function test_extract_jpeg_images_with_redirection()
     $html = '<html><body><img src=""/></body></html>';
     $images = p2mixi_extract_jpeg_images($html, 1);
     //		Assert::equals( count ($images['images']), 1, '');
     Assert::equals(strlen($images['images'][0]), 5221, '');
Example #2
 * Publishes the wordpress entry to mixi.
 * @param number $postId
 * @return postId
function p2mixi_publish_handler($postId)
    global $p2mixi_debug;
    $p2mixi_username = get_option('p2mixi_username');
    $p2mixi_password = get_option('p2mixi_password');
    $p2mixi_id = get_option('p2mixi_id');
    $p2mixi_default = get_option('p2mixi_default');
    $p2mixi_header_default = get_option('p2mixi_header_default');
    $p2mixi_footer_default = get_option('p2mixi_footer_default');
    $header = "";
    $footer = "";
    // If the post was published from the wordpress admin page.
    if (p2mixi_is_submitted_from_wp_admin($_POST) == true) {
        // verify this came from the our screen and with proper authorization,
        // because publish_post can be triggered at other times
        if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['p2mixi_noncename'], plugin_basename(__FILE__))) {
            return $post_id;
        if ($_POST['p2mixi_publishcheckbox'] == null || $_POST['p2mixi_publishcheckbox'] == 'false') {
            return $postId;
        $header = trim($_POST['p2mixi_headertext']);
        $footer = trim($_POST['p2mixi_footertext']);
    } else {
        // If the post was published not from the wordpress admin page
        // such as iphone application, user doesn't see the publishToMixi option.
        // If that's the case, publishToMixi just follows the default configuration.
        if ($p2mixi_default == false) {
            return $postId;
        $header = $p2mixi_header_default;
        $footer = $p2mixi_footer_default;
    // Get the post detail from wordpress.
    $post = get_post($postId);
    if ($post->post_status != 'publish' || $post->post_type != 'post') {
        return $postId;
    // Extracting images from the post content.
    $images = p2mixi_extract_jpeg_images($post->post_content);
    // Header
    if ($header != '') {
        $header = str_replace('%%URL%%', get_permalink($postId), $header);
        $header = p2mixi_sanitize_html($header . "\r\n\r\n");
    // Body
    $body = $post->post_content;
    $movies = p2mixi_parse_movie_links($body);
    $body = p2mixi_replace_hyperlinks($body, array($images['urls'][0]));
    $body = p2mixi_sanitize_html($body);
    $body .= $movies;
    // Footer
    if ($footer != '') {
        $footer = str_replace('%%URL%%', get_permalink($postId), $footer);
        $footer = p2mixi_sanitize_html("\r\n\r\n" . $footer);
    // Chop the body if it is too big.
    // The max length for the mixi diary body is 10k letters.
    // Actually it is 10k 'Japanese' letters (20k bytes) so it could be more
    // if you use ASCII letters, but here just say 10k letters to make it safer.
    // Not sure mb_ functions are available in any php env.
    if (function_exists('mb_strlen') && function_exists('mb_substr')) {
        $max_body_len = 10000 - mb_strlen($header, 'utf-8') - mb_strlen($footer, 'utf-8');
        if ($max_body_len < mb_strlen($body)) {
            $body = mb_substr($body, 0, $max_body_len, 'utf-8');
    // content = header + body + footer
    $content = $header . $body . $footer;
    // Publish to Mixi
    p2mixi_publish_to_mixi($p2mixi_username, $p2mixi_password, $p2mixi_id, $post->post_title, $content, $images['images']);
    return $postId;