Example #1
 function allRecordsProcessed($projectid)
     // The status field in the submission table may have the value 0, 1, 2 or 3.
     // 0 means queued, but not yet (or no longer) processing.
     // 1 means processing.
     // 2 means done processing, did call do_submit.
     // 3 means done processing, did not call do_submit.
     // This function returns 1 if there are exactly 0 records in the submission
     // table with status=0 or 1.
     // This function returns 0 if any record in the table has status=0 or 1.
     $c0 = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM submission WHERE status=0 AND projectid='{$projectid}'", 'c', '');
     $c1 = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM submission WHERE status=1 AND projectid='{$projectid}'", 'c', '');
     $c2 = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM submission WHERE status=2 AND projectid='{$projectid}'", 'c', '');
     $c3 = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM submission WHERE status=3 AND projectid='{$projectid}'", 'c', '');
     $c_total = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM submission WHERE projectid='{$projectid}'", 'c', '');
     echo "Counts of submission status values:\n";
     echo "===================================\n";
     echo "  (for projectid='{$projectid}')\n";
     echo "c0='{$c0}'\n";
     echo "c1='{$c1}'\n";
     echo "c2='{$c2}'\n";
     echo "c3='{$c3}'\n";
     echo "c_total='{$c_total}'\n";
     if ($c0 == 0 && $c1 == 0) {
         return 1;
     return 0;
Example #2
 function Insert()
     $text = pdo_real_escape_string($this->Text);
     // Get this->Id from the database if text is already in the label table:
     $this->Id = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT id FROM label WHERE text='{$text}'", 'id', 0);
     // Or, if necessary, insert a new row, then get the id of the inserted row:
     if (0 == $this->Id) {
         $query = "INSERT INTO label (text) VALUES ('{$text}')";
         if (!pdo_query($query)) {
             return false;
         $this->Id = pdo_insert_id('label');
     // Insert relationship records, too, but only for those relationships
     // established by callers. (If coming from test.php, for example, TestId
     // will be set, but none of the others will. Similarly for other callers.)
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2build', 'buildid', $this->BuildId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2buildfailure', 'buildfailureid', $this->BuildFailureId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2coveragefile', 'buildid', $this->CoverageFileBuildId, 'coveragefileid', $this->CoverageFileId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2dynamicanalysis', 'dynamicanalysisid', $this->DynamicAnalysisId);
     $this->InsertAssociation('label2test', 'buildid', $this->TestBuildId, 'testid', $this->TestId);
     // TODO: Implement this:
     //  'label2updatefile', 'updatefilekey');
     return true;
Example #3
function ProcessOwnsLock($projectid, $pid)
    $owner_pid = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT pid FROM submissionprocessor WHERE projectid='" . $projectid . "'", 'pid', 0);
    return $owner_pid == $pid;
Example #4
    echo "\n";
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        echo $row['name'] . $sep . $row['covsize'] / 1000000 . "\n";
    echo '</pre>';
    echo '<br/>';
    $sql = "SELECT p.name, SUM(LENGTH(da.log)) AS dasize " . "FROM project AS p, build AS b, dynamicanalysis AS da " . "WHERE p.id=b.projectid AND b.id=da.buildid " . "GROUP BY p.name";
    $rows = pdo_all_rows_query($sql);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo 'project name, dynamic analysis size' . "\n";
    echo "\n";
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        echo $row['name'] . $sep . $row['dasize'] / 1000000 . "\n";
    echo '</pre>';
    echo '<br/>';
if ($session_OK) {
    $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
    $user_is_admin = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT admin FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE id='{$userid}'", 'admin', 0);
    if ($user_is_admin) {
    } else {
        echo 'Admin login required to display monitoring info.';
Example #5
require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
echo "<userid>";
if (!isset($_GET['author'])) {
    echo "error<no-author-param/></userid>";
if (strlen($_GET['author']) == 0) {
    echo "error<empty-author-param/></userid>";
$author = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_GET['author']));
// First, try the simplest query, where the author string is simply exactly
// equal to the user's email:
$userid = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT id FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE email='{$author}'", 'id', '-1');
if ($userid !== '-1') {
    echo $userid . "</userid>";
// If no exact email match, fall back to the more complicated project-based
// repository credentials lookup:
if (!isset($_GET['project'])) {
    echo "error<no-project-param/></userid>";
if (strlen($_GET['project']) == 0) {
    echo "error<empty-project-param/></userid>";
Example #6
 public function ProjectAllowed($projectid)
     // By default, all projects are allowed:
     $allowed = true;
     $count = pdo_get_field_value('SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM client_site2project ' . '  WHERE siteid=' . qnum($this->SiteId), 'c', 0);
     if ($count > 0) {
         // If some records contain siteid, only listed projects are allowed:
         $projectid_count = pdo_get_field_value('SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM client_site2project ' . '  WHERE siteid=' . qnum($this->SiteId) . ' AND projectid=' . qnum($projectid), 'c', 0);
         if ($projectid_count > 0) {
             $allowed = true;
         } else {
             $allowed = false;
     return $allowed;
Example #7
function echo_file_contents($filename)
    // Emit the contents of the named file, but only if it exists.
    // If it doesn't exist, emit nothing.
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        $contents = file_get_contents($filename);
        echo '<h3>contents of "' . $filename . '"</h3>';
        echo '<pre>';
        echo htmlentities($contents);
        echo '</pre>';
        echo '<br/>';
if ($session_OK) {
    $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
    $user_is_admin = pdo_get_field_value('SELECT admin FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'", 'admin', 0);
    if ($user_is_admin) {
        echo_svn_output('remote -v');
        global $CDASH_ROOT_DIR;
        echo_file_contents($CDASH_ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.local.php');
        echo_file_contents($CDASH_ROOT_DIR . '/tests/config.test.local.php');
        echo '<br/>';
    } else {
        echo 'Admin login required to display svn info.';
Example #8
 function LookupIP()
     $this->Ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     // In the async case, look up the IP recorded when the file was
     // originally submitted...
     $submission_id = $PHP_ERROR_SUBMISSION_ID;
     if ($submission_id) {
         $this->Ip = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT ip FROM submission2ip WHERE submissionid=" . qnum($submission_id), 'ip', '');
Example #9
 /** endElement function */
 public function endElement($parser, $name)
     parent::endElement($parser, $name);
     if (!$this->ProjectNameMatches) {
     if ($name == 'PROJECT') {
         foreach ($this->SubProjects as $subproject) {
                 // Remove dependencies that do not exist anymore,
                 // but only for those relationships where both sides
                 // are present in $this->SubProjects.
                 $dependencyids = $subproject->GetDependencies();
                 $removeids = array_diff($dependencyids, $this->Dependencies[$subproject->GetId()]);
                 foreach ($removeids as $removeid) {
                     if (array_key_exists($removeid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                     } else {
                         $dep = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT name FROM subproject WHERE id='{$removeid}'", 'name', "{$removeid}");
                         add_log("Not removing dependency {$dep}({$removeid}) from " . $subproject->GetName() . 'because it is not a SubProject element in this Project.xml file', 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
             // Add dependencies that were queued up as we processed the DEPENDENCY
             // elements:
             foreach ($this->Dependencies[$subproject->GetId()] as $addid) {
                 if (array_key_exists($addid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                 } else {
                     add_log('impossible condition: should NEVER see this: unknown DEPENDENCY clause should prevent this case', 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
             // Delete old subprojects that weren't included in this file.
             $previousSubProjectIds = $this->Project->GetSubProjects();
             foreach ($previousSubProjectIds as $previousId) {
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($this->SubProjects as $subproject) {
                     if ($subproject->GetId() == $previousId) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     $subProjectToRemove = new SubProject();
                     add_log("Deleted " . $subProjectToRemove->GetName() . " because it was not mentioned in Project.xml", 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
     } elseif ($name == 'SUBPROJECT') {
         // Insert the SubProject.
         // Insert the label.
         $Label = new Label();
         $Label->Text = $this->SubProject->GetName();
         $this->SubProjects[$this->SubProject->GetId()] = $this->SubProject;
         // Handle dependencies here too.
         $this->Dependencies[$this->SubProject->GetId()] = array();
         foreach ($this->CurrentDependencies as $dependencyid) {
             $added = false;
             if ($dependencyid !== false && is_numeric($dependencyid)) {
                 if (array_key_exists($dependencyid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                     $this->Dependencies[$this->SubProject->GetId()][] = $dependencyid;
                     $added = true;
             if (!$added) {
                 add_log('Project.xml DEPENDENCY of ' . $this->SubProject->GetName() . ' not mentioned earlier in file.', 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
         // Check if the user is in the database.
         $User = new User();
         $posat = strpos($this->Email, '@');
         if ($posat !== false) {
             $User->FirstName = substr($this->Email, 0, $posat);
             $User->LastName = substr($this->Email, $posat + 1);
         } else {
             $User->FirstName = $this->Email;
             $User->LastName = $this->Email;
         $User->Email = $this->Email;
         $User->Password = md5($this->Email);
         $User->Admin = 0;
         $userid = $User->GetIdFromEmail($this->Email);
         if (!$userid) {
             $userid = $User->Id;
         // Insert into the UserProject
         $UserProject = new UserProject();
         $UserProject->EmailType = 3;
         // any build
         $UserProject->EmailCategory = 54;
         // everything except warnings
         $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
         $UserProject->ProjectId = $this->projectid;
         // Insert the labels for this user
         $LabelEmail = new LabelEmail();
         $LabelEmail->UserId = $userid;
         $LabelEmail->ProjectId = $this->projectid;
         $Label = new Label();
         $labelid = $Label->GetIdFromText();
         if (!empty($labelid)) {
             $LabelEmail->LabelId = $labelid;
Example #10
 /** endElement function */
 public function endElement($parser, $name)
     parent::endElement($parser, $name);
     if (!$this->ProjectNameMatches) {
     if ($name == 'PROJECT') {
         foreach ($this->SubProjects as $subproject) {
             // Remove dependencies that do not exist anymore, but only for those
             // relationships where both sides are present in $this->SubProjects.
             $dependencyids = $subproject->GetDependencies();
             $removeids = array_diff($dependencyids, $this->Dependencies[$subproject->GetId()]);
             foreach ($removeids as $removeid) {
                 if (array_key_exists($removeid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                 } else {
                     $dep = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT name FROM subproject WHERE id='{$removeid}'", "name", "{$removeid}");
                     add_log("Not removing dependency {$dep}({$removeid}) from " . $subproject->GetName() . "because it is not a SubProject element in this Project.xml file", "ProjectHandler:endElement", LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
             // Add dependencies that were queued up as we processed the DEPENDENCY
             // elements:
             foreach ($this->Dependencies[$subproject->GetId()] as $addid) {
                 if (array_key_exists($addid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                 } else {
                     add_log("impossible condition: should NEVER see this: unknown DEPENDENCY clause should prevent this case", "ProjectHandler:endElement", LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
         // Delete old subprojects that weren't included in this file.
         $previousSubProjectIds = $this->Project->GetSubProjects();
         foreach ($previousSubProjectIds as $previousId) {
             $found = false;
             foreach ($this->SubProjects as $subproject) {
                 if ($subproject->GetId() == $previousId) {
                     $found = true;
             if (!$found) {
                 $subProjectToRemove = new SubProject();
Example #11
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
echo '<userid>';
if (!isset($_GET['author'])) {
    echo 'error<no-author-param/></userid>';
if (strlen($_GET['author']) == 0) {
    echo 'error<empty-author-param/></userid>';
$author = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_GET['author']));
// First, try the simplest query, where the author string is simply exactly
// equal to the user's email:
$userid = pdo_get_field_value('SELECT id FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE email='{$author}'", 'id', '-1');
if ($userid !== '-1') {
    echo $userid . '</userid>';
// If no exact email match, fall back to the more complicated project-based
// repository credentials lookup:
if (!isset($_GET['project'])) {
    echo 'error<no-project-param/></userid>';
if (strlen($_GET['project']) == 0) {
    echo 'error<empty-project-param/></userid>';