Example #1
if (@mysqli_num_rows($Players_q) != 0) {
    echo '
	<table class="prettytable">
	<th width="5%" class="countheader">#</th>
    // player column
    pagination_headers('Player', $ServerID, 'leaders', '19', 'r', $rank, 'SoldierName', 'o', $order, 'ASC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    // score column
    pagination_headers('Score', $ServerID, 'leaders', '19', 'r', $rank, 'Score', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    // kills column
    pagination_headers('Kills', $ServerID, 'leaders', '19', 'r', $rank, 'Kills', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    // kdr column
    pagination_headers('Kill / Death', $ServerID, 'leaders', '19', 'r', $rank, 'KDR', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    // hsr column
    pagination_headers('Headshot / Kill', $ServerID, 'leaders', '19', 'r', $rank, 'HSR', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    echo '
    // while there are rows to be fetched...
    while ($Players_r = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($Players_q)) {
        $Score = $Players_r['Score'];
        $SoldierName = $Players_r['SoldierName'];
        $PlayerID = $Players_r['PlayerID'];
        $Kills = $Players_r['Kills'];
        $KDR = round($Players_r['KDR'], 2);
        $HSR = round($Players_r['HSR'] * 100, 2);
        $link = './index.php?';
        if (!empty($ServerID)) {
Example #2
        $Suspicious_q = @mysqli_query($BF4stats, "\n\t\t\tSELECT tpd.`SoldierName`, SUM(tps.`Rounds`) AS Rounds, (SUM(tps.`Kills`)/SUM(tps.`Deaths`)) AS KDR, (SUM(tps.`Headshots`)/SUM(tps.`Kills`)) AS HSR, tpd.`PlayerID`\n\t\t\tFROM `tbl_playerstats` tps\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN `tbl_server_player` tsp ON tsp.`StatsID` = tps.`StatsID`\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN `tbl_playerdata` tpd ON tsp.`PlayerID` = tpd.`PlayerID`\n\t\t\tWHERE (((tps.`Kills`/tps.`Deaths`) > 5 AND (tps.`Headshots`/tps.`Kills`) > 0.70 AND tps.`Kills` > 30 AND tps.`Rounds` > 1) OR ((tps.`Kills`/tps.`Deaths`) > 10 AND tps.`Kills` > 50 AND tps.`Rounds` > 1))\n\t\t\tAND tpd.`GameID` = {$GameID}\n\t\t\tAND tsp.`ServerID` IN ({$valid_ids})\n\t\t\tGROUP BY tpd.`SoldierName`\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$rank} {$order}, tpd.`SoldierName` {$nextorder}\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$offset}, {$rowsperpage}\n\t\t");
    // start the table
    echo '
	<table class="prettytable">
	<th width="5%" class="countheader">#</th>
    // player column
    pagination_headers('Player', $ServerID, 'suspicious', '20', 'r', $rank, 'SoldierName', 'o', $order, 'ASC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    // kdr column
    pagination_headers('Kill / Death', $ServerID, 'suspicious', '20', 'r', $rank, 'KDR', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    // hsr column
    pagination_headers('Headshot / Kill', $ServerID, 'suspicious', '20', 'r', $rank, 'HSR', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    // rounds played column
    pagination_headers('Rounds Played', $ServerID, 'suspicious', '20', 'r', $rank, 'Rounds', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
    echo '
    // offset pagination count when calculating the player's rank
    $count = $currentpage * 20 - 20;
    // while there are suspicious players, display them
    while ($Suspicious_r = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($Suspicious_q)) {
        $SoldierName = $Suspicious_r['SoldierName'];
        $PlayerID = $Suspicious_r['PlayerID'];
        $KDR = round($Suspicious_r['KDR'], 2);
        $HSpercent = round($Suspicious_r['HSR'] * 100, 2);
        $Rounds = $Suspicious_r['Rounds'];
        $link = './index.php?';
Example #3
			Here are some players with names similar to "' . $SoldierName . '".
			<table class="prettytable">
			<th width="5%" class="countheader">#</th>
            // player column
            pagination_headers('Player', $ServerID, 'player', '24', 'r', $rank, 'SoldierName', 'o', $order, 'ASC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', $SoldierName, '');
            // score column
            pagination_headers('Score', $ServerID, 'player', '24', 'r', $rank, 'Score', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', $SoldierName, '');
            // kills column
            pagination_headers('Kills', $ServerID, 'player', '24', 'r', $rank, 'Kills', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', $SoldierName, '');
            // kill / death column
            pagination_headers('Kill / Death', $ServerID, 'player', '24', 'r', $rank, 'KDR', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', $SoldierName, '');
            echo '
            // initialize value
            $count = 0;
            while ($PlayerMatch_r = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($PlayerMatch_q)) {
                $Soldier_Name = $PlayerMatch_r['SoldierName'];
                $Player_ID = $PlayerMatch_r['PlayerID'];
                $Score = $PlayerMatch_r['Score'];
                $Kills = $PlayerMatch_r['Kills'];
                $KDR = round($PlayerMatch_r['KDR'], 2);
                $link = './index.php?';
                if (!empty($ServerID)) {
Example #4
// offset pagination count
$count = $currentpage * 20 - 20;
// check if chat rows were found
if (@mysqli_num_rows($Messages_q) != 0) {
    echo '
	<table class="prettytable" style="margin-top: -4px;">
	<th width="5%" class="countheader">#</th>
    // date column
    pagination_headers('Date', $ServerID, 'chat', '15', 'r', $rank, 'logDate', 'o', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', $query);
    // player column
    pagination_headers('Player', $ServerID, 'chat', '15', 'r', $rank, 'logSoldierName', 'o', $order, 'ASC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', $query);
    // player column
    pagination_headers('Message', $ServerID, 'chat', '65', 'r', $rank, 'Message', 'o', $order, 'ASC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', $query);
    echo '
    // while there are rows to be fetched...
    while ($Messages_r = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($Messages_q)) {
        // get data
        $logDate = date("H:i M j, Y", strtotime($Messages_r['logDate']));
        $logSoldierName = textcleaner($Messages_r['logSoldierName']);
        $logMessage = textcleaner($Messages_r['Message']);
        // see if this player has server stats in this server yet
        // if there is a ServerID, this is a server stats page
        if (!empty($ServerID)) {
            $PlayerID_q = @mysqli_query($BF4stats, "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT tpd.`PlayerID`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `tbl_playerdata` tpd\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `tbl_server_player` tsp ON tsp.`PlayerID` = tpd.`PlayerID`\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `tbl_playerstats` tps ON tps.`StatsID` = tsp.`StatsID`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE tpd.`GameID` = {$GameID}\n\t\t\t\tAND tpd.`SoldierName` = '{$logSoldierName}'\n\t\t\t\tAND tsp.`ServerID` = {$ServerID}\n\t\t\t");
Example #5
				<td class="tablecontents" width="100%" colspan="3" style="text-align:left"><span class="teamname">' . $team_name . '</span></td>
            } else {
                echo '
				<th width="4%" class="countheader">#</th>
                // player column
                pagination_headers('Player', $ServerID, 'home', '40', 'rank', $rank, 'SoldierName', 'order', $order, 'ASC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '2', '', '');
                // score column
                pagination_headers('Score', $ServerID, 'home', '13', 'rank', $rank, 'Score', 'order', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
                // kills column
                pagination_headers('Kills', $ServerID, 'home', '13', 'rank', $rank, 'Kills', 'order', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
                // deaths column
                pagination_headers('Deaths', $ServerID, 'home', '13', 'rank', $rank, 'Deaths', 'order', $order, 'DESC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
                // squad column
                pagination_headers('Squad', $ServerID, 'home', '17', 'rank', $rank, 'SquadID', 'order', $order, 'ASC', $nextorder, $currentpage, '', '', '');
            echo '</tr>';
            // query for all players on this team
            $Team_q = @mysqli_query($BF4stats, "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT `Soldiername`, `Score`, `Kills`, `Deaths`, `TeamID`, `SquadID`, `CountryCode`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `tbl_currentplayers`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `ServerID` = {$ServerID}\n\t\t\t\tAND `TeamID` = {$this_team}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$rank} {$order}\n\t\t\t");
            // if team query worked and players were found on this team
            if (@mysqli_num_rows($Team_q) != 0) {
                $count = 1;
                while ($Team_r = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($Team_q)) {
                    $player = $Team_r['Soldiername'];
                    // see if this player has server stats in this server yet
                    $PlayerID_q = @mysqli_query($BF4stats, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT tpd.`PlayerID`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `tbl_playerdata` tpd\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `tbl_server_player` tsp ON tsp.`PlayerID` = tpd.`PlayerID`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `tbl_playerstats` tps ON tps.`StatsID` = tsp.`StatsID`\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE tpd.`GameID` = {$GameID}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tpd.`SoldierName` = '{$player}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tsp.`ServerID` = {$ServerID}\n\t\t\t\t\t");
                    // server stats found for this player in this server
                    if (@mysqli_num_rows($PlayerID_q) == 1) {
                        $PlayerID_r = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($PlayerID_q);
                        $PlayerID = $PlayerID_r['PlayerID'];