function show($view, $loc, $title = '')
     $template = new template('imagemanagermodule', $view, $loc);
     $uilevel = 99;
     // MAX
     if (pathos_sessions_isset("uilevel")) {
         $uilevel = pathos_sessions_get("uilevel");
     $template->assign('show', defined('SELECTOR') || $uilevel > UILEVEL_PREVIEW ? 1 : 0);
     if (!defined('SYS_FILES')) {
         require_once BASE . 'subsystems/files.php';
     $directory = 'files/imagemanagermodule/' . $loc->src;
     if (!file_exists(BASE . $directory)) {
         $err = pathos_files_makeDirectory($directory);
         if ($err != SYS_FILES_SUCCESS) {
             $template->assign('noupload', 1);
             $template->assign('uploadError', $err);
     global $db;
     $items = $db->selectObjects("imagemanageritem", "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
     $files = $db->selectObjectsIndexedArray("file", "directory='{$directory}'");
     $template->assign('items', $items);
     $template->assign('files', $files);
     $template->assign('moduletitle', $title);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'post', 'edit', 'delete'), $loc);
Example #2
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "")
     $ui_levels = pathos_sessions_get("uilevels");
     if (count($ui_levels)) {
         $template = new template("uiswitchermodule", $view, $loc);
         $template->assign("levels", $ui_levels);
         $default = pathos_sessions_isset("uilevel") ? pathos_sessions_get("uilevel") : max(array_keys($ui_levels));
         $template->assign("default_level", $default);
Example #3
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     $template = new template('previewmodule', $view, $loc);
     $level = 99;
     if (pathos_sessions_isset('uilevel')) {
         $level = pathos_sessions_get('uilevel');
     $template->assign('editMode', pathos_sessions_loggedIn() && $level != UILEVEL_PREVIEW);
     $template->assign('title', $title);
     $template->assign('previewMode', $level == UILEVEL_PREVIEW);
Example #4
function smarty_block_permissions($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat)
    if ($content) {
        $uilevel = 99;
        // MAX
        if (pathos_sessions_isset("uilevel")) {
            $uilevel = pathos_sessions_get("uilevel");
        if (defined("PREVIEW_READONLY")) {
            $uilevel = -1;
        $blocklevel = isset($params['level']) ? $params['level'] : 0;
        if ($blocklevel == UILEVEL_PERMISSIONS && substr($smarty->_tpl_vars['__loc']->src, 0, 5) == "@uid_") {
            return "";
        } else {
            if ($blocklevel <= $uilevel) {
                return $content;
            } else {
                return "";
Example #5
// Initialize the Theme Subsystem
if (!defined('SYS_THEME')) {
    require_once BASE . 'subsystems/theme.php';
$section = pathos_sessions_isset('last_section') ? pathos_sessions_get('last_section') : SITE_DEFAULT_SECTION;
$section = $db->selectObject('section', 'id=' . $section);
// Handle sub themes
$page = $section && $section->subtheme != '' && is_readable('themes/' . DISPLAY_THEME . '/subthemes/' . $section->subtheme . '.php') ? 'themes/' . DISPLAY_THEME . '/subthemes/' . $section->subtheme . '.php' : 'themes/' . DISPLAY_THEME . '/index.php';
if (is_readable(BASE . $page)) {
    define('PREVIEW_READONLY', 1);
    // for mods
    define('SELECTOR', 1);
    $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH = 'source_selector';
    $source_select = array();
    if (pathos_sessions_isset('source_select')) {
        $source_select = pathos_sessions_get('source_select');
    $count_orig = count($source_select);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['vview'])) {
        $source_select['view'] = $_REQUEST['vview'];
    } else {
        if (!isset($source_select['view'])) {
            $source_select['view'] = '_sourcePicker';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['vmod'])) {
        $source_select['module'] = $_REQUEST['vmod'];
    } else {
        if (!isset($source_select['module'])) {
            $source_select['module'] = 'containermodule';
Example #6
# PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU
# General Public License along with Exponent; if
# not, write to:
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
# $Id: captcha.php,v 1.6 2005/02/19 00:40:17 filetreefrog Exp $
include_once dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . '/pathos.php';
include_once dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) . '/subsystems/image.php';
$w = isset($_GET['w']) ? $_GET['w'] : 200;
$h = isset($_GET['h']) ? $_GET['h'] : 50;
$name = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : 'capcha_string';
if (pathos_sessions_isset($name)) {
    $str = pathos_sessions_get($name);
} else {
    $str = strtoupper(substr(md5(rand()), 17, 6));
    pathos_sessions_set($name, $str);
$img = pathos_image_captcha($w, $h, $str);
if ($img) {
    $sizeinfo = array('mime' => 'image/png');
    pathos_image_output($img, $sizeinfo);
Example #7
function pathos_flow_redirect($url_type = SYS_FLOW_NONE)
    $access_level = pathos_sessions_loggedIn() ? SYS_FLOW_PROTECTED : SYS_FLOW_PUBLIC;
    // Fallback to the default redirection path in strange edge cases.
    if (!pathos_sessions_isset($SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH . '_flow_last_' . $access_level)) {
        $SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH = 'pathos_default';
    $url = '';
    switch ($url_type) {
        case SYS_FLOW_NONE:
            $url = pathos_sessions_get($SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH . '_flow_last_' . $access_level);
        case SYS_FLOW_SECTIONAL:
        case SYS_FLOW_ACTION:
            $url = pathos_sessions_get($SYS_FLOW_REDIRECTIONPATH . '_flow_' . $access_level . '_' . $url_type);
    if ($url == '') {
        $url = URL_FULL . 'index.php?section=' . SITE_DEFAULT_SECTION;
    if (DEVELOPMENT >= 2) {
        echo '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>';
    } else {
        header("Location: {$url}");
Example #8
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/core.php';
// Initialize the Database Subsystem
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/database.php';
$db = pathos_database_connect(DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_HOST . ':' . DB_PORT, DB_NAME);
// Initialize the Modules Subsystem.
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/modules.php';
// Initialize the Template Subsystem.
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/template.php';
// Initialize the Permissions Subsystem.
require_once BASE . 'subsystems/permissions.php';
// Initialize the Flow Subsystem.
if (!defined('SYS_FLOW')) {
    require_once BASE . 'subsystems/flow.php';
// Validate session
// Initialize permissions variables
$section = pathos_sessions_isset('last_section') ? pathos_sessions_get('last_section') : SITE_DEFAULT_SECTION;
$section = $db->selectObject('section', 'id=' . $section);
if (!navigationmodule::canView($section)) {
    define('AUTHORIZED_SECTION', 0);
} else {
    define('AUTHORIZED_SECTION', 1);
if (!navigationmodule::isPublic($section)) {
    define('PUBLIC_SECTION', 0);
} else {
    define('PUBLIC_SECTION', 1);
Example #9
 function toHTML($form_id)
     // Form validation script
     if ($this->validationScript != "") {
         $this->scripts[] = $this->validationScript;
         $this->controls["submit"]->validateJS = "validate(this.form)";
     // Persistent Form Data extension
     $formError = "";
     if (pathos_sessions_isset("last_POST")) {
         // We have cached POST data.  Use it to update defaults.
         $last_POST = pathos_sessions_get("last_POST");
         foreach (array_keys($this->controls) as $name) {
             // may need to look to control a la parseData
             $this->controls[$name]->default = @$last_POST[$name];
         $formError = @$last_POST['_formError'];
     $html = "<!-- Form Object '" . $this->name . "' -->\r\n";
     $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . PATH_RELATIVE . "subsystems/forms/js/inputfilters.js.php\"></script>\r\n";
     foreach ($this->scripts as $name => $script) {
         $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$script}\"></script>\r\n";
     $html .= $formError;
     $html .= "<form name=\"" . $this->name . "\" method=\"" . $this->method . "\" action=\"" . $this->action . "\" enctype=\"" . $this->enctype . "\">\r\n";
     foreach ($this->meta as $name => $value) {
         $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$name}\" id=\"{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\" />\r\n";
     $html .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"100%\">\r\n";
     $rank = 0;
     foreach ($this->controlIdx as $name) {
         $html .= "<tr><td valign=\"top\">" . $this->controlLbl[$name] . "</td><td style='padding-left: 5px;' valign=\"top\">";
         $html .= $this->controls[$name]->controlToHTML($name) . "\r\n";
         $html .= "<td>";
         if ($rank != count($this->controlIdx) - 1) {
             $html .= '<a href="?module=formbuilder&action=order_controls&p=' . $form_id . '&a=' . $rank . '&b=' . ($rank + 1) . '">';
             $html .= "<img border='0' src='" . ICON_RELATIVE . "down.png' />";
             $html .= '</a>';
         } else {
             $html .= "<img src='" . ICON_RELATIVE . "down.disabled.png' />";
         $html .= "&nbsp;";
         if ($rank != 0) {
             $html .= '<a href="?module=formbuilder&action=order_controls&p=' . $form_id . '&a=' . $rank . '&b=' . ($rank - 1) . '">';
             $html .= "<img border='0' src='" . ICON_RELATIVE . "up.png' />";
             $html .= '</a>';
         } else {
             $html .= "<img src='" . ICON_RELATIVE . "up.disabled.png' />";
         $html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         if (!$this->controls[$name]->_readonly) {
             $html .= '<a href="?module=formbuilder&action=edit_control&id=' . $this->controls[$name]->_id . '&form_id=' . $form_id . '">';
             $html .= '<img border="0" src="' . ICON_RELATIVE . 'edit.png" />';
             $html .= '</a>';
         } else {
             $html .= '<img border="0" src="' . ICON_RELATIVE . 'edit.disabled.png" />';
         $html .= '&nbsp;';
         if (!$this->controls[$name]->_readonly && $this->controls[$name]->_controltype != 'htmlcontrol') {
             $html .= '<a href="?module=formbuilder&action=delete_control&id=' . $this->controls[$name]->_id . '" onClick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this control? All data associated with it will be removed from the database!\');">';
         } else {
             $html .= '<a href="?module=formbuilder&action=delete_control&id=' . $this->controls[$name]->_id . '" onClick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this?\');">';
         $html .= '<img border="0" src="' . ICON_RELATIVE . 'delete.png" />';
         $html .= '</a>';
         $html .= "</td>";
         $html .= "</td></tr>";
     $html .= "<tr><td width='5%'></td><td wdith='90%'><td></td width='5%'></tr>\r\n";
     $html .= "</table>\r\n";
     $html .= "</form>\r\n";
     return $html;
Example #10
 function show($view, $loc = null, $title = '')
     pathos_lang_loadDictionary('modules', 'containermodule');
     $source_select = array();
     $clickable_mods = null;
     // Show all
     $dest = null;
     $singleview = '_container';
     $singlemodule = 'containermodule';
     if (pathos_sessions_isset('source_select') && defined('SELECTOR')) {
         $source_select = pathos_sessions_get('source_select');
         $singleview = $source_select['view'];
         $singlemodule = $source_select['module'];
         $clickable_mods = $source_select['showmodules'];
         if (!is_array($clickable_mods)) {
             $clickable_mods = null;
         $dest = $source_select['dest'];
     global $db;
     $container = null;
     if (!isset($this) || !isset($this->_hasParent) || $this->_hasParent == 0) {
         // Top level container.
         $container = $db->selectObject('container', "external='" . serialize(null) . "' AND internal='" . serialize($loc) . "'");
         if ($container == null) {
             $container->external = serialize(null);
             $container->internal = serialize($loc);
             $container->view = $view;
             $container->title = $title;
             $container->id = $db->insertObject($container, 'container');
         if (!defined('PREVIEW_READONLY') || defined('SELECTOR')) {
             $view = $container->view;
         $title = $container->title;
     $template = new template('containermodule', $view, $loc);
     if ($dest) {
         $template->assign('dest', $dest);
     $template->assign('singleview', $singleview);
     $template->assign('singlemodule', $singlemodule);
     $template->assign('top', $container);
     $containers = array();
     foreach ($db->selectObjects('container', "external='" . serialize($loc) . "'") as $c) {
         if ($c->is_private == 0 || pathos_permissions_check('view', pathos_core_makeLocation($loc->mod, $loc->src, $c->id))) {
             $containers[$c->rank] = $c;
     if (!defined('SYS_WORKFLOW')) {
         require_once BASE . 'subsystems/workflow.php';
     foreach (array_keys($containers) as $i) {
         $location = unserialize($containers[$i]->internal);
         $modclass = $location->mod;
         if (class_exists($modclass)) {
             $mod = new $modclass();
             $mod->_hasParent = 1;
             $mod->show($containers[$i]->view, $location, $containers[$i]->title);
             $containers[$i]->output = trim(ob_get_contents());
             $policy = pathos_workflow_getPolicy($modclass, $location->src);
             $containers[$i]->info = array('module' => $mod->name(), 'source' => $location->src, 'hasContent' => $mod->hasContent(), 'hasSources' => $mod->hasSources(), 'hasViews' => $mod->hasViews(), 'class' => $modclass, 'supportsWorkflow' => $mod->supportsWorkflow() ? 1 : 0, 'workflowPolicy' => $policy ? $policy->name : '', 'workflowUsesDefault' => pathos_workflow_moduleUsesDefaultPolicy($location->mod, $location->src) ? 1 : 0, 'clickable' => $clickable_mods == null || in_array($modclass, $clickable_mods));
         } else {
             $containers[$i]->output = sprintf(TR_CONTAINERMODULE_MODNOTFOUND, $location->mod);
             $containers[$i]->info = array('module' => sprintf(TR_CONTAINERMODULE_UNKNOWNMOD, $location->mod), 'source' => $location->src, 'hasContent' => 0, 'hasSources' => 0, 'hasViews' => 0, 'class' => $modclass, 'supportsWorkflow' => 0, 'workflowPolicy' => '', 'workflowUsesDefault' => 0, 'clickable' => 0);
         $containers[$i]->moduleLocation = $location;
         $cloc = null;
         $cloc->mod = $loc->mod;
         $cloc->src = $loc->src;
         $cloc->int = $containers[$i]->id;
         $containers[$i]->permissions = array('administrate' => pathos_permissions_check('administrate', $location) ? 1 : 0, 'configure' => pathos_permissions_check('configure', $location) ? 1 : 0);
         //$containers[$i]->hasPerms = pathos_permissions_checkOnSource($location->mod,$location->src);
     $template->assign('containers', $containers);
     $template->assign('hasParent', isset($this) && isset($this->_hasParent) ? 1 : 0);
     $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'add_module', 'edit_module', 'delete_module', 'order_modules'), $loc);
Example #11
# $Id: edit_page.php,v 1.7 2005/04/18 15:24:44 filetreefrog Exp $
define("SCRIPT_EXP_RELATIVE", "modules/navigationmodule/actions/");
define("SCRIPT_FILENAME", "edit_page.php");
require_once "../../../pathos.php";
if (!defined("SYS_THEME")) {
    require_once BASE . "subsystems/theme.php";
$id = -1;
if (isset($_GET['sitetemplate_id'])) {
    pathos_sessions_set("sitetemplate_id", $_GET['sitetemplate_id']);
    $id = $_GET['sitetemplate_id'];
} else {
    if (pathos_sessions_isset("sitetemplate_id")) {
        $id = pathos_sessions_get("sitetemplate_id");
$template = $db->selectObject("section_template", "id=" . $id);
$page = $template && $template->subtheme != "" && is_readable(BASE . "themes/" . DISPLAY_THEME . "/subthemes/" . $template->subtheme . ".php") ? "themes/" . DISPLAY_THEME . "/subthemes/" . $template->subtheme . ".php" : "themes/" . DISPLAY_THEME . "/index.php";
pathos_sessions_set("themeopt_override", array("src_prefix" => "@st" . $id, "ignore_mods" => array("navigationmodule", "loginmodule"), "mainpage" => PATH_RELATIVE . "modules/navigationmodule/actions/edit_page.php", "backlinktext" => "Back to Template"));
$REDIRECTIONPATH = "section_template";
if ($user && $user->is_acting_admin == 1) {
    if (is_readable(BASE . $page)) {
        include_once BASE . $page;
    } else {
        echo BASE . "{$page} not readable";
Example #12
function pathos_theme_runAction()
    if (pathos_theme_inAction()) {
        if (!AUTHORIZED_SECTION) {
            echo SITE_403_HTML;
            //	return;
        if (pathos_sessions_isset("themeopt_override")) {
            $config = pathos_sessions_get("themeopt_override");
            echo "<a class='mngmntlink sitetemplate_mngmntlink' href='" . $config['mainpage'] . "'>" . $config['backlinktext'] . "</a><br /><br />";
        global $db, $user;
        $loc = null;
        $loc->mod = $_REQUEST['module'];
        $loc->src = isset($_REQUEST['src']) ? $_REQUEST['src'] : "";
        $loc->int = isset($_REQUEST['int']) ? $_REQUEST['int'] : "";
        $actfile = "/" . $_REQUEST['module'] . "/actions/" . $_REQUEST['action'] . ".php";
        if (isset($_REQUEST['_common'])) {
            $actfile = "/common/actions/" . $_REQUEST['action'] . ".php";
        if (is_readable(BASE . 'modules/' . $actfile)) {
            include_once BASE . 'modules/' . $actfile;
        } else {
            pathos_lang_loadDictionary('subsystems', 'theme');
            echo SITE_404_HTML . '<br /><br /><hr size="1" />';
            echo sprintf(TR_THEMESUBSYSTEM_NOSUCHACTION, strip_tags($_REQUEST['module']), strip_tags($_REQUEST['action']));
            echo '<br />';
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
# $Id: orphans_content.php,v 1.6 2005/04/26 04:40:34 filetreefrog Exp $
if (!defined("PATHOS")) {
$source_select = array();
$module = "containermodule";
$view = "_sourcePicker";
$clickable_mods = null;
// Show all
$dest = null;
if (pathos_sessions_isset("source_select") && (defined("SOURCE_SELECTOR") || defined("CONTENT_SELECTOR"))) {
    $source_select = pathos_sessions_get("source_select");
    $view = $source_select["view"];
    $module = $source_select["module"];
    $clickable_mods = $source_select["showmodules"];
    $dest = $source_select['dest'];
$orphans = array();
foreach ($db->selectObjects("locationref", "module='" . $_GET['module'] . "' AND refcount=0") as $orphan) {
    $obj = null;
    $loc = pathos_core_makeLocation($orphan->module, $orphan->source, $orphan->internal);
    if (class_exists($orphan->module)) {
        $modclass = $orphan->module;
        $mod = new $modclass();
        $mod->show("Default", $loc);
Example #14
 function toHTML()
     // Form validation script
     if ($this->validationScript != "") {
         $this->scripts[] = $this->validationScript;
         $this->controls["submit"]->validateJS = "validate(this.form)";
     // Persistent Form Data extension
     $formError = "";
     if (pathos_sessions_isset("last_POST")) {
         // We have cached POST data.  Use it to update defaults.
         $last_POST = pathos_sessions_get("last_POST");
         foreach (array_keys($this->controls) as $name) {
             // may need to look to control a la parseData
             $this->controls[$name]->default = @$last_POST[$name];
             $this->controls[$name]->inError = 1;
             // Status flag for controls that need to do some funky stuff.
         $formError = @$last_POST['_formError'];
     $html = "<!-- Form Object '" . $this->name . "' -->\r\n";
     $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . PATH_RELATIVE . "subsystems/forms/js/inputfilters.js.php\"></script>\r\n";
     foreach ($this->scripts as $name => $script) {
         $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$script}\"></script>\r\n";
     $html .= '<div class="error">' . $formError . '</div>';
     $html .= "<form name=\"" . $this->name . "\" method=\"" . $this->method . "\" action=\"" . $this->action . "\" enctype=\"" . $this->enctype . "\">\r\n";
     foreach ($this->meta as $name => $value) {
         $html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$name}\" id=\"{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\" />\r\n";
     $html .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n";
     foreach ($this->controlIdx as $name) {
         $html .= $this->controls[$name]->toHTML($this->controlLbl[$name], $name) . "\r\n";
     $html .= "<tr><td width='5%'></td><td width='95%'></td></tr>\r\n";
     $html .= "</table>\r\n";
     $html .= "</form>\r\n";
     return $html;