* Activity parser, if activity exists and is not cover */ include $classPath . strtolower($activity) . '.php'; if (!strrpos("__" . $file, "http")) { $result = traer_info($xmlPath . $file, $_GET['data']); } else { $result = traer_info($file, $_GET['data']); } } } } else { /** * Cover parser */ include $classPath . 'portada_class.php'; $result = portada($xmlPath . 'portada.xml'); } /** * Search for formatBg/formatComp in app.xml to apply specific activity style */ if (isset($formatBg) && $formatBg != '' || isset($formatComp) && $formatComp != '') { $background = $formatBg; if ($formatComp != '') { /** * Format parser */ include $classPath . 'format_class.php'; $styleFormat = format($xmlPath . 'formats.xml'); $name = $styleFormat[0]; $color = $styleFormat[1]; $size = $styleFormat[2];
include "../includes/configuration.php"; include "../includes/utilities.php"; if (!isset($_COOKIE['Erecor']) && $_COOKIE['Erecor'] == "no") { $mail = $_COOKIE['Email']; $pass = $_COOKIE['Epass']; $sel = ""; } else { $mail = $_COOKIE['Email']; $pass = $_COOKIE['Epass']; $sel = "checked"; $dat = pasedirecto($strHostMYSQL, $strUserMYSQL, $strPWDMYSQL, $strDBMYSQL, $mail, $pass); $_SESSION["iduser"] = $dat[0]; $_SESSION["user"] = $dat[1]; } $avatar = avatar($strHostMYSQL, $strUserMYSQL, $strPWDMYSQL, $strDBMYSQL, $_SESSION["iduser"]); $portada = portada($strHostMYSQL, $strUserMYSQL, $strPWDMYSQL, $strDBMYSQL, $_SESSION["iduser"]); $datosPerfil = datosPerfil($strHostMYSQL, $strUserMYSQL, $strPWDMYSQL, $strDBMYSQL, $_SESSION["iduser"]); $latlog = obtenerlatlong($strHostMYSQL, $strUserMYSQL, $strPWDMYSQL, $strDBMYSQL); $noti = notificaciones($strHostMYSQL, $strUserMYSQL, $strPWDMYSQL, $strDBMYSQL); $not = explode(";", $noti); $tamnot = substr_count($not[1], "&"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html class="no-js css-menubar" lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimal-ui"> <meta name="description" content="bootstrap admin template"> <meta name="author" content="">
<?php $img = perfil($user->perfil); $portada = portada($user->portada); ?> <!--start container--> <div class="container"> <div id="profile-page" class="section"> <!-- profile-page-header --> <div id="profile-page-header" class="card"> <div class="card-image waves-effect waves-block waves-light"> <img class="activator portadafile" src="<?php echo $portada; ?> " alt="user background"> </div> <figure class="card-profile-image"> <img src="<?php echo $img; ?> " alt="profile image" class="miniperfil circle z-depth-2 responsive-img activator"> </figure> <div class="card-content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col s3 offset-s2"> <h4 class="card-title grey-text text-darken-4"><?php