public function pdftransactionAction() { //rupees right alignment function position($amt, $posValue) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = $posValue - 35 - $len * 4; return $pos; } $fromDate = $this->_request->getParam('date'); $branchid = $this->_request->getParam('office'); $this->view->field1 = $fromDate; $this->view->branchid = $branchid; // $fromDate = $this->_request->getParam('field1'); // $this->view->field1 = $fromDate; //date format instance $dateconvertor = new App_Model_dateConvertor(); $cfromDate = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($fromDate); $pdf = new Zend_Pdf(); $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4); $pdf->pages[] = $page; //Path $app = $this->view->baseUrl(); $word = explode('/', $app); $projname = $word[1]; // Image $image_name = "/var/www/" . $projname . "/public/images/logo.jpg"; $image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($image_name); $page->drawImage($image, 30, 770, 130, 820); $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 570, 25); //bottom horizontal $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 25, 820); //left vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 25, 570, 820); //right vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 820, 25, 820); //top horizontal $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 9); $page->drawText("Cash Scroll", 270, 780); $page->drawText("Cash Scroll", 270, 780); //set the font $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 8); $y1 = 745; $page->drawText("Credit", 50, $y1); $page->drawText("Debit", 310, $y1); $y1 = 745; $y2 = 740; $page->drawText("As of From " . $fromDate, 465, $y1); //For Top Header $text = array("", "SL No.", "Particulars", "Amount", "Total", "Particulars", "Opening Cash", "Closing Cash"); $this->view->savings = 10; $page->drawText("Date : " . date('d-m-Y'), 500, 800); //date('Y-m-d') // $page->drawText("Date : ".date('d-m-Y'),500, 800); $page->drawText($text[0], 240, 780); $page->drawText($text[0], 240, 780); $x1 = 60; $x2 = 120; $x3 = 310; $x4 = 315; $x5 = 390; $x6 = 570; $page->drawLine(50, 740, 550, 740); $page->drawLine(50, 720, 550, 720); $page->drawText($text[1], $x1, 725); $page->drawText($text[2], $x2, 725); $page->drawText($text[3], 250, 725); $page->drawText($text[1], $x4, 725); $page->drawText($text[5], $x5, 725); $page->drawText($text[3], 510, 725); $y1 = 710; $y2 = 710; $transaction = new Cashscroll_Model_Cashscroll(); $this->view->savings = 10; $this->view->savingsCredit = $transaction->totalSavingsCredit($cfromDate, $branchid); $this->view->savingsDebit = $transaction->totalSavingsDebit($cfromDate, $branchid); //Credit and Debit $savingsCredit = $transaction->totalSavingsCredit($cfromDate, $branchid); $savingsDebit = $transaction->totalSavingsDebit($cfromDate, $branchid); // Opening Cash $openingBalance = 0; $osc = $transaction->openingBalance($cfromDate, $branchid); foreach ($osc as $osc1) { $openingBalance = $osc1->openingBalance; } $this->view->openingBalance = $openingBalance; $amountCredit = "0"; $amountDebit = "0"; $i = 0; $j = 0; foreach ($savingsCredit as $savingsCredit) { $i++; $page->drawText($i, $x1, $y1); $page->drawText($savingsCredit->account_number, $x2, $y1); // $page->drawText($savingsCredit->amount_to_bank,$x3, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $savingsCredit->amount_to_bank), $x3); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $savingsCredit->amount_to_bank), $pos + 2, $y1); $amountCredit = $amountCredit + $savingsCredit->amount_to_bank; $y1 = $y1 - 15; } foreach ($savingsDebit as $savingsDebit) { $j++; $page->drawText($j, $x4, $y2); $page->drawText($savingsDebit->account_number, $x5, $y2); // $page->drawText($savingsDebit->amount_from_bank,$x6, $y2); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $savingsDebit->amount_from_bank), $x6); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $savingsDebit->amount_from_bank), $pos + 2, $y2); $amountDebit = $amountDebit + $savingsDebit->amount_from_bank; $y2 = $y2 - 15; } $page->drawLine(50, $y1, 550, $y1); //opening balnce $page->drawText($text[6], $x1, $y1 - 10); // $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $openingBalance), $x3, $y1 -10); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $openingBalance), $x3); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $openingBalance), $pos + 2, $y1 - 10); //closing Balance $page->drawText($text[7], $x4, $y1 - 10); // $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ( $sum = ($amountCredit + $openingBalance) - $amountDebit)), $x6, $y1 -10); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum = $amountCredit + $openingBalance - $amountDebit), $x6); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum = $amountCredit + $openingBalance - $amountDebit), $pos + 2, $y1 - 10); $page->drawLine(50, $y1 = $y1 - 20, 550, $y1); $page->drawLine(50, $y1 - 20, 550, $y1 - 20); $page->drawText($text[4], $x1, $y1 - 15); $page->drawText($text[4], $x1, $y1 - 15); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountCredit + $openingBalance), $x3); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountCredit + $openingBalance), $pos + 2, $y1 - 15); // $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ($amountCredit + $openingBalance)), $x3, $y1 -15); // $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ($amountCredit + $openingBalance)), $x3, $y1 -15); $page->drawText($text[4], $x4, $y1 - 15); $page->drawText($text[4], $x4, $y1 - 15); // $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountDebit + $sum), $x6, $y1 -15); // $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountDebit + $sum), $x6, $y1 -15); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountDebit + $sum), $x6); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $amountDebit + $sum), $pos + 2, $y1 - 15); // Virtual table $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(50, $y1 - 20, 50, 740); //Table left vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(300, $y1 - 20, 300, 740); //Table center vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(550, $y1 - 20, 550, 740); //table rigth vertical //$page->drawText("ಭಾವನಾ. ಕೆ. ಎಸ್ ",$x6 + 30, $y1 -15, 'UTF-8'); $pdfData = $pdf->render(); $pdf->save('/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/cashscroll.pdf'); $path = '/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/cashscroll.pdf'; chmod($path, 0777); }
<?php } ?> <p style="margin-top:10px;"> <a href="<?php echo url('user/i/' . $value['id']); ?> "><?php echo $value['firstname']; ?> </a> <br/><?php echo $value['nickname']; ?> ( <?php echo position($value['role_id']); ?> ) <br/> <?php if (role_check(1)) { ?> <?php if ($value['active'] === '1') { ?> <span class="label label-success">ยืนยันแล้ว</span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="label label-danger">ยังไม่ได้ยืนยัน</span> <?php
/** * 解析标签list */ protected function _listdata($param) { $_param = explode(' ', $param); $param = array(); foreach ($_param as $p) { $mark = strpos($p, '='); if ($p && $mark !== false) { $var = substr($p, 0, $mark); $val = substr($p, $mark + 1); if (isset($var) && $var) { $param[$var] = $val; } } } $system = $fields = $_fields = $not = $in = $or = $between = $like = array(); $dbcache = isset($param['cache']) ? (int) $param['cache'] : 0; unset($param['cache']); if (is_array($param)) { foreach ($param as $key => $val) { //参数归类 if (in_array($key, array('return', 'more', 'page', 'urlrule', 'num', 'join', 'on', 'order', 'table', 'pagesize', 'pagerule', 'action', 'tag', 'extend', 'site', 'form', 'fields'))) { $system[$key] = $val; } else { if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'NOT') { $key = substr($key, 3); $not[] = $key; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 2) == 'OR') { $key = substr($key, 2); $or[] = $key; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 2) == 'IN') { $key = substr($key, 2); $in[] = $key; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 2) == 'BW') { $key = substr($key, 2); $between[] = $key; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'LIKE') { $key = substr($key, 4); $like[] = $key; } $fields[$key] = $val; $_fields[] = $key; } } } $where = ''; //设置站点id $system['site'] = !isset($system['site']) || empty($system['site']) ? App::get_site_id() : $system['site']; //Action判断 if (isset($system['action']) && $system['action'] == 'position') { //推荐位 $data = position($system['site'], $fields['id'], isset($fields['catid']) ? $fields['catid'] : 0, isset($system['num']) ? $system['num'] : 0); if ($data) { $db = Controller::model('content'); foreach ($data as $i => $t) { if ($t['contentid']) { $row = $db->db->where('id', $t['contentid'])->get('content_' . $system['site'])->row_array(); $data[$i] = $t + $row; } } } if (isset($system['return']) && $system['return'] && $system['return'] != 't') { return array('return_' . $system['return'] => $data, 'total_' . $system['return'] => count($data)); } return array('return' => $data, 'total' => count($data)); } elseif (isset($system['action']) && $system['action'] == 'keywords') { //搜索关键字 $search = Controller::model('search'); $num = $system['num'] ? (int) $system['num'] : 5; if (isset($system['order']) && $system['order']) { $order = null; $orders = explode(',', $system['order']); foreach ($orders as $t) { list($_field, $_order) = explode('_', $t); if (in_array($_field, array('id', 'keywords', 'addtime', 'total'))) { $_orderby = isset($_order) && strtoupper($_order) == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; $order .= '`' . $_field . '` ' . $_orderby . ','; } } if (substr($order, -1) == ',') { $order = substr($order, 0, -1); } } else { $order = '`total` DESC'; } $data = $search->execute('select distinct keywords as title from ' . $search->prefix . 'search order by ' . $order . ' limit ' . $num, true, $dbcache); if (isset($system['return']) && $system['return'] && $system['return'] != 't') { return array('return_' . $system['return'] => $data, 'total_' . $system['return'] => count($data)); } return array('return' => $data, 'total' => count($data)); } elseif (isset($system['action']) && $system['action'] == 'sql') { // } elseif (isset($system['action']) && $system['action'] == 'relation') { if (isset($system['tag']) && $system['tag']) { //按关键字搜索 if (isset($fields['id']) && $fields['id']) { $where .= '`id`<>' . (int) $fields['id']; } $tags = @explode(',', $system['tag']); $kwhere = $k = NULL; foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($tag) { if (empty($k)) { $kwhere .= '`title` like "%' . $tag . '%"'; } else { $kwhere .= ' OR `title` like "%' . $tag . '%"'; } $k = 1; } } if ($kwhere) { $where .= ' AND (' . $kwhere . ')'; } unset($k, $tags, $tag, $kwhere, $system['table'], $fields['id']); } else { //手动设置的相关文章 $data = $this->relation($fields['id'], $system['num']); if (isset($system['return']) && $system['return'] && $system['return'] != 't') { return array('return_' . $system['return'] => $data, 'total_' . $system['return'] => count($data)); } return array('return' => $data, 'total' => count($data)); } } elseif (isset($system['action']) && $system['action'] == 'field') { //字段信息 $mods = get_model_data(); $mod = $mods[$fields['modelid']]; $data = array(); if ($mod['fields']) { foreach ($mod['fields']['data'] as $t) { if ($fields['name'] == $t['field']) { //加载字段配置文件 App::auto_load('fields'); $data_fields = ''; $data_fields .= '<tr id="fine_' . $t['field'] . '">'; $data_fields .= '<th>' . (isset($t['not_null']) && $t['not_null'] ? '<font color="red">*</font> ' : '') . $t['name'] . ':</th>'; $data_fields .= '<td>'; $func = 'content_' . $t['formtype']; //防止出错,把字段内容转换成数组格式 $content = array($fields['value']); $content = var_export($content, true); $field_config = var_export($t, true); if (function_exists($func)) { eval("\$data_fields .= " . $func . "(" . $t['field'] . ", " . $content . ", " . $field_config . ");"); } $data_fields .= $t['tips'] ? '<div class="onShow">' . $t['tips'] . '</div>' : ''; $data_fields .= '<span id="ck_' . $t['field'] . '"></span>'; $data_fields .= '</td>'; $data_fields .= '</tr>'; $data[0]['form'] = $data_fields; if ($t['setting']) { $c = string2array($t['setting']); if ($c['content']) { $select = explode(PHP_EOL, $c['content']); $vdata = array(); foreach ($select as $i => $c) { list($n, $v) = explode('|', $c); $vdata[trim($n)] = $v === null ? trim($n) : trim($v); } $data[0]['data'] = $vdata; } } } } } if (isset($system['return']) && $system['return'] && $system['return'] != 't') { return array('return_' . $system['return'] => $data); } return array('return' => $data); } //主表判断 if (isset($system['table']) && $system['table']) { $table = $system['table']; } elseif (isset($system['form']) && $system['form']) { $table = 'form_' . $system['site'] . '_' . $system['form']; } else { $table = 'content'; } //加载Model实例 if (strpos($table, '.') !== false) { list($plugin, $table) = explode('.', $table); $db = App::plugin_model($plugin, $table); } else { $db = Controller::model('content'); if (strpos($table, 'content') === 0) { $table .= '_' . $system['site']; } } $table = $db->prefix . $table; $db->table_name = $table; $table_join = $table_data = $table_fields = $table_join_fields = $table_data_fields = $arrchilds = null; $_table_fields = $db->get_table_fields(); $table_fields = array_intersect($_fields, $_table_fields); //status判断 if (in_array('status', $_table_fields)) { $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : ' ') . ' `' . $table . '`.`status`=1'; } if (isset($fields['catid']) && $fields['catid']) { //栏目信息 $cats = get_category_data($system['site']); $cat = $cats[$fields['catid']]; } if (isset($system['join']) && $system['join'] && $system['on']) { //JOIN联合查询 $table_join = $system['join']; //加载Model实例 if (strpos($table_join, '.') !== false) { list($plugin, $table_join) = explode('.', $table_join); $db_join = App::plugin_model($plugin, $table_join); } else { $db_join = Controller::model($table_join); } $_table_join_fields = $db_join->get_table_fields(); $table_join_fields = array_intersect($_fields, $_table_join_fields); foreach ($table_join_fields as $k => $c) { if (in_array($c, $table_fields)) { unset($table_join_fields[$k]); } } $table_join = $db->prefix . $table_join; } if (isset($system['more']) && $system['more']) { //附表 $model = null; if ($table == $db->prefix . 'content_' . $system['site']) { $models = get_model_data('content', $system['site']); if (isset($fields['catid']) && $fields['catid'] && isset($cat) && $cat) { $model = $models[$cat['modelid']]; } elseif (isset($fields['modelid']) && $fields['modelid']) { $model = $models[$fields['modelid']]; } } elseif ($table == $db->prefix . 'member' && isset($fields['modelid']) && $fields['modelid']) { $cache = new cache_file(); $models = $cache->get('model_member'); $model = $models[$fields['modelid']]; } if ($model) { $table_data = $model['tablename']; $db_data = Controller::model($table_data); $_table_data_fields = $db_data->get_table_fields(); $table_data_fields = array_intersect($_fields, $_table_data_fields); foreach ($table_data_fields as $k => $c) { if (in_array($c, $table_fields)) { unset($table_data_fields[$k]); } } $table_data = $db->prefix . $table_data; } } //WHERE整合 $fieldsAll = array($table => $table_fields, $table_join => $table_join_fields, $table_data => $table_data_fields); foreach ($fieldsAll as $_table => $t) { if (is_array($t)) { foreach ($t as $f) { if ($fields[$f] == '') { continue; } $and_or = in_array($f, $or) ? 'OR' : 'AND'; //栏目条件根据子栏目来做为条件 if ($f == 'catid' && isset($fields['catid']) && $fields['catid']) { if (isset($cat) && $cat && $cat['child']) { $arrchilds = $cat['arrchilds']; $not_in = in_array($f, $not) ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN'; $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`catid` ' . $not_in . ' (' . $arrchilds . ')'; } elseif (strpos($fields['catid'], ',') !== false) { $not_in = in_array($f, $not) ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN'; $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`catid` ' . $not_in . ' (' . $fields['catid'] . ')'; } else { $not_in = in_array($f, $not) ? '<>' : '='; $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`catid`' . $not_in . $fields['catid']; } } elseif ($f == 'thumb' && isset($fields['thumb']) && is_numeric($fields['thumb'])) { $where .= $fields['thumb'] ? ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`thumb`<>""' : ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`thumb`=""'; } else { $not_in = in_array($f, $in) ? 'IN' : ''; $not_in = in_array($f, $not) ? 'NOT IN' : $not_in; if (in_array($f, $between)) { if (strpos($fields[$f], '_') !== false) { list($v1, $v2) = explode('_', $fields[$f]); $v1 = is_numeric($v1) ? $v1 : '"' . addslashes($v1) . '"'; $v2 = is_numeric($v2) ? $v2 : '"' . addslashes($v2) . '"'; $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`' . $f . '` BETWEEN ' . $v1 . ' AND ' . $v2; } elseif (strpos($fields[$f], ',') !== false) { list($v1, $v2) = explode(',', $fields[$f]); $v1 = is_numeric($v1) ? $v1 : '"' . addslashes($v1) . '"'; $v2 = is_numeric($v2) ? $v2 : '"' . addslashes($v2) . '"'; $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`' . $f . '` BETWEEN ' . $v1 . ' AND ' . $v2; } else { continue; } } elseif ($not_in) { $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`' . $f . '` ' . $not_in . ' (' . $fields[$f] . ')'; } elseif (in_array($f, $like)) { $value = addslashes($fields[$f]); $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`' . $f . '` LIKE "' . $value . '"'; } else { $value = is_numeric($fields[$f]) ? $fields[$f] : '"' . addslashes($fields[$f]) . '"'; $where .= ' ' . $and_or . ' `' . $_table . '`.`' . $f . '`=' . $value . ''; } } } } } if ($where) { if (substr($where, 0, 4) == ' AND') { $where = ' WHERE' . substr($where, 4); } elseif (substr($where, 0, 3) == ' OR') { $where = ' WHERE' . substr($where, 3); } else { $where = ' WHERE' . $where; } //对WHERE延展 if (isset($system['extend']) && substr($system['extend'], 0, 6) == 'WHERE.') { $where .= ' ' . str_replace('-', ' ', substr($system['extend'], 6)); unset($system['extend']); } } //延展list $extend = ''; if (isset($system['extend']) && $system['extend']) { $extend = ' ' . str_replace('-', ' ', $system['extend']); } //FROM整合 $from = 'FROM ' . $table; if ($table_data) { $from .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $table_data . ' ON `' . $table . '`.`' . $db->get_primary_key() . '`=`' . $table_data . '`.`' . $db_data->get_primary_key() . '`'; } if ($table_join && $system['on']) { $_join_name = null; if (in_array($system['on'], $_table_fields)) { $_join_name = $table; } elseif (isset($_table_data_fields) && in_array($system['on'], $_table_data_fields)) { $_join_name = $table_data; } if ($_join_name) { $from .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $table_join . ' ON `' . $table_join . '`.`' . $db_join->get_primary_key() . '`=`' . $_join_name . '`.`' . $system['on'] . '`'; } } //ORDER排序 $order = ''; if (isset($system['order']) && $system['order']) { if (strtoupper($system['order']) == 'RAND()') { $order .= ' ORDER BY RAND()'; } else { $orders = explode(',', $system['order']); foreach ($orders as $t) { list($_field, $_order) = explode('_', $t); $_name = null; if (in_array($_field, $_table_fields)) { $_name = $table; } elseif (isset($_table_data_fields) && in_array($_field, $_table_data_fields)) { $_name = $table_data; } elseif (isset($_table_join_fields) && in_array($_field, $_table_join_fields)) { $_name = $table_join; } $_orderby = isset($_order) && strtoupper($_order) == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; if ($_name) { $order .= ' `' . $_name . '`.`' . $_field . '` ' . $_orderby . ','; } } if (substr($order, -1) == ',') { $order = ' ORDER BY' . substr($order, 0, -1); } } } //limit与分页 $limit = ''; if (isset($system['num']) && $system['num']) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $system['num']; } elseif (isset($system['page'])) { $pageurl = ''; $system['page'] = (int) $system['page'] ? (int) $system['page'] : 1; if ($system['urlrule']) { $pageurl = str_replace(array('_page_', '[page]'), '{page}', $system['urlrule']); $pagesize = $system['pagesize'] ? $system['pagesize'] : (isset($cat['pagesize']) ? $cat['pagesize'] : 10); } elseif ($cat) { $pageurl = getCaturl($cat, '{page}'); $pagesize = $system['pagesize'] ? $system['pagesize'] : $cat['pagesize']; } else { $pagesize = $system['pagesize'] ? $system['pagesize'] : 10; $pageurl = '{page}'; } $sql = 'SELECT count(*) AS total ' . $from . ' ' . $where; $count = $db->execute($sql, false, $dbcache); $total = $count['total']; $pagelist = Controller::instance('pagelist'); $pagelist->loadconfig($system['pagerule'] ? $system['pagerule'] : 'pagerule'); $start_id = $pagesize * ($system['page'] - 1); $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $start_id . ',' . $pagesize; $pagelist = $pagelist->total($total)->url($pageurl)->num($pagesize)->page($system['page'])->output(); } //查询字段筛选 if (isset($system['fields']) && $system['fields']) { $fields_array = explode(',', $system['fields']); //字段参数转为数组 $select_array = array(); foreach ($fields_array as $t) { //遍历字段参数数组,筛选无用字段、字段附加表前缀 if (in_array($t, $_table_fields)) { //主表字段 $select_array[] = '`' . $table . '`.`' . $t . '`'; } elseif (isset($_table_data_fields) && in_array($t, $_table_data_fields)) { //附表字段 $select_array[] = '`' . $table_data . '`.`' . $t . '`'; } elseif (isset($_table_join_fields) && in_array($t, $_table_join_fields)) { //联合表字段 $select_array[] = '`' . $table_join . '`.`' . $t . '`'; } } $select_field = empty($select_array) ? ' * ' : ' ' . implode(',', $select_array) . ' '; //组合成sql查询格式 unset($select_array, $fields_array); } else { $select_field = ' * '; } //查询结果 $sql = 'SELECT' . $select_field . $from . $where . $order . $limit . $extend; $data = $db->execute($sql, true, $dbcache); //释放变量 unset($_param, $param, $par, $p, $fields, $_fields, $not, $in, $or, $between, $dbcache, $like); unset($table, $db, $table_join, $table_data, $table_fields, $table_join_fields, $table_data_fields, $arrchilds, $_table_fields); unset($fieldsAll, $_table_data_fields, $cache, $db_join, $cats, $cat, $models, $model, $db_data, $where, $order, $from); if (isset($system['return']) && $system['return'] && $system['return'] != 't') { return array('sql_' . $system['return'] => $sql, 'total_' . $system['return'] => isset($total) ? $total : count($data), 'return_' . $system['return'] => $data, 'pagelist_' . $system['return'] => $pagelist); } return array('pagelist' => $pagelist, 'return' => $data, 'sql' => $sql, 'total' => isset($total) ? $total : count($data)); }
//0; $start_col = $ui_start_index_2d['col']; //0; $goal_row = $ui_goal_index_2d['row']; //4; $goal_col = $ui_goal_index_2d['col']; //5; $max_row = $ui_num_row - 1; $max_col = $ui_num_col - 1; $b_find_path = runAstar($grid_1, $start_row, $start_col, $goal_row, $goal_col, $max_row, $max_col); $start_node = $grid_1->nodes[$start_row][$start_col]; $goal_node = $grid_1->nodes[$goal_row][$goal_col]; $last_node = null; $raw_path = array(); if ($b_find_path) { $raw_path = findReversePath($start_node, $goal_node, $last_node); $raw_path = array_reverse($raw_path); } $path = array(); foreach ($raw_path as $node) { $row = $node->row; $col = $node->col; $path[] = position($row, $col); } //$path = [position(0, 0), // position(0, 1), // position(1, 1)]; $output = array('path' => $path); //$post_data = json_encode(array('like_votes' => $audio_file['like_votes'], 'dislike_votes' => $audio_file['dislike_votes'])); $post_data = json_encode($output); echo $post_data;
/* vypis pouzite abecedy - standardne znaky a-z */ //echo "Abeceda: ", $alphabet . "<br/><br/>"; $result = ""; $result_numbers = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) { /* projedeme cely retezec */ if ($encode) { /* kodujeme */ $new_position = encode($input[$i], $cipher[$i], $alphabet); /* ziskame novou pozici */ } else { /* dekodujeme */ $new_position = decode($input[$i], $cipher[$i], $alphabet); /* ziskame novou pozici */ } $char = position($new_position, $alphabet); /* pozice noveho znaku */ $result .= $char; $result_numbers .= $new_position . " "; /* pro zajimavost si ukladam i cisla, jak to bylo v augustove verzi */ } if (!$encode) { /* pokud dekodujeme, musime zase nahradit znaky z abecedy */ $result = reverseReplaceChars($result, $inputChars); } /* vypíšeme si výsledek */ //print_r($result); } ?> <header> <h1>Augustova šifra</h1>
<tr> <th align="center" colspan="25"> <b>Karte Sektor ' . ($map['end'] / 500 - 1) . ':</b> (stand: ' . date('H:i') . ' update: %update%' . ') </th> </tr>'; //date('H:i',(date('U')+14400)). $select = "SELECT * FROM `clans` WHERE `userid` = '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "' LIMIT 1;"; $result = mysql_query($select); $myclan = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($myclan == 0) { $myclan = 'keiner'; } do { $map['start']++; $col++; $to_position = position($map['start']); $own_pos = $own_position['x'] + ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20); $to_pos = $to_position['x'] + ($to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20); if ($own_position['x'] > $to_position['x']) { $entfernung = $own_position['x'] - $to_position['x']; } else { $entfernung = $to_position['x'] - $own_position['x']; } if ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20 > $to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20) { $entfernung += $own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20 - ($to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20); } else { $entfernung += $to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20 - ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20); } $select = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE 1 AND `omni` =" . $map['start'] . ";"; $result = mysql_query($select); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
<li><span style="font-weight: bold">Selected Clients:</span> Hostirian, Systematic Revenue, Venture Draft, St. Louis Arch Angels.</li> </ul>', ""); position("Washington University Student Investment Fund", "St. Louis, MO", "Communication Chair", "1/10-6/12", ' <ul> <li>Managed the investment of over $100,000 of the university endowment via qualitative, multiples, and DCF analysis, resulting in growth exceeding S&P 500 Midcap Index on invested funds.</li> <li>Competed nationally in investment competitions, and was a Finalist in the Spring 2011 <a href="" target="_BLANK">Michigan Interactive Investments Competition</a>.</li> <li><span style="font-style:italic;">Previous Positions:</span> Technology Portfolio Manager (2010), Webmaster (2010-2011), Healthcare Analyst (2010).</li> </ul>', ""); position("Washington University in St. Louis Department of Computer Science", "St. Louis, MO", "Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Computing Tools: MATLAB", "1/11-6/11", "", ""); position("Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis", "St. Louis, MO", "Research Assistant, Dr. Jennifer Lodge Laboratory", "9/09-1/12", ' <ul> <li>Studied pathogenic fungus <a href="" target="_BLANK"><span style="font-style:italic;">Cryptococcus neoformans</span></a> with in vitro, in vivo, and computational techniques.</li> <li>Selected Project Experience: <ul> <li>Bioinformatics – Designed, developed, and implemented a scalable <span style="font-style:italic;">C. neoformans</span> Strain Database for collaborative use in the scientific community. </li> <li>Gene research – Studied stress sensors involved with nitrositive stress.</li> <li>Animal testing – Analyzed strain virulence with <span style="font-style"italic;">in vitro</span> studies in mice.</li> <ul> </li> </ul>', ""); ?> </section> <section id="technical"> <div class="row"> <div class="page-header">
</a> <?php } elseif (front::get('case') == 'mailsubscription') { ?> <a href="#" title="<?php echo lang(mailsubscription); ?> "><?php echo lang(mailsubscription); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <?php foreach (position($catid) as $t) { ?> <a title="<?php echo $t['name']; ?> " href="<?php echo $t['url']; ?> "><?php echo $t['name']; ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php
function pdftransactionAction() { $pdf = new Zend_Pdf(); $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4); $pdf->pages[] = $page; // Image $app = $this->view->baseUrl(); $word = explode('/', $app); $projname = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($word); $i++) { if ($i > 0 && $i < count($word) - 1) { $projname .= '/' . $word[$i]; } } // Image $image_name = "/var/www" . $projname . 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$this->view->result = $result; $depositAmount = 0; $deposit = 0; $withdrawlAmount = 0; $withdrawl = 0; $totalamount = 0; $sum = 0; foreach ($result as $result) { $page->drawText($result['productname'], $x1, $y1); $page->drawText($result['prodoffername'], $x2, $y1); $page->drawText($result['countvalue'], $x3, $y1); $y1 -= 15; $accountBalanc = $savingsummary->accountBalanceDetails($office_id); $this->view->accountBalanc = $accountBalanc; foreach ($accountBalanc as $accountBalanc) { if ($result['id'] == $accountBalanc['offerprodid']) { if ($accountBalanc['transactiontype_id'] == 1) { $depositAmount = $depositAmount + $accountBalanc['amount_to_bank']; $deposit = $deposit + $accountBalanc['amount_to_bank']; } if ($accountBalanc['transactiontype_id'] == 2) { $withdrawlAmount = $withdrawlAmount + $accountBalanc['amount_from_bank']; $withdrawl = $withdrawl + $accountBalanc['amount_from_bank']; } $totalamount = $depositAmount - $withdrawlAmount; $sum = $deposit - $withdrawl; } } if ($totalamount) { $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalamount)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalamount), $pos, $y1); $y1 -= 18; $totalamount = 0; $withdrawlAmount = 0; $depositAmount = 0; } else { echo "***"; } } $page->drawLine($xx, $y1, $xy, $y1); $y1 -= 18; $page->drawText("Total", $x3, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum), $pos, $y1); $y1 -= 10; $page->drawLine($xx, $y1, $xy, $y1); $page->drawLine($xx, $y1, $xx, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($x2 - 8, $y1, $x2 - 8, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($x3 - 10, $y1, $x3 - 10, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($x4 - 10, $y1, $x4 - 10, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($xy, $y1, $xy, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line //echo "<pre>";print_r($accountBalanc);echo "<pre>"; if (!$result && !$accountBalanc) { echo "<font color='RED' size = '3'>No Savings Account</font>"; } } else { // $office_id = $this->_request->getParam('field1'); $savingsummary = new Depositsummary_Model_Depositsummary(); $result = $savingsummary->SavingsDetails(); $this->view->result = $result; $accountBalanc = $savingsummary->accountBalance(); $this->view->accountBalanc = $accountBalanc; $depositAmount = 0; $deposit = 0; $withdrawlAmount = 0; $withdrawl = 0; $totalamount = 0; $sum = 0; foreach ($result as $result) { $page->drawText($result['productname'], $x1, $y1); $page->drawText($result['prodoffername'], $x2, $y1); $page->drawText($result['countvalue'], $x3, $y1); $accountBalanc = $savingsummary->accountBalance(); $this->view->accountBalanc = $accountBalanc; foreach ($accountBalanc as $accountBalanc) { if ($result['id'] == $accountBalanc['offerprodid']) { if ($accountBalanc['transactiontype_id'] == 1) { $depositAmount = $depositAmount + $accountBalanc['amount_to_bank']; $deposit = $deposit + $accountBalanc['amount_to_bank']; } if ($accountBalanc['transactiontype_id'] == 2) { $withdrawlAmount = $withdrawlAmount + $accountBalanc['amount_from_bank']; $withdrawl = $withdrawl + $accountBalanc['amount_from_bank']; } $totalamount = $depositAmount - $withdrawlAmount; $sum = $deposit - $withdrawl; } } if ($totalamount) { $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalamount)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalamount), $pos, $y1); $y1 -= 18; $totalamount = 0; $withdrawlAmount = 0; $depositAmount = 0; } else { echo "***"; } } $page->drawLine($xx, $y1, $xy, $y1); $y1 = 18; $page->drawText("Total", $x3, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $sum), $pos, $y1); $y1 = 15; $page->drawLine($xx, $y1, $xy, $y1); $page->drawLine($xx, $y1, $xx, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($x2 - 8, $y1, $x2 - 8, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($x3 - 10, $y1, $x3 - 10, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($x4 - 10, $y1, $x4 - 10, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line $page->drawLine($xy, $y1, $xy, $startlinepoint); //1st vertical line if (!$result && !$accountBalanc) { echo "<font color='RED' size = '3'>No Savings Account</font>"; } } // $y1-=15; $pdfData = $pdf->render(); $pdf->save('/var/www' . $projname . '/reports/depositsummaryreport.pdf'); $path = '/var/www' . $projname . '/reports/depositsummaryreport.pdf'; chmod($path, 0777); $this->_redirect('depositsummary/index'); }
function pdftransactionAction() { $pdf = new Zend_Pdf(); //create a new page $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4); $pdf->pages[] = $page; $app = $this->view->baseUrl(); $word = explode('/', $app); $projname = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($word); $i++) { if ($i > 0 && $i < count($word) - 1) { $projname .= '/' . $word[$i]; } } // Image $image_name = "/var/www" . $app . "/images/logo.jpg"; $image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($image_name); $page->drawImage($image, 30, 770, 130, 820); $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 570, 25); //bottom horizontal $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 25, 820); //left vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 25, 570, 820); //right vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 820, 25, 820); //top horizontal //set the font $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 12); echo $title = $this->_request->getParam('pagetitle'); $len = strlen($title); $pos = 550 - $len * 7; $page->drawText($title, $pos, 760); $z1 = 50; $z2 = 550; $y1 = 740; $y2 = 740; $x = array(60, 92, 180, 240, 340, 400, 460); $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 10); //Amount Formatting function position($spaceFlag, $amt) { if ($spaceFlag == 0) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = 300 - $len * 5; return $pos; } if ($spaceFlag == 1) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = 230 - $len * 5; return $pos; } } function position1($spaceFlag1, $amt) { if ($spaceFlag1 == 0) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = 370 - $len * 5; return $pos; } if ($spaceFlag1 == 1) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = 300 - $len * 5; return $pos; } } function balPosi($spaceFlag, $amt) { if ($spaceFlag == 0) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = 450 - $len * 5; return $pos; } if ($spaceFlag == 1) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = 370 - $len * 5; return $pos; } } echo $accountnumber = $this->view->accno = $this->_request->getParam('accno'); echo $fromdate = $this->view->fromdate = $this->_request->getParam('fromdate'); echo $todate = $this->view->todate = $this->_request->getParam('todate'); $transaction = new Savingsledger_Model_Savingsledger(); if ($accountnumber != '') { $accountDetails = $transaction->getAccountDetails($accountnumber); $balance = $transaction->balance($accountnumber); foreach ($accountDetails as $arraytran2) { $page->drawText("Name ", 50, $y1); $page->drawText(": " . $arraytran2['membername'], 120, $y1); $y1 -= 15; $page->drawText("ID ", 50, $y1); $page->drawText(": " . $arraytran2['membercode'], 120, $y1); $y1 -= 15; $page->drawText("Office name ", 50, $y1); $page->drawText(": " . $arraytran2['office_name'], 120, $y1); $y1 -= 15; $page->drawText("Product name ", 300, $y2); $page->drawText(": " . $arraytran2['offername'], 390, $y2); $y2 -= 15; $page->drawText("Account no. ", 300, $y2); $page->drawText(": " . $arraytran2['account_number'], 390, $y2); $y2 -= 15; //$account_number = $arraytran2->account_number; foreach ($balance as $balanc) { $page->drawText("Balance ", 300, $y2); $page->drawText(": " . $balanc['bal'], 390, $y2); $y2 -= 15; } } } $startlinepoint = $y1; $page->drawLine($z1, $y1, $z2, $y1); $text = array("V No.", "A/c number", "Tran date", "Credit(Rs)", "Debit(Rs)", "Balance(Rs)", "Description", "Total(Rs)"); $y1 -= 15; $i = 0; $j = 0; $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; $acFlag = 0; if ($accountnumber == '') { $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; $acFlag = 1; } else { $i += 1; } $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j] + 10, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; if ($acFlag == 1) { $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; } if ($acFlag == 0) { $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j] + 20, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; } $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$j], $y1); $y1 -= 10; $page->drawLine($z1, $y1, $z2, $y1); $y1 -= 15; $transactionDetails = $transaction->fetchTransactionDetails($accountnumber, $fromdate, $todate); foreach ($transactionDetails as $transactionDetails1) { if ($y1 > 30) { $i = 0; $j = 0; $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->Transactionid, $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; if ($accountnumber == '') { $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->account_number, $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $spaceFlag = 0; $spaceFlag1 = 0; } else { $spaceFlag = 1; $spaceFlag1 = 1; } $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->transaction_date, $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; //Position for Amount Formatting....... if ($transactionDetails1->transactiontype_id == 1) { $pos = position($spaceFlag, sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->amount_to_bank)); $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->amount_to_bank, $pos, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; if ($spaceFlag == 0) { $page->drawText("------", $x[$j], $y1); } else { $page->drawText("------", $x[$j] + 30, $y1); } $j += 1; $i += 1; } if ($transactionDetails1->transactiontype_id == 2) { $page->drawText("------", $x[$j] + 30, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; $pos1 = position1($spaceFlag1, sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->amount_from_bank)); $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->amount_from_bank, $pos1, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; } $pos = balPosi($spaceFlag, sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->balance)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->balance), $pos, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; // $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->balance,$x[$j], $y1);$j+=1;$i+=1; $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->description, $x[$j], $y1); $y1 -= 15; } else { $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4); $pdf->pages[] = $page; $app = $this->view->baseUrl(); $word = explode('/', $app); $projname = $word[1]; // Image $image_name = "/var/www/" . $projname . "/public/images/logo.jpg"; $image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($image_name); $page->drawImage($image, 30, 770, 130, 820); $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 570, 25); //bottom horizontal $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 25, 820); //left vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 25, 570, 820); //right vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 820, 25, 820); //top horizontal //set the font $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 10); $z1 = 50; $z2 = 550; $y1 = 740; $y2 = 740; $x = array(60, 92, 180, 240, 340, 400, 460); $i = 0; $j = 0; $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->Transactionid, $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; if ($accountnumber == '') { $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->account_number, $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $spaceFlag = 0; $spaceFlag1 = 0; } else { $spaceFlag = 1; $spaceFlag1 = 1; } $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->transaction_date, $x[$j], $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; //Position for Amount Formatting....... if ($transactionDetails1->transactiontype_id == 1) { $pos = position($spaceFlag, sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->amount_to_bank)); $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->amount_to_bank, $pos, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; if ($spaceFlag == 0) { $page->drawText("------", $x[$j], $y1); } else { $page->drawText("------", $x[$j] + 30, $y1); } $j += 1; $i += 1; } if ($transactionDetails1->transactiontype_id == 2) { $page->drawText("------", $x[$j] + 30, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; $pos1 = position1($spaceFlag1, sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->amount_from_bank)); $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->amount_from_bank, $pos1, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; } $pos = balPosi($spaceFlag, sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->balance)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $transactionDetails1->balance), $pos, $y1); $j += 1; $i += 1; // $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->balance,$x[$j], $y1);$j+=1;$i+=1; $page->drawText($transactionDetails1->description, $x[$j], $y1); $y1 -= 15; } } $creditTotal = 0; $debitTotal = 0; foreach ($transactionDetails as $calc) { if ($calc['transactiontype_id'] == 1) { $creditTotal += $calc['amount_to_bank']; } else { $debitTotal += $calc['amount_from_bank']; } } if ($spaceFlag == 0) { $page->drawText($text[7], $x[2], $y1); } if ($spaceFlag == 1) { $page->drawText($text[7], $x[1], $y1); } $pos = position($spaceFlag, sprintf("%4.2f", $creditTotal)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $creditTotal), $pos, $y1); // $page->drawText($creditTotal,$x[3], $y1); $pos1 = position1($spaceFlag1, sprintf("%4.2f", $debitTotal)); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $debitTotal), $pos1, $y1); $y1 -= 15; // $page->drawText($debitTotal,$x[4], $y1);$y1-=15; $page->drawLine($z1, $y1, $z2, $y1); $page->drawLine($z1, $y1, $z1, $startlinepoint); $page->drawLine($z2, $y1, $z2, $startlinepoint); $pdfData = $pdf->render(); $pdf->save('/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/savingsledger.pdf'); $path = '/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/savingsledger.pdf'; chmod($path, 0777); $this->_redirect('/savingsledger/index/viewtransaction/acc/' . $accountnumber . '/datefrom/' . $fromdate . '/dateto/' . $todate); }
public function pdfmeetingAction() { //rupees right alignment function position($amt, $posValue) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = $posValue - 35 - $len * 4; return $pos; } //view details on pdf page $meeting_id = $this->_request->getParam('meeting_name'); $meetingno = $this->_request->getParam('meetingno'); $this->view->field1 = $meetingno; $this->view->branchid = $meeting_id; //for meeting details $meetingbook = new Meetingbookreport_Model_Meetingbook(); // $this->view->fetchgroupid=$groupid1=$meetingbook->fetchgroupid($meeting_id); // $groupid= $groupid1[0]['group_id']; $this->view->meeting = $ff = $meetingbook->fetchmeeting($meeting_id); //echo '<pre>';print_r($ff); //fetch member details $this->view->members = $aa = $meetingbook->fetchMembers($meeting_id); //echo '<pre>';print_r($aa); //fetch attendance details $this->view->attendance = $meetingbook->fetchattendance($meeting_id, $meetingno); //fetch loan officer $loanofficer = $meetingbook->fetchloanofficer($meeting_id); if ($loanofficer) { $this->view->loanofficer = $loanofficer[0]['loanofficer']; } //$cfromDate = $dateconvertor->mysqlformat($fromDate); $pdf = new Zend_Pdf(); $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4); $pdf->pages[] = $page; //Path $app = $this->view->baseUrl(); $word = explode('/', $app); $projname = $word[1]; // Image $image_name = "/var/www/" . $projname . "/public/images/logo.jpg"; $image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($image_name); $page->drawImage($image, 30, 770, 130, 820); $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 570, 25); //bottom horizontal $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 25, 820); //left vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 25, 570, 820); //right vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(570, 820, 25, 820); //top horizontal //set the font $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 8); $text = array(); $this->view->savings = 10; $page->drawText("Date : " . date('d/m/Y'), 500, 800); //date('Y-m-d') $page->drawText("Meeting Book", 270, 770); $page->drawText("Meeting Book", 270, 770); $x1 = 50; $x2 = 320; $y1 = 725; $y2 = 710; $page->drawText("Meeting Information", $x1, $y1); $page->drawText("Meeting Information", $x1, $y1); //fetching meeting details if ($this->view->meeting) { $count = count($this->view->meeting); foreach ($this->view->meeting as $meeting) { } $page->drawText("Group name: " . $meeting['groupname'], $x1, $y1 = $y1 - 20); $page->drawText("Week Day: " . $meeting['weekday'], $x2, $y1); $page->drawText("Group head: " . $meeting['grouphead_name'], $x1, $y1 = $y1 - 15); $page->drawText("Time: " . $meeting['time'], $x2, $y1); $page->drawText("Number of members: " . $count, $x1, $y1 = $y1 - 15); $page->drawText("Place: " . $meeting['place'], $x2, $y1); $page->drawText("Loan Officer: " . $this->view->loanofficer, $x1, $y1 = $y1 - 15); } // $this->view->savings = 10; $y1 = $y1 - 30; $page->drawText("Attendance Information", $x1, $y1); $page->drawText("Attendance Information", $x1, $y1); //fetching attendance details foreach ($this->view->attendance as $attendance) { } $page->drawText("Meeting name: " . $attendance['meetingname'], $x1, $y1 = $y1 - 20); $page->drawText("Held on: " . $this->view->dateconvertor->phpnormalformat($attendance['meeting_date']), $x2, $y1); $page->drawText("Meeting Number: " . $attendance['week_no'], $x1, $y1 = $y1 - 15); $page->drawText("Time: " . $attendance['time'], $x2, $y1); $y1 = $y1 - 30; $page->drawText("Member Details", $x1, $y1); $page->drawText("Member Details", $x1, $y1); $y1 = $y1 - 15; $page->drawLine(50, $y1, 550, $y1); //table top line $y3 = $y1; // assign for left and right lines $y1 = $y1 - 15; $page->drawText("Sl", 55, $y1); $page->drawText("Members", 70, $y1); $page->drawText("UID", 180, $y1); $page->drawText("Attn.", 240, $y1); $page->drawText("Late", 265, $y1); $page->drawText("Absent", 290, $y1); $page->drawText("Balance", 340, $y1); $page->drawText("Pay", 395, $y1); $page->drawText("Outstanding", 420, $y1); $page->drawText("Due", 480, $y1); $page->drawText("Total", 525, $y1); // $page->drawLine(50, $y1 = $y1 - 20, 550, $y1); //dynamic bottom line - member details table $page->drawLine(50, $y1 - 10, 550, $y1 = $y1 - 10); $no = 1; $Topay = 0; $currentbalance1 = 0; $currentbalance2 = 0; $currentbalance3 = 0; $loandue1 = 0; $loandue2 = 0; $currentpay = 0; $totallatefee = 0; $totalabsentfee = 0; $total1 = 0; $total = 0; $currentbalance = new Meetingbookreport_Model_Meetingbook(); $x3 = 315; $x4 = 345; $x5 = 400; $x6 = 445; $x7 = 495; $x8 = 530; $x9 = 575; foreach ($this->view->members as $members) { $memberid = $members['memberid']; $total = 0; $y1 = $y1 - 15; $page->drawText($no, 55, $y1); $page->drawText($members['membername'], 70, $y1); $page->drawText($members['uid'], 180, $y1); //$members['uid'] $memberabsent = $currentbalance->memberabsent($memberid, $attendance['id']); $memberlate = $currentbalance->memberlate($memberid, $attendance['id']); if ($memberabsent) { $absente = 'A'; } else { if ($memberlate) { $absente = 'L'; } else { $absente = 'P'; } } $page->drawText($absente, 245, $y1); if ($memberlate) { $totallatefee += $latefee = $members['penalty_latecoming']; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $latefee), $x3); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $latefee), $pos + 2, $y1); } else { $latefee = 0; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", ''), $x3); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ''), $pos + 2, $y1); } if ($memberabsent) { $totalabsentfee += $absentfee = $members['penalty_notcoming']; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $absentfee), $x4); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $absentfee), $pos + 2, $y1); } else { $absentfee = 0; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", ''), $x4); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ''), $pos + 2, $y1); } $creditbalance = $currentbalance->creditbalance($memberid); $debitbalance = $currentbalance->debitbalance($memberid); if ($creditbalance) { if ($debitbalance) { $debitbalance1 = $debitbalance; } else { $debitbalance1 = 0; } $currentbalance1 = $creditbalance[0]['currentbalance'] - $debitbalance1[0]['currentbalance']; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $currentbalance1), $x5); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $currentbalance1), $pos + 2, $y1); } else { $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", ''), $x5); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", ''), $pos + 2, $y1); } $currentbalance2 += $currentbalance1; $perweek = $members['saving_perweek']; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $members['saving_perweek']), $x6); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $members['saving_perweek']), $pos + 2, $y1); $loanoutstanding = $currentbalance->loanoutstanding($memberid); if ($loanoutstanding) { $loanoutstanding1 = $loanoutstanding[0]['outstanding']; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $loanoutstanding[0]['outstanding']), $x7); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $loanoutstanding[0]['outstanding']), $pos + 2, $y1); } $currentbalance3 += $loanoutstanding1; $loandue = $currentbalance->loandue($memberid); if ($loandue) { $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $loandue[0]['outstanding']), $x8); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $loandue[0]['outstanding']), $pos + 2, $y1); $loandue1 = $loandue[0]['outstanding']; } $loandue2 += $loandue1; $total = $latefee + $absentfee + $currentbalance1 + $loandue1; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total), $x9); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total), $pos + 2, $y1); $page->drawLine(50, $y1 - 10, 550, $y1 = $y1 - 10); $no++; $Topay += $members['saving_perweek']; $total1 += $total; } $y1 = $y1 - 15; $page->drawText("Total", 180, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $totallatefee), $x3); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totallatefee), $pos + 2, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalabsentfee), $x4); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $totalabsentfee), $pos + 2, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $currentbalance2), $x5); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $currentbalance2), $pos + 2, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $Topay), $x6); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $Topay), $pos + 2, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $currentbalance3), $x7); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $currentbalance3), $pos + 2, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $loandue2), $x8); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $loandue2), $pos + 2, $y1); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total1), $x9); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total1), $pos + 2, $y1); $page->drawLine(50, $y1 - 10, 550, $y1 = $y1 - 10); // Virtual table $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(50, $y1, 50, $y3); //Table left vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(550, $y1, 550, $y3); //table rigth vertical $pdfData = $pdf->render(); $pdf->save('/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/meetingbook.pdf'); $path = '/var/www/' . $projname . '/reports/meetingbook.pdf'; chmod($path, 0777); }
} $_GET[id] = htmlspecialchars($_GET[id]); // html head setzen $content = head("Uebersicht"); // spielerstatus ausgeben $content .= '<center>' . spielerstatus() . '</center>'; $content .= '<br />'; $dbh = db_connect(); //if ($_GET[id]) { $select = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `omni` = '" . htmlspecialchars($_GET[id]) . "' ;"; $selectResult = mysql_query($select, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_array($selectResult, MYSQL_ASSOC); if (!$row[name]) { $row[name] = "unbewohnt (Taliban-Area)"; } $to_position = position($_GET[id]); $own_pos = $own_position[x] + ($own_position[y] + $own_position[z] * 500); $to_pos = $to_position[x] + ($to_position[y] + $to_position[z] * 20); if ($own_pos == $to_pos and $own_position[y] != $to_position[y]) { $entfernung = 2; } elseif ($own_pos >= $to_pos) { $entfernung = $own_pos - $to_pos; } elseif ($own_pos <= $to_pos) { $entfernung = $to_pos - $own_pos; } if (!$row[base]) { $row[base] = 'unbekannt'; } if (!$row[clan]) { $row[clan] = '-'; }
//////////////////////////////////// if ($time['karte'] < date('U') - 3600) { $karte .= '<br />'; $karte .= ' <script language="javascript"> <!-- var session = "' . session_name() . '=' . session_id() . '"; --> </script> <script language="javascript" src="karte.js"></script>'; $select = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `omni` = '" . htmlspecialchars($_GET[id]) . "' ;"; $selectResult = mysql_query($select); $row = mysql_fetch_array($selectResult); if (!$row['name']) { $row['name'] = "unbewohnt (Taliban-Area)"; } $to_position = position($_GET['id']); $own_pos = $own_position['x'] + ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 500); $to_pos = $to_position['x'] + ($to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20); if ($own_pos == $to_pos and $own_position['y'] != $to_position['y']) { $entfernung = 2; } elseif ($own_pos >= $to_pos) { $entfernung = $own_pos - $to_pos; } elseif ($own_pos <= $to_pos) { $entfernung = $to_pos - $own_pos; } if (!$row['base']) { $row['base'] = 'unbekannt'; } if (!$row['clan']) { $row['clan'] = '-'; }
public function pdftransactionAction() { $pdf = new Zend_Pdf(); $page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4_LANDSCAPE); $pdf->pages[] = $page; //Path $app = $this->view->baseUrl(); $word = explode('/', $app); $projname = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($word); $i++) { if ($i > 0 && $i < count($word) - 1) { $projname .= '/' . $word[$i]; } } // Image $image_name = "/var/www" . $app . "/images/logo.jpg"; $image = Zend_Pdf_Image::imageWithPath($image_name); $page->drawImage($image, 30, 520, 150, 570); $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 810, 25); //bottom horizontal $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 25, 25, 570); //left vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(810, 25, 810, 570); //right vertical $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine(25, 570, 810, 570); //top horizontal $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 14); $text = array("Month", "Loan A/C", "On Time", "1-30 Days", "31-60 Days", "61-90 Days", "91-180 Days", "181-360 Days", "361 Days above", "O/S Loan", "Total"); $this->view->savings = 10; $this->view->fromdate = $fromdate = $this->_request->getParam('fromdate'); $this->view->branch = $branch = $this->_request->getParam('branch'); $this->view->officer = $officer = $this->_request->getParam('officer'); $viewdate = $this->view->dateconvert->phpnormalformat($fromdate); $par = new Par_Model_Par(); $disp = "As of <font color=#039>" . $this->view->dateconvert->phpnormalformat($fromdate) . "</font>"; if ($branch) { foreach ($par->fetchbranch($branch) as $branchname) { } $disp .= "<br> Branch : <font color=#039>" . $branchname['name'] . "</font>"; } if ($officer) { foreach ($par->getUser1($branch) as $officername) { } $disp .= "<br> Loan officer : <font color=#039>" . $officername['officername'] . "</font>"; } $this->view->resultshow = $disp; $parrisk1 = $this->view->parrisk = $par->parrisk($fromdate, $branch, $officer); $page->drawText("Portfolio at risk as of {$viewdate}", 380, 520); //date('Y-m-d') //right alignment function position($amt, $posValue) { $len = strlen($amt); $pos = $posValue - 10 - $len * 5; return $pos; } $pos = position("Amount in Rs", 780); $page->drawText("Amount in Rs", $pos, 460); $pos = position("Loan officer: " . $officername['officername'], 780); $page->drawText("Loan officer: " . $officername['officername'], $pos + 5, 480); $pos = position("Branch: " . $branchname['name'], 780); $page->drawText("Branch: " . $branchname['name'], $pos, 500); $page->setFont(Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA), 10); // $page->drawText("Date : ".date('d-m-Y'),600, 510); //date('Y-m-d') $x = array(40, 100, 200, 250, 320, 400, 470, 540, 640, 730); $xl = array(35, 95, 195, 245, 315, 395, 465, 535, 615, 725, 800); $y = 450; $startpoint = $y; $xh1 = 95; $xh2 = 800; $page->drawLine($xh1, $y, $xh2, $y); $y -= 15; //Top line1 for ($i = 1; $i < count($text) - 1; $i++) { $page->drawText($text[$i], $x[$i], $y); } $y -= 10; $page->drawLine($xh1, $y, $xh2, $y); $y -= 15; //Top line2 $total30 = "0.00"; $total60 = "0.00"; $total90 = "0.00"; $total180 = "0.00"; $total360 = "0.00"; $total360days = "0.00"; $total = "0.00"; $today = $this->view->fromdate; $date30 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($today)) . " -30 days")); $date60 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($today)) . " -60 days")); $date90 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($today)) . " -90 days")); $date180 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($today)) . " -180 days")); $date360 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($today)) . " -360 days")); $day30 = "0.00"; $day60 = "0.00"; $day90 = "0.00"; $day180 = "0.00"; $day360 = "0.00"; $day360above = "0.00"; $r = "0.00"; $total30 = "0.00"; $total60 = "0.00"; $total90 = "0.00"; $total180 = "0.00"; $total360 = "0.00"; $total360days = "0.00"; $total = "0.00"; $a = array(); foreach ($parrisk1 as $parrisk3) { $a[] = $parrisk3->account_number; } $a = array_unique($a); $a = array_values($a); for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++) { $jj = 0; $jj1 = 0; $jj2 = 0; foreach ($parrisk1 as $parrisk2) { $duedate = $parrisk2->installment_date; if ($a[$i] == $parrisk2->account_number) { if ($duedate >= $date30 and $duedate <= $today) { $day30 = $parrisk2->installment_amount; } else { if ($duedate > $date60 and $duedate <= $date30) { $day60 = $parrisk2->installment_amount; } else { if ($duedate > $date90 and $duedate <= $date60) { $day90 = $parrisk2->installment_amount; } else { if ($duedate > $date180 and $duedate <= $date90) { $amt1 = $par->getAmount($date180, $date90, $parrisk2->account_number); if ($jj == 0) { foreach ($amt1 as $amt2) { $day180 += $amt2['sumofdue']; } } $jj++; // $day180 = $parrisk2->accountinstallment_amount; } else { if ($duedate > $date360 and $duedate <= $date180) { $amt3 = $par->getAmount($date360, $date180, $parrisk2->account_number); if ($jj1 == 0) { foreach ($amt3 as $amt4) { $day360 += $amt4['sumofdue']; } } $jj1++; // $day360 = $parrisk2->accountinstallment_amount; } else { $amt5 = $par->getAmount1($date360, $parrisk2->account_number); if ($jj2 == 0) { foreach ($amt5 as $amt6) { $day360above += $amt6['sumofdue']; } } $jj2++; // $day360above = $parrisk2->accountinstallment_amount; } } } } } } } $total30 += $day30; $total60 += $day60; $total90 += $day90; $total180 += $day180; $total360 += $day360; $total360days += $day360above; $page->drawText($a[$i], $x[1], $y); $page->drawText('', $x[2], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $day30), $xl[4]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $day30), $pos, $y); $r += $day30; // $page->drawText($day30,$x[3], $y);$r+=$day30; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $day60), $xl[5]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $day60), $pos, $y); $r += $day60; // $page->drawText($day60,$x[4], $y);$r+=$day60; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $day90), $xl[6]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $day90), $pos, $y); $r += $day90; // $page->drawText($day90,$x[5], $y);$r+=$day90; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $day180), $xl[7]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $day180), $pos, $y); $r += $day180; // $page->drawText($day180,$x[6], $y);$r+=$day180; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $day360), $xl[8]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $day360), $pos, $y); $r += $day360; // $page->drawText($day360,$x[7], $y);$r+=$day360; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $day360above), $xl[9]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $day360above), $pos, $y); $r += $day360above; // $page->drawText($day360above,$x[8], $y);$r+=$day360above; $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $r), $xl[10]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $r), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText($r,$x[9], $y);$r+=$day360; $y -= 15; $day30 = "0.00"; $day60 = "0.00"; $day90 = "0.00"; $day180 = "0.00"; $day360 = "0.00"; $day360above = "0.00"; $r = "0.00"; } $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine($xh1, $y, $xh2, $y); //Bottom line above Total $y -= 15; $page->drawText($text[10], $x[1], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total30), $xl[4]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total30), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText($total30,$x[3], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total60), $xl[5]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total60), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText($total60,$x[4], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total90), $xl[6]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total90), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText($total90,$x[5], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total180), $xl[7]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total180), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText($total180,$x[6], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total360), $xl[8]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total360), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText($total360,$x[7], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total360days), $xl[9]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total360days), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText($total360days,$x[8], $y); $pos = position(sprintf("%4.2f", $total30 + $total60 + $total90 + $total180 + $total360 + $total360days), $xl[10]); $page->drawText(sprintf("%4.2f", $total30 + $total60 + $total90 + $total180 + $total360 + $total360days), $pos, $y); // $page->drawText(($total30+$total60+$total90+$total180+$total360+$total360days),$x[9], $y); $y -= 10; $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine($xh1, $y, $xh2, $y); //Bottom line below Total for ($i = 1; $i < count($xl); $i++) { $page->setLineWidth(1)->drawLine($xl[$i], $y, $xl[$i], $startpoint); //All Vertical line } $pdfData = $pdf->render(); $pdf->save('/var/www' . $projname . '/reports/par-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf'); $path = '/var/www' . $projname . '/reports/par-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.pdf'; chmod($path, 0777); // $this->_redirect("/reports/par/index/fromdate/$fromdate/branch/$branch/officer/$officer"); }
FROM ?_quest_template WHERE ReqCreatureOrGOId1=? OR ReqCreatureOrGOId2=? OR ReqCreatureOrGOId3=? OR ReqCreatureOrGOId4=? ', $quest_cols[2], $id, $id, $id, $id); if ($rows_qo) { $npc['objectiveof'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qo as $numRow => $row) { $npc['objectiveof'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xffffff); } } unset($rows_qo); // Положения созданий божих: position($npc['entry'], 'creature'); save_cache(1, $npc['entry'], $npc); } global $page; $page = array('Mapper' => true, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $npc['name'] . ' - ' . $smarty->get_config_vars('NPCs'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 1, 'typeid' => $npc['entry'], 'path' => '[0,4,' . $npc['type'] . ']'); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Комментарии $smarty->assign('comments', getcomments($page['type'], $page['typeid'])); // Если хоть одна информация о вещи найдена - передаём массив с информацией о вещях шаблонизатору if (isset($allitems)) { $smarty->assign('allitems', $allitems); } if (isset($allspells)) { $smarty->assign('allspells', $allspells); } $smarty->assign('npc', $npc);
<tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Verbrauch in Einh.</td><td style="width:150px">' . $verbrauch_einh . ' Einh.</td></tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Eisen</td><td style="width:150px">' . $_POST['eisen'] . '</td></tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Titan</td><td style="width:150px">' . $_POST['titan'] . '</td></tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Oel</td><td style="width:150px">' . $_POST['oel'] . '</td></tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Uran</td><td style="width:150px">' . $_POST['uran'] . '</td></tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Gold</td><td style="width:150px">' . $_POST['gold'] . '</td></tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Chanje</td><td style="width:150px">' . $_POST['chanje'] . '</td></tr> <tr align="center" class="standard"><td style="width:150px">Restplatz</td><td style="width:150px;' . $red . '">' . $restplatz . '</td></tr>'; $content .= '<tr align="center"><td colspan="2" style="width:300px; height:20px"><br />' . percentbar(felder2time($entfernung * 10 / $maxspeed), felder2time($entfernung * 10 / $maxspeed), 290) . '</td></tr>'; $content .= '<tr align="center"><td colspan="2" style="width:300px"><br /><b>Mission <a href="mission.php?' . SID . '&missid=' . $eid . '&abbrechen=1"><font class="red">ABBRECHEN</b></font></a><br /><br /></td></tr> </table> <br />'; } elseif ($_POST[action] == mission and $_POST[target]) { $anzahl = $_POST['anz1'] + $_POST['anz2'] + $_POST['anz3'] + $_POST['anz4'] + $_POST['anz5'] + $_POST['anz6'] + $_POST['anz7'] + $_POST['anz8'] + $_POST['anz9'] + $_POST['anz10'] + $_POST['anz11'] + $_POST['anz12'] + $_POST['anz13'] + $_POST['anz14'] + $_POST['anz15']; $to_position = position($_POST[target]); $own_position = position($_SESSION['user']['omni']); $own_pos = $own_position['x'] + ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20); $to_pos = $to_position['x'] + ($to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20); if ($own_position['x'] > $to_position['x']) { $entfernung = $own_position['x'] - $to_position['x']; } else { $entfernung = $to_position['x'] - $own_position['x']; } if ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20 > $to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20) { $entfernung += $own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20 - ($to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20); } else { $entfernung += $to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20 - ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20); } $verbrauch = ($_POST['anz1'] * $einh[1]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz2'] * $einh[2]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz3'] * $einh[3]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz4'] * $einh[4]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz5'] * $einh[5]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz6'] * $einh[6]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz7'] * $einh[7]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz8'] * $einh[8]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz9'] * $einh[9]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz10'] * $einh[10]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz11'] * $einh[11]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz12'] * $einh[12]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz13'] * $einh[13]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz14'] * $einh[14]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz15'] * $einh[15]['verbrauch']) / 10 * $entfernung; $verbrauch_km = $_POST['anz1'] * $einh[1]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz2'] * $einh[2]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz3'] * $einh[3]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz4'] * $einh[4]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz5'] * $einh[5]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz6'] * $einh[6]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz7'] * $einh[7]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz8'] * $einh[8]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz9'] * $einh[9]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz10'] * $einh[10]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz11'] * $einh[11]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz12'] * $einh[12]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz13'] * $einh[13]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz14'] * $einh[14]['verbrauch'] + $_POST['anz15'] * $einh[15]['verbrauch']; $platz = $_POST['anz1'] * $einh[1]['space'] + $_POST['anz2'] * $einh[2]['space'] + $_POST['anz3'] * $einh[3]['space'] + $_POST['anz4'] * $einh[4]['space'] + $_POST['anz5'] * $einh[5]['space'] + $_POST['anz6'] * $einh[6]['space'] + $_POST['anz7'] * $einh[7]['space'] + $_POST['anz8'] * $einh[8]['space'] + $_POST['anz9'] * $einh[9]['space'] + $_POST['anz10'] * $einh[10]['space'] + $_POST['anz11'] * $einh[11]['space'] + $_POST['anz12'] * $einh[12]['space'] + $_POST['anz13'] * $einh[13]['space'] + $_POST['anz14'] * $einh[14]['space'] + $_POST['anz15'] * $einh[15]['space'];
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($row) { $return = rand(3600, 4 * 3600); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `missionen` ( `id` , `pid` , `parsed` , `type` , `start` , `ziel` , `started` , `ankunft` , `return` , `speed` , `einh1` , `einh2` , `einh3` , `einh4` , `einh5` , `einh6` , `einh7` , `einh8` , `einh9` , `einh10` , `einh11` , `einh12` , `einh13` , `einh14` , `einh15` , `eisen` , `titan` , `oel` , `uran` , `gold` , `chanje` ) VALUES ( '', '" . rand(100, 999) . "', '1', '2', '" . $_POST['ubl'] . "', '0', '" . (date(U) - $return) . "', '" . date(U) . "', '" . (date(U) + $return) . "', '10', '" . $row['einh1'] . "', '" . $row['einh2'] . "', '" . $row['einh3'] . "', '" . $row['einh4'] . "', '" . $row['einh5'] . "', '" . $row['einh6'] . "', '" . $row['einh7'] . "', '" . $row['einh8'] . "', '" . $row['einh9'] . "', '" . $row['einh10'] . "', '" . $row['einh11'] . "', '" . $row['einh12'] . "', '" . $row['einh13'] . "', '" . $row['einh14'] . "', '" . $row['einh15'] . "', '" . $row['eisen'] . "', '" . $row['titan'] . "', '" . $row['oel'] . "', '" . $row['uran'] . "', '" . $row['gold'] . "', '" . $row['chanje'] . "' );"); $eid = mysql_insert_id(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `events` ( `id` , `type` , `eid` , `date` ) VALUES ('', '1', '" . $eid . "', '" . (date(U) + $return) . "');"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `events` WHERE `eid` = '" . $row['id'] . "' AND `type` = '1';"); } } while ($row); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `missionen` WHERE `start` = '" . $_SESSION['user']['omni'] . "';"); $status = '<b>Du bist erfolgreich umgezogen.<br /><br />Bitte logge dich neu ein.<br /><br /></b>'; session_destroy(); } } elseif ($timestamp['umzug'] <= time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 14) { $status = '<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="umzug.php?' . SID . '" method="post"> <b>Zielbasis: <input type="text" style="width:50px" name="ubl" onChange="berechne();" onkeyup="berechne();" /> - Entfernung: <a id="entfernung">-</a> km<br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="umziehen" /></b> </form>'; } else { $status = '<b>Du hast die Umzugsfunktion in den letzten 14 Tagen bereits verwendet.<br />Ein Umzug ist erst wieder möglich in:</b>'; $status .= percentbar($timestamp['umzug'] - (time() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 14), 24 * 60 * 60 * 14, 400); } $content = tag2value('status', $status, $content); $pos = position($_SESSION['user']['omni']); $content = tag2value('x', $pos['x'], $content); $content = tag2value('y', $pos['y'], $content); $content = tag2value('z', $pos['z'], $content); // send page to browser $content = tag2value("onload", $onload, $content); echo $content . template('footer');
ORDER BY a.name_loc?d ', $_SESSION['locale'], $_SESSION['locale'], array(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_KILL_CREATURE), $npc['entry'], $_SESSION['locale']); if ($rows) { $npc['criteria_of'] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { allachievementsinfo2($row['id']); $npc['criteria_of'][] = achievementinfo2($row); } } // Положени� �озданий божих (дл� героик �ПС не задана карта, юзаем из нормала): if ($normal_entry) { // мы - героик �ПС, определ�ем позицию по нормалу $npc['position'] = position($normal_entry, 'creature', 2); } else { // мы - нормал �ПС или �ПС без �ложно�ти $npc['position'] = position($npc['entry'], 'creature', 1); } // И�править type, чтобы под�вечивали�ь event-овые NPC if ($npc['position']) { foreach ($npc['position'] as $z => $zone) { foreach ($zone['points'] as $p => $pos) { if ($pos['type'] == 0 && ($events = event_find(array('creature_guid' => $pos['guid'])))) { $names = array_select_key(event_name($events), 'name'); $npc['position'][$z]['points'][$p]['type'] = 4; $npc['position'][$z]['points'][$p]['events'] = implode(", ", $names); } } } } save_cache(NPC_PAGE, $cache_key, $npc); }
$rows_qe = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM ?_gameobject_involvedrelation i, ?_quest_template q WHERE = ?d AND q.entry = ', $quest_cols[2], $id); if ($rows_qe) { $object['ends'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qe as $numRow => $row) { $object['ends'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xffffff); } } unset($rows_qe); // Положения объектофф: position($object['entry'], 'gameobject'); save_cache(3, $object['entry'], $object); } global $page; $page = array('Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $object['name'] . ' - ' . $smarty->get_config_vars('Objects'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 2, 'typeid' => $object['entry'], 'path' => '[0,5,' . $object['type'] . ']'); if ($object['pagetext']) { $page['Book'] = true; } $page['Mapper'] = true; $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Комментарии $smarty->assign('comments', getcomments($page['type'], $page['typeid'])); if (isset($allitems)) { $smarty->assign('allitems', $allitems); } if (isset($object)) {
function entfernung($from, $to) { $to_position = position($to); $own_position = position($from); $own_pos = $own_position['x'] + ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20); $to_pos = $to_position['x'] + ($to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20); if ($own_position['x'] > $to_position['x']) { $entfernung = $own_position['x'] - $to_position['x']; } else { $entfernung = $to_position['x'] - $own_position['x']; } if ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20 > $to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20) { $entfernung += $own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20 - ($to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20); } else { $entfernung += $to_position['y'] + $to_position['z'] * 20 - ($own_position['y'] + $own_position['z'] * 20); } /* buggy !!!! $to_position = position($to); $own_position = position($from); $own_pos = ($own_position['x']+($own_position['y']+($own_position['z']*500))); $to_pos = ($to_position['x']+($to_position['y']+($to_position['z']*20))); if ( $own_pos == $to_pos AND $own_position['y'] != $to_position['y'] ){ $entfernung = 2; } elseif ( $own_pos >= $to_pos ) { $entfernung = ($own_pos - $to_pos) ; } elseif ( $own_pos <= $to_pos ) { $entfernung = ($to_pos - $own_pos) ; } */ return $entfernung; }
SELECT ?# FROM gameobject_involvedrelation i, quest_template q WHERE = ?d AND q.entry = ', $quest_cols[2], $id); if ($rows_qe) { $object['ends'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qe as $numRow => $row) { $object['ends'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xffffff); } } unset($rows_qe); // Положения объектофф: $data = $DB->select('SELECT position_y as y, position_x as x, map as m, spawntimesecs FROM gameobject WHERE id = ?d', $id); position($data); save_cache(3, $object['entry'], $object); } global $page; $page = array('Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $object['name'] . ' - ' . $smarty->get_config_vars('Objects'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 2, 'typeid' => $object['entry'], 'path' => '[0,5,' . $object['type'] . ']'); if ($object['pagetext']) { $page['Book'] = true; } $page['Mapper'] = true; $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Комментарии $smarty->assign('comments', getcomments($page['type'], $page['typeid'])); if (isset($allitems)) { $smarty->assign('allitems', $allitems); } if (isset($object)) {
$gatherer_areas = array(36 => "ALTERAC_MOUNTAINS", 45 => "ARATHI_HIGHLANDS", 331 => "ASHENVALE", 16 => "AZSHARA", 3524 => "AZUREMYST_ISLE", 3 => "BADLANDS", 17 => "BARRENS", 3522 => "BLADES_EDGE_MOUNTAINS", 4 => "BLASTED_LANDS", 3525 => "BLOODMYST_ISLE", 3537 => "BOREAN_TUNDRA", 46 => "BURNING_STEPPES", 2817 => "CRYSTALSONG_FOREST", 4395 => "DALARAN", 148 => "DARKSHORE", 1657 => "DARNASSUS", 41 => "DEADWIND_PASS", 405 => "DESOLACE", 65 => "DRAGONBLIGHT", 1 => "DUN_MOROGH", 14 => "DUROTAR", 10 => "DUSKWOOD", 15 => "DUSTWALLOW_MARSH", 139 => "EASTERN_PLAGUELANDS", 12 => "ELWYNN_FOREST", 3430 => "EVERSONG_WOODS", 3557 => "EXODAR", 361 => "FELWOOD", 357 => "FERALAS", 3433 => "GHOSTLANDS", 394 => "GRIZZLY_HILLS", 3483 => "HELLFIRE_PENINSULA", 267 => "HILLSBRAD_FOOTHILLS", 47 => "HINTERLANDS", 495 => "HOWLING_FJORD", 4742 => "HROTHGARS_LANDING", 210 => "ICECROWN_GLACIER", 1537 => "IRONFORGE", 4197 => "LAKE_WINTERGRASP", 38 => "LOCH_MODAN", 493 => "MOONGLADE", 215 => "MULGORE", 3518 => "NAGRAND", 3523 => "NETHERSTORM", 1637 => "ORGRIMMAR", 4080 => "QUEL_DANAS", 44 => "REDRIDGE_MOUNTAINS", 51 => "SEARING_GORGE", 3520 => "SHADOWMOON_VALLEY", 3703 => "SHATTRATH", 3711 => "SHOLAZAR_BASIN", 1377 => "SILITHUS", 3487 => "SILVERMOON", 130 => "SILVERPINE_FOREST", 406 => "STONETALON_MOUNTAINS", 1519 => "STORMWIND", 67 => "STORM_PEAKS", 33 => "STRANGLETHORN_VALE", 8 => "SWAMP_OF_SORROWS", 440 => "TANARIS", 141 => "TELDRASSIL", 3519 => "TEROKKAR_FOREST", 400 => "THOUSAND_NEEDLES", 1638 => "THUNDER_BLUFF", 85 => "TIRISFAL_GLADES", 1497 => "UNDERCITY", 490 => "UNGORO_CRATER", 28 => "WESTERN_PLAGUELANDS", 40 => "WESTFALL", 11 => "WETLANDS", 618 => "WINTERSPRING", 3521 => "ZANGARMARSH", 66 => "ZULDRAK"); $version = @$DB->selectCell('SELECT db_version FROM version'); if (!$version) { $version = @$DB->selectCell('SELECT version FROM db_version'); } if (!$version) { $version = "DataBase"; } echo "Scroll down to download link<br>Generating positions..."; $gathererdb = array(); $current = 0; $total = count($gatherer_objects); foreach ($gatherer_objects as $object) { echo "{$current}/{$total} <br>"; $current++; $positions = position($object, 'gameobject'); foreach ($positions as $area) { if (isset($gatherer_areas[$area['atid']])) { $areaname = $gatherer_areas[$area['atid']]; if (!isset($gathererdb[$areaname])) { $gathererdb[$areaname] = array(); } if (!isset($gathererdb[$areaname][$object])) { $gathererdb[$areaname][$object] = array(); } foreach ($area['points'] as $point) { $x = $point['x']; $y = $point['y']; if ($x >= 0 && $x <= 99.90000000000001 && $y >= 0 && $y <= 99.90000000000001) { $gathererdb[$areaname][$object][] = sprintf("%03d%03d", $x * 10, $y * 10); }