Example #1
function add()
    global $sess, $title, $level, $description, $int_node, $thisnode, $glob_language;
    if (is_trail($title)) {
        $title = $title . "/";
    if (level_count($title) > 0) {
        include "directory/edit/err_invalidslash.html";
    } else {
        $title = str_replace(' ', '_', $title);
        $obj['name'] = $thisnode['path'] . $title;
        $obj['name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $obj['name']);
        $obj['parent'] = path2id($thisnode['path']);
        $obj['level'] = $level;
        $obj['objecttype'] = 'node';
        $obj['description'] = $description;
        $obj['useraccess'] = 0;
        $obj['friendaccess'] = 0;
        $obj['owner'] = '';
        $obj['language'] = $glob_language;
        $intid = path2id_ex($int_node, 1);
        $obj['intnode'] = $intid != -1 ? $intid : "";
        add_object($obj, true);
        header("Location: " . $sess->url($thisnode['path']));
 		function startElement($parser, $tagname, $attrs) {
		 	global $pool, $already_to_assess, $currentfile, $doit, $prefix, $number_updated, $number_inserted, $db_assessments;
			if ($tagname == "file") $currentfile = $attrs["file"];

			if ($tagname == "path") {
				if ($currentfile) {
				$xid = path2id($prefix.$currentfile,$attrs["path"]);
				if (!$xid) {
					print "<div style='color:red'>Can't convert $currentfile#$attrs[path]</div>";
				} else {
					$x = $already_to_assess[$xid];
					$query = false;
		 			if ($x == "N") {
						$query = "UPDATE $db_assessments SET in_pool='Y' where id_pool='$pool' AND xid=$xid";
					} elseif (!$x) {
						$query = "INSERT INTO $db_assessments (id_pool,in_pool,inferred,xid) VALUES ($pool,'Y','N',$xid)";
					if ($query) {
// 						print "<div>$query</div>";
				} else {
					print "<div style='color:red'>No current file for path $attrs[path]</div>";
Example #3
 function startElement($parser, $tagname, $attrs) {
 	global $db_assessments, $collection_prefix;
 	global $new_id_pool,  $currentfile, $doit;
	if ($tagname == "file") $currentfile = $attrs["file"];

	if ($tagname == "path") {
		if ($currentfile) {
		$xid = path2id($collection_prefix . $currentfile,$attrs["path"]);
		if (!$xid) {
			print "<div style='color:red'>Can't convert $currentfile#$attrs[path]</div>";
		} else {
 			if ($doit) sql_query("INSERT INTO $db_assessments (id_pool,in_pool,inferred,xid) VALUES ($new_id_pool, 'Y','N',$xid)","</div>");
//        $attrs[file]#$attrs[path]\n";
		} else {
			print "<div style='color:red'>No current file for path $attrs[path]</div>";
 function startElement($parser, $tagname, $attrs) {
 	global $db_assessments, $collection_prefix, $stderr;
 	global $new_id_pool,  $currentfile, $doit;
	if ($tagname == "file") $currentfile = $attrs["file"];

	if ($tagname == "path") {
		if ($currentfile) {
		$xid = path2id($collection_prefix . $currentfile,$attrs["path"]);
		if (!$xid) {
			fwrite($stderr,"Can't convert $currentfile#$attrs[path]\n");
		} else {
 			if ($doit) sql_query("INSERT INTO $db_assessments (id_pool,in_pool,inferred,xid,enabled) VALUES ($new_id_pool, 'Y','N',$xid,'Y')","</div>");
//        $attrs[file]#$attrs[path]\n";
		} else {
			fwrite($stderr,"No current file for path $attrs[path]");
Example #5

page_open(array("sess" => "Linktrail_Session", "auth" => "Linktrail_Auth", "perm" => "Linktrail_Perm", "user" => "Linktrail_User"));
// page access requires that the user is authenticated and has "admin" permission
include "dbapi/comutils.inc";
include "dbapi/trails.inc";
include "dbapi/edit_links.inc";
include "template.inc";
$trail = base64_decode($trail);
$trailid = path2id($trail);
$obj['trail'] = $trailid;
$obj['title'] = $title;
$obj['description'] = $description;
$obj['url'] = $url;
$obj['position'] = 0;
$obj['owner'] = $auth->auth["uid"];
add_link($obj, true);
<a href="./trail.php?v=<?php 
echo base64_encode($trail);
">Debug: Back</a>
Example #6
function create($kat, $title, $description, $pass_language_check = false)
    global $sess, $auth, $glob_language_name, $glob_language;
    if (!defined("SPELLING_INC")) {
        include "commonapi/spelling.inc";
    if (!strstr($kat, '/')) {
        $kat = base64_decode($kat);
    $predef['kat'] = $kat;
    $predef['title'] = $title;
    $predef['description'] = $description;
    $title = str_replace(' ', '_', $title);
    $exists = get_node_info($kat . $title);
    $exists = $exists != -1;
    if (strstr($title, '/')) {
        $errfile = "err_invalidslash.html";
        addform($predef, $errfile);
    } elseif ($title == "") {
        $errfile = "err_notitle.html";
        addform($predef, $errfile);
    } elseif ($description == "") {
        $errfile = "err_nodesc.html";
        addform($predef, $errfile);
    } elseif ($exists) {
        $errfile = "err_object_exists.html";
        addform($predef, $errfile);
    } elseif (!check_language($description, $glob_language_name) and !$pass_language_check) {
        lang_query($kat, $title, $description);
    } else {
        $title = str_replace(' ', '_', $title);
        $obj['name'] = $kat . $title;
        $obj['parent'] = path2id($kat);
        $obj['level'] = level_count($kat);
        $obj['objecttype'] = "trail";
        $obj['description'] = $description;
        $obj['useraccess'] = 4;
        $obj['friendaccess'] = 12;
        $obj['owner'] = $auth->auth["uid"];
        $obj['language'] = $glob_language;
        add_object($obj, true);
        Header("Location: " . $sess->url(build_good_url($obj['name']) . "?reloadparent=1"));
        // echo("Debug: dieses Fenster schliessen");
Example #7
function do_directory_table()
    global $postgres;
    printf("\tCleaning postgres-table\n");
    pg_exec($postgres, "DELETE FROM ltrDirectory") or die("Error while cleaning table");
    printf("\tReading from MySQL... (and looking up nodes)\n");
    $query = "SELECT ltrDirectory.*, ltrDirectory.LinkTo, ltrDirectoryData.*, FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ChangeDate)) as CompDate FROM ltrDirectory LEFT JOIN ltrDirectoryData ON ltrDirectory.Node_ID = ltrDirectoryData.Node_ID";
    $res = mysql_query($query) or die("Could not query users data\n\n");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
            $row[$key] = addslashes($value);
        if ($row['AddDate'] == "") {
            $row['AddDate'] = $row['CompDate'];
        if ($row['AddDate'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
            $row['AddDate'] = $row['CompDate'];
        if ($row['LinkTo'] != "") {
            $row['LinkTo'] = path2id($row['LinkTo']);
        if ($row['ObjectType'] == "trail") {
            $row['ObjectType'] = 1;
        } else {
            $row['ObjectType'] = 0;
        null_check($row, 'IntNode');
        null_check($row, 'Owner');
        $nodes[] = $row;
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        $query = sprintf("\n   INSERT INTO\n    ltrDirectory\n   (Name, Node_ID, Parent, LinkTo, Level, Language, IntNode, Description, UserAccess,\n    FriendAccess, ExtraLong, ChangeDate, Owner, AddDate, ObjectType)\n   VALUES\n    (\n     '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %s, '%s', %d,\n     %d, %d, '%s', %s, '%s', %d\n    )\n   ", $node['Name'], $node['Node_ID'], $node['Parent'], $node['LinkTo'], $node['Level'], $node['Language'], $node['IntNode'], $node['Description'], $node['UserAccess'], $node['FriendAccess'], $node['ExtraLong'], $node['CompDate'], $node['Owner'], $node['AddDate'], $node['ObjectType']);
        // if ($node['LinkTo'] != "") die("\n\n$query\n\n");
        $pg_res = pg_exec($postgres, $query);
        if (!$pg_res) {
            die("SQL-Error! Query:\n\n{$query}\n\n");
        } else {
            printf("\tInserted Node: %s", $node['Name'] . "\n");
Example #8
pg_exec($postgres, $query) or die("Could not clean the directory\n");
$query = "SELECT ltrDirectory.*, ltrDirectoryData.*, FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ChangeDate)) as CompDate FROM ltrDirectory LEFT JOIN ltrDirectoryData ON ltrDirectory.Node_ID = ltrDirectoryData.Node_ID";
$res = mysql_query($query) or die("Could not query the directory\n");
$direntry = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
    foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
        $row[$key] = addslashes($value);
    if ($row['AddDate'] == '') {
        $row['AddDate'] = $row['CompDate'];
    $direntries[] = $row;
printf("\tRead data...\n");
foreach ($direntries as $direntry) {
    $direntry['LinkTo'] = path2id($direntry['LinkTo']);
    if ($direntry['IntNode'] == "") {
        $direntry['IntNode'] = "NULL";
    $direntry['Owner'] = $direntry['Owner'] == "" ? 'NULL' : "'" . $direntry['Owner'] . "'";
    $query = sprintf("\n      INSERT INTO \n       ltrDirectory\n       (Name, Node_ID, Parent, LinkTo, Level, Language, \n        IntNode, Description, UserAccess, FriendAccess, \n\tExtraLong, ChangeDate, Owner, AddDate)\n      VALUES\n       ('%s', %d, %d, %s, %d, %d,\n        %s, '%s', %d, %d,\n\t%d, '%s', %s, '%s')\n       ", $direntry['Name'], $direntry['Node_ID'], $direntry['Parent'], $direntry['LinkTo'], $direntry['Level'], $direntry['Language'], $direntry['IntNode'], $direntry['Description'], $direntry['UserAccess'], $direntry['FriendAccess'], $direntry['ExtraLong'], $direntry['CompDate'], $direntry['Owner'], $direntry['AddDate']);
    pg_exec($postgres, $query) or die("\nQuery-Error\n{$query}\n\n");
    printf("\tInserted " . $direntry['Name'] . "\n");
printf("\nWorking on the links...\n");
$query = "DELETE FROM ltrLinks";
pg_exec($postgres, $query) or die("Could not clean the links\n");
$query = "SELECT ltrLinks.*, FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ChangeDate)) as CompDate FROM ltrLinks";
$res = mysql_query($query) or die("Could not query the links\n");
$direntry = array();
Example #9
function validate_and_set(&$http_vars)
    global $nodeinfo;
    $errors = array();
    if ($http_vars['field_title_1'] == "" or $http_vars['field_trail_1'] == "") {
        $errors[] = "You must fill out Trail 1";
    if (count($errors) == 0) {
        $trail1id = path2id(urldecode($http_vars['field_trail_1']));
        if ($trail1id == -1) {
            $errors[] = "Trail 1 (" . $http_vars['field_trail_1'] . ") was not found in the database. Please correct the path";
    if ($http_vars['field_trail_2'] != "") {
        $trail2id = path2id(urldecode($http_vars['field_trail_2']));
        if ($trail2id == -1) {
            $errors[] = "Trail 2 was not found in the database. Please correct the path";
    } else {
        $trail2id = "";
    if (count($errors) != 0) {
    $slot['id'] = $http_vars['id'];
    $slot['node'] = $nodeinfo['id'];
    $slot['trail_1_id'] = $trail1id;
    $slot['trail_1_text'] = $http_vars['field_title_1'];
    $slot['trail_2_id'] = $trail2id;
    $slot['trail_2_text'] = $http_vars['field_title_2'];
    $slot['description'] = $http_vars['field_description'];
    $slot['next'] = "";
    $slot['islive'] = isset($http_vars['field_slot_live']) ? "y" : "n";
    return $slot;