Example #1
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

$table = div(div(par("Societies you moderate"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-primary");
$table["children"][] = make_table($msubs, ["society", "mod since"], "table", "umsocs", [], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
$table = div(div(par("Subscribed societies"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-primary");
$table["children"][] = make_table($subs, ["society", "subbed since"], "table", "ussocs", [], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #2
   <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="navbar-header">
          <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.php">What can I do for Wikimedia Commons?</a>
if (isset($_GET['new']) && !empty($_GET['new'])) {
    echo "<div class=\"alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade in\" role=\"alert\"> <a href=\"find.php?nextid=0\" type=\"button\" class=\"close\" \naria-label=\"Close\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">×</span></a> <strong>New at Wikimedia Commons?</strong> You should probably read <a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Welcome\">Commons:Welcome</a> first! :-)</div>";
      <div class="jumbotron">
          <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="find.php?nextid=<?php 
echo rand(111, 99999);
" role="button"><?php 
	<small><div style = "float: left;"><a href="index.php">home</a> | <a href="javascript:history.back()">back</a></div> <div style="text-align: right;"><?php 
help("<span class=\"caret\"></span> ");
Example #3
						<a href="#" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</a>
if ($soc["status"] != "LOCKED" && !$status["banned"]) {
    echo "<p><a data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#new-post\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-large\">New Post</a></p>";

<!-- posts -->
<div class="panel panel-default">
	<div class="panel-heading">Posts</div>
	<div class="list-group panel-body">
if (count($posts) == 0) {
    echo to_html(par("No posts yet."));
} else {
    foreach ($posts as $p) {
        echo "<div class=\"row\">";
        echo to_html(post_summary($p, $soc["soc_name"]));
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<hr>";
Example #4

include "funciones.php";
$n = $_POST["n"];
$serapar = par($n);
if ($serapar == 0) {
    echo "par";
} else {
    echo "no es par";
$seraprimo = primo($n);
if ($seraprimo == 2) {
    echo "primo";
} else {
    echo "no es primo";
$signo = positivo($n);
if ($signo == 1) {
    echo "el numero es positivo";
} else {
    if ($igno == -1) {
        echo "el numero es negativo";
    } else {
        if ($signo == 0) {
            echo "el numero es negativo";
Example #5
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

// user reports
$table = div(div(par("Reports about societies"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($reps, ["society", "reported by", "time", "reason"], "table", "sreps", [1], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #6
	$(document).ready(function() {
	} );

// ban form
$fdiv = div(div(par("Ban a user"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-danger");
$form = make_form("admin_panel.php?view=bans", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "user_to_ban", "Username", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "ban_reason", "Reason for ban", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "Ban", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// unban form
$fdiv = div(div(par("Unban a user"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-success");
$form = make_form("admin_panel.php?view=bans", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "user_to_unban", "Username", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "unban_reason", "Reason for unbanning", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "Unban", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// banned users list
$table = div(div(par("Banned Users"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($bans, ["username", "banned by", "time", "reason"], "table", "user_bans", [0, 1]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #7
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

// user reports
$table = div(div(par("Deleted comments"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($comms, ["comment text", "deleted by", "time", "comment"], "table", "del_comms", [1]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #8
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

$table = div(div(par("Post history"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-primary");
$table["children"][] = make_table($posts, ["title", "votes", "society", "time"], "table", "uphist", [], [2], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #9

include 'db.php';
$loginCount = scalar('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE login="******"', $conn);
if ($loginCount == 0) {
    insert('INSERT INTO users (login, pass) VALUES ("' . par('login') . '", "' . par('pass') . '")', $conn);
    $_SESSION['auth'] = '1';
    echo 1;
Example #10
function comment($c, $mod)
    $vb = comm_vote_buttons($c);
    $title = strong("\t(" . ($c["votes"] > 0 ? "+" : "") . $c["votes"] . ") " . $c["username"], "comm-title", "comm-title-" . $c["comm_id"]);
    $time = small("(" . $c["time"] . ")", "comm-time", "comm-time-" . $c["comm_id"]);
    $text = div(par($c["status"] == "DELETED" ? "[DELETED]" : $c["text"], "comm-text comm-text-deleted", "comm-text-" . $c["comm_id"]), "well");
    if ($c["status"] != "DELETED") {
        // reply button
        $reply = a("", "btn btn-xs btn-link comm-reply");
        $reply["data"] = "reply";
        $reply["attribs"]["data-toggle"] = "modal";
        $reply["attribs"]["data-target"] = "#new-comm";
        $reply["attribs"]["value"] = $c["comm_id"];
        // report button
        $rept = a("", "btn btn-xs btn-link comm-report");
        $rept["data"] = "report";
        $rept["attribs"]["data-toggle"] = "modal";
        $rept["attribs"]["data-target"] = "#report-comm";
        $rept["attribs"]["value"] = $c["comm_id"];
        $rept["attribs"]["style"] = "float:right;";
        // delete button
        $del = a("", "btn btn-xs btn-link comm-del");
        $del["data"] = "delete";
        $del["attribs"]["data-toggle"] = "modal";
        $del["attribs"]["data-target"] = "#del-comm";
        $del["attribs"]["value"] = $c["comm_id"];
        $del["attribs"]["style"] = "float:right;";
        // add buttons
        $text["children"][] = hr();
        $text["children"][] = $reply;
        $text["children"][] = $mod ? $del : $rept;
    $final = div($vb, "well" . ($c["anc_id"] != $c["comm_id"] ? " col-sm-offset-1" : ""));
    $final["children"][] = $title;
    $final["children"][] = $time;
    $final["children"][] = $text;
    return $final;
Example #11
	$(document).ready(function() {
	} );

// lock form
$fdiv = div(div(par("Lock a Society"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-danger");
$form = make_form("admin_panel.php?view=locks", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "soc_to_lock", "socname", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "lock_reason", "Reason for lock", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "lock", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// unlock form
$fdiv = div(div(par("Unlock a Society"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-success");
$form = make_form("admin_panel.php?view=locks", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "soc_to_unlock", "socname", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "unlock_reason", "Reason for unlocking", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "Unlock", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// Soc related activities
$table = div(div(par("Locked societies"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($locks, ["society", "admin name", "time", "comment"], "table", "soc_locks", [1], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #12
	$(document).ready(function() {
	} );

// promote form
$fdiv = div(div(par("Promote a user to moderator"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-success");
$form = make_form("mod_panel.php?soc=" . $soc["soc_name"] . "&view=mods", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "user_to_mod", "Username", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "mod_reason", "Reason for promotion", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "Mod", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// demote form
$fdiv = div(div(par("De-mod a user"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-danger");
$form = make_form("mod_panel.php?soc=" . $soc["soc_name"] . "&view=mods", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "user_to_demod", "Username", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "demod_reason", "Reason for demotion", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "Demod", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// mod list
$table = div(div(par("Moderators"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($mods, ["mod name", "promoted by", "time", "reason"], "table", "mod_list", [0, 1]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #13
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

// user reports
$table = div(div(par("Reports about posts"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($reps, ["title", "text", "reported by", "time", "reason"], "table", "preps", [2], [], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #14
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

// User related activities
$table = div(div(par("User related actions"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($log["user"], ["username", "mod name", "action", "time", "comment"], "table", "user_log", [0, 1]);
echo to_html($table);
// Post related activities
$table = div(div(par("Post related actions"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($log["post"], ["title", "mod name", "action", "time", "comment"], "table", "post_log", [1]);
echo to_html($table);
// Comment related activities
$table = div(div(par("Comment related actions"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($log["comm"], ["text", "mod name", "action", "time", "comment"], "table", "comm_log", [1]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #15

include 'db.php';
$elements = select('SELECT login as label, login as value FROM users WHERE login LIKE "' . par('term') . '%" limit 0, 10', $conn);
echo json_encode($elements);
Example #16

include 'db.php';
$rows = select('SELECT
(SELECT "disabled" FROM subscribe WHERE fromid = ' . par('fromid') . ' AND toid = t.id) AS disabled,
id, login FROM users t WHERE login LIKE "' . par('term') . '%" limit ' . par('first') . ', ' . (par('first') + 10), $conn);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    <table style="width:100%; height: 200;">
    echo $row['login'];
                <input type="button" onclick="subscribe(this, <?php 
    echo $row['id'];
)"value="Подписаться" <?php 
    echo $row['disabled'];
Example #17

<!-- Comment Section -->
<div class="panel panel-default well">
	<div class="panel-heading">
echo "<h3>";
echo "Comments (" . $post["comments"] . ")" . "<br>";
echo "</h3>";
	<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#new-comm" class="btn btn-default">Add Comment</a>
	<div class="panel-body well-lg">
if (count($comms) == 0) {
    echo to_html(par("No comments yet."));
} else {
    echo to_html(build_comment_tree($comms, $mod));

	$( document ).ready(function(){
		$(".post-upvote").click(function() {
			var hasVoted = $(this).hasClass("btn-success");
Example #18

include "funcion.php";
$n = $_POST["n"];
$r = numeros($n);
$pr = primo($n, $r);
$per = perfecto($n, $r);
$per2 = par($n, $r);
//echo "La cantida de posicion es $r";
Example #19
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

// User related activities
$table = div(div(par("User related actions"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($log["user"], ["username", "admin name", "action", "time", "comment"], "table", "user_log", [0, 1]);
echo to_html($table);
// Soc related activities
$table = div(div(par("Society related actions"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($log["soc"], ["society", "admin name", "action", "time", "comment"], "table", "soc_log", [1], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #20
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

$table = div(div(par("Comment history"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-primary");
$table["children"][] = make_table($comms, ["text", "votes", "post", "society", "time"], "table", "uchist", [], [3], [2]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #21

include 'db.php';
if (is_array($_FILES)) {
    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name'])) {
        $sourcePath = $_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name'];
        $targetPath = "upload/" . $_FILES['userImage']['name'];
        if (move_uploaded_file($sourcePath, $targetPath)) {
            insert('INSERT INTO images (name, owner) VALUES ("' . $targetPath . '", ' . par('owner') . ')', $conn);
            echo $targetPath;
Example #22
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

$table = div(div(par("Received Messages"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($pms, ["sender", "subject", "msg", "time"], "table", "pms", [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #23

include 'db.php';
$rows = select('SELECT toid FROM subscribe WHERE fromid = ' . par('fromid'), $conn);
$in = "";
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $in .= $row['toid'] . ', ';
$in = rtrim($in, ', ');
if ($in != "") {
    echo json_encode(select('SELECT * FROM images WHERE owner IN (' . $in . ') ORDER BY public DESC limit 0,10', $conn));
Example #24

include 'db.php';
$id = scalar('SELECT id FROM users WHERE login="******" AND pass="******"', $conn);
if ($id != null) {
    $_SESSION['myid'] = $id;
    echo $id;
Example #25
	$(document).ready(function() {
	} );

// promote form
$fdiv = div(div(par("Promote a user to admin"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-success");
$form = make_form("admin_panel.php?view=admins", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "user_to_admin", "Username", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "admin_reason", "Reason for promotion", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "Admin", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// demote form
$fdiv = div(div(par("De-admin a user"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-danger");
$form = make_form("admin_panel.php?view=admins", "post", "form-inline");
$form = add_field($form, "user_to_deadmin", "Username", true, "form-control");
$form = add_field($form, "deadmin_reason", "Reason for demotion", true, "form-control");
$form = add_button($form, "Deadmin", "btn btn-default");
$fdiv["children"][] = div(div($form, "form-group"), "panel-body");
echo to_html($fdiv);
// admin list
$table = div(div(par("Admins"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($admins, ["admin name", "promoted by", "time", "reason"], "table", "admin_list", [0, 1]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #26

include 'db.php';
$subscribe = scalar('SELECT 1 FROM subscribe WHERE fromid = ' . par('fromid') . ' AND toid = ' . par('toid'), $conn);
if ($subscribe != 1) {
    insert('INSERT INTO subscribe (fromid, toid) VALUES (' . par('fromid') . ', ' . par('toid') . ')', $conn);
echo 1;
Example #27
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

// user reports
$table = div(div(par("Deleted posts"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($posts, ["title", "text", "deleted by", "time", "comment"], "table", "del_posts", [2], [], [0]);
echo to_html($table);
Example #28
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {

$table = div(div(par("Sent Messages"), "panel-heading"), "panel panel-info");
$table["children"][] = make_table($pms, ["receiver", "subject", "msg", "time"], "table", "pms");
echo to_html($table);
Example #29
   <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="navbar-header">
          <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.php">What can I do for Wikimedia Commons?</a>
if (isset($_GET['new']) && !empty($_GET['new'])) {
    echo "<div class=\"alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade in\" role=\"alert\"> <a href=\"find.php?nextid=0\" type=\"button\" class=\"close\" \naria-label=\"Close\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">×</span></a> <strong>New at Wikimedia Commons?</strong> You should probably read <a href=\"https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Welcome\">Commons:Welcome</a> first! :-)</div>";
      <div class="jumbotron">
          <a class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="find.php?nextid=<?php 
echo rand(111, 99999);
" role="button"><?php 
	<small><div style = "float: left;"><a href="index.php">home</a> | <a href="javascript:history.back()">back</a></div> <div style="text-align: right;"><?php 
help("<span class=\"caret\"></span> ");