function put_array($table_name, $array, $db=NULL) { // experimental ??uses pg_insert(to put an array into a table ) //... you'll want to make sure the fields match perfectly !! if ($db == NULL) $db = $this->db; pg_insert($db, $table_name, $array); }
function dbInsert($table_name, $assoc_array) { global $database_connection; $result = pg_insert($database_connection, $table_name, $assoc_array); if ($result) { return dbLastInsertId(); } else { die("PG Error: " . pg_result_error($result)); } }
/** * Insert data with param * \param[in] table name of table * \param[in] data associative array of field=>value * \param[in] options =PGSQL_DML_EXEC if not escaped strings present */ function insert($table, $data, $options = PGSQL_DML_EXEC) { if (!is_array($data)) { throw new Exception(DB_ERR . "Illegal data for insert"); } $res = pg_insert($this->conn, $table, $data, $options); if (!$res) { throw new Exception(DB_ERR . 'Insert: ' . pg_last_error($this->conn)); } }
function do_blipp($price) { $date = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $date_str = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //Free coffee if ($this->is_coffee_free()) { $price = 0; } else { $balance = $this->get_balance(); if ($balance < $price) { throw new PaymentException('Insufficient funds.'); } $new_balance = $balance - $price; $this->set_balance($new_balance); } //Put the order in the db $order = pg_query_params($this->c, "INSERT INTO baljan_order (made, put_at, user_id, paid, currency, accepted) VALUES (\$1, \$2, \$3, \$4, 'SEK', true) RETURNING id", array($date_str, $date_str, $this->get_uid(), $price)); $order_good = pg_insert($this->c, "baljan_ordergood", array('made' => $date_str, 'order_id' => pg_fetch_array($order)['id'], 'good_id' => 1, 'count' => 1)); }
function insert($table, $data) { return $this->q(pg_insert($this->connection, $table, $data, PGSQL_DML_STRING)); }
<?php include ''; $conn = pg_connect($conn_str); pg_query('CREATE SCHEMA phptests'); pg_query('CREATE TABLE (id INT, id2 INT)'); pg_insert($conn, 'foo', array('id' => 1, 'id2' => 1)); pg_insert($conn, '', array('id' => 1, 'id2' => 2)); var_dump(pg_insert($conn, '', array('id' => 1, 'id2' => 2), PGSQL_DML_STRING)); var_dump(pg_select($conn, '', array('id' => 1))); pg_query('DROP TABLE'); pg_query('DROP SCHEMA phptests');
<?php require_once ''; $dbh = @pg_connect($conn_str); if (!$dbh) { die("Could not connect to the server"); } pg_query("CREATE TABLE php_test (id SERIAL, tm timestamp NOT NULL)"); $values = array('tm' => 'now()'); pg_insert($dbh, 'php_test', $values); $ids = array('id' => 1); pg_update($dbh, 'php_test', $values, $ids); pg_query($dbh, "DROP TABLE php_test"); pg_close($dbh); ?> ===DONE===
$query .= " AND nreach={$rgstreamreach}"; $query .= " AND nrspfn={$rgrespfnversion}"; $query .= " AND group_ndx={$rggroup_ndx}"; $query .= " ORDER BY timestep ASC"; $results = pg_query($pgconnection, $query); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($results)) { $response_array[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $response_arrays[$ndx] = $response_array; } // run the convolution and create the stream depletion time series $results = hybrid_convolution_linear_scaling_multiple_ranges_subzone($zone_grpval_array, $zone_gwcu_array, $zone_recharge_array, $subzone_gwcu_array, $subzone_recharge_array, $response_arrays, $subtimestepcount, $linex_array, $liney_array, $lineslope_array, $group_range_array); // save the stream depletion time series back to a pg table if (count($results)) { foreach ($results as $ndx => $value) { $insert_array['model_version'] = $rgmodelversion; $insert_array['nzone'] = $rgresponsezone; $insert_array['nsubzone'] = $rgresponsesubzone; $insert_array['nscenario'] = $rgstreamdepletionscenario; $insert_array['nreach'] = $rgstreamreach; $insert_array['nyear'] = $startyear; $absolutetimestep = $ndx + ($startyear - 1900) * $subtimestepcount; $insert_array['ntimestep'] = $absolutetimestep; //if(array_key_exists($absolutetimestep,$credit_array)) { // $value += $credit_array[$absolutetimestep]; //} $insert_array['depletion_af'] = $value; pg_insert($pgconnection, $rgstreamdepletiondatatable, $insert_array); } } }
$current_table = $_POST['current_table']; $sequence_step = $_POST['sequence_step']; $next_step = $sequence_step + 1; $names = getColumnNames($current_table); $collection = array(); $data2fields = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $current_field_count; $i++) { $field = strval($_POST['field_' . $i]); if ($names[$i] == 'password') { $md5 = md5($field); $field = $md5; } array_push($collection, $field); $data2fields[$names[$i]] = $collection[$i]; } $success = pg_insert($connection, $current_table, $data2fields); if ($success) { echo 'Poprawnie dodano wiersz do bazy danych.<br>'; echo '<form action="index.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="sequence_step" value="' . $next_step . '">'; rebuildStoredIdMap(); postStoredIdMap(); echo '<input type="submit" value="Przejdź do kolejnego kroku"></form>'; echo '<form action="index.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="sequence_step" value="' . $sequence_step . '">'; rebuildStoredIdMap(); postStoredIdMap(); echo '<input type="submit" value="Powtórz jeszcze raz ten sam krok"></form><hr>'; } else { echo 'Wystąpił błąd podczas przetwarzania zapytania.<hr>'; } echo '<pre>'; print_r($stored_id_map);
<?php require_once ''; $dbh = pg_connect($conn_str); $tbl_name = 'test_47199'; @pg_query("DROP TABLE {$tbl_name}"); pg_query("CREATE TABLE {$tbl_name} (null_field INT, not_null_field INT NOT NULL)"); pg_insert($dbh, $tbl_name, array('null_field' => null, 'not_null_field' => 1)); pg_insert($dbh, $tbl_name, array('null_field' => null, 'not_null_field' => 2)); var_dump(pg_fetch_all(pg_query('SELECT * FROM ' . $tbl_name))); $query = pg_delete($dbh, $tbl_name, array('null_field' => NULL, 'not_null_field' => 2), PGSQL_DML_STRING | PGSQL_DML_EXEC); echo $query, "\n"; $query = pg_update($dbh, $tbl_name, array('null_field' => NULL, 'not_null_field' => 0), array('not_null_field' => 1, 'null_field' => ''), PGSQL_DML_STRING | PGSQL_DML_EXEC); echo $query, "\n"; var_dump(pg_fetch_all(pg_query('SELECT * FROM ' . $tbl_name))); @pg_query("DROP TABLE {$tbl_name}"); pg_close($dbh); echo PHP_EOL . "Done" . PHP_EOL;
<?php require_once ''; $dbh = @pg_connect($conn_str); if (!$dbh) { die("Could not connect to the server"); } pg_query("CREATE TABLE php_test (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now())"); pg_insert($dbh, 'php_test', array()); var_dump(pg_fetch_assoc(pg_query("SELECT * FROM php_test"))); pg_query($dbh, "DROP TABLE php_test"); pg_close($dbh); ?> ===DONE===
function insert($table, $values) { return pg_insert($this->connection, $table, $values); }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); include ''; $db = pg_connect($conn_str); $fields = array('num' => '1234', 'str' => 'AAA', 'bin' => 'BBB'); pg_insert($db, $table_name, $fields) or print "Error in test 1\n"; echo pg_insert($db, $table_name, $fields, PGSQL_DML_STRING) . "\n"; echo "Ok\n";
<?php /* @author Alan Harder */ if ($_GET['version']) { require_once '/config/dbconfig.php'; $db = @pg_connect("user={$dbuser} password={$dbpass} host={$dbserver} dbname={$dbname}"); if (!$db) { die('DB error'); } $voter = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; if (empty($voter)) { $voter = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if ($_GET['rating'] == 1) { pg_insert($db, 'jenkins_good', array('version' => $_GET['version'], 'voter' => $voter)); } else { $row = array('version' => $_GET['version'], 'voter' => $voter, 'rollback' => $_GET['rating'] == -1); $issue = (int) preg_replace('/^(JENKINS|HUDSON)-/i', '', $_GET['issue']); if ($issue > 0) { $row['issue'] = $issue; } pg_insert($db, 'jenkins_bad', $row); } pg_close($db); }
* @copyright Copyright (c) WGBH ( All Rights Reserved. * @license GPLv3 * @version GIT: <$Id> * @link */ $dbconnection = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=mint user=mint password=mint"); if ($dbconnection) { if (isset($_REQUEST['mint_id'])) { if ($_REQUEST['mint_id'] == '') { $p_query = pg_query($dbconnection, "SELECT nextval('seq_users_id')"); $user_id = pg_fetch_row($p_query); $username = explode('@', $_REQUEST['username']); $random = rand(1, 99); $final_username = $username[0] . '_' . $random; $data = array('login' => $final_username, 'first_name' => $_REQUEST['first_name'], 'last_name' => $_REQUEST['last_name'], 'email' => $_REQUEST['username'], 'md5_password' => md5($final_username . 'x0h0@123'), 'organization_id' => 1, 'account_created' => date('Y-m-d'), 'active_account' => 't', 'rights' => $_REQUEST['rights'], 'users_id' => $user_id[0]); $result = pg_insert($dbconnection, 'users', $data); if ($result) { $email = $_REQUEST['username']; $p_query = pg_query($dbconnection, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '{$email}'"); if ($p_query) { $user_info = pg_fetch_row($p_query); $response = json_encode(array("success" => 'true', 'error' => '', 'result' => $user_info, 'user_id' => $_REQUEST['user_id'])); echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $response . ')'; exit; } } else { $response = json_encode(array("success" => 'false', 'error' => 'something went wrong while inserting.')); echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $response . ')'; exit; } } else {
<?php // Valor de retorno // 0: usuario introdujo mal los datos // 1: operacion realizada satisfactoriamente // 2: hack // 3: ya existe en la base de datos if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=univeonl_univeonl user=univeonl_univeonl password=admin") or die("No se pudo conectar a la Base de Datos"); //echo "Conectado satisfactoriamente.\n"; $email_from = $_POST['email']; $error_message = ""; $email_exp = '/^[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/'; if (!preg_match($email_exp, $email_from)) { echo "0"; } else { $qu = pg_query($dbconn, "SELECT email FROM maillist WHERE email = '" . $_POST['email'] . "'"); $rows = pg_num_rows($qu); if ($rows == 0) { $res = pg_insert($dbconn, 'maillist', $_POST); if ($res) { echo "1"; } } else { echo "3"; } } pg_close($dbconn); } else { echo "2"; }
<?php include ''; $conn = pg_connect($conn_str); pg_query('CREATE SCHEMA phptests'); pg_query('CREATE TABLE foo (id INT, id2 INT)'); pg_query('CREATE TABLE (id INT, id2 INT)'); pg_insert($conn, 'foo', array('id' => 1, 'id2' => 1)); pg_insert($conn, '', array('id' => 1, 'id2' => 2)); pg_update($conn, 'foo', array('id' => 10), array('id' => 1)); var_dump(pg_update($conn, 'foo', array('id' => 10), array('id' => 1), PGSQL_DML_STRING)); pg_update($conn, '', array('id' => 100), array('id2' => 2)); var_dump(pg_update($conn, '', array('id' => 100), array('id2' => 2), PGSQL_DML_STRING)); $rs = pg_query('SELECT * FROM foo UNION SELECT * FROM'); while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs)) { var_dump($row); } pg_query('DROP TABLE foo'); pg_query('DROP TABLE'); pg_query('DROP SCHEMA phptests');
require 'bookdetails.php'; $result = getDetails($isbn); $title = $result['title']; $description = pg_escape_string($result['description']); $publisher = $result['publisher']; $query = "insert into books (isbn, title, publisher,description, by_user, ts) values ('{$isbn}', '{$title}',\n '{$publisher}', '{$description}', '{$username}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);"; $imagelink = $result['image-link']; if ($title == null) { echo json_encode(array('result' => 'false')); return; } $content = file_get_contents($imagelink); $fp = fopen("../books_pics/{$isbn}.jpg", "w"); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); $res1 = pg_query($query); $done1 = $res1 ? true : false; $done2 = false; foreach ($result['authors'] as $value) { $done2 = false; $res2 = pg_insert($dbconn, "author", array('isbn' => $isbn, 'author' => $value)); if (!$res2) { break; } $done2 = true; } if (done1 && done2) { echo json_encode(array('result' => 'true')); } else { echo json_encode(array('result' => 'false')); }
<?php require 'db_conn.php'; $author_id = $_POST['author_id']; $title = $_POST['title']; $author_name = $_POST['author_name']; $details = $_POST['details']; $tags = $_POST['tags']; $ftags = $_POST['faculty_tags']; $logf = fopen('logfile.txt', 'w'); fwrite($logf, "{$author_id} {$title} {$author_name} {$details} {$tags} {$ftags}"); fclose($logf); $query = "insert into question_forum (ts,asker, title, content ) values (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'{$author_id}','{$title}','{$details}'); select lastval();"; $result = pg_query($query); $row = pg_fetch_array($result); $row = $row[0]; foreach (explode(" ", $tags) as $value) { pg_insert($dbconn, "qtags", array('qid' => $row, 'htag' => $value)); } foreach (explode(",", $ftags) as $value) { pg_insert($dbconn, "qtags", array('qid' => $row, 'htag' => $value)); } echo json_encode(array('result' => "true"));
public function insertArray($array) { foreach ($array as $arr) { pg_insert($this->conn, $this->table, $arr) or die("Ошибка внесения массива в таблицу " . $this->table . ": " . pg_last_error()); } return true; }
public function insertArray($array) { foreach ($array as $arr) { pg_insert($this->conn, $this->table, $arr) or die('[{"success":false, "message":"Ошибка внесения массива в таблицу ' . $this->table . '}]"'); } return true; }