname varchar(150),\n                    CHANGE pc_contemail pc_contemail varchar(255),\n                    CHANGE pc_website pc_website varchar(255),\n                    CHANGE pc_fee pc_fee varchar(50),\n                    CHANGE pc_recurrspec pc_recurrspec text default ''\n                    ";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                die('event table alter error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                return false;
            // create the new categories table
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE {$cat_table} (\n                    pc_catid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                    pc_catname varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'Undefined',\n                    pc_catcolor varchar(50) NOT NULL default '#EEEEEE',\n                    pc_catdesc text default '',\n                    PRIMARY KEY(pc_catid)\n                    )";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                die('cat table create error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                return false;
            // insert the current hardcoded categories into the new categories table
            $category1 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category1'));
            $category2 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category2'));
            $category3 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category3'));
            $category4 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category4'));
            $category5 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category5'));
            $inserts = array("INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('1','{$category1}','#EEEEEE')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('2','{$category2}','#00ff00')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('3','{$category3}','#0000ff')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('4','{$category4}','#ffffff')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('5','{$category5}','#ffcc00')");
            foreach ($inserts as $insert) {
                if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                    die('cat table insert error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                    return false;
            // update the current events to reflect the category system change
            $updates = array("UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 1 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'r' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 2 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'g' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 3 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'b' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 4 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'w' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 5 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'y' ");
            foreach ($updates as $update) {
                if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                    die('event table update error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                    return false;
            // alter the events table and drop the old barcolor column
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$events_table} DROP pc_barcolor";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                die('cat table alter error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                return false;
            // remove the old vars as they are no longer needed
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category1');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category2');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category3');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category4');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category5');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'time24hours');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'eventsopeninnewwindow');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'useinternationaldates');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'firstdayofweek');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'dayhighlightcolor');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'displaytopics');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'usepopups');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'listhowmanyevents');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'allowdirectsubmit');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'showeventsinyear');
            //  now, ideally, we will convert old events to the new
            //  style. this consists of reconfiguring the repeating
            //  events vars.
            //  we need to establish the current repeating
            //  conditions and convert them to the new system
            //  old repeating defines
            @define('_EVENT_NONE', -1);
            @define('_EVENT_DAILY', 0);
            @define('_EVENT_WEEKLY', 1);
            @define('_EVENT_MONTHLY', 2);
            @define('_EVENT_YEARLY', 3);
            @define('_RECUR_SAME_DAY', 0);
            @define('_RECUR_SAME_DATE', 1);
            //  new repeating defines
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat']
            @define('NO_REPEAT', 0);
            @define('REPEAT', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON', 2);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq']
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_OTHER', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_THIRD', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_FOURTH', 4);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type']
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_DAY', 0);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR', 3);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num']
            @define('REPEAT_ON_1ST', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_2ND', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_3RD', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_4TH', 4);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_LAST', 5);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day']
            @define('REPEAT_ON_SUN', 0);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_MON', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_TUE', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_WED', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_THU', 4);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_FRI', 5);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_SAT', 6);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq']
            @define('REPEAT_ON_MONTH', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_2MONTH', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_3MONTH', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_4MONTH', 4);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_6MONTH', 6);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_YEAR', 12);
            //  Set Sharing Paramaters
            @define('SHARING_PRIVATE', 0);
            @define('SHARING_PUBLIC', 1);
            @define('SHARING_BUSY', 2);
            @define('SHARING_GLOBAL', 3);
            //  Here's some psuedo-code for the conversion
            //  if _EVENT_NONE
            //      $rtype = NO_REPEAT
            //      $rspec = 0 for all;
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_DAILY
            //      $rtype = REPEAT
            //      $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_DAY
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_WEEKLY
            //      $rtype = REPEAT
            //      $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_MONTHLY
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DAY
            //          $rtype = REPEAT_ON
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_ON_NUM|REPEAT_ON_DAY|REPEAT_ON_FREQ
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DATE
            //          $rtype = REPEAT
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_YEARLY
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DAY
            //          $rtype = REPEAT_ON
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_ON_NUM|REPEAT_ON_DAY|REPEAT_ON_FREQ
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DATE
            //          $rtype = REPEAT
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  attempt reconfiguration
            $sql = "SELECT pc_eid, pc_eventDate, pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_recurrtype, pc_recurrfreq\n                    FROM {$events_table}";
            $result = $dbconn->Execute($sql);
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                return false;
            if (!isset($result)) {
                return false;
            // grab the results and start the conversion
            for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
                $recurrspec = array();
                list($eid, $eventdate, $start, $end, $rtype, $rfreq) = $result->fields;
                if ($rtype == null) {
                    $rtype = _EVENT_NONE;
                switch ($rtype) {
                    case _EVENT_NONE:
                        $recurrtype = NO_REPEAT;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                    case _EVENT_DAILY:
                        $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_DAY;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                    case _EVENT_WEEKLY:
                        $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                    case _EVENT_MONTHLY:
                        if ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DATE) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                        } elseif ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DAY) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT_ON;
                            list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $eventdate);
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = 0;
                            // event day of week
                            $edow = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($d, $m, $y);
                            // date of first event day of week
                            $firstDay = Date_Calc::NWeekdayOfMonth(1, $edow, $m, $y, '%Y-%m-%d');
                            // find difference between 1st day and event day
                            list($y2, $m2, $d2) = explode('-', $firstDay);
                            $diff = Date_Calc::dateDiff($d, $m, $y, $d2, $m2, $y2);
                            // assuming $diff is going to be a multiple of 7
                            if ($diff > 0) {
                                $diff /= 7;
                            if ($diff > REPEAT_ON_4TH) {
                                $diff = REPEAT_ON_LAST;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = $diff;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = $edow;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = REPEAT_ON_MONTH;
                    case _EVENT_YEARLY:
                        if ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DATE) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                        } elseif ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DAY) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT_ON;
                            list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $eventdate);
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = 0;
                            // event day of week
                            $edow = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($d, $m, $y);
                            // date of first event day of week
                            $firstDay = Date_Calc::NWeekdayOfMonth(1, $edow, $m, $y, '%Y-%m-%d');
                            // find difference between 1st day and event day
                            list($y2, $m2, $d2) = explode('-', $firstDay);
                            $diff = Date_Calc::dateDiff($d, $m, $y, $d2, $m2, $y2);
                            // assuming $diff is going to be a multiple of 7
                            if ($diff > 0) {
                                $diff /= 7;
                            if ($diff > REPEAT_ON_4TH) {
                                $diff = REPEAT_ON_LAST;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = $diff;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = $edow;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = REPEAT_ON_YEAR;
                // ok, figure out the event's duration
                list($sh, $sm, $ss) = explode(':', $start);
                list($eh, $em, $es) = explode(':', $end);
                $stime = mktime($sh, $sm, $ss, 1, 1, 1970);
                // if the ending hour is less than the starting hour
                // assume that the event spans to the next day
                if ($eh < $sh) {
                    $etime = mktime($eh, $em, $es, 1, 2, 1970);
                } else {
                    $etime = mktime($eh, $em, $es, 1, 1, 1970);
                $duration = $etime - $stime;
                // prep the vars for the sql statement
                $eid = pnVarPrepForStore($eid);
                $recurrtype = pnVarPrepForStore($recurrtype);
                $recurrspec = pnVarPrepForStore(serialize($recurrspec));
                // create our sql statement
                $updatesql = "UPDATE {$events_table} SET \n                              pc_aid = '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  pc_recurrtype = {$recurrtype},\n                              pc_recurrspec = '{$recurrspec}',\n                              pc_duration = {$duration},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  pc_sharing = " . SHARING_GLOBAL . "\n                              WHERE pc_eid = {$eid}";
                // execute our sql statement
                if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                    return false;
                // next event please
            // all done, proceed with next upgrade step if available/necessary
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.1');
        case '3.1':
        case '3.1.1':
        case '3.1.2':
        case '3.1.3':
        case '3.1.4':
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.0');
        case '3.9.0':
        case '3.9.1':
        case '3.9.2':
            // ading pcSafeMode
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcSafeMode', '0');
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.3');
        case '3.9.3':
        case '':
            // adding indexes
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$events_table} \n\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX basic_event (pc_catid,pc_aid,pc_eventDate,pc_endDate,pc_eventstatus,pc_sharing,pc_topic)";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                return false;
            // adding indexes
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$cat_table} \n\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX basic_cat (pc_catname, pc_catcolor)";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                return false;
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.4');
        case '3.9.4':
        case '3.9.5':
        case '3.9.6':
        case '3.9.7':
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.8');
        case '3.9.8':
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcSafeMode');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcNotifyAdmin', '0');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcNotifyEmail', pnConfigGetVar('adminmail'));
        case '3.9.9':
    // if we get this far - load the userapi and clear the cache
    if (!pnModAPILoad(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user')) {
        return false;
    $tpl =& new pcSmarty();
    return true;