function loader_check_page($ext_name = LOADER_EXTENSION_NAME) { heading(); $rtl_path = try_runtime_loading_if_applicable(); if (extension_loaded($ext_name)) { list($lv, $mv, $newer_version) = ioncube_loader_version_information(); $phpv = php_version_maj_min(); $php_str = ' for PHP ' . $phpv; echo '<div class="success">'; echo '<h4>Loader Installed Successfully</h4>'; echo '<p>The ionCube Loader version ' . $lv . $php_str . ' <strong>is installed</strong> and encoded files should run successfully.'; if ($newer_version) { echo ' Please note though that you have an old version of the ionCube Loader.</p>'; $is_legacy_loader = loader_major_version_instructions($mv); echo '</div>'; loader_upgrade_instructions($lv, $newer_version); } else { echo '</p>'; $is_legacy_loader = loader_major_version_instructions($mv); echo '</div>'; if ($is_legacy_loader) { loader_upgrade_instructions($lv, true); } } successful_install_end_instructions($rtl_path); } else { echo '<div class="failure">'; echo '<h4>Loader Not Installed</h4>'; echo '<p>The ionCube Loader is <b>not</b> currently installed successfully.</p>'; if (!is_null($rtl_path)) { echo '<p>Runtime loading was attempted but has failed.</p>'; echo '</div>'; $rt_errors = runtime_loading_errors(); if (!empty($rt_errors)) { list_loader_errors($rt_errors); } link_to_php_ini_instructions(); } else { echo '</div>'; list_loader_errors(); } } send_stats('check'); footer(true); }
function loader_check_page($ext_name = LOADER_EXTENSION_NAME) { heading(); $rtl_path = try_runtime_loading_if_applicable(); if (extension_loaded($ext_name)) { list($lv, $mv, $newer_version) = ioncube_loader_version_information(); $phpv = php_version_maj_min(); $php_str = ' for PHP ' . $phpv; echo '<div class="success">'; echo '<h4>Loader 安装成功</h4>'; echo '<p>ionCube Loader ' . $lv . $php_str . ' <strong>已经安装</strong>,加密文件可以正确运行。'; if ($newer_version) { echo ' 注意:您的ionCube loader是旧的版本。</p>'; $is_legacy_loader = loader_major_version_instructions($mv); echo '</div>'; loader_upgrade_instructions($lv, $newer_version); } else { echo '</p>'; $is_legacy_loader = loader_major_version_instructions($mv); echo '</div>'; if ($is_legacy_loader) { loader_upgrade_instructions($lv, true); } } successful_install_end_instructions($rtl_path); } else { echo '<div class="failure">'; echo '<h4>Loader安装失败</h4>'; echo '<p>ionCube Loader<b>没有</b>安装成功。</p>'; if (!is_null($rtl_path)) { echo '<p>运行时加载失败。</p>'; echo '</div>'; $rt_errors = runtime_loading_errors(); if (!empty($rt_errors)) { list_loader_errors($rt_errors); } link_to_php_ini_instructions(); } else { echo '</div>'; list_loader_errors(); } } send_stats('check'); footer(true); }