function get_video_thumbnail_uri($video_uri) { $thumbnail_uri = ''; // determine the type of video and the video id $video = parse_video_uri($video_uri); // get youtube thumbnail if ($video['type'] == 'youtube') { $thumbnail_uri = '' . $video['id'] . '/maxresdefault.jpg'; } // get vimeo thumbnail if ($video['type'] == 'vimeo') { $thumbnail_uri = get_vimeo_thumbnail_uri($video['id']); } // get wistia thumbnail if ($video['type'] == 'wistia') { $thumbnail_uri = get_wistia_thumbnail_uri($video_uri); } // get default/placeholder thumbnail if (empty($thumbnail_uri) || is_wp_error($thumbnail_uri)) { $thumbnail_uri = ''; } //return thumbnail uri return $thumbnail_uri; }
* * @package Telemark_Skier_Magazine */ global $post; $video = get_field('video_url'); //Embed Code $alt_poster = get_field('video_poster_frame'); $post_classes = array('feed-post', 'video-feed-post'); // use preg_match to find iframe src preg_match('/src="(.+?)"/', $video, $matches); $src = $matches[1]; preg_match('/width="(.+?)"/', $video, $widths); $width = $widths[1]; preg_match('/height="(.+?)"/', $video, $heights); $height = $heights[1]; $type = parse_video_uri($src); $autoplay = $type['type'] == 'youtube' ? '&autoplay=1' : '?autoplay=1'; if (!has_post_thumbnail()) { $hero_image_url = $alt_poster; } else { $hero_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full')[0]; } ?> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> " <?php post_class($post_classes); ?> data-id="vid-<?php