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<center> <table border=0 width=100%><tr><td><table border=0><tr> <form method='post' name='main_empty_form'><input type='hidden' name='act'><input type='hidden' name='curdir'><input type='hidden' name='file'><input type='hidden' name='subact'></form> <?php echo "<td><b>"; post_form("Shell", array(), "", " |"); $mod_loaded = array(); foreach ($modules as $module => $name) { if (function_exists("mod_" . $module)) { echo "</b><td><b>"; post_form($name, array("act" => $module), "", " |"); $mod_loaded[] = $module; } } echo "</b><td><b>"; post_form("Toolz", array("act" => "toolz")); echo "</table><td align=right width=50%> <table style='border: 1px solid' width=100%><tr><td>"; echo "<b>Modules installed:</b> "; $first = 1; foreach ($mod_loaded as $module) { if (!$first) { echo ", "; } if ($module == $_POST['act']) { echo "<b>" . $module . "</b>"; } else { echo $module; } $first = 0; } if ($first == 1) {
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