function __construct(&$content, $fieldContent)
     $this->content =& $content;
     // TO DO validate valid?
     $this->valid = true;
     //	error_log('*********************************');
     $this->fieldContent = $fieldContent;
     // keyword is up to first bracket
     $this->keyword = trim(substr($fieldContent, 0, strpos($fieldContent, '(')));
     //	error_log('Field Content = ' . $fieldContent);
     //	error_log('Keyword = ' . $this->keyword);
     // Get content of function / field
     $this->fieldFunction = substr($fieldContent, strpos($fieldContent, '(') + 1, strlen($fieldContent) - strlen($this->keyword) - 2);
     // find in
     $this->inAtPos = strpos($this->fieldFunction, 'in @');
     //	error_log(' In keyword found at pos = ' . $this->inAtPos );
     // get the variable name for the loop
     $this->varName = trim(substr($this->fieldFunction, 0, $this->inAtPos));
     //	error_log('VarName ' . $this->varName);
     // get the collection text
     $this->collectionContent = trim(substr($this->fieldFunction, $this->inAtPos + 3, $this->findClosingBracket($this->fieldFunction) - ($this->inAtPos + 3)));
     //error_log('Collection Content =  ' . $this->collectionContent);
     $this->collection = $this->explodeCollection($this->collectionContent);
     // error_log(print_r($this->collection,1));
     $item = array_shift($this->collection);
     //	error_log("ITEM: " . $item['item']);
     if ($item['item'] == "@Page") {
         $item = array_shift($this->collection);
         //		error_log("ITEM2: " . $item['item']);
         $this->collectionType = $item['item'];
         // get the section ID
         if ($item['item'] == "Sections") {
             $this->sectionID = $item['options'];
     } else {
         $this->collectionType = "UNKNOWN";
     // Now get the content to loop output. e.g. between the first { and last }
     $this->startLoopPos = strpos($this->fieldFunction, '{');
     $this->loopContent = substr($this->fieldFunction, $this->startLoopPos + 1);
     //	error_log('*********************************');
     /* Two options at the moment Children and Sections 							
     			{|@foreach(item in @Page.Children.Where("!hidePage")) {  
     		{|@foreach(section in @Page.Sections(1)) {
     $loopOutput = '';
     switch ($this->collectionType) {
         case "Children":
             // now count the children - TO DO this will be more complicated with filters and sort orders and limits (e.g. first 5 ) @item.SomeField.Where('someethingisTrue');
             $numChildren = 0;
             // as per sections below - copy and paste - TODO refactor
             if (isset($content->variables[$this->varName])) {
                 $this->valid = false;
                 $this->fieldContent = "Variable name error - already exists";
             } else {
                 $this->content->variables[$this->varName]['type'] = "child";
             if (isset($this->content->relatedContent) && count($this->content->relatedContent) > 0) {
                 $sortByPos = pos_in_multiarray("SortBy", $this->collection, "item");
                 $paginationPos = pos_in_multiarray("Pagination", $this->collection, "item");
                 // error_log(print_r($this->collection,1));
                 $relatedContent = $this->content->relatedContent;
                 // error_log(print_r($relatedContent,1));
                 //					error_log("FIRST: ". $this->content->relatedContent[0]['lastUpdatedDate']);
                 // if sortByPos has been found in the template function collection
                 if ($sortByPos >= 0) {
                     // sort!
                     $sortStr = $this->collection[$sortByPos]["options"];
                     // if there is " DESC" in the string then set descending sort to true and replace
                     $descPos = strpos(strtoupper($sortStr), " DESC");
                     $meta = array();
                     // look for descending
                     if ($descPos) {
                         $meta['descending'] = true;
                         $sortStr = substr($sortStr, 0, $descPos);
                     } else {
                         $meta['descending'] = false;
                     $meta['field'] = trim(str_replace('"', '', $sortStr));
                     // check if a field is an internal field and not a content field (e..g nodeID or createdDate
                     $internalFields = array("nodeID", "nodeName", "level", "pageType", "URL", "createdDate", "createdById", "createdBy", "lastUpdatedDate", "lastUpdatedBy", "lastUpdatedBy", "lastUpdatedById", "sortOrder");
                     if (in_array($meta['field'], $internalFields)) {
                         $meta['internalField'] = true;
                     } else {
                         $meta['internalField'] = false;
                     usort($relatedContent, content_sorter($meta));
                 // if pagination is found then we do pagination!
                 if ($paginationPos >= 0) {
                     $pageNum = 1;
                     // get name of the page url variable
                     $pageVar = $this->collection[$paginationPos]["options"];
                     if (isset($content->requestVars[$pageVar]) && is_numeric($content->requestVars[$pageVar]) && $content->requestVars[$pageVar] > 0) {
                         $pageNum = $content->requestVars[$pageVar];
                     // list requested page worth of results
                     $count = 0;
                     $itemsPerPage = 3;
                     $lowerLimit = ($pageNum - 1) * $itemsPerPage;
                     $upperLimit = $pageNum * $itemsPerPage;
                     foreach ($relatedContent as $child) {
                         // TO DO more matching if we us .Where('something is true');
                         // Check if it's a child
                         if ($child['level'] == 1) {
                             if ($count >= $lowerLimit && $count < $upperLimit) {
                                 // set the current child node ID
                                 $this->content->variables[$this->varName]['childID'] = $child['nodeID'];
                                 // Now get the CMS helper to parse the loop content.
                                 $loopOutput .= $this->content->parseTemplate($this->loopContent);
                     // now add the pagination controls
                     $loopOutput .= $this->CreatePaginationLinks($pageNum, $numChildren, $itemsPerPage, "/" . $content->pagePath . "/", $pageVar);
                 } else {
                     // List all
                     foreach ($relatedContent as $child) {
                         // TO DO more matching if we us .Where('something is true');
                         // Check if it's a child
                         if ($child['level'] == 1) {
                             // set the current child node ID
                             $this->content->variables[$this->varName]['childID'] = $child['nodeID'];
                             // Now get the CMS helper to parse the loop content.
                             $loopOutput .= $this->content->parseTemplate($this->loopContent);
         case "Sections":
             // first find the fields in the sections template section
             //	$fields = parent::findFields($this->loopContent);
             // add the field var name to the variables in the content of the main CMS helper
             // check if this is already set and throw an error if it is (to stop nested use of the same var name - probably valid in programming
             // but too hard to deal with here
             if (isset($content->variables[$this->varName])) {
                 $this->valid = false;
                 $this->fieldContent = "Variable name error - already exists";
             } else {
                 $this->content->variables[$this->varName]['type'] = "Section";
                 $this->content->variables[$this->varName]['sectionID'] = $this->sectionID;
             if (isset($this->content->sections[$this->sectionID])) {
                 foreach ($this->content->sections[$this->sectionID]['sectionInstances'] as $section) {
                     $childOutput = '';
                     $lastChildPos = 0;
                     // for each section Instance update the @section variable in the content variable with the current instance
                     $this->content->variables[$this->varName]['type'] = 'section';
                     $this->content->variables[$this->varName]['sectionInstanceID'] = $section;
                     // Now get the CMS helper to parse the loop content.
                     $loopOutput .= $this->content->parseTemplate($this->loopContent);
             // finally kill the variable in case it's reused in a future loop
             if (DEBUG) {
                 $loopOutput = "ERROR - invalid collection";
             } else {
                 $loopOutput = "";
     // finally add the loop output to the main output
     $this->fieldContent = $loopOutput;
Example #2
function pos_in_multiarray($elem, $array, $field)
    $top = sizeof($array) - 1;
    $bottom = 0;
    $count = 0;
    while ($bottom <= $top) {
        $curElem = $array[$bottom][$field];
        if (trim($array[$bottom][$field]) == trim($elem)) {
            return $count;
        } else {
            if (is_array($array[$bottom][$field])) {
                if (pos_in_multiarray($elem, $array[$bottom][$field])) {
                    return $count;
    return -1;