function pdf24Plugin_head() { global $pdf24Plugin; $isPage = is_page(); $stylesArr = array(); if (pdf24Plugin_isCpInUse()) { if (!($isPage && pdf24Plugin_isCpDisabledOnPages())) { pdf24Plugin_appendStyle('pdf24Plugin_cpStyle', 'styles/cp', $stylesArr); } } if (pdf24Plugin_isTbpInUse()) { if (!($isPage && pdf24Plugin_isTbpDisabledOnPages())) { pdf24Plugin_appendStyle('pdf24Plugin_tbpStyle', 'styles/tbp', $stylesArr); } } if (pdf24Plugin_isSbpInUse() && is_active_widget('pdf24Plugin_widget')) { if (!($isPage && pdf24Plugin_isSbpDisabledOnPages())) { pdf24Plugin_appendStyle('pdf24Plugin_sbpStyle', 'styles/sbp', $stylesArr); } } if (pdf24Plugin_isLpInUse()) { if (!($isPage && pdf24Plugin_isLpDisabledOnPages())) { pdf24Plugin_appendStyle('pdf24Plugin_lpStyle', 'styles/lp', $stylesArr); } } if (count($stylesArr) > 0) { $outText = ''; $outFiles = ''; foreach ($stylesArr as $val) { if ($val[0] == 'text') { $outText .= $val[1]; } else { $outFiles .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . ($pdf24Plugin['url'] . '/' . $val[1]) . '" />' . "\n"; } } echo $outFiles; if ($outText != '') { echo "<style type=\"text/css\">\n" . $outText . "\n</style>\n"; } } }
</script> <h3>Top Bottom Plugin</h3> <div class="descr">This plugin displays a small box everywhere in your blog where you place some peace of code in a template of your theme.<br /> Copy and paste the code <b><nobr><?php pdf24Plugin_topBottom(); ?></nobr></b> into the header or footer template (e.g. header.php, footer.php) where the box shall be shown.</div> <table> <tr> <td class="tr1">Use this plugin</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="tbpInUse" <?php echo pdf24Plugin_isTbpInUse() ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tr1">Disable on pages</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="tbpDisableOnPages" <?php echo pdf24Plugin_isTbpDisabledOnPages() ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tr1">Style</td> <td><select name="tbpStyle" onchange="document.forms.pdf24Form.tbpCustomStyle.value = pdf24Plugin_tbpStyle_custom[this.selectedIndex];"> <?php echo $styleParms['options']; ?> </select> <input type="checkbox" name="tbpCustomize" onclick="pdf24_showHideCheck('tbpCustomStyle', this);" <?php echo $styleParms['customized'] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /> Customize this style
function pdf24Plugin_topBottom() { if (pdf24Plugin_isTbpInUse() && pdf24Plugin_isAvailable()) { if (!(is_page() && pdf24Plugin_isTbpDisabledOnPages())) { echo pdf24Plugin_getTopBottomForm(pdf24Plugin_getAllPosts()); } } }