function deletePage($pageid) { if ($pageid != '1') { if (pageExists($pageid)) { $db = Database::obtain(); $sql = "DELETE FROM `" . TABLE_PAGES . "` WHERE `id`={$pageid}"; $db->query($sql); sysMsg(MSG00013); } else { sysMsg(MSG00014); } } }
function displayPageContent($category, $pageName) { //$db = new Database("","fcncContent","Fcnc@915","fcncContent"); $db = new Database("localhost", "root", "root", "FCNC_v3.0"); $db->setTable("contentTiles"); // If varables have not been set, display the home page if ($category == '' && $pageName == '') { $queryString = ['category' => 'index', 'pageName' => 'index']; $pageTileResults = $db->retrieveStrict($queryString); displayHTML($pageTileResults->getRow()); } else { if (isset($category)) { //error check if category and pageName exitst!!!!! $queryString = ['category' => $category, 'pageName' => $pageName]; $pageTileResults = $db->retrieveStrict($queryString); // This can probably be cleaned up // if page exists display it // else display 404 error page if (pageExists(count($pageTileResults->getRow()))) { displayHTML($pageTileResults->getRow()); } else { display404Error($db); } } else { //error check if pageName does not exist!!!!! $queryString = ['category' => "", 'pageName' => $pageName]; $pageTileResults = $db->retrieveStrict($queryString); if (count($pageTileResults->getRow()) == 0) { // Page not found... display 404 error page $queryString['pageName'] = '404'; $pageTileResults = $db->retrieveStrict($queryString); displayHTML($pageTileResults->getRow()); } else { displayHTML($pageTileResults->getRow()); } } } }
function yambeMakeURL($page, $display) { if (pageExists($page['title'], $page['namespaceid'])) { return linkFromText($page['title'], $display, $page['namespaceid']); } else { return ""; } }
/** * Get the content of the page. * @param string $page * @return string|false */ function getContent($page) { $path = getFilePath($page); if (pageExists($page)) { return file_get_contents($path); } return false; }
pg_close($dbconn); return; } } // get this item's page $page = getPageForItem($hash, $dbconn); if ($page === "ERROR") { error_log("ERROR: Retrieve - getting current item's page failed"); echo "#ERROR"; pg_close($dbconn); return; } if ($nav === "next") { $page++; // get canvas content for next item $pageExists = pageExists($page, $dbconn); if ($pageExists === "ERROR") { error_log("ERROR: Retrieve - checking if page {$page} exists failed"); echo "#ERROR"; pg_close($dbconn); return; } if ($pageExists) { $result = getContentForPage($page, $dbconn); if ($result === "ERROR") { error_log("ERROR: Retrieve - retrieving content failed - get canvas content for next item"); echo "#ERROR"; pg_close($dbconn); return; } else { echo $result;
# Hook to load page Cache exec_action('index-header'); if (!$plugins) { debugLog("GS ERROR: plugins is empty!"); } if (!$pagesArray) { debugLog("GS ERROR: pagesArray is empty!"); } # get page id (url slug) that is being passed via .htaccess mod_rewrite if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = str_replace('..', '', $_GET['id']); $id = str_replace('/', '', $id); $id = lowercase($id); } else { $id = getDef('GSINDEXSLUG'); if (!pageExists($id)) { $id = 'index'; } } // filter to modify page id request $id = exec_filter('indexid', $id); // @filter indexid (str) filter the front end index id/slug // $_GET['id'] = $id; // @todo: do we need this for support for plugins that are checking get? $data_index = null; // load page data if (previewingDraft()) { // display draft if specified else $data_index = getDraftXml($id); } else { if (isset($pagesArray[$id])) { // apply page data if page id exists