function generatePodcastFeed($outputInFile, $category, $manualRegeneration)
    //include functions and variables in config.php
    include "core/includes.php";
    //// Set custom web url (shown in iTunes Store), if specified in config.php
    if (isset($feed_iTunes_LINKS_Website) and $feed_iTunes_LINKS_Website != NULL) {
        $podcastWebHomePage = $feed_iTunes_LINKS_Website;
    } else {
        $podcastWebHomePage = $url;
    //// Define feed filename
    $feedfilename = $absoluteurl . $feed_dir . "feed.xml";
    //// Rewrite the language var to adhere to ISO639
    $feed_language = languageISO639($feed_language);
    ##### Clean categories strings
    #Depurate feed content according to iTunes specifications
    $itunes_category[0] = depurateContent($itunes_category[0]);
    $itunes_category[1] = depurateContent($itunes_category[1]);
    $itunes_category[2] = depurateContent($itunes_category[2]);
    //If a different URL is specified in config.php
    if (isset($feed_URL_replace) and $feed_URL_replace != NULL) {
        $feed_url = $feed_URL_replace;
    } else {
        $feed_url = $url . $feed_dir . "feed.xml";
    //iTunes Cover art (jpg or png)
    if (file_exists($absoluteurl . $img_dir . 'itunes_image.jpg')) {
        $podcastCoverArt = $url . $img_dir . 'itunes_image.jpg';
    } else {
        if (file_exists($absoluteurl . $img_dir . 'itunes_image.png')) {
            $podcastCoverArt = $url . $img_dir . 'itunes_image.png';
        } else {
            $podcastCoverArt = "";
    $head_feed = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $feed_encoding . '"?>
	<!-- generator="Podcast Generator ' . $podcastgen_version . '" -->
	<rss xmlns:itunes="" xml:lang="' . $feed_language . '" version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
		<title>' . $podcast_title . '</title>
		<link>' . $podcastWebHomePage . '</link>
		<atom:link href="' . $feed_url . '" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
		<description>' . $podcast_description . '</description>
		<generator>Podcast Generator ' . $podcastgen_version . ' -</generator>
		<lastBuildDate>' . date("r") . '</lastBuildDate>
		<language>' . $feed_language . '</language>
		<copyright>' . $copyright . '</copyright>
		<itunes:image href="' . $podcastCoverArt . '" />
		<url>' . $podcastCoverArt . '</url>
		<title>' . $podcast_title . '</title>
		<link>' . $podcastWebHomePage . '</link>
		<itunes:summary>' . $podcast_description . '</itunes:summary>
		<itunes:subtitle>' . $podcast_subtitle . '</itunes:subtitle>
		<itunes:author>' . $author_name . '</itunes:author>
		<itunes:name>' . $author_name . '</itunes:name>
		<itunes:email>' . $author_email . '</itunes:email>
		<itunes:explicit>' . $explicit_podcast . '</itunes:explicit>
    //// iTunes categories (and subcategories, which are separated by :)
    //category 1
    if ($itunes_category[0] != NULL) {
        $tmpcat = explode(":", $itunes_category[0]);
        $head_feed .= '
		<itunes:category text="' . $tmpcat[0] . '">';
        //Sub Category
        if (isset($tmpcat[1]) and $tmpcat[1] != NULL) {
            $head_feed .= '<itunes:category text="' . $tmpcat[1] . '" />';
        $head_feed .= '</itunes:category>
    //end category 1
    //category 2
    if ($itunes_category[1] != NULL) {
        $tmpcat = explode(":", $itunes_category[1]);
        $head_feed .= '<itunes:category text="' . $tmpcat[0] . '">';
        //Sub Category
        if (isset($tmpcat[1]) and $tmpcat[1] != NULL) {
            $head_feed .= '<itunes:category text="' . $tmpcat[1] . '" />';
        $head_feed .= '</itunes:category>
    //end category 2
    //category 3
    if ($itunes_category[2] != NULL) {
        $tmpcat = explode(":", $itunes_category[2]);
        $head_feed .= '<itunes:category text="' . $tmpcat[0] . '">';
        //Sub Category
        if (isset($tmpcat[1]) and $tmpcat[1] != NULL) {
            $head_feed .= '<itunes:category text="' . $tmpcat[1] . '" />';
        $head_feed .= '</itunes:category>
    //end category 3
    //// List all the items (i.e. podcast episodes)
    // Open podcast directory
    $fileNamesList = readMediaDir($absoluteurl, $upload_dir);
    $episodes_feed = NULL;
    //define variable
    if (!empty($fileNamesList)) {
        // If media directory contains files
        $episodesCounter = 0;
        //set counter to zero
        // Loop through each file in the media directory
        foreach ($fileNamesList as $singleFileName) {
            //Limit episodes in the feed (from config.php)
            if ($episodesCounter < $recent_episode_in_feed or $recent_episode_in_feed == "All") {
                ////Validate the current episode
                //NB. validateSingleEpisode returns [0] episode is supported (bool), [1] Episode Absolute path, [2] Episode XML DB absolute path,[3] File Extension (Type), [4] File MimeType, [5] File name without extension, [6] episode file supported but to XML present
                $thisPodcastEpisode = validateSingleEpisode($singleFileName);
                ////If episode is supported and has a related xml db, and if it's not set to a future date OR if it's set for a future date but you are logged in as admin
                if ($thisPodcastEpisode[0] == TRUE and !publishInFuture($thisPodcastEpisode[1])) {
                    ////Parse XML data related to the episode
                    // NB. Function parseXMLepisodeData returns: [0] episode title, [1] short description, [2] long description, [3] image associated, [4] iTunes keywords, [5] Explicit language,[6] Author's name,[7] Author's email,[8] PG category 1, [9] PG category 2, [10] PG category 3, [11] file_info_size, [12] file_info_duration, [13] file_info_bitrate, [14] file_info_frequency
                    $thisPodcastEpisodeData = parseXMLepisodeData($thisPodcastEpisode[2]);
                    //// If feed manually regenerated, recreate XML DB for each file when XML does not contain file data such as size, duration etc... (i.e. <fileInfoPG> tag)
                    // NB. The following function is transitional, to enable new XML tags in the file XML data introduced with PG 2.3: it can be removed in future versions.
                    // We check for data about episode size ($thisPodcastEpisodeData[11]) cause all the episodes should have it, if not, the XML was generated with a version of PG < 2.3
                    // We also check whether $thisPodcastEpisodeData[3] (image) is null. From PG 2.4 the image field can be a) a file name (for retro compatibility with older versions), b) 1 (mp3 parsed for embedded image. If image exists the file is extracted automatically in the images/ folder by the function retrieveMediaFileDetails)
                    if ($manualRegeneration and $thisPodcastEpisodeData[11] == NULL or $manualRegeneration and $thisPodcastEpisodeData[3] == "") {
                        //NB $thisPodcastEpisodeData[3] = to "" empty and not NULL (it exists but does not contain any value).
                        //// Remapping data from parseXMLepisodeData to be sent as a parameter to writeEpisodeXMLDB
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[0] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[0];
                        // Title
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[1] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[1];
                        // Short Desc
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[2] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[2];
                        // Long Desc
                        //Image embedded or specified in the XML file is empty (no values)
                        if ($thisPodcastEpisodeData[3] == "") {
                            $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[3] = 1;
                        } else {
                            $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[3] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[3];
                        // Image
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[4] = array($thisPodcastEpisodeData[8], $thisPodcastEpisodeData[9], $thisPodcastEpisodeData[10]);
                        // Categories
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[5] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[4];
                        // Keywords
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[6] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[5];
                        // Explicit
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[7] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[6];
                        // Auth name
                        $thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML[8] = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[7];
                        // Auth email
                        //Episode size and data from GETID3 from retrieveMediaFileDetails function
                        //NB retrieveMediaFileDetails returns: [0] $ThisFileSizeInMB, [1] $file_duration, [2] $file_bitrate, [3] $file_freq, [4] $thisFileTitleID3, [5] $thisFileArtistID3
                        $episodeID3 = retrieveMediaFileDetails($thisPodcastEpisode[1], $absoluteurl, $thisPodcastEpisode[5], $img_dir);
                        //Rewrite the XML data file of this episode (including the fileInfoPG tag)
                        writeEpisodeXMLDB($thisEpisodeDataToWriteInXML, $absoluteurl, $thisPodcastEpisode[1], $thisPodcastEpisode[2], $thisPodcastEpisode[5], TRUE);
                    //end if $manualRegeneration
                    //// If category is specified, show just episodes belonging to it (if the current is not, skip this loop)
                    if (isset($category) and $category != NULL and $category != $thisPodcastEpisodeData[8] and $category != $thisPodcastEpisodeData[9] and $category != $thisPodcastEpisodeData[10]) {
                    //// Content Depuration (to avoid validation errors in the RSS feed)
                    $text_title = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[0]);
                    $text_shortdesc = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[1]);
                    //short desc
                    $text_longdesc = iTunesSummaryLinks(depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[2]));
                    $text_keywordspg = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[4]);
                    $text_authornamepg = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[6]);
                    //author's name
                    $text_authoremailpg = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[7]);
                    // Other Data from the file
                    $text_explicit = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[5];
                    $file_size = filesize($thisPodcastEpisode[1]);
                    $filetime = filemtime($thisPodcastEpisode[1]);
                    $filepubdate = date('r', $filetime);
                    $filemimetype = $thisPodcastEpisode[4];
                    $fileDuration = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[12];
                    $episodes_feed .= '
				<title>' . $text_title . '</title>
				<itunes:subtitle>' . $text_shortdesc . '</itunes:subtitle>
				<itunes:summary>' . $text_longdesc . '</itunes:summary>
				<description>' . $text_shortdesc . '</description>
				<link>' . $link . $singleFileName . '</link>
				<enclosure url="' . $url . $upload_dir . $singleFileName . '" length="' . $file_size . '" type="' . $filemimetype . '"/>
				<guid>' . $link . $singleFileName . '</guid>
                    //// Duration
                    if ($fileDuration != NULL) {
                        $episodes_feed .= '<itunes:duration>' . $fileDuration . '</itunes:duration>
                    //Image associated to single episode
                    if (file_exists($absoluteurl . $img_dir . $thisPodcastEpisode[5] . '.jpg')) {
                        $episodes_feed .= '<itunes:image href="' . $url . $img_dir . $thisPodcastEpisode[5] . '.jpg" />
                    } else {
                        if (file_exists($absoluteurl . $img_dir . $thisPodcastEpisode[5] . '.png')) {
                            $episodes_feed .= '<itunes:image href="' . $url . $img_dir . $thisPodcastEpisode[5] . '.png" />
                    //// Author
                    // If no author specified, use default author from config.php
                    if ($text_authornamepg == NULL or $text_authornamepg == ",") {
                        $episodes_feed .= '<author>' . $author_email . ' (' . $author_name . ')</author>
				<itunes:author>' . $author_name . '</itunes:author>
                    } else {
                        $episodes_feed .= '<author>' . $text_authoremailpg . ' (' . $text_authornamepg . ')</author>
				<itunes:author>' . $text_authornamepg . '</itunes:author>
                    //// Keywords
                    if ($text_keywordspg != NULL) {
                        //if keywords are present
                        $episodes_feed .= '<itunes:keywords>' . $text_keywordspg . '</itunes:keywords>
                    //// Explicit
                    if ($text_explicit != NULL) {
                        $episodes_feed .= '<itunes:explicit>' . $text_explicit . '</itunes:explicit>
                    //// File Date
                    $episodes_feed .= '<pubDate>' . $filepubdate . '</pubDate>
                    // increment recent counter
                // END - If episode is supported
            // END - Limit episodes in the feed
        // END - Loop through each file in the media directory
    // END - If media directory contains files
    //// RSS Feed Tail
    $tail_feed = '
    //// Construct Output
    $finalRSSfeed = $head_feed . $episodes_feed . $tail_feed;
    // Output in a file
    if ($outputInFile == TRUE) {
        $fp1 = fopen($feedfilename, "w+");
        //Open for reading and empty
        $fp = fopen($feedfilename, "a+");
        //testa xml
        fwrite($fp, $finalRSSfeed);
    } else {
        echo $finalRSSfeed;
    if (!isset($episodesCounter)) {
        $episodesCounter = 0;
    return $episodesCounter;
Example #2
if (isset($_GET['p']) and $_GET['p'] == "admin" and isset($_GET['do']) and $_GET['do'] == "edit" and isset($_GET['c']) and $_GET['c'] == "ok") {
    $PG_mainbody .= '<h3>' . _("Edit podcast") . '</h3>';
    include "{$absoluteurl}" . "core/admin/sendchanges.php";
    //	$PG_mainbody .= '</div>';
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['name']) and $_GET['name'] != NULL) {
        $singleEpisode = $_GET['name'];
        ////Validate the current episode
        //NB. validateSingleEpisode returns [0] episode is supported (bool), [1] Episode Absolute path, [2] Episode XML DB absolute path,[3] File Extension (Type), [4] File MimeType, [5] File name without extension
        $thisPodcastEpisode = validateSingleEpisode($singleEpisode);
        ////If episode is supported and has a related xml db, and if it's not set to a future date OR if it's set for a future date but you are logged in as admin
        if ($thisPodcastEpisode[0] == TRUE) {
            ////Parse XML data related to the episode
            // NB. Function parseXMLepisodeData returns: [0] episode title, [1] short description, [2] long description, [3] image associated, [4] iTunes keywords, [5] Explicit language,[6] Author's name,[7] Author's email,[8] PG category 1, [9] PG category 2, [10] PG category 3, [11] file_info_size, [12] file_info_duration, [13] file_info_bitrate, [14] file_info_frequency
            $thisPodcastEpisodeData = parseXMLepisodeData($thisPodcastEpisode[2]);
            //// content definition and depuration (solves problem with quotes etc...)
            $text_title = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[0]);
            $thisPodcastEpisodeData[1] = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[1]);
            //short desc
            $text_shortdesc = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[1]);
            //short desc
            $text_longdesc = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[2]);
            //long desc
            $text_keywordspg = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[4]);
            $text_authornamepg = depurateContent($thisPodcastEpisodeData[6]);
            //author's name
            $text_authoremailpg = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[7];
            $text_explicitpg = $thisPodcastEpisodeData[5];