protected function renderBodyContent()
        pfl('	<div id="container"> 
				<div id="header">
				<div id="body">', $this->get_title);
        pfl('		</div>
 protected function renderBody()
     pfl('<div class="header">');
     pfl('<h1><a href="%s">Atsumi Examples</a></h1>', Atsumi::app__createUri('ex_IndexController', ''));
     pfl('<div class="details"><strong>%s</strong> <cite>%s</cite><p>%s</p></div>', $this->get_method, $this->get_controller, $this->get_info);
     pfl('<br clear="both" />');
     pfl('<div class="example">');
 function renderBodyContent()
     pfl('<h1>Atsumi Examples</h1>');
     pfl('<p>%s</p>', 'A collection of examples to demonstrate features of Atsumi.');
     foreach ($this->get_index as $section => $exampleArr) {
         pfl('<h2>Examples: %s</h2>', $section);
         foreach ($exampleArr as $example) {
             pfl('<li>%s &raquo; <a href="%s">%s</a> <cite>%s</cite></li>', $section, Atsumi::app__createUri($example['controller'], $example['path']), $example['path'], $example['controller']);
             if ($example['info']) {
                 pfl('<p style="margin-top:5px;">%s</p>', $example['info']);
     pfl('<br />');
     pfl('<br />');
Example #4
 private function renderCss()
     pfl('%s', $this->get_css);
Example #5
 public function render()
     pfl('%s', $this->get_txt);
 protected function goInnerBodyContent()
     pfl('<p>The current time is <span class="date">%s</span></p>', $this->get_date);
 function methodlessRequest()
     $allArgs = func_get_args();
     if (!in_array('-p', $allArgs) || !in_array('-c', $allArgs)) {
         throw new app_InvalidUsageException();
     $tables = array();
     if (!in_array('-a', $allArgs)) {
         $tables[] = array_pop($allArgs);
     while ($arg = array_shift($allArgs)) {
         switch ($arg) {
             case '-p':
                 $this->projectDir = array_shift($allArgs);
             case '-c':
                 $this->configPath = array_shift($allArgs);
             case '-a':
                 $this->allTables = true;
             case '-n':
                 $this->namespace = array_shift($allArgs);
                 throw new app_InvalidUsageException();
     // Try and include the project config
     $settingsFile = sf('%s/%s', $this->projectDir, $this->configPath);
     if (!file_exists($settingsFile)) {
         throw new app_InvalidUsageException();
     try {
         // Assumes settings file is a direct child of atsumi_AbstractSettings
         require $settingsFile;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new app_InvalidUsageException();
     // Assumes standard Atsumi naming convention
     $matches = array();
     preg_match('/([^\\/]+)\\.php/i', $settingsFile, $matches);
     if (!isset($matches[1])) {
         throw new Exception('Could not parse class name');
     $projectSettings = new $matches[1]();
     // Check if a database method exists
     if (!method_exists($projectSettings, 'init_db')) {
         pfl('Missing init_db function in settings');
         throw new app_InvalidUsageException();
     $db = $projectSettings->init_db;
     if ($this->allTables) {
         $tables = $db->showTables();
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         pfl('Generating model for table %s', $table);
         $columnDefinition = $db->descTable($table);
         if (empty($columnDefinition)) {
             throw new app_InvalidUsageException('Dodgy table definition');
         // Check if the file already exists
         $baseFile = sf('%s/classes/mvc/models/%sBaseModel.php', $this->projectDir, $this->namespace == '' ? '' : $this->namespace);
         $modelFile = sf('%s/classes/mvc/models/%s%sModel.php', $this->projectDir, $this->namespace == '' ? '' : $this->namespace, str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $table))));
         $className = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $table)));
         // Set base data for template
         pfl("\t-Setting namespace as %s", $this->namespace);
         pfl("\t-Setting class name as %s", $className);
         $data = array('namespace' => $this->namespace, 'table' => $table, 'class' => $className);
         // Check if the parent class has already been created, if it's there, assume it's fine
         if (!file_exists($baseFile)) {
             pfl("\t-Generating model base class");
             // Create the base file first
             $baseModelContents = file_get_contents(sf('%s/classes/templates/ago_BaseModel.tpl', $this->app->get_baseDir));
             $matches = null;
             $baseModelContents = preg_replace('/{([A-z0-9]*)?}/e', '$data["$1"]', $baseModelContents);
             // New file, add PHP tags
             $baseModelContents = sf("<?php\n%s\n}\n?>", $baseModelContents);
             file_put_contents($baseFile, $baseModelContents);
             pfl("\t\t-Added Base Model class at %s", $baseFile);
         // Define the class properties
         $properties = array();
         $constraints = array();
         foreach ($columnDefinition as $column) {
             $properties[] = sf("private \$%s; // %s %s %s\n", lcfirst(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $column['name'])))), strtoupper($column['type']), $column['nullable'] ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL', $column['constraint'] ? $column['constraint'] : '');
             if ($column['constraint']) {
                 $constraints[] = $column;
         pfl("\t-Setting model properties");
         // Set the properties string for template
         $data['properties'] = implode("\t", $properties);
         // Define the WHERE clause for the write function
         if (!count($constraints)) {
             pfl("\t\t-Can't find key in table %s. Write condition will need set manually", $table);
             $data['condition'] = '';
         } else {
             $conditionArray = array();
             $conditionValues = array();
             foreach ($constraints as $constraint) {
                 // Define the data replacement type
                 $valueType = sf('%%%s', $this->getSubstitutionCode($constraint['type']));
                 $conditionArray[] = sf('%s = %s', $constraint['name'], $valueType);
                 $conditionValues[] = sf('$this->get%s()', str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $constraint['name']))));
             // Concat and format the string into a usable atsumi clause
             $conditionString = sf('\'%s\'', implode(' AND ', $conditionArray));
             array_unshift($conditionValues, $conditionString);
             $conditionString = implode(', ', $conditionValues);
             pfl("\t-Setting write condition");
             $data['condition'] = $conditionString . ',';
         // Define the SET strings for the values to insert or update
         $valuesArray = array();
         foreach ($columnDefinition as $column) {
             $valueType = sf('%%%s', $this->getSubstitutionCode($column['type']));
             // Use the allow NULL data substitution type
             if ($column['nullable']) {
                 $valueType = strtoupper($valueType);
             // Addd the getter to use to get the columns data
             $valuesArray[] = sf("'%s = %s', \$this->get%s()", $column['name'], $valueType, str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $column['name']))));
         // Set the values data for the model
         pfl("\t-Setting write values");
         $data['values'] = implode(", \n\t\t\t\t", $valuesArray);
         // Create the populate object variable
         $populateArray = array();
         foreach ($columnDefinition as $column) {
             $valueType = sf('%s', $this->getSubstitutionCode($column['type']));
             $populateArray[] = sf("\$object->set%s(\$this->%s_%s);\n", str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $column['name']))), $valueType, $column['name']);
         pfl("\t-Generating object population code");
         $data['populateObject'] = implode("\t\t", $populateArray);
         // Get the content of the base model
         $newModelContent = file_get_contents(sf('%s/classes/templates/ago_BasicModel.tpl', $this->app->get_baseDir));
         // Replace all variables with variables from the data array
         $newModelContent = preg_replace('/{([A-z0-9]*)?}/e', '$data["$1"]', $newModelContent);
         if (file_exists($modelFile)) {
             pfl("\t-Updating model file");
             $originalModel = file_get_contents($modelFile);
             $newModelContent = preg_replace('#\\/\\* START AUTO \\*\\/(.*)?\\/\\* FINISH AUTO \\*\\/#s', $newModelContent, $originalModel);
         } else {
             pfl("\t-Writing new model file");
             // It's a new file so we need to surround with PHP tags
             $newModelContent = sf("<?php\n%s\n}\n?>", $newModelContent);
         file_put_contents($modelFile, $newModelContent);
         pfl("\t-Model generation complete\n");
 protected function renderHeadContent()
     pfl('<title>Atsumi Examples: %h</title>', $this->getTitle());
Example #9
 public function render()
     pfl('%s', $this->get_json);
 function renderBodyContent()
     pfl('%s', $this->get_form);
 private function goConfigureForCLI()
     if (!file_exists(sf('%s/classes/app/%s_Settings.php', $this->projectFolder, $this->namespace))) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot find settings file');
     pf('Adding CLI settings...');
     $goSettings = file_get_contents(sf('%s/classes/app/%s_GoSettings.php', $this->projectFolder, $this->namespace));
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match('/\'cli\'\\s+=>\\s+(true|false)/i', $goSettings, $matches)) {
     } else {
         $goSettings = preg_replace('#([^\\S\\n]+)(\\/\\*\\*SETTINGS\\*\\*\\/)#i', '${1}${2}' . "\r\n" . '${1}$settings[\'cli\'] = true;', $goSettings);
     $check = file_put_contents(sf('%s/classes/app/%s_GoSettings.php', $this->projectFolder, $this->namespace), $goSettings);
     if (!$check) {
         throw new Exception('Could not write to GoSettings file');
     pf('Updating base settings file...');
     $settings = file_get_contents(sf('%s/classes/app/%s_Settings.php', $this->projectFolder, $this->namespace));
     $settings = preg_replace('/[,]{0,1}\\s+\'cli\'\\s+=>\\s+(true|false)/i', '', $settings);
     $check = file_put_contents(sf('%s/classes/app/%s_Settings.php', $this->projectFolder, $this->namespace), $settings);
     if (!$check) {
         throw new Exception('Could not write to Settings file');
 public function render()
     $html = mvc_TemplateLoaderView::renderTemplate($this->data, $this->data['template']);
     pfl("%s", $html);
Example #13
 public function render()
     pfl('%s(%s)', is_null($this->get_callback) ? 'callback' : $this->get_callback, $this->get_json);
Example #14
 function renderBodyContent()
     pfl("<div style='text-align:center; width: 600px; margin:40px auto 0px auto;'><h1>%s</h1><p>%s</p></div>", $this->get_title, $this->get_details);
Example #15
 public function renderBodyContent()
     pfl('home view - TODO');
 function renderBodyContent()
     pfl('<pre>%s</pre>', stripslashes(pretty($this->get_output)));
Example #17
 protected function renderBody()