  * @return array
 public function getFeed($params = [])
     /** @var Page $page */
     $page = $this->grav['page'];
     /** @var Twig $twig */
     $twig = $this->grav['twig'];
     /** @var Data $config */
     $config = $this->mergeConfig($page, TRUE);
     // Autoload composer components
     require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
     // Set up cache settings
     $cache_config = array("storage" => "files", "default_chmod" => 0777, "fallback" => "files", "securityKey" => "auto", "htaccess" => true, "path" => __DIR__ . "/cache");
     // Init the cache engine
     $this->cache = phpFastCache("files", $cache_config);
     // Generate API url
     $url = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/' . $config->get('feed_parameters.user_id') . '/media/recent/?access_token=' . $config->get('feed_parameters.access_token');
     // Get the cached results if available
     $results = $this->cache->get($url);
     // Get the results from the live API, cached version not found
     if ($results === null) {
         $results = Response::get($url);
         // Cache the results
         $this->cache->set($url, $results, InstagramPlugin::HOUR_IN_SECONDS * $config->get('feed_parameters.cache_time'));
         // Convert hours to seconds
     $this->template_vars = ['user_id' => $config->get('feed_parameters.user_id'), 'client_id' => $config->get('feed_parameters.client_id'), 'feed' => $this->feeds, 'count' => $config->get('feed_parameters.count')];
     $output = $this->grav['twig']->twig()->render($this->template_html, $this->template_vars);
     return $output;
Example #2
 function __construct($storage = "", $config = array())
     $config = array_merge(phpFastCache::$config, $config);
     $config['storage'] = $storage;
     $storage = strtolower($storage);
     if ($storage == "" || $storage == "auto") {
         $storage = self::getAutoClass($config);
     $this->instance = phpFastCache($storage, $config);
Example #3
  * onPluginsLoaded method
 public function onPluginsLoaded()
     // phpFastCache not working in CLI mode...
     if (PHILE_CLI_MODE) {
     $config = $this->settings + \phpFastCache::$config;
     $storage = $this->settings['storage'];
     $cache = phpFastCache($storage, $config);
     ServiceLocator::registerService('Phile_Cache', new PhpFastCache($cache));
Example #4
  * Constructor
 function __construct($prefix = 'index.php?')
     global $base_dir, $_SERVER;
     phpFastCache::setup('storage', 'files');
     phpFastCache::setup('path', $base_dir);
     phpFastCache::setup('securityKey', 'cache');
     $this->cache = phpFastCache();
     $this->id = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
     if ($this->id == '') {
         $this->id = 'mod=home';
     $this->id = $this->prefix . $this->id;
Example #5
  * Constructor
  * @param array
 public function __construct()
     $CI =& get_instance();
     //unique failsafe token for each project
     if (!file_exists(APPPATH . 'cache/fastcache_token.php')) {
         $token = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
         file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'cache/fastcache_token.php', '<?php ' . "ªn" . '$token=\'' . $token . '\';');
     } else {
         include APPPATH . 'cache/fastcache_token.php';
     $this->token = $token;
     $c = $CI->config->item('fastcache');
     $this->cache = phpFastCache($c['storage'], $CI->config->item('fastcache'));
Example #6
function getPhotosByHighglithFirst($category)
    global $detect;
    $cache = phpFastCache();
    if (isset($_GET['clear_cache'])) {
    $posts = $cache->get("posts");
    if (!$posts || $posts == null) {
        $posts = getPhotos($category, false);
        $posts = getPhotos($category, $posts);
        // cache for an hour
        $cache->set("posts", $posts, 3000);
    return $posts;
 public function result()
     if ($this->on_cache == true) {
         require $this->path . '/phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php';
         phpFastCache::setup("storage", "auto");
         phpFastCache::setup('path', $this->path . '/phpfastcache/cache/');
         $cache = phpFastCache();
         $this->data = $cache->get($this->key_cache);
         if ($this->data == null) {
             $this->data = $this->get_direct();
             $cache->set($this->key_cache, $this->data, 86400);
     } else {
         $this->data = $this->get_direct();
     return $this->data;
Example #8
* 获得详情页数据
function get_shahinfo($hash)
    if (preg_match('/^[0-9A-Z]+$/u', $hash)) {
        $cache = phpFastCache("files", array("path" => "cache"));
        $conter = $cache->get($hash);
        if (is_null($conter)) {
            $url = 'http://www.torrentkitty.org/information/';
            $content = get_data($url . $hash);
            $html = new simple_html_dom();
            @($ret = $html->find('h3'));
            if (isset($ret['0']->nodes['0']->_['4']) && $ret['0']->nodes['0']->_['4'] == 'Magnet Link does not eixst. You may try to upload it again.') {
                $info['error'] = TRUE;
            } else {
                foreach ($html->find('.magnet-link') as $article) {
                    $item['magnet'] = $article->plaintext;
                    $articles[] = $item;
                foreach ($html->find('.detailSummary') as $article) {
                    foreach ($article->find('tr') as $tr) {
                        foreach ($article->find('td') as $td) {
                            $item[] = $td->plaintext;
                preg_match('%<table[^>]*id="torrentDetail"[^>]*>(.*?) </table>%si', $content, $match);
                preg_match('%<h2>(.*?)</h2>%si', $content, $ret);
                $title = mb_substr($ret['0'], 25);
                $info['title'] = strip_tags($title);
                $info['list'] = $match;
                $info['size'] = $item['3'];
                $info['quantity'] = $item['2'];
                $info['cdate'] = $item['4'];
                $info['magnetic'] = $articles['0']['magnet'];
                $cache->set($hash, $info, 864000);
        } else {
            $info = $conter;
    } else {
        $info['error'] = TRUE;
    return $info;
Example #9
function cometchatMemcacheConnect()
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cometchat_cache.php";
    global $memcache;
    if (MEMCACHE != 0 && MC_NAME == 'memcachier') {
        $memcache = new MemcacheSASL();
        $memcache->addServer(MC_SERVER, MC_PORT);
        $memcache->setSaslAuthData(MC_USERNAME, MC_PASSWORD);
    } elseif (MEMCACHE != 0) {
        phpFastCache::setup("path", dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache');
        phpFastCache::setup("storage", MC_NAME);
        $memcache = phpFastCache();
Example #10
function loadRAWData($from, $id_plan, $id_item, $to = null, $id_host = null)
    $cacheAge = 60 * 60;
    $offset = getOffset();
    $cache = phpFastCache();
    $dt = getDates($from);
    $from = $dt[0];
    if ($to == null) {
        $to = $dt[1];
    $from = str_replace("-", "/", $from);
    $to = str_replace("-", "/", $to);
    $phour = getPeakHours();
    $unit = getUnit($id_item);
    $plan = getPlan($id_plan);
    $item = getItem($id_item);
    $div = 1;
    if (strtolower($unit) == 'bps') {
        $div = 1024 * 1024;
        $unit = 'Mbps';
    $rtag = "";
    foreach ($_SESSION['tag'] as $key => $value) {
        if ($key != "" && $key != "None") {
            $rtag = $rtag . ',"' . $key . '"';
    if ($rtag == '') {
        $rtag = 'bm_tags.tag like "%"';
    } else {
        $rtag = 'bm_tags.tag in (' . substr($rtag, 1) . ')';
    if ($id_plan == 0) {
        $id_plan = '> 0';
    } else {
        $id_plan = '=' . $id_plan;
    if ($id_host == null) {
        $id_host = "";
    } else {
        $id_host = " and bm_host.id_host=" . $id_host;
    $hosts = 'select bm_host.id_host,bm_host.id_plan,bm_plan.plan,bm_plan.nacD,bm_plan.nacU,bm_threshold.critical,bm_threshold.warning,bm_threshold.nominal,bm_host.host
						from bm_host,bm_plan,bm_plan_groups,bm_threshold,bi_dashboard
						where bm_host.id_plan=bm_plan.id_plan
							and bm_host.groupid = ' . $_SESSION['groupid'] . '
							and bm_plan.id_plan ' . $id_plan . '
							and bm_plan_groups.id_plan = bm_plan.id_plan
							and bm_host.borrado=0
							and bm_host.id_plan=bm_plan.id_plan
							and bm_plan_groups.groupid=bm_host.groupid
							and bm_threshold.id_item=bi_dashboard.id_item
							and bm_host.id_host in (select id from bm_tags where ' . $rtag . ')
							and bi_dashboard.id_item=' . $id_item . $id_host . '
						order by bm_host.id_plan';
    // Find Percentile 5 and 95
    if (true) {
        $hostsr = mysql_query($hosts);
        while ($host = mysql_fetch_array($hostsr, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
            $id_host = $host['id_host'];
            $hostName = $host['host'];
            $nominal = $host['nominal'];
            $critical = $host['critical'];
            $warning = $host['warning'];
            $nacD = $host['nacD'] * 1024;
            $nacU = $host['nacU'] * 1024;
            if ($nominal == -1) {
                $nominal = $nacD;
            if ($nominal == -2) {
                $nominal = $nacU;
            $hostList[] = array('host' => $hostName, 'id_host' => $id_host, 'nominal' => $nominal, 'critical' => $critical, 'warning' => $warning, 'nacD' => $nacD, 'nacU' => $nacU);
            $incache = true;
            $dfrom = $key = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($from . ' -1 days'));
            while ($dfrom != $to) {
                $dfrom = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($dfrom . ' +1 days'));
                $key = $dfrom . '-' . $id_host . '-' . $id_item;
                //if (isset($_SESSION['cache'][$key]))
                //	$obj = $_SESSION['cache'][$key];
                //echo $key . "<br>";
                $obj = $cache->get($key);
                if ($obj == null) {
                    $incache = false;
                    $_SESSION['cacheFull'] = false;
                } else {
                    $_SESSION['cachePartial'] = true;
                    foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {
                        if (isset($value['clock'])) {
                            $cachedData[] = $value;
            if (!isset($cachedData)) {
                $incache = false;
            if ($incache) {
                foreach ($cachedData as $key => $row) {
                    $skip = false;
                    if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['< 1.5x']) && $row['value'] > $nominal * 1.5) {
                        $skip = true;
                    if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['< 2.0x']) && $row['value'] > $nominal * 2.0) {
                        $skip = true;
                    if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['< 3.0x']) && $row['value'] > $nominal * 3.0) {
                        $skip = true;
                    if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['> 0']) && $row['value'] <= 0) {
                        $skip = true;
                    if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['Off Peak Hour']) && $row['t'] == 'P') {
                        $skip = true;
                    if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['Peak Hour']) && $row['t'] == 'O') {
                        $skip = true;
                    if (!$skip) {
                        $allData[] = $row['value'];
                        $historyList[$id_host][] = array('clock' => $row['clock'], 'value' => $row['value'], 'valid' => $row['valid'], 't' => $row['t']);
            } else {
                $table = 'xyz_' . str_pad($id_item, 10, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $table . "'")) == 1) {
                    if ($phour['peak'] > $phour['offpeak']) {
                        $q = 'select clock,value,valid,if((date_format(from_unixtime(clock),"%H")>=0 and date_format(from_unixtime(clock),"%H")<=' . $phour['offpeak'] . ') or date_format(from_unixtime(clock),"%H")>=' . $phour['peak'] . ',"P","O") as t
							from ' . $table . '
							where clock between unix_timestamp("' . $from . ' 00:00:00") AND unix_timestamp("' . $to . ' 23:59:59") and
								id_host=' . $id_host;
                    } else {
                        $q = 'select clock,value,valid,if(date_format(from_unixtime(clock),"%H")>=' . $phour['peak'] . ' and date_format(from_unixtime(clock),"%H")<=' . $phour['offpeak'] . ',"P","O") as t
							from ' . $table . '
							where clock between unix_timestamp("' . $from . ' 00:00:00") AND unix_timestamp("' . $to . ' 23:59:59") and
								id_host=' . $id_host;
                    $qr = mysql_query($q);
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qr, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
                        $key = date('Y/m/d', $row['clock']);
                        $data[$key][$id_host . '-' . $id_item][] = array('clock' => $row['clock'], 'value' => $row['value'], 'valid' => $row['valid'], 't' => $row['t']);
                        $skip = false;
                        if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['< 1.5x']) && $row['value'] > $nominal * 1.5) {
                            $skip = true;
                        if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['< 2.0x']) && $row['value'] > $nominal * 2.0) {
                            $skip = true;
                        if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['< 3.0x']) && $row['value'] > $nominal * 3.0) {
                            $skip = true;
                        if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['> 0']) && $row['value'] <= 0) {
                            $skip = true;
                        if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['Off Peak Hour']) && $row['t'] == 'P') {
                            $skip = true;
                        if (isset($_SESSION['filter']['Peak Hour']) && $row['t'] == 'O') {
                            $skip = true;
                        if (!$skip) {
                            $allData[] = $row['value'];
                            $historyList[$id_host][] = array('clock' => $row['clock'], 'value' => $row['value'], 'valid' => $row['valid'], 't' => $row['t']);
                // check miising data
                $dfrom = $key = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($from . ' -1 days'));
                while ($dfrom != $to) {
                    $dfrom = date('Y/m/d', strtotime($dfrom . ' +1 days'));
                    $key = $dfrom . '-' . $id_host . '-' . $id_item;
                    $obj = $cache->get($key);
                    if ($obj == null) {
                        $cache->set($key, array('clock' => 0, 'value' => 0, 'valid' => 0, 't' => ''), $cacheAge);
                        //$_SESSION['cache'][$key]= array('clock'=>0,'value'=>0,'valid'=>0,'t'=>'');
    if (isset($incache) && !$incache && isset($data)) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            foreach ($value as $hkey => $hvalue) {
                $thekey = $key . '-' . $hkey;
                //echo $thekey . ' ';
                $cache->set($thekey, $hvalue, $cacheAge);
                //$_SESSION['cache'][$thekey] = $hvalue;
    if (isset($allData)) {
        return array('allData' => $allData, 'historyList' => $historyList, 'hostList' => $hostList, 'offpeak' => $phour['offpeak'], 'peak' => $phour['peak'], 'unit' => $unit, 'div' => $div, 'plan' => $plan, 'item' => $item, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to);
    } else {
        return array('allData' => null, 'historyList' => null, 'hostList' => null, 'offpeak' => $phour['offpeak'], 'peak' => $phour['peak'], 'unit' => $unit, 'div' => $div, 'plan' => $plan, 'item' => $item, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to);
Example #11
/* edition, for createing a weighted average.     */
$gStatsWPEditions = array('zh' => 935, 'en' => 387, 'es' => 365, 'hi' => 295, 'ar' => 295);
/* Gallery images are picked from pictures        */
/* in Wikipedia articles. What WP editions should */
/* we scan for images?                            */
$gImageSourceWPEditions = array('en', 'es', 'de', 'nl');
// ruwp contains a lot pf portraits as genre pictures,
// hence commenting out
/* When retriving images from Wikipedia pages, we */
/* want to exclude some pics that are often used  */
/* to illustrate navigation boxes and similar.    */
/* NB: Space, not underscore in filenames!        */
$gImageBlacklist = array('Tom Sawyer 1876 frontispiece.jpg', 'Nobel Prize.png', 'Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев 8.jpg', 'Charles_Darwin_1880.jpg', 'Agnes von Kurowsky in Milan.jpg', 'Merton College front quad.jpg', 'St John\'s Church, Little Gidding.jpg', 'Vivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot 1920.jpg', 'Harper Midway Chicago.jpg', 'University of Minnesota-20031209.jpg', 'Bronze Star medal.jpg', 'Air Medal front.jpg', 'Meritorious Service Medal (United_States).png', 'Purpleheart.jpg', 'Dfc-usa.jpg', 'Us legion of merit legionnaire.png', 'Silver Star medal.png', 'Conservative Elephant.png', '2006 AEGold Proof Obv.png');
/* Cache type. Can be auto, memcache, files, etc. */
/* see http://www.phpfastcache.com/ for full list */
$gCache = phpFastCache("auto");
# Example, using a local Redis server:
#$gCache = phpFastCache("redis");
#$gCache->config['redis']['server'] = '';
#$gCache->config['redis']['port'] = '6379';
/* The number of hours to cache external data on  */
/* individual laureates, e.g. Wikipedia images    */
$gExternalLaureateDataCacheTime = 720;
/* The number of hours to store external stats,   */
/* e.g. Wikipedia pageviews                       */
$gExternalStatsCacheTime = 36;
/* Should we cache responses from local API's? If */
/* our caching is not superfast, and API's are on */
/* on the same server, it might be faster not to. */
$gCacheLocal = true;
/* Time zone to use when fetching statistics      */
Example #12
if (!$dbh) {
    echo "<h3>Unable to connect to database. Please check details in configuration file.</h3>";
mysqli_select_db($dbh, DB_NAME);
mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], "SET NAMES utf8");
mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], "SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], "SET COLLATION_CONNECTION = 'utf8_general_ci'");
if (MC_NAME == 'memcachier') {
    $memcache = new MemcacheSASL();
    $memcache->addServer(MC_SERVER, MC_PORT);
    $memcache->setSaslAuthData(MC_USERNAME, MC_PASSWORD);
} elseif (MEMCACHE != 0) {
    phpFastCache::setup("path", dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache');
    phpFastCache::setup("storage", MC_NAME);
    $memcache = phpFastCache();
    $memcache->set('auth', 'o1k', 30);
$usertable_username = DB_USERTABLE_NAME;
$usertable_userid = DB_USERTABLE_USERID;
$body = '';
if (!empty($_POST['username'])) {
    $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_admin_user'] = $_POST['username'];
if (!empty($_POST['password'])) {
    $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_admin_pass'] = $_POST['password'];
$module = "dashboard";
$action = "index";
Example #13
  * Constructor.
  * @access public
 public function __construct()
     // Auto-load classes on demand
     if (function_exists("__autoload")) {
     spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'autoload'));
     // Define constants
     // Include required files
     $this->API_key = "b01d4d3fea131c822c72eb8c3e9d85b83c2beac92ac9fab197e932c4b20a71c0";
     $this->API_account = "83442";
     // Init API
     $this->api = new LI_API($this->API_key, $this->API_account);
     // simple Caching with:
     $this->LI_cache = phpFastCache();
     // set xml directory
     $this->XML_dir_matrices = $this->plugin_path() . '/xml/matrices/';
     // set xml directory
     $this->XML_dir_items = $this->plugin_path() . '/xml/items/';
     // set xml directory
     $this->XML_dir_vendors = $this->plugin_path() . '/xml/vendors/';
     $this->XML_dir_manufacturers = $this->plugin_path() . '/xml/manufacturers/';
     //$this->options = get_option('lightspeed_inteleck_options');
     /*if(is_admin()) {
     			require_once(LSI_DIR_PATH.'views/lsi-options.php'); // include options file
     			$options_page = new lightspeedImportOptions();
     			add_action('admin_menu', array($options_page, 'add_pages')); // adds page to menu
     			add_action('admin_init', array($options_page, 'register_settings'));
     register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'lightspeed_import_activation'));
     register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, 'lightspeed_import_deactivation'));
     add_action('lightspeed_hourly_product_import', array($this, 'lightspeed_import_items'));
     add_action('lightspeed_hourly_matrices_import', array($this, 'lightspeed_import_matrices'));
     add_action('lightspeed_hourly_vendors_import', array($this, 'lightspeed_import_vendors'));
     add_action('lightspeed_hourly_manufacturers_import', array($this, 'lightspeed_import_manufacturers'));
 public function Cache()
     $this->control = Control::getControl();
     $this->phpFastCache = phpFastCache();
Example #15
 public function loadApontamentosDiasDistintos($connection, $tipoApontamento)
     $cache = phpFastCache();
     $apontamentosCache = $cache->get("ApontamentosDiasDistintos" . $tipoApontamento);
     if ($apontamentosCache != null) {
         return $apontamentosCache;
     } else {
         $registros = array();
         $query = " SELECT *\n                       FROM   apontamentos\n                       WHERE  apo_dtdinicio NOT LIKE '%0000%'\n                       AND    apo_dtdfim    NOT LIKE '%0000%'\n                       AND    DAY(apo_dtdinicio) <> DAY(apo_dtdfim) ";
         if (!Functions::isEmpty($tipoApontamento) && $tipoApontamento == "A") {
             $query .= " AND apo_cdiatividade IS NOT NULL ";
         if (!Functions::isEmpty($tipoApontamento) && $tipoApontamento == "C") {
             $query .= " AND apo_cdichamado   IS NOT NULL ";
         $query .= " ORDER  BY apo_cdiapontamento ";
         $stmt = $connection->prepare($query);
         $rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $vo = $this->populateVo($connection, $row);
             array_push($registros, $vo);
         $cache->set("ApontamentosDiasDistintos" . $tipoApontamento, $registros, 60 * Functions::getParametro('cache'));
         return $registros;
Example #16

return array('Cache' => function () {
    $config = (require \App::path() . '/app/config/cache.php');
    return phpFastCache();
}, 'Crypt' => 'Disco\\classes\\Crypt', 'Data' => 'Disco\\classes\\Data', 'DB' => 'Disco\\classes\\PDO', 'Event' => 'Disco\\classes\\Event', 'Email' => 'Disco\\classes\\Email', 'FileHelper' => 'Disco\\classes\\FileHelper', 'Form' => 'Disco\\classes\\Form', 'Html' => 'Disco\\classes\\Html', 'Model' => 'Disco\\classes\\ModelFactory', 'Queue' => 'Disco\\classes\\Queue', 'Request' => 'Disco\\classes\\Request', 'Session' => 'Disco\\classes\\Session', 'Template' => 'Disco\\classes\\Template', 'View' => 'Disco\\classes\\View', 'User' => 'App\\service\\User');
Example #17
 function SetCachedVersion($function, $unique_id, $args_id, $data)
     // In your config file
     //		require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/phpfastcache.php");
     phpFastCache::setup("storage", "redis");
     #default global for everywhere.
     //		 phpFastCache support "redis", "cookie", "apc", "memcache", "memcached", "wincache" ,"files", "sqlite" and "xcache";
     // You don't need to change your code when you change your caching system, blank will use default global:
     $cache = phpFastCache("files");
     $id = md5($function . $unique_id . $args_id);
     $results = $cache->get("cache_" . $id);
     if ($results) {
         return $results;
     return $results;

 * Learn how to setup phpFastCache ?
require_once "../phpfastcache.php";
 * Now this is Optional Config setup for default phpFastCache
$config = array("storage" => "auto", "default_chmod" => 0777, "htaccess" => true, "path" => "", "securityKey" => "auto", "memcache" => array(array("", 11211, 1)), "redis" => array("host" => "", "port" => "", "password" => "", "database" => "", "timeout" => ""), "extensions" => array(), "fallback" => "files");
// OR
phpFastCache::setup("storage", "files");
phpFastCache::setup("path", dirname(__FILE__));
 * End Optional Config
$config = array();
$cache = phpFastCache("files", $config);
// this will be $config['storage'] up there;
// changing config example
$cache->setup("path", "new_path");
$cache2 = phpFastCache("memcache");
// this will use memcache
$server = array(array("", 11211, 1));
$cache2->setup("memcache", $server);
Example #19
 public function __construct()
     global $container;
     $container = new Container();
     $container['session'] = function ($container) {
         $session = new Session();
         if (session_id() == '') {
         return $session;
     $container['request'] = function ($container) {
         $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
         return $request;
     $container['config'] = function ($container) {
         $config = new ConfigHelper();
         return $config->objInstance;
     $container['translator'] = function ($container) {
         $request = $container['request'];
         $translator = new TranslateHelper($request);
         return $translator->objInstance;
     $container['cacheType'] = $container['config']["fastChatType"];
     $container['fastcache'] = function ($container) {
         phpFastCache::setup("storage", $container['cacheType']);
         phpFastCache::setup("path", BASE_ROOT . "/cache/fastcache/");
         $cache = phpFastCache();
         return $cache;
     $container['twig'] = function ($container) {
         $config = $container['config'];
         $translator = $container['translator'];
         $arrayOfFileSystem = [BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Admin/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Admin/templates/emails', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Admin/modules/GererItemShop/templates', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Admin/modules/GererEquipeJeu/templates', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Admin/modules/GererEquipeSite/templates', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Admin/modules/Parametres/templates', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/ItemShop/modules/Hipay/templates', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/ItemShop/modules/Starpass/templates', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Classements/templates/', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Inscription/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Inscription/templates/emails', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/ItemShop/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/ItemShop/templates/emails', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Messagerie/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Messagerie/templates/emails', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Marche/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Marche/templates/emails', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/MonCompte/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/MonCompte/templates/emails', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/MonPersonnage/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/MonPersonnage/templates/emails', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Statistiques/templates/modules', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Votes/templates/', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/_LegacyPages/templates/', BASE_ROOT . '/pages/_Home/templates/modules/', BASE_ROOT . '/core/templates/'];
         if ($config["twigCache"]) {
             $urlCache = BASE_ROOT . $config["twigCacheUrl"];
         } else {
             $urlCache = false;
         $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($arrayOfFileSystem);
         $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array('cache' => $urlCache));
         $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_Text());
         $twig->addExtension(new StringFunctionExtension());
         $twig->addExtension(new FonctionsUtilesExtension());
         $twig->addExtension(new HelperExtension());
         $twig->addExtension(new ImageFunctionExtension());
         $twig->addExtension(new DateFunctionExtension());
         $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug());
         $twig->addExtension(new EncryptExtension());
         include BASE_ROOT . '/pages/Tableaux_Arrays.php';
         $twig->addExtension(new \Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\TranslationExtension($translator));
         $twig->addGlobal('session', $container['session']);
         $twig->addGlobal('request', $container['request']);
         $twig->addGlobal('config', $container['config']);
         $twig->addGlobal('urlBase', BASE_ROOT);
         return $twig;
     $container['doctrine.eventManager'] = function ($container) {
         $eventManager = new \Doctrine\Common\EventManager();
         return $eventManager;
     $container['doctrine.connection.default'] = function ($container) {
         $param = $container['config'];
         $config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
         // build connection parameters
         $connectionParameters = array('dbname' => "site", 'user' => $param["bdd"]["user"], 'password' => $param["bdd"]["password"], 'host' => $param["bdd"]["host"], 'port' => $param["bdd"]["port"]);
         switch (strtolower($param["bdd"]["driver"])) {
             case 'mysql':
                 $connectionParameters['driver'] = 'pdo_mysql';
                 $connectionParameters['charset'] = strtolower($param["bdd"]["charset"]);
                 throw new RuntimeException('Database driver ' . $param["bdd"]["driver"] . ' not known by doctrine.');
         /* if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['dbPdoDriverOptions'])) {
            $connectionParameters['driverOptions'] = deserialize($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['dbPdoDriverOptions'], true);
            } */
         $connectionParameters['defaultTableOptions'] = array('collate' => 'utf8_general_ci');
         /** @var \Doctrine\Common\EventManager $eventManager */
         $eventManager = $container['doctrine.eventManager'];
         // establish connection
         $connection = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParameters, $config, $eventManager);
         // fix platform differences
         $platform = $connection->getDatabasePlatform();
         $platform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('bit', 'boolean');
         return $connection;
     $container['doctrine.orm.entitiesCacheDir'] = function ($container) {
         $entitiesCacheDir = BASE_ROOT . '/cache/doctrine/entities';
         if (!is_dir($entitiesCacheDir)) {
             mkdir($entitiesCacheDir, 0777, true);
         $classLoader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();
         $classLoader->add('', array($entitiesCacheDir), true);
         $container['doctrine.orm.entitiesClassLoader'] = $classLoader;
         return $entitiesCacheDir;
     $container['doctrine.orm.proxiesCacheDir'] = function ($container) {
         $proxiesCacheDir = BASE_ROOT . '/cache/doctrine/proxies';
         if (!is_dir($proxiesCacheDir)) {
             mkdir($proxiesCacheDir, 0777, true);
         return $proxiesCacheDir;
     $container['doctrine.orm.repositoriesCacheDir'] = function ($container) {
         $repositoriesCacheDir = BASE_ROOT . '/cache/doctrine/repositories';
         if (!is_dir($repositoriesCacheDir)) {
             mkdir($repositoriesCacheDir, 0777, true);
         return $repositoriesCacheDir;
     $container['doctrine.orm.entityManager'] = function ($container) {
         $param = $container['config'];
         $paths = array(BASE_ROOT . '/core/library/Account/Entity', BASE_ROOT . '/core/library/Player/Entity');
         $isDevMode = false;
         $config = \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup::createConfiguration($isDevMode);
         // Configuration
         $config = new Doctrine\ORM\Configuration();
         $config->addCustomStringFunction('PASSWORD', '\\DoctrinePasswordExtension');
         $config->addCustomStringFunction('RAND', '\\DoctrineRandExtension');
         $config->addCustomStringFunction('WEEK', '\\DoctrineExtensions\\Query\\Mysql\\WEEK');
         $config->addCustomStringFunction('MONTH', '\\DoctrineExtensions\\Query\\Mysql\\MONTH');
         $config->addCustomStringFunction('YEAR', '\\DoctrineExtensions\\Query\\Mysql\\YEAR');
         $config->addCustomStringFunction('IFELSE', '\\DoctrineExtensions\\Query\\Mysql\\IfElse');
         // Proxy Configuration
         $proxiesCacheDir = $container['doctrine.orm.proxiesCacheDir'];
         switch ($param["bdd"]["cache"]) {
             case 'apc':
                 $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache();
             case 'array':
                 $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache();
             case false:
                 $cache = false;
         if (!$cache) {
             // Mapping Configuration
             $entitiesCacheDir = $container['doctrine.orm.entitiesCacheDir'];
             $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\FileCacheReader(new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(), $entitiesCacheDir, $debug = false);
         } else {
             $reader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader(new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(), $cache, $debug = false);
         $driverImpl = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver($reader, $paths);
         //$driverImpl = new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver(new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader(), $paths);
         // registering noop annotation autoloader - allow all annotations by default
         // Caching Configuration
         $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache();
         /** @var $connection \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection */
         $connection = $container['doctrine.connection.default'];
         /** @var $eventManager \Doctrine\Common\EventManager */
         $eventManager = $container['doctrine.eventManager'];
         /** @var $entityManager \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager */
         $entityManager = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create($connection, $config, $eventManager);
         return $entityManager;
     $this->container = $container;
Example #20
 public function cache($folder = 'design')
     require_once ROOT . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'phpfastcache.php';
     phpFastCache::setup("storage", "files");
     phpFastCache::setup("path", ROOT . DS . 'cache');
     phpFastCache::setup("securityKey", $folder);
     $cache = phpFastCache();
     return $cache;
 public function __construct()
     $this->cache = phpFastCache();
Example #22
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- saved from url=(0071)file:///C:/wamp/www/operator/Dashboard%20Template%20for%20Bootstrap.htm -->
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
include "../phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php";
use Parse\ParseClient;
use Parse\ParseObject;
use Parse\ParseQuery;
use Parse\ParseRelation;
ParseClient::initialize('qjArPWWC0eD8yFmAwRjKkiCQ82Dtgq5ovIbD5ZKW', '9Yl2TD1DcjR6P1XyppzQ9NerO6ZwWBQnpQiM0MkL', 'MjYJYsSjr5wZVntUFxDvv0VpXGqhPOT8YFpULNB2');
$cache = phpFastCache("files");
//remember to check user login
$incidentHTML = '';
$resourceHTML = '';
$organizationHTML = '';
$saveSuccess = false;
$errorMessage = '';
function getAllIncidentFromCacheOrQuery()
    global $cache;
    $results = $cache->get("all_incident");
    if ($results == null) {
        $query = new ParseQuery("Incident");
        $results = $query->find();
        $cache->set("all_incident", $results, 1800);
    return $results;
function getAllResourcesFromCacheOrQuery()
Example #23
  * remove everything from the cache
 public static function clearCache()
     $cache = phpFastCache();
Example #24
function validUser($user, $pass, $hashed = false)
    @(include_once "phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php");
    @(include_once realpath("../phpfastcache/phpfastcache.php"));
    $cache = phpFastCache();
    //Hash the password if not hashed.
    if (!$hashed) {
        $hashedPass = hashPass($user, $pass);
    } else {
        $hashedPass = $pass;
    $userData = $cache->get("user_data_" . $user);
    if ($userData == null) {
        // Default database connect //
        $msconf = getDatabaseCredentials();
        $dbcon = mysqli_connect($msconf['host'], $msconf['user'], $msconf['pass'], $msconf['db']);
        if (mysqli_connect_errno($dbcon)) {
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_errno($dbcon) . " : " . mysqli_connect_error();
        $dbcon->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Users` (`Username` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `Name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `PassHash` varchar(256) NOT NULL, `APIKey` varchar(256) NULL, `Permission` varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'NN\', UNIQUE KEY `Username` (`Username`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;');
        $dbcon->query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Blog` (`PUID` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`Post` varchar(10000) NOT NULL,`Date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `Author` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `Title` varchar(60) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `PUID` (`PUID`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;');
        $dbcon->query('INSERT INTO `Users` (`Username`, `Name`, `PassHash`, `Permission`) VALUES (\'ace\', \'Cory Redmond\', \'2y11$WULjGCfjZEvtGEXfZkL3G.uzF3fRlJPGVsR.jCGguRhKIuph28572\', \'YY\');');
        // Default database connect //
        //Prepare the statment.
        $preparedStm = $dbcon->prepare("SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `Username` = ? AND `PassHash` = ?;");
        $preparedStm->bind_param("ss", $user, $hashedPass);
        //Run the command and get the results.
        $preparedStm->bind_result($f_user, $f_UUID, $f_email, $f_pass, $f_key, $f_permissions, $f_verif);
        echo "<!-- {$f_verif} -->";
        if ($f_verif == null) {
            return "That account doesn't exist.";
        if ($f_verif != "Y") {
            return "You are not verified. Please check your email inbox!";
        //Return true of false.
        if (!empty($f_user) && !empty($f_pass) && $f_user == $user && $f_pass == $hashedPass) {
            $userData = array("user" => $f_user, "perm" => $f_permissions, "hashedPass" => $f_pass, "key" => $f_key, "UUID" => $f_UUID, "email" => $f_email);
            $cache->set("user_data_" . $f_user, $userData, 600);
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        echo "<!-- Userdata cached! -->";
    if ($user == $userData['user'] && $hashedPass == $userData['hashedPass']) {
        return $userData;
    return false;
function getColorVars()
    global $client;
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cometchat_cache.php";
    global $settingscache;
    global $colors;
    phpFastCache::setup("path", dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'writable' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache');
    phpFastCache::setup("storage", 'files');
    $settingscache = phpFastCache();
    if ($conf = getCachedSettings($client . "cometchat_color", 3600)) {
        $colors = unserialize($conf);
    } else {
        $colors = array();
        $sql = "select `color_key`,`color_value`,`color` from `cometchat_colors`";
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        while ($color = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            if (empty($colors[$color['color']])) {
                $colors[$color['color']] = array();
            $colors[$color['color']][$color['color_key']] = $color['color_value'];
        setCachedSettings($client . "cometchat_color", serialize($colors), 3600);
Example #26
 public static function loadDataArray($keys)
     if (!self::$enabled) {
         return null;
     if (self::$cache === null) {
         self::$cache = phpFastCache();
     ///Logger::Log('load: '.implode(':',$keys), LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../calls.log');
     return self::$cache->getMulti($keys);
Example #27
  * @return mixed
 protected function backup()
     return phpFastCache(phpFastCache::$config['fallback']);
 public function __construct()
     //Construct Padre
     //Instancia del core de CI
     self::$ci =& get_instance();
      * Cargar el id del modulo actual
     self::$id_modulo = $this->id_modulo();
      * Cargar el uuid del usuario que esta loguiado.
     self::$uuid_usuario = $this->uuid_usuario();
      * Cargar el id categoria a la que pertenece el
      * usuario que esta loguiado.
     self::$id_categoria_usuario = $this->categoria_usuario("id_categoria");
      * Cargar el uuid categoria a la que pertenece el
      * usuario que esta loguiado.
     self::$uuid_categoria_usuario = $this->categoria_usuario("uuid_categoria");
     self::$categoria_usuario_key = $this->categoria_usuario("key");
     //roles del usuario
     self::$user_role = $this->getRole();
      * Verificando que este usuario este en estado pendiente para redireccionar
     if ($this->session->userdata('id_usuario') && $this->session->userdata('status') == 'Pendiente') {
         if (self::$ci->router->fetch_method() != 'ver_usuario' && self::$ci->router->fetch_method() != 'logout') {
             redirect('/usuarios/ver-usuario/' . $this->session->userdata('id_usuario'));
     //Cargar Libreria Assets
     //carga la libreria de notificaciones
     //Cargar Libreria para usuario
     //Cargar Libreria template
     //Cargar Libreria de Autenticacion
     //Verifica el rol y los permisos
     //que tiene el usuario.
      * Cargar libreria Subpanel
      * Cargar libreria para utility
      * Cargar libreria para modales
      * Cargar libreria para jqgrid
      * Cargar libreria para catalogos
      * carga libreria de jobs
      * Cargar libreria phpFastCache
      * phpFastCache is Lightweight, Fastest & Security,
      * supported many caching class (APC, MemCached, MemCache, Files, PDO, WinCache)
     phpFastCache::setup("storage", "auto");
     phpFastCache::$config = array("storage" => "auto", "default_chmod" => 0777, "htaccess" => true, "path" => "application/cache", "securityKey" => "auto", "memcache" => array(array("", 11211, 1)), "redis" => array("host" => "", "port" => "", "password" => "", "database" => "", "timeout" => ""), "extensions" => array(), "fallback" => "files");
     if (self::$cache == "") {
         self::$cache = phpFastCache("auto");
 * This script bootstraps all loading
 * It will handle all the includes, page construction and output
$script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$menuPath = str_replace("/pages/", "", $script);
$baseDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/';
$includesDir = $baseDir . "includes/";
//load up the cache engine
include $includesDir . 'phpfastcache.php';
phpFastCache::setup("storage", "files");
phpFastCache::setup("path", $baseDir . 'cache/');
// Path For Files
$cache = phpFastCache();
// detect if this is an ajax page call
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
    $ajax = true;
} else {
    $ajax = false;
//detect if this is a post (which could also be an ajax call
if ($_POST) {
    $post = true;
} else {
    $post = false;
include 'mangoConfig.php';
//load vendor autoload.php
include $baseDir . 'vendor/autoload.php';
Example #30

 * Welcome to Learn Lesson
 * This is very Simple PHP Code of Caching
// Require Library
require_once "phpfastcache.php";
// simple Caching with:
$cache = phpFastCache("redis");
if ($cache->fallback == true) {
    echo " USE BACK UP DRIVER = " . phpFastCache::$config['fallback'] . " <br>";
} else {
    echo ' DRIVER IS GOOD <br>';
// Try to get $products from Caching First
// product_page is "identity keyword";
$products = $cache->get("product_page2");
if ($products == null) {
    // Write products to Cache in 10 minutes with same keyword
    $cache->set("product_page2", $products, 2);
    echo " --> NO CACHE ---> DB | Func | API RUN FIRST TIME ---> ";
} else {
    echo " --> USE CACHE --> SERV 10,000+ Visitors FROM CACHE ---> ";
// use your products here or return it;
echo "Products = " . $products;