/** * Search for a phrase * * note: you can draw your own search-form and add a path-variable. with the * path variable you can limit the search to url paths like www/cars/.. or www/bikes ... * * @param string Search Phrase * @param integer Number of search results to diplay on one page. * @param String OPtion for search. Allowed are "any", "exact" and "start" */ function search($searchPhrase, $limit = 20, $options = "any") { global $c, $phpdig_words_chars; define('SEARCH_PAGE', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); define('DISPLAY_DROPDOWN', 0); $relative_script_path = $c["path"] . "ext/phpdig"; include_once $c["path"] . "ext/phpdig/includes/config.php"; include_once $c["path"] . "ext/phpdig/libs/search_function.php"; extract(phpdigHttpVars(array('query_string' => 'string', 'refine' => 'integer', 'refine_url' => 'string', 'site' => 'string', 'limite' => 'integer', 'option' => 'string', 'lim_start' => 'integer', 'browse' => 'integer', 'path' => 'string')), EXTR_SKIP); $results = phpdigSearch($id_connect, $searchPhrase, $options, $refine, $refine_url, $lim_start, $limite, $browse, $site, $path, $relative_script_path, 'array'); return $results["results"]; }
$fckwc = fopen($ckwc, 'rb'); $pkwc = fread($fckwc, filesize($ckwc)); fclose($fckwc); unset($fckwc); } if ($fckwc = fopen($ckwc, 'wb')) { fwrite($fckwc, $query_string); fclose($fckwc); unset($fckwc); $ckwcdt = file_exists($ckwc) ? date('Y/m/d H:i:s', filemtime($ckwc)) : '? Write Error'; } else { $ckwcdt = '? Open Error'; } $phpdigSearchResults = array('result_message' => $ckw . 'c: ' . $ckwcdt, 'pages_bar' => '', 'results' => array()); } else { $phpdigSearchResults = phpdigSearch($id_connect, $query_string, $option, $refine, $refine_url, $lim_start, $limite, $browse, $site, $path, $relative_script_path, $template, $adlog_flag, $rssdf, $template_demo); } $result_message = ''; $hits = 11; if ($result_message = $phpdigSearchResults['result_message']) { if (($cspos = strpos($result_message, ', ')) !== FALSE) { if (($sppos = strpos($result_message, ' ', $cspos += 2)) !== FALSE) { if (is_numeric($total = substr($result_message, $cspos, $sppos - $cspos))) { $hits = (int) $total; } } } } if (!($pages_bar = $phpdigSearchResults['pages_bar'])) { $hits = 0; }