Example #1
 * Send a new forum message notification by mail to subscribed users.
 * @param array $message
 *     An array containing the data for a forum message.
function phorum_api_mail_message_notify($message)
    // Not "global $PHORUM", because we do not want the loading of language
    // files to override our already loaded language file.
    // Check if email notifications are allowed for the current forum.
    if (empty($PHORUM['allow_email_notify'])) {
    $recipients = phorum_api_user_list_subscribers($PHORUM['forum_id'], $message['thread'], PHORUM_SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGE);
    // No subscribers? Then we are done.
    if (empty($recipients)) {
    $mail_data = array('forumname' => strip_tags($PHORUM['DATA']['NAME']), 'forum_id' => $message['forum_id'], "thread_id" => $message['thread'], 'message_id' => $message['message_id'], 'author' => phorum_api_user_get_display_name($message['user_id'], $message['author'], PHORUM_FLAG_PLAINTEXT), 'subject' => $message['subject'], 'fully_body' => $message['body'], 'plain_body' => wordwrap(phorum_api_format_strip($message['body']), 72), 'read_url' => phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_READ_URL, $message['thread'], $message['message_id']), 'remove_url' => phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_FOLLOW_URL, $message['thread'], 'stop=1'), 'noemail_url' => phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_FOLLOW_URL, $message['thread'], 'noemail=1'), 'followed_threads_url' => phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_CONTROLCENTER_URL, 'panel=' . PHORUM_CC_SUBSCRIPTION_THREADS), 'msgid' => $message['msgid'], 'mailmessagetpl' => 'NewReplyMessage', 'mailsubjecttpl' => 'NewReplySubject');
    foreach ($recipients as $language => $addresses) {
        $language = basename($language);
        if (file_exists(PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$language}.php")) {
            $mail_data['language'] = $language;
            include PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$language}.php";
        } else {
            $mail_data['language'] = $PHORUM['language'];
            include PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$PHORUM['language']}.php";
        $mail_data['mailmessage'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['NewReplyMessage'];
        $mail_data['mailsubject'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['NewReplySubject'];
        phorum_api_mail($addresses, $mail_data);
Example #2
 * Send a new forum message for moderation to the moderator(s).
 * @param array $message
 *     An array containing the data for a forum message.
function phorum_api_mail_message_moderate($message)
    // Not "global $PHORUM", because we do not want the loading of language
    // files to override our already loaded language file.
    // Retrieve the list of moderators for the current forum.
    $moderators = phorum_api_user_list_moderators($PHORUM['forum_id'], $PHORUM['email_ignore_admin'], TRUE);
    // The list moderators function returns user_id => mail address.
    // We want the full user info, so we can lookup the preferred
    // language for the moderators.
    $moderators = phorum_api_user_get(array_keys($moderators));
    // Sort all moderators by their preferred language.
    $recipients = array();
    foreach ($moderators as $moderator) {
        if (!isset($recipients[$moderator['user_language']])) {
            $recipients[$moderator['user_language']] = array($moderator['email']);
        } else {
            $recipients[$moderator['user_language']][] = $moderator['email'];
    // No moderators (oomph)? Then we are done.
    if (empty($recipients)) {
    if ($message['status'] > 0) {
        $mailsubjecttpl = 'NewUnModeratedSubject';
        $mailmessagetpl = 'NewUnModeratedMessage';
    } else {
        $mailsubjecttpl = 'NewModeratedSubject';
        $mailmessagetpl = 'NewModeratedMessage';
    $mail_data = array('forumname' => strip_tags($PHORUM['DATA']['NAME']), 'forum_id' => $message['forum_id'], 'message_id' => $message['message_id'], 'author' => phorum_api_user_get_display_name($message['user_id'], $message['author'], PHORUM_FLAG_PLAINTEXT), 'subject' => $message['subject'], 'fully_body' => $message['body'], 'plain_body' => wordwrap(phorum_api_format_strip($message['body']), 72), 'approve_url' => phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_CONTROLCENTER_URL, 'panel=messages'), 'read_url' => phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_READ_URL, $message['thread'], $message['message_id']), 'mailmessagetpl' => $mailmessagetpl, 'mailsubjecttpl' => $mailsubjecttpl);
    foreach ($recipients as $language => $addresses) {
        $language = basename($language);
        if (file_exists(PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$language}.php")) {
            $mail_data['language'] = $language;
            include PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$language}.php";
        } else {
            $mail_data['language'] = $PHORUM['language'];
            include PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$PHORUM['language']}.php";
        $mail_data['mailmessage'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG'][$mailmessagetpl];
        $mail_data['mailsubject'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG'][$mailsubjecttpl];
        phorum_api_mail($addresses, $mail_data);
Example #3
 * Send a PM notification by mail.
 * @param array $message
 *     An array containing the private message data.
 * @param array $recipients
 *     An array of users that have received the PM.
function phorum_api_mail_pm_notify($message, $recipients)
    // Not "global $PHORUM", because we do not want the loading of language
    // files to override our already loaded language file.
    // Sort all recipients that want a notification by their preferred language.
    $recipients_by_lang = array();
    foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
        if ($recipient['pm_email_notify']) {
            if (!isset($recipients_by_lang[$recipient['user_language']])) {
                $recipients_by_lang[$recipient['user_language']] = array($recipient);
            } else {
                $recipients_by_lang[$recipient['user_language']][] = $recipient;
    // No users found that want a notification? Then we are done.
    if (empty($recipients_by_lang)) {
    // Build the data array for phorum_api_mail().
    $mail_data = array('pm_message_id' => $message['pm_message_id'], 'author' => phorum_api_user_get_display_name($message['user_id'], $message['from_username'], PHORUM_FLAG_PLAINTEXT), 'subject' => $message['subject'], 'full_body' => $message['message'], 'plain_body' => wordwrap(phorum_api_format_strip($message['message']), 72), 'read_url' => phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_PM_URL, 'page=read', 'pm_id=' . $message['pm_message_id']), 'mailmessagetpl' => 'PMNotifyMessage', 'mailsubjecttpl' => 'PMNotifySubject');
    foreach ($recipients_by_lang as $language => $users) {
        $language = basename($language);
        if (file_exists(PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$language}.php")) {
            $mail_data['language'] = $language;
            include PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$language}.php";
        } else {
            $mail_data['language'] = $PHORUM['language'];
            include PHORUM_PATH . "/include/lang/{$PHORUM['language']}.php";
        $mail_data['mailmessage'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['PMNotifyMessage'];
        $mail_data['mailsubject'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['PMNotifySubject'];
        $addresses = array();
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $addresses[] = $user['email'];
        phorum_api_mail($addresses, $mail_data);
Example #4
File: pm.php Project: netovs/Core
function phorum_pm_quoteformat($orig_author, $orig_author_id, $message, $inreplyto = NULL)
    global $PHORUM;
    // Build the reply subject.
    if (substr($message["subject"], 0, 3) != "Re:") {
        $message["subject"] = "Re: " . $message["subject"];
    // Lookup the plain text name that we have to use for the author that we reply to.
    $author = phorum_api_user_get_display_name($orig_author_id, '', PHORUM_FLAG_PLAINTEXT);
    // TODO we'll have to handle anonymous users in the PM box. Those are
    // TODO users which sent a PM to somebody, but signed out afterwards.
    // TODO Currently, there's no graceful handling for that I think
    // TODO (maybe it's handled already, but that would only be by accident).
    if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["quote"])) {
        $quote = phorum_api_hook("quote", array($author, $message["message"], $orig_author_id));
    if (empty($quote) || is_array($quote)) {
        // Build a quoted version of the message body.
        $quote = phorum_api_format_strip($message["message"]);
        $quote = str_replace("\n", "\n> ", $quote);
        $quote = wordwrap(trim($quote), 50, "\n> ", true);
        $quote = "{$author} {$PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['Wrote']}:\n" . str_repeat("-", 55) . "\n> {$quote}\n\n\n";
    $quote = ($inreplyto != NULL ? "{$PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['InReplyTo']} {$inreplyto}\n\n" : '') . $quote;
    $message["message"] = $quote;
    return $message;
Example #5
        $dbmessage["subject"] = "Re: " . $dbmessage["subject"];
    $message["subject"] = $dbmessage["subject"];
    // Add a quoted version of the body for quoted reply messages.
    if ($mode == "quote") {
        // Lookup the name that we have to use for the author, if the
        // author is a registered user. The author field could be used
        // directly, but it can contain HTML formatting code, in case
        // some module uses the custom display name functionality.
        $author = phorum_api_user_get_display_name($dbmessage["user_id"], $dbmessage['author'], PHORUM_FLAG_PLAINTEXT);
        $quoted = 0;
        if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["quote"])) {
            $quoted = phorum_api_hook("quote", array($author, $dbmessage["body"], $dbmessage["user_id"]));
        if (empty($quoted) || is_array($quoted)) {
            $quoted = phorum_api_format_strip($dbmessage["body"]);
            $quoted = str_replace("\n", "\n> ", $quoted);
            $quoted = wordwrap(trim($quoted), 50, "\n> ", true);
            $quoted = "{$author} " . "{$PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["Wrote"]}:\n" . str_repeat("-", 55) . "\n> {$quoted}\n\n\n";
        $message["body"] = $quoted;
// Set message data for editing posts.
if ($mode == "edit" || $mode == "moderation") {
    // Transfer all database fields to the form fields.
    $message = phorum_posting_merge_db2form($message, $dbmessage, ALLFIELDS);
// For new messages, set some default values for logged in users.
if (($mode == "post" || $mode == "reply" || $mode == "quote") && $PHORUM["DATA"]["LOGGEDIN"]) {
    if (isset($PHORUM["user"]["show_signature"]) && $PHORUM["user"]["show_signature"]) {
Example #6
 * @deprecated Replaced by {@link phorum_api_format_strip()}.
function phorum_strip_body($body)
    return phorum_api_format_strip($body);
Example #7
     $arr['rows'] = $search_request_data['results'];
     $arr['count'] = $search_request_data['totals'];
     $raw_body = $search_request_data['raw_body'];
 if (count($arr["rows"])) {
     $match_number = $start + 1;
     $forums = phorum_api_forums_by_vroot($PHORUM["vroot"], PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
     if (!$raw_body) {
         $arr["rows"] = phorum_api_format_messages($arr["rows"]);
     foreach ($arr["rows"] as $key => $row) {
         $arr["rows"][$key]["number"] = $match_number;
         $arr["rows"][$key]["URL"]["READ"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, $row["forum_id"], $row["thread"], $row["message_id"]);
         // strip HTML & BB Code
         if (!$raw_body) {
             $body = phorum_api_format_strip($arr["rows"][$key]["body"]);
             $arr["rows"][$key]["short_body"] = mb_substr($body, 0, 400, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
         $arr["rows"][$key]["raw_datestamp"] = $row["datestamp"];
         $arr["rows"][$key]["datestamp"] = phorum_api_format_relative_date($row["datestamp"]);
         $forum_ids[$row["forum_id"]] = $row["forum_id"];
     foreach ($arr["rows"] as $key => $row) {
         $arr["rows"][$key]["URL"]["LIST"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL, $row["forum_id"]);
         $arr["rows"][$key]["forum_name"] = $forums[$row["forum_id"]]["name"];
     $PHORUM["DATA"]["RANGE_START"] = $start + 1;
     $PHORUM["DATA"]["RANGE_END"] = $start + count($arr["rows"]);
     $PHORUM["DATA"]["TOTAL"] = $arr["count"];
     $PHORUM["DATA"]["SEARCH"]["showresults"] = true;
Example #8
 * This function implements the HTML output adapter for the Feed API.
 * @param array $messages
 *     An array of messages to include in the feed.
 * @param array $forums
 *     An array of related forums.
 * @param string $url
 *     The URL that points to the feed's target.
 * @param string $title
 *     The title to use for the feed.
 * @param string $description
 *     The description to use for the feed.
 * @param bool $replies
 *     Whether or not this is a feed that includes reply messages.
 *     If not, then it will only contain thread starter messages.
 * @return array
 *     An array containing two elements:
 *     - The generated feed data (HTML code).
 *     - The Content-Type header to use for the feed.
function phorum_api_feed_html($messages, $forums, $url, $title, $description, $replies)
    global $PHORUM;
    $hcharset = $PHORUM['DATA']['HCHARSET'];
    $url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $description = htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $builddate = htmlspecialchars(date('r'), ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $buffer = "<div id=\"phorum_feed\">\n";
    $buffer .= " <div id=\"phorum_feed_title\">\n";
    $buffer .= "  <a href=\"{$url}\" title=\"{$description}\">{$title}</a>\n";
    $buffer .= " </div>\n";
    $buffer .= " <div id=\"phorum_feed_date\">{$builddate}</div>\n";
    $buffer .= " <ul>\n";
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        $title = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($message["subject"]), ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
        if (!$replies) {
            $lang = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG'];
            switch ($message['thread_count']) {
                case 1:
                    $title .= " (no {$lang['replies']})";
                case 2:
                    $title .= " (1 {$lang['reply']})";
                    $replies = $message['thread_count'] - 1;
                    $title .= " ({$replies} {$lang['replies']})";
        $url = htmlspecialchars(phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, $message["forum_id"], $message["thread"], $message["message_id"]));
        $body = substr(htmlspecialchars(phorum_api_format_strip($message['body']), ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset), 0, 200);
        $buffer .= "  <li><a href=\"{$url}\" title=\"{$body}\">{$title}</a></li>\n";
    $buffer .= " </ul>\n";
    $buffer .= "</div>\n";
    return array($buffer, 'text/html');