function display_post($userdata, $datetype, $postdate, $cmds, $posttext) { global $powerlevels; $author = userlink_big($userdata[userid], htmlspecialchars($userdata[username]), $userdata[powerlevel]); $postdate = parsedate($postdate); $joindate = parsedate_short($userdata[joindate]); $sig = ''; if ($userdata['signature'] != '') { $sig = '<hr>'; $sig .= getpost($userdata['signature'], true, true, false); } $avatar = ''; if ($userdata['hasavatar'] == 1) { $avatar = "<img src='avatars/{$userdata['userid']}.{$userdata['avatarext']}' alt='Avatar'><br>"; } $utitle = htmlspecialchars($userdata[usertitle]); print "<table class='post' width='100%'>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td rowspan='2' valign='top' class='postsidebar'>"; print "<b>{$author}</b>"; if ($utitle) { print "<div class='smallspacing'></div>{$utitle}"; } if ($avatar) { print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>"; print "{$avatar}"; } print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>"; print "<span class='label'>Posts:</span> {$userdata['posts']}<br>"; print "<span class='label'>Joined:</span> {$joindate}<br>"; if ($userdata[powerlevel] > 5) { print "<span class='label'>Rank:</span> {$powerlevels[$userdata[powerlevel]]}<br>"; } $replink = replink($userdata[userid], $userdata[reputation]); print "<span class='label'>Reputation:</span> {$replink}<br>"; // custom postbit fields go here print "</td>"; print "<td class='postdate' height='1'>{$datetype} {$postdate}{$cmds}</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr><td valign='top' class='postcontent'>{$posttext}{$sig}</td></tr>"; print "</table>"; }
if ($result != '') { print '<b>The following errors occurred while posting your reply:<br>' . $result . '</b><br>Your post data has been saved.<hr>'; } if (isset($_POST['preview'])) { print "<b>Preview:</b>"; $posttext = getpost($_POST['text'], true, true, false); display_post($s[user], 'Posted', time(), $cmds, $posttext); print "<br>"; } if (isset($_GET['quote'])) { $quoteid = intval($_GET[quote]); $getquote = dbquery("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = {$quoteid} AND thread = {$threadid}"); if (dbrows($getquote) != 0) { // ignore the quote if it's an invalid id $quotepost = dbrow($getquote); $quotetime = parsedate($quotepost[postdate]); $quote = "[quote={$quotepost['authorname']} ({$quotetime})]{$quotepost['posttext']}[/quote]\n\n"; } } ?> <b>Replying to <?php echo htmlspecialchars($threadinfo[name]); ?> : (<a href='index.php?showthread=<?php echo $threadid; ?> '>Return to Thread</a>)</b> <br> <form action='index.php?m=board&act=postreply&id=<?php echo $threadid; ?>
function showthreads($threadquery, $alternating) { global $postspp, $s, $lastread, $theme; while ($thread = dbrow($threadquery)) { $thread[name] = htmlspecialchars($thread[name]); $thread[desc] = htmlspecialchars($thread[desc]); $alternating = !$alternating; if ($alternating) { print "<tr class='rowalt'>"; } else { print "<tr>"; } $dot = ''; if ($thread[checkpostedin]) { $dot = 'dot'; } if ($s[logged_in] && $thread[lastpostdate] >= $lastread && $thread[thread] != $thread[id]) { if ($thread[locked] == 1) { $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_threadlockedunread.png' alt='This thread has unread posts, and is locked.' title='This thread has unread posts, and is locked.'>"; } else { $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_threadunread{$dot}.png' alt='This thread has unread posts.' title='This thread has unread posts.'>"; } } else { if ($thread[locked] == 1) { $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_threadlocked.png' alt='This thread has no unread posts, and is locked.' title='This thread has no unread posts, and is locked.'>"; } else { $threadicon = "<img src='{$theme}images/icon_thread{$dot}.png' alt='This thread has no unread posts.' title='This thread has no unread posts.'>"; } } $pages = ''; if ($thread[replies] + 1 > $postspp) { $threadpagecount = ceil(($thread[replies] + 1) / $postspp); $pages .= ' <span class=\'pages\'>(pages: '; if ($threadpagecount > 6) { $dleft = 3; $dright = $threadpagecount - 2; } else { $dleft = 7; $dright = -1; } $docomma = false; for ($cp = 1; $cp <= $threadpagecount; $cp++) { if ($cp > $dleft && $cp < $dright) { continue; } if ($docomma) { $pages .= ', '; } else { $docomma = true; } $pages .= "<a href='index.php?showthread={$thread['id']}&page={$cp}'>{$cp}</a>"; if ($cp == $dleft) { $pages .= "..."; $docomma = false; } } $pages .= ')</span>'; } print "<td>{$threadicon}</td>"; $threadcustomicon = ''; if ($thread[icon]) { $threadcustomicon = "<img src='smilies/{$thread['icon']}' alt='Icon'>"; } print "<td>{$threadcustomicon}</td>"; print "<td style='text-align: left'><a href='index.php?showthread={$thread['id']}' style='font-size: 12px'>{$thread['name']}</a><br><div style='font-size: 11px; margin: 2px 0px 0px 2px'>{$thread['desc']}{$pages}</div></td>"; $author = userlink($thread[authorid], htmlspecialchars($thread[authorname]), $thread[authorpower]); print "<td>{$author}</td>"; print "<td>{$thread['replies']}</td>"; print "<td style='font-size: 11px'>"; $lastpostdate = parsedate($thread[lastpostdate]); print "{$lastpostdate}<br>"; $lastposter = userlink($thread[lastposterid], htmlspecialchars($thread[lastpostername]), $thread[lastposterpower]); print "by {$lastposter}"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } }
print "<div style='text-align: center'>{$member['usertitle']}</div>"; } print "<b>Rank:</b> {$powerlevels[$member[powerlevel]]}<br>"; if ($member[posts] == 1) { $plural1 = ''; } else { $plural1 = 's'; } if ($member[threads] == 1) { $plural2 = ''; } else { $plural2 = 's'; } print "<b>Posts:</b> {$member['posts']} post{$plural1}, {$member['threads']} thread{$plural2}<br>"; $joindate = parsedate($member[joindate]); $lastactivity = parsedate($member[lastactive]); print "<b>Joined:</b> {$joindate}<br>"; print "<b>Last activity:</b> {$lastactivity}<br>"; if ($member[quote]) { $member[quote] = htmlspecialchars($member[quote]); print "<b>Quote:</b> {$member['quote']}<br>"; } $replink = replink($member[userid], $member[reputation]); print "<b>Reputation:</b> {$replink}<br>"; print "</td></tr>"; print "<tr class='header'><td>Actions</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>"; print "<a href='index.php?m=messages&act=send&target={$member['userid']}'>Send PM</a>"; print " - "; print "<a href='index.php?m=reputation&id={$member['userid']}'>Rate User</a>"; print "</td></tr>";
if (mysql_num_rows($getit) == 0) { print "No one has rated " . htmlspecialchars($userdata[username]) . " yet. :("; } else { $alternating = true; print "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%' id='rep'>"; while ($row = dbrow($getit)) { $alternating = !$alternating; if ($alternating) { $alt = " class='rowalt'"; } else { $alt = ""; } print "<tr{$alt}>"; print "<td align='left' valign='top'>"; $userlink = userlink($row[userid], htmlspecialchars($row[username]), $row[powerlevel]); $date = parsedate($row[date]); print "<span style='font-size: 11px'>{$userlink} rated at {$date}:"; if ($candelete) { print " (<a href='index.php?m=reputation&id={$userid}&deleterep={$row['id']}'>delete</a>)"; } print "</span>"; print "<div class='smallspacing'></div>"; if ($row[rep] > 0) { $outcome = "<span style='color: #248900'>Positive (+{$row['rep']})</span>"; } elseif ($row[rep] == 0) { $outcome = "<span style='color: #565656'>Neutral ({$row['rep']})</span>"; } elseif ($row[rep] < 0) { $outcome = "<span style='color: #af3333'>Negative ({$row['rep']})</span>"; } print "{$outcome}: " . getpost($row[content], true, true, false); print "</td>";
if ($alternating) { print "<tr class='rowalt'>"; } else { print "<tr>"; } print "<td style='text-align: center'>{$forumicon}</td>"; print "<td style='font-size: 12px'><a href='index.php?showforum={$forum['id']}' style='font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold'>{$forum['name']}</a><br>{$forum['desc']}</td>"; print "<td style='font-size: 11px'>{$forum['threads']} threads<br>{$forum['posts']} posts</td>"; if ($forum[lastpostdate] == 0) { print "<td>Never</td>"; } else { if (strlen($forum[lastpostedin]) > 35) { $forum[lastpostedin] = substr($forum[lastpostedin], 0, 32) . '...'; } $forum[lastpostedin] = htmlspecialchars($forum[lastpostedin]); $lastpostdate = parsedate($forum[lastpostdate]); print "<td>"; print "<a href='index.php?showthread={$forum['lastpostedinid']}&page=last'>{$forum['lastpostedin']}</a><br>"; print "{$lastpostdate}<br>"; $lastposter = userlink($forum[lastposterid], htmlspecialchars($forum[lastposter]), $forum[powerlevel]); print "by {$lastposter}"; print "</td>"; } print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; print "<div class='bigspacing'></div>"; } if ($s[logged_in]) { print "<form action='index.php?m=board' method='post'>"; print "<input type='submit' name='markread' class='button' value='Mark all threads/forums as read'>";
<DIV class='config_row'> <DIV class='config_cell_title' style='width: 15%;'>Box 8</DIV> <DIV class='config_cell_data' style='width: 15%;'><SELECT NAME="frm_box8" onChange='set_hint(this.form, "frm_box8", "hint8")'><?php print $menu1; ?> </DIV> <DIV class='config_cell_data' style='width: 10%;'><INPUT MAXLENGTH="12" SIZE="12" type="text" NAME="frm_t8" VALUE="<?php print $type8 == 'avg' ? parsedate($t8) : $t8; ?> "></DIV> <DIV class='config_cell_data' style='width: 10%;'><INPUT MAXLENGTH="12" SIZE="12" type="text" NAME="frm_tw8" VALUE="<?php print $type8 == 'avg' ? parsedate($tw8) : $tw8; ?> "></DIV> <DIV class='config_cell_data' style='width: 10%;'><INPUT MAXLENGTH="12" SIZE="12" type="text" NAME="frm_tf8" VALUE="<?php print $type8 == 'avg' ? parsedate($tf8) : $tf8; ?> "></DIV> <DIV id='hint8' class='config_cell_hint' style='width: 20%;'></DIV> <DIV class='config_cell_data' style='width: 20%;'><SELECT NAME='frm_t_type8'><?php print $menu2; ?> </DIV> </DIV> </FORM> <DIV class='config_row'> <DIV class='config_cell_butts' style='width: 96%; text-align: center;'><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Cancel" onClick="window.location='stats_scr.php?stats=stats'"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Submit" onClick="document.stats_config.submit()"> </DIV> </DIV>
function edit_post() { global $s; // self note: not having this is why so many functions mess up if (isset($_POST[makeit])) { $error_string = ''; if (!isset($_POST['text']) or $_POST['text'] == '') { $error_string .= 'You didn\'t enter a post.<br>'; } if ($error_string != '') { return $error_string; } else { $timeformatted = parsedate(time()); $inserttext = iprotect($_POST['text']); //."\n\n[size=1][Edited by {$s[user][username]} at $timeformatted.][/size]"); $un = htmlspecialchars($s[user][username]); $editinfo = iprotect("Last edited by {$un} at {$timeformatted}"); global $postid; dbquery("UPDATE posts SET posttext = '{$inserttext}', editinfo='{$editinfo}' WHERE id = {$postid}"); return true; } } // if it returns a non-blank string, it's an error // if it returns true (check with ===) the post has been edited successfully // if it returns nothing, just show the form }
if ($result != '') { print '<b>The following errors occurred while sending your PM:<br>' . $result . '</b><br>Your message has been saved.<hr>'; } if (isset($_POST['preview'])) { print "<b>Preview:</b>"; $posttext = getpost($_POST['text'], true, true, false); display_post($s[user], 'Sent', time(), $cmds, $posttext); print "<br>"; } if (isset($_GET['reply'])) { $quoteid = intval($_GET[reply]); $getquote = dbquery("SELECT pmessages.*, users.username FROM pmessages LEFT JOIN users ON pmessages.sender=users.userid WHERE id = {$quoteid} AND ((sender = {$s[user][userid]} AND exists_sender = 1) or (recipient = {$s[user][userid]} AND exists_recipient = 1))"); if (dbrows($getquote) != 0) { // ignore the quote if it's an invalid id $quotepost = dbrow($getquote); $quotetime = parsedate($quotepost[sentdate]); $quote = "[quote={$quotepost['username']} ({$quotetime})]{$quotepost['text']}[/quote]\n\n"; } } if (isset($_GET['target'])) { $userid = intval($_GET[target]); $getuser = dbquery("SELECT username FROM users WHERE userid = {$userid}"); if (dbrows($getuser) != 0) { $targetuser = dbrow($getuser); $_POST['recipient'] = $targetuser[username]; } } ?> <b>Send a private message:</b> <br> <form action='index.php?m=messages&act=send' method='post'>
print "<form action='index.php?m=admin&act=idx' method='post'>"; print "<textarea rows='4' cols='70' name='data'></textarea>"; print "<br>"; print "<input type='submit' name='makeit' value='Add Note' class='button'>"; print "</form>"; print "<hr>"; $getnotes = dbquery("select adminnotes.*,users.userid,users.username,users.powerlevel from adminnotes left join users on order by adminnotes.notedate"); if (mysql_num_rows($getnotes) == 0) { print "Apparently no one has posted any notes yet."; } else { $alternating = true; print "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width: 100%' id='rep'>"; while ($row = dbrow($getnotes)) { $alternating = !$alternating; if ($alternating) { $alt = " class='rowalt'"; } else { $alt = ""; } print "<tr{$alt}>"; print "<td align='left' valign='top'>"; $userlink = userlink($row[userid], htmlspecialchars($row[username]), $row[powerlevel]); $date = parsedate($row[notedate]); print "<span style='font-size: 11px'>{$userlink} posted at {$date}:</span>"; print "<div class='smallspacing'></div>"; print getpost($row[data], true, true, false); print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; }