function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function fvote($id, $ajax = false) { global $db, $balken_vote_menu, $prev; if (!permission("votes")) { $intern = ' AND intern = 0'; } $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['votes'] . " WHERE id = '" . $id . "' " . $intern . ""); $get = _fetch($qry); if (_rows($qry)) { $qryv = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['vote_results'] . " WHERE vid = '" . $get['id'] . "' ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($getv = _fetch($qryv)) { $stimmen = sum($db['vote_results'], " WHERE vid = '" . $get['id'] . "'", "stimmen"); if ($stimmen != 0) { if (ipcheck("vid_" . $get['id']) || isset($_COOKIE[$prev . "vid_" . $get['id']]) || $get['closed'] == 1) { $percent = round($getv['stimmen'] / $stimmen * 100, 1); $rawpercent = round($getv['stimmen'] / $stimmen * 100, 0); $balken = show(_votes_balken, array("width" => $rawpercent)); $votebutton = ""; $results .= show("forum/vote_results", array("answer" => re($getv['sel']), "percent" => $percent, "stimmen" => $getv['stimmen'], "balken" => $balken)); } else { $votebutton = '<input id="contentSubmitFVote" type="submit" value="' . _button_value_vote . '" class="voteSubmit" />'; $results .= show("forum/vote_vote", array("id" => $getv['id'], "answer" => re($getv['sel']))); } } else { $votebutton = '<input id="contentSubmitFVote" type="submit" value="' . _button_value_vote . '" class="voteSubmit" />'; $results .= show("forum/vote_vote", array("id" => $getv['id'], "answer" => re($getv['sel']))); } } $qryf = db("SELECT id,kid FROM " . $db['f_threads'] . " WHERE vote = '" . $get['id'] . "'"); $getf = _fetch($qryf); $vote = show("forum/vote", array("titel" => re($get['titel']), "vid" => $get['id'], "fid" => $getf['id'], "kid" => $getf['kid'], "umfrage" => _forum_vote, "results" => $results, "votebutton" => $votebutton, "stimmen" => $stimmen)); } return empty($vote) ? '' : ($ajax ? $vote : '<div id="navFVote">' . $vote . '</div>'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (!permission("logs", "extra")) { redirect("admin"); } }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; $this->data['period'] = getAll('payroll_period'); permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; $this->data['component_type'] = $this->payroll->get_component_type(); $this->data['tax_component'] = $this->payroll->get_tax_component(); permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; $filter = array('is_deleted' => 'where/0'); $this->data['p_component'] = $list_component = $this->all_model->GetAll('payroll_component', $filter); permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; $year_now = date('Y'); $this->data['period'] = $this->payroll->render_periode($year_now); permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function component_permission($json_data) { global $data; if (!empty($json_data['permissions']) && is_array($json_data['permissions'])) { $data['permissions'] = array(); foreach ($json_data['permissions'] as $type) { $data['permissions'][$type] = permission($type); } } }
public function delete($id) { if (permission("reports", "extra")) { if ($id) { $data = new Result($id); $data->delete(); save_logs('delete', $id); } } redirect("admin/reports"); }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; $year_now = date('Y'); $this->data['period'] = $this->payroll->render_periode($year_now); $this->data['period'] = getAll('payroll_period', array('year' => 'order/asc', 'month' => 'order/asc')); $this->data['ireg_comp'] = GetAllSelect('payroll_component', 'id, title', array('is_annualized' => 'where/0')); permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; $filter = array('is_deleted' => 'where/0', 'is_active' => 'where/1', 'component_type_id' => 'order/asc', 'code' => 'order/asc'); $this->data['p_component'] = $list_component = getAll('payroll_component', $filter)->result_array(); $filter = array('status_cd' => 'where/normal'); $this->data['job_class'] = $this->all_model->GetAll('hris_job_class', $filter, 'job_class_level'); //lastq(); permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; permission(); $year_now = date('Y'); $this->data['period'] = $this->setup->render_periode($year_now); $this->data['session'] = getAll('hris_global_sess', array('id' => 'order/desc')); $this->data['ptkp'] = options_row('payroll', 'get_ptkp', 'id', 'title', '-- Choose Tax Status --'); $this->data['currency'] = options_row('payroll', 'get_currency', 'id', 'title', '-- Choose Currency --'); $this->data['tax_method'] = options_row('payroll', 'get_tax_method', 'id', 'title', '-- Choose Tax Method --'); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function edit() { $session_id = $this->input->post('session_id'); permission(); $filter = array('session_id' => 'where/' . $session_id); $num_rows = getAll('payroll_umk', $filter)->num_rows(); //lastq(); $data = array('value' => str_replace(',', '', $this->input->post('value')), 'session_id' => $session_id); if ($num_rows > 0) { $this->db->where('session_id', $session_id)->update('payroll_umk', $data); } else { $this->db->insert('payroll_umk', $data); } return true; }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = ucfirst($this->title); $this->data['page_title'] = $this->page_title; permission(); $year_now = date('Y'); //$this->data['period'] = $this->setup->render_periode($year_now); $this->data['period'] = getAll('payroll_period', array('year' => 'order/asc', 'month' => 'order/asc')); $this->data['options_group'] = options_row('payroll', 'get_group', 'id', 'title', '-- Choose Payroll Group --'); $filter = array('is_deleted' => 'where/0', 'is_active' => 'where/1'); $this->data['component'] = getAll('payroll_component', $filter)->result(); $this->data['ptkp'] = options_row('payroll', 'get_ptkp', 'id', 'title', '-- Choose Tax Status --'); $this->data['currency'] = options_row('payroll', 'get_currency', 'id', 'title', '-- Choose Currency --'); $this->data['tax_method'] = options_row('payroll', 'get_tax_method', 'id', 'title', '-- Choose Tax Method --'); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }
function newsticker() { global $db, $allowHover; if (!permission("intnews")) { $int = "AND intern = 0"; } $qry = db("SELECT id,titel,autor,datum,kat FROM " . $db['news'] . " WHERE public = '1'AND datum <= '" . time() . "' " . $int . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 20"); while ($get = _fetch($qry)) { if ($allowHover == 1) { $getkat = _fetch(db("SELECT kategorie FROM " . $db['newskat'] . " WHERE id = '" . $get['kat'] . "'")); $info = 'onmouseover="DZCP.showInfo(\'<tr><td colspan=2 align=center padding=3 class=infoTop>' . jsconvert(re($get['titel'])) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _datum . ':</b></td><td>' . date("d.m.Y H:i", $get['datum']) . _uhr . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _autor . ':</b></td><td>' . rawautor($get['autor']) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _news_admin_kat . ':</b></td><td>' . jsconvert(re($getkat['kategorie'])) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _comments_head . ':</b></td><td>' . cnt($db['newscomments'], "WHERE news = '" . $get['id'] . "'") . '</td></tr>\')" onmouseout="DZCP.hideInfo()"'; } $news .= '<a href="../news/?action=show&id=' . $get['id'] . '" ' . $info . '>' . re($get['titel']) . '</a> | '; } return show("menu/newsticker", array("news" => $news)); }
function l_news() { global $db, $maxlnews, $lnews, $allowHover; if (!permission("intnews")) { $int = "AND intern = 0"; } $qry = db("SELECT id,titel,autor,datum,kat,public,timeshift FROM " . $db['news'] . "\n WHERE public = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND datum <= " . time() . "\n\t\t\t " . $int . "\n ORDER BY id DESC\n LIMIT " . $maxlnews . ""); while ($get = _fetch($qry)) { $qrykat = db("SELECT kategorie FROM " . $db['newskat'] . "\n WHERE id = '" . $get['kat'] . "'"); $getkat = _fetch($qrykat); if ($allowHover == 1) { $info = 'onmouseover="DZCP.showInfo(\'<tr><td colspan=2 align=center padding=3 class=infoTop>' . jsconvert(re($get['titel'])) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _datum . ':</b></td><td>' . date("d.m.Y H:i", $get['datum']) . _uhr . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _autor . ':</b></td><td>' . rawautor($get['autor']) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _news_admin_kat . ':</b></td><td>' . jsconvert(re($getkat['kategorie'])) . '</td></tr><tr><td><b>' . _comments_head . ':</b></td><td>' . cnt($db['newscomments'], "WHERE news = '" . $get['id'] . "'") . '</td></tr>\')" onmouseout="DZCP.hideInfo()"'; } $l_news .= show("menu/last_news", array("id" => $get['id'], "titel" => re(cut($get['titel'], $lnews)), "datum" => date("d.m.Y", $get['datum']), "info" => $info)); } return empty($l_news) ? '' : '<table class="navContent" cellspacing="0">' . $l_news . '</table>'; }
function dir_list($dir) { if ($dir[strlen($dir) - 1] != '/') { $dir .= '/'; } if (!is_dir($dir)) { return array(); } $dir_handle = opendir($dir); $dir_objects = array(); while ($object = readdir($dir_handle)) { if (!in_array($object, array('.', '..'))) { $filename = $dir . $object; $file_object = array('name' => $object, 'size' => filesize($filename), 'perm' => permission($filename), 'type' => filetype($filename), 'time' => date("d F Y H:i:s", filemtime($filename))); $dir_objects[] = $file_object; } } return $dir_objects; }
function shout($ajax = 0) { global $db, $maxshout, $lshouttext, $lshoutnick, $shout_max_zeichen, $userid, $chkMe; $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['shout'] . "\n ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $maxshout . ""); $i = 1; while ($get = _fetch($qry)) { $class = $color % 2 ? "navShoutContentFirst" : "navShoutContentSecond"; $color++; if (permission("shoutbox")) { $delete = '<a href="../shout/?action=admin&do=delete&id=' . $get['id'] . '" onclick="return(DZCP.del(\'' . _confirm_del_shout . '\'))"><img src="../inc/images/delete_small.gif" title="' . _button_title_del . '" alt="' . _button_title_del . '" /></a>'; } else { $delete = ""; } $is_num = preg_match("#\\d#", $get['email']); if ($is_num && !check_email($get['email'])) { $nick = autor($get['email'], "navShout"); } else { $nick = '<a class="navShout" href="mailto:' . eMailAddr($get['email']) . '" title="' . $get['nick'] . '">' . cut($get['nick'], $lshoutnick) . '</a>'; } $show .= show("menu/shout_part", array("nick" => $nick, "datum" => date("j.m.Y H:i", $get['datum']) . _uhr, "text" => bbcode(wrap(re($get['text']), $lshouttext)), "class" => $class, "del" => $delete)); $i++; } if (settings('reg_shout') == 1 && $chkMe == 'unlogged') { $dis = ' style="text-align:center;cursor:wait" disabled="disabled"'; $dis1 = ' style="cursor:wait;color:#888" disabled="disabled"'; $only4reg = _shout_must_reg; } else { if ($chkMe == "unlogged") { $form = show("menu/shout_form", array("dis" => $dis)); $sec = show("menu/shout_antispam", array("help" => _login_secure_help, "dis" => $dis)); } else { $form = autor($userid, "navShout"); } } $add = show("menu/shout_add", array("form" => $form, "t_zeichen" => _zeichen, "noch" => _noch, "dis1" => $dis1, "dis" => $dis, "only4reg" => $only4reg, "security" => $sec, "zeichen" => $shout_max_zeichen)); $shout = show("menu/shout", array("shout" => $show, "shoutbox" => _shoutbox_head, "archiv" => _shoutbox_archiv, "add" => $add)); return empty($ajax) ? '<table class="navContent" cellspacing="0">' . $shout . '</table>' : $show; }
function menu_execute($menu) { $arguments = array(); if (permission($menu['access'])) { if (!empty($menu['file'])) { include DROOT . '/src/' . $menu['file']; } if (isset($menu['args'])) { foreach ($menu['args'] as $key) { $arguments[] = arg($key); } } if (isset($menu['jsonData'])) { $request_body = file_get_contents('php://input'); if (!empty($request_body)) { array_unshift($arguments, json_decode($request_body, TRUE)); } } call_user_func_array($menu['callback'], $arguments); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); } }
<?php // Authentifizierung if (isset($_COOKIE["nickname"]) && isset($_COOKIE["password"]) && login($_COOKIE["nickname"], $_COOKIE["password"]) && permission($_COOKIE["nickname"], "time_recording")) { if (isset($_GET["section"]) && $_GET["section"] == "delete") { $sql = "DELETE FROM time_recording WHERE id = " . $_GET["id"] . ";"; if ($conn->query($sql)) { echo "Datensatz gelöscht."; } else { echo $conn->error; } } // Daten einfügen nachMitarbeiter if (isset($_POST["job"]) && $_POST["start"] != "" && $_POST["end"] != "") { $zeit1 = strtotime($_POST["start"]); $zeit2 = strtotime($_POST["end"]); $difference = ($zeit2 - $zeit1) / 60 / 60; } elseif (isset($_POST["job"])) { $difference = $_POST["difference"]; } if (isset($_POST["formular"]) && $_POST["formular"] == "nachMitarbeiterFormular" && isset($_POST["job"])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO time_recording (employee, job, project, date, start, end, difference) VALUES ('" . $_POST["mitarbeiter"] . "','" . $_POST["job"] . "','" . $_POST["project"] . "','" . preg_replace('#^(\\d{2})\\.(\\d{2})\\.(\\d{4})$#', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $_POST["date"]) . "','" . $_POST["start"] . "','" . $_POST["end"] . "','" . $difference . "');"; $conn->query($sql) or die($conn->error); } // Daten einfügen nachProjekt if (isset($_POST["formular"]) && $_POST["formular"] == "nachProjektFormular") { $anz = count($_POST["employee"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $anz; $i++) { $sql = "INSERT INTO time_recording (employee, job, project, date, start, end, difference) VALUES ('" . $_POST["employee"][$i] . "','" . $_POST["job"] . "','" . $_POST["project"] . "','" . preg_replace('#^(\\d{2})\\.(\\d{2})\\.(\\d{4})$#', '\\3-\\2-\\1', $_POST["date"]) . "','" . $_POST["start"] . "','" . $_POST["end"] . "',{$difference});"; $conn->query($sql); }
* 欢迎使用空气管理系统,作者首页 本程序本着"简单是一种艺术,无师自通"; 本程序未获得授权允许,请勿上线。 * */ if (!defined("KQ_WORK")) { exit("非法操作"); } if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { new Alert("非法操作", "back"); exit; } else { $id = setdefensesql($_GET['id']); } if (!permission("order")) { new Alert("没有权限操作", "back"); exit; } $sqlshow = $conn->selectall("" . DB_EXT . "winmsg", "where kq_uuid='" . $id . "'"); $show_r = dell_slashes($conn->result($sqlshow)); //本页配置信息 $pagename = "获奖"; $backurl = "win_list"; $addname = ''; $btnaction = ""; //提交状态 $actionurl = "action/ac_update.php"; $actionmd5 = md5("win_update"); ?>
function getDirList($base) { $subbase = $base . '/'; $per = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($subbase)), -3); $uper = substr($per, 0, 1); $gper = substr($per, 1, 1); $oper = substr($per, 2, 1); $wr_per = TEXT_WRITE_PERMISSION_AVAILABLE; $permis = permission($oper); if ($permis[1] == "0") { $wr_per = "<font color=red>" . TEXT_ENABLE_WRITE_PERMISSION . "</font>"; } return $wr_per; }
} else { if ($i % ($per_page / 2) == 0) { echo '<div style="float:left; overflow:hidden; border-left:solid 1px #dddddd; border-right:solid 1px #dddddd; border-bottom:solid 1px #dddddd; padding-top:10px; padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; text-align:center; width:103px; height:148px;" id="flixBox' . $flix_array[$i]['US_ID'] . '">'; } else { echo '<div style="float:left; overflow:hidden; border-right:solid 1px #dddddd; border-bottom:solid 1px #dddddd; padding-top:10px; padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; text-align:center; width:103px; height:148px;" id="flixBox' . $flix_array[$i]['US_ID'] . '">'; } echo '</div>'; } if ($cnt_flix_array <= $page * $per_page - $per_page / 2 && $i == $offset + ($per_page / 2 - 1)) { break; } } echo '</div> <br clear="all" /> <br/><br/>'; if (permission($_FF_SESSION->value('account_perm'), PERM_USER_1) == true) { echo ' <div class="bullet bold"><a href="/?action=flix.gallery_generator">How can I put a gallery of slideshows on my website?</a></div>'; } echo '<div class="bullet"><a href="/?action=home.samples&subaction=all_themes">Where can I see a list of all the slideshow themes?</a></div> <div class="bullet"><a href="/?action=home.samples">Can I see samples of slideshows to get some ideas?</a></div> '; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> Event.observe(window, "load", initializeLB, false); </script>'; } else { echo '<div style="width:300px; margin:auto; padding-top:20px;">'; echo '<div class="bold">Your search for slideshows had 0 results.</div>'; echo '<div style="padding-left:20px; padding-top:5px;" class="bold">'; echo '<div style="padding-top:4px;">'; echo '<div style="float:left; padding-right:3px;"><img src="images/bullet.gif" border="0" /></div>'; echo '<div><a href="/?action=flix.flix_list">View all of your slideshows</a></div>'; echo '</div>';
include basePath . "/inc/config.php"; include basePath . "/inc/bbcode.php"; ## SETTINGS ## $time_start = generatetime(); lang($language); $dir = "links"; $where = _site_links; ## SECTIONS ## if (!isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = ""; } else { $action = $_GET['action']; } switch ($action) { default: if (permission("links")) { $admin = _links_admin; } else { $admin = ""; } $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['links'] . "\n ORDER BY banner DESC"); while ($get = _fetch($qry)) { if ($get['banner'] == "1") { $banner = show(_links_bannerlink, array("id" => $get['id'], "banner" => re($get['text']))); } else { $banner = show(_links_textlink, array("id" => $get['id'], "text" => str_replace('http://', '', re($get['url'])))); } $show .= show($dir . "/links_show", array("class" => $class, "beschreibung" => bbcode($get['beschreibung']), "hits" => $get['hits'], "hit" => _hits, "banner" => $banner)); } $index = show($dir . "/links", array("head" => _links_head, "show" => $show)); break;
<?php /////////// ADMINNAVI \\\\\\\\\ // Typ: contentmenu // Rechte: permission('editsquads') /////////////////////////////// if (_adminMenu != 'true') { exit; } $where = $where . ': ' . _member_admin_header; if (!permission("editsquads")) { $show = error(_error_wrong_permissions, 1); } else { $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['squads'] . " ORDER BY pos"); while ($get = _fetch($qry)) { $edit = show("page/button_edit_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=squads&do=edit", "title" => _button_title_edit)); $delete = show("page/button_delete_single", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "admin=squads&do=delete", "title" => _button_title_del, "del" => convSpace(_confirm_del_team))); $icon = show(_gameicon, array("icon" => $get['icon'])); $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst"; $color++; $squads .= show($dir . "/squads_show", array("squad" => '<a href="../squads/?action=shows&id=' . $get['id'] . '" style="display:block">' . re($get['name']) . '</a>', "game" => re($get['game']), "icon" => $icon, "edit" => $edit, "class" => $class, "delete" => $delete)); } $show = show($dir . "/squads", array("memberadminheader" => _member_admin_header, "squad" => _member_admin_squad, "game" => _member_admin_game, "delete" => _deleteicon_blank, "edit" => _editicon_blank, "add" => _member_admin_add_header, "squads" => $squads)); if ($_GET['do'] == "add") { $qrynav = db("SELECT s2.*, AS katname, s1.placeholder FROM " . $db['navi_kats'] . " AS s1 LEFT JOIN " . $db['navi'] . " AS s2 ON s1.`placeholder` = s2.`kat`\n \t\tORDER BY, s2.pos"); while ($getnav = _fetch($qrynav)) { if ($thiskat != $getnav['kat']) { $navigation .= ' <option class="dropdownKat" value="lazy">' . re($getnav['katname']) . '</option> <option value="' . re($getnav['placeholder']) . '-1">-> ' . _admin_first . '</option> ';
} elseif ($datum == $ktoday) { $data .= show($dir . "/day", array("day" => $day, "event" => $events, "class" => "calToday")); } else { $data .= show($dir . "/day", array("day" => $day, "event" => $events, "class" => "calDay")); } $i++; } } $show .= "<tr>" . $data . "</tr>"; } $index = show($dir . "/kalender", array("monate" => $month, "jahr" => $year, "show" => $show, "what" => _button_value_show, "montag" => _montag, "dienstag" => _dienstag, "mittwoch" => _mittwoch, "donnerstag" => _donnerstag, "freitag" => _freitag, "samstag" => _samstag, "sonntag" => _sonntag, "head" => _kalender_head)); break; case 'show': $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['events'] . "\n WHERE DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(datum), '%d.%m.%Y') = '" . date("d.m.Y", intval($_GET['time'])) . "'\n ORDER BY datum"); while ($get = _fetch($qry)) { if (permission("editkalender")) { $edit = show("page/button_edit", array("id" => $get['id'], "action" => "action=admin&do=edit", "title" => _button_title_edit)); } else { $edit = ""; } $events .= show($dir . "/event_show", array("event" => _kalender_event, "time" => _kalender_uhrzeit, "edit" => $edit, "show_time" => date("H:i", $get['datum']) . _uhr, "show_event" => bbcode($get['event']), "show_title" => re($get['title']))); } $head = show(_kalender_events_head, array("datum" => date("d.m.Y", $_GET['time']))); $index = show($dir . "/event", array("head" => $head, "events" => $events)); break; case 'admin': header("Location: ../admin/?admin=kalender&do=edit&id=" . $_GET['id']); break; } ## INDEX OUTPUT ## page($index, $title, $where);
$index = error(_error_wrong_permissions, 1); } else { if ($_GET['do'] == "addcomment") { $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['gb'] . "\n WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'"); $get = _fetch($qry); if ($get['hp']) { $gbhp = show(_hpicon, array("hp" => $get['hp'])); } else { $gbhp = ""; } if ($get_email) { $gbemail = show(_emailicon, array("email" => eMailAddr($get['email']))); } else { $gbemail = ""; } if (permission("gb")) { $comment = show(_gb_commenticon, array("id" => $get['id'])); } else { $comment = ""; } if ($get['reg'] == "0") { $gbtitel = show(_gb_titel_noreg, array("postid" => "?", "nick" => re($get['nick']), "edit" => "", "delete" => "", "comment" => "", "public" => "", "uhr" => _uhr, "email" => $gbemail, "datum" => date("d.m.Y", $get['datum']), "zeit" => date("H:i", $get['datum']), "hp" => $gbhp)); } else { $gbtitel = show(_gb_titel, array("postid" => "?", "nick" => data($get['reg'], "nick"), "edit" => "", "public" => "", "delete" => "", "uhr" => _uhr, "comment" => "", "id" => $get['reg'], "email" => $gbemail, "datum" => date("d.m.Y", $get['datum']), "zeit" => date("H:i", $get['datum']), "hp" => $gbhp)); } $entry = show($dir . "/gb_show", array("gbtitel" => $gbtitel, "nachricht" => bbcode($get['nachricht']), "editby" => bbcode($get['editby']), "ip" => $get['ip'])); $index = show($dir . "/gb_addcomment", array("head" => _gb_addcomment_head, "entry" => $entry, "what" => _button_value_add, "id" => $_GET['id'], "head_gb" => _gb_addcomment_headgb)); } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "postcomment") { $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['gb'] . "\n WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['id']) . "'"); $get = _fetch($qry); $comment = show($dir . "/commentlayout", array("nick" => autor($userid), "datum" => date("d.m.Y H:i", time()) . _uhr, "comment" => up($_POST['comment'], 1), "nachricht" => $get['nachricht']));
$ykmessage = "权限不够不能操作"; //游客提示语 $sqlshow = $conn->selectall("" . DB_EXT . "newspic", "where npic_id='" . $picid . "'"); $show_r = dell_slashes($conn->result($sqlshow)); $golist = "index.php?name=pic&id=" . $newsid; //返回列表 ?> <div id="urHere"> 管理中心<b>></b><strong><?php echo $pagename; ?> 添加</strong> <b>></b><strong><?php echo $news_r['ms_title']; ?> </strong></div> <?php if (!permission("msg_edit", $_SESSION['adgroup'])) { ?> <div class="gonggao"> <h3>温馨提示:</h3> <p><?php echo $ykmessage; ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="mainBox"> <h3><a href="<?php echo $golist; ?> " class="actionBtn">返回列表</a><?php
<?php if (isset($_COOKIE["nickname"]) && isset($_COOKIE["password"]) && login($_COOKIE["nickname"], $_COOKIE["password"]) && permission($_COOKIE["nickname"], "upload")) { // Datei in tmp-Ordner hochladen print move_uploaded_file($_FILES['datei']['tmp_name'], getcwd() . "/tmp/" . $_FILES['datei']['name']); // CSV-Datei auslesen und wiedergeben echo "<table>"; $handle = fopen(getcwd() . "/tmp/" . $_FILES['datei']['name'], "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) { $num = count($data); echo "<tr>"; $eintrag = 0; $auftragskonto = 0; $buchungstag = 0; $valutadatum = 0; $buchungstext = 0; $verwendungszweck = 0; $beguenstigter_zahlungspflichtiger = 0; $kontonummer = 0; $blz = 0; $betrag = 0; $waehrung = 0; $info = 0; for ($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) { //echo "<td>".$data[$c]."</td>"; $data[$c] = iconv("", "UTF-8", $data[$c]); switch ($c) { case 0: $auftragskonto = $data[$c]; echo "<td>" . $data[$c] . "</td>"; break;
function index() { $this->data['username'] = $this->username; permission(); $this->_render_page($this->filename, $this->data); }