Example #1
	<div class="entry-meta-wrapper<?php 
if ($vertical) {
    echo ' vertical';
get_template_part('_post', 'sticky');
get_template_part('_post', 'date');
// Category and tag lists
if (has_category() && oxford_categorized_blog() || has_tag()) {
    $term_divider = sprintf(' %s ', _x('&#47;', 'term divider', 'oxford'));
    $category_list = get_the_category_list($term_divider);
    $tag_list = get_the_tag_list('', $term_divider);
    $meta_text = sprintf(' %s ', _x('&#8211;', 'date/terms divider', 'oxford'));
    // Categories
    if ($category_list) {
        $meta_text .= '%1$s';
    // Category / Tag divider
    if ('' !== $meta_text && $tag_list) {
        $meta_text .= $term_divider;
    // Tags
Example #2
    get_template_part('_post', 'date');
// Category and tag lists
if (has_category() || has_tag()) {
    $term_divider = sprintf(' %s ', _x('&#47;', 'term divider', 'oxford'));
    $category_list = get_the_category_list($term_divider);
    $tag_list = get_the_tag_list('', $term_divider);
    $meta_text = sprintf('<span class="entry-terms"> %s ', _x('&#45;', 'search result date/terms divider', 'oxford'));
    // Categories
    if (oxford_categorized_blog() && $category_list) {
        $meta_text .= '%1$s';
    // Category / Tag divider
    if ('' !== $meta_text && $tag_list) {
        $meta_text .= $term_divider;
    // Tags
    if ($tag_list) {
        $meta_text .= '%2$s';
    $meta_text .= '</span>';
    // Output
    printf($meta_text, $category_list, $tag_list);