Example #1
function s3_file_import_init($import, $config)
    $response = array();
    $err = '';
    if (!$err) {
        $response['api'] = array();
        $response['data'] = array();
        $response['method'] = 'put';
        $id = id_unique();
        $bucket = $config['s3_bucket'];
        $region = $config['s3_region'] ? $config['s3_region'] : 'us-east-1';
        $key = path_strip_slash_start($config['user_media_directory']);
        // remove bucket name from url if it's there
        if (substr($key, 0, strlen($bucket)) == $bucket) {
            $key = substr($key, strlen(path_add_slash_end($bucket)));
        $key = path_concat(path_concat(path_concat($key, $import['uid']), $id), $config['import_original_basename'] . '.' . $import['extension']);
        $options_array = ['version' => 'latest', 'region' => $region];
        if ($config['aws_secret_access_key'] && $config['aws_access_key_id']) {
            $options_array['credentials'] = [];
            $options_array['credentials']['key'] = $config['aws_access_key_id'];
            $options_array['credentials']['secret'] = $config['aws_secret_access_key'];
        try {
            $s3 = new Aws\S3\S3Client($options_array);
            $cmd = $s3->getCommand('PutObject', ['Bucket' => $config['s3_bucket'], 'Key' => $key, 'ACL' => $config['s3_acl'], 'ContentType' => $import['mime']]);
            $request = $s3->createPresignedRequest($cmd, $config['s3_expires']);
            // Get the actual presigned-url
            $response['endpoint'] = $presignedUrl = (string) $request->getUri();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $err = $e->getMessage();
        // data key children all become part of the POST file upload request
        $response['api']['id'] = $id;
        $response['api']['type'] = $import['type'];
        $response['api']['extension'] = $import['extension'];
        $response['api']['label'] = $import['label'];
    if ($err) {
        $response['error'] = $err;
    return $response;
 function path_strip_slashes($s)
     return path_strip_slash_start(path_strip_slash_end($s));
Example #3
function __s3_key($id, $import, $config, $prefix = 's3')
    $bucket = $config[$prefix . '_bucket'];
    $key = path_strip_slash_start($config['user_media_directory']);
    // remove bucket name from url if it's there
    if (substr($key, 0, strlen($bucket)) == $bucket) {
        $key = substr($key, strlen(path_add_slash_end($bucket)));
    $key = path_concat(path_concat(path_concat($key, $import['uid']), $id), $config['import_original_basename'] . '.' . $import['extension']);
    return $key;