// don't get confused
if ($candelete) {
    $found = false;
    foreach ($comments as $comment) {
        if ($comment->deleted) {
            $found = true;
    if ($found) {
        print '<p class="ouw_deletedcommentinfo">' . get_string('commentdeletedinfo', 'ouwiki') . '</p>';
print '<div class="ouwiki_allcomments">';
// OK, display all comments
print ouwiki_display_comments($comments, $section, $pagename, $subwiki, $cm, true, $candelete);
// And 'add comment' form
if ($canpost) {
    print '<h2>' . get_string('commentpostheader', 'ouwiki') . '</h2>';
    print '<a id="post"></a>';
    print ouwiki_display_comment_form('comments', $section, $section ? $knownsections[$section] : null, $pagename, $subwiki, $cm);
print '</div>';
// Link to return to page
global $CFG, $THEME;
print '<div class="ouw_returnlink">' . '<span class="sep">' . $THEME->larrow . '</span> ' . '<a href="view.php?' . ouwiki_display_wiki_parameters($pageversion->title, $subwiki, $cm) . '">' . get_string('returntopage', 'ouwiki') . '</a></div>';
// Footer
ouwiki_print_footer($course, $cm, $subwiki, $pagename);

function ouwiki_internal_display_heading_bit($headingnumber, $pagename, $subwiki, $cm, &$comments, $xhtmlid, $annotations, $locked, &$returncomments = false)
    global $CFG;
    $params = ouwiki_display_wiki_parameters($pagename, $subwiki, $cm);
    $result = ' <div class="ouw_byheading">';
    // next link, seems to be, redundent. since it shows up in the Tabs links
    // so it is not enabled on Page level with: "&& !empty($xhtmlid)"    (nadavkav 8-5-2011)
    if ($subwiki->canedit && !$locked && !empty($xhtmlid)) {
        $result .= '<a class="ouw_editsection" href="edit.php?' . $params . ($xhtmlid ? '&amp;section=' . $xhtmlid : '') . '">' . get_string($xhtmlid ? 'editsection' : 'editpage', 'ouwiki') . '</a> ';
    // output the 'comment on page' link if using per-section comment system
    $gotcomments = false;
    if (ouwiki_get_commenting($subwiki->commenting) == OUWIKI_COMMENTS_PERSECTION || ouwiki_get_commenting($subwiki->commenting) == OUWIKI_COMMENTS_BOTH) {
        $key = $xhtmlid ? $xhtmlid : '';
        $url = 'comments.php?' . $params . ($xhtmlid ? '&amp;section=' . $xhtmlid : '');
        if (array_key_exists($key, $comments) && $comments[$key]->count > 0) {
            $a = new StdClass();
            $a->count = $comments[$key]->count;
            $lastcomment = $comments[$key]->comments[count($comments[$key]->comments) - 1];
            $a->date = ouwiki_nice_date($lastcomment->timeposted, true, true);
            $a->plural = $a->count == 1 ? '' : 's';
            global $USER;
            $a->commentlink = '<a class="ouw_revealcomment" href="' . $url . '">' . get_string('commentcount', 'ouwiki', $a) . '</a>';
            $result .= '<span class="ouw_commentsinfo">' . get_string('commentinfo', 'ouwiki', $a) . ($USER->id == $lastcomment->userid ? ' (' . get_string('commentbyyou', 'ouwiki') . ')' : '') . '</span> ';
            $gotcomments = true;
        } else {
            if ($subwiki->cancomment) {
                $result .= '<a class="ouw_makecomment" href="' . $url . '#post">' . get_string($xhtmlid ? 'commentonsection' : 'commentonpage', 'ouwiki') . '</a>';
            $gotcomments = false;
    // output the annotate link if using annotation comment system
    if (ouwiki_get_commenting($subwiki->commenting) == OUWIKI_COMMENTS_ANNOTATION || ouwiki_get_commenting($subwiki->commenting) == OUWIKI_COMMENTS_BOTH) {
        //        if ($subwiki->canannotate) {
        //            $result.='<a class="ouw_annotate" href="annotate.php?'.$params.'">'.
        //                    get_string('annotate','ouwiki').'</a>';
        //        }
        if ($annotations != false) {
            $orphancount = 0;
            foreach ($annotations as $annotation) {
                if ($annotation->orphaned == 1) {
            if (count($annotations) > $orphancount) {
                $result .= '<span id="showhideannotations">
                           <a href="javascript:ouwikiShowAllAnnotations(\'block\')" id="showallannotations">' . get_string('showallannotations', 'ouwiki') . '</a>
                           <a href="javascript:ouwikiShowAllAnnotations(\'none\')" id="hideallannotations">' . get_string('hideallannotations', 'ouwiki') . '</a>
    // Addition to offer Save To Portfolio ability for postings
    global $CFG;
    if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../portfolio/index.php')) {
        $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        if (has_capability('mod/portfolio:doanything', $modcontext, NULL, true, 'portfolio:doanything:false', 'portfolio')) {
            global $CFG;
            $wikiposttoportfolio = get_string($xhtmlid ? 'wikisectionposttoportfolio' : 'wikiposttoportfolio', "portfolio");
            $result .= '<div style="display: inline; float: right;"><form method="post" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/portfolio/moodle/ouwiki/saveToPortfolio.php?' . $params . ($xhtmlid ? '&amp;section=' . $xhtmlid : '') . '"><div><input type="image" title="' . $wikiposttoportfolio . '" alt="' . $wikiposttoportfolio . '" src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/portfolio/html/_design/icon_download.gif" value="save" name="save" style="width: 11px; height: 11px;" class="ouwiki_download_icon"/></div></form></div>';
    $result .= '</div></div>';
    if ($gotcomments) {
        $commentsresult = '<div class="ouw_hiddencomments" id="ouw_comments_' . $xhtmlid . '">';
        $commentsresult .= ouwiki_display_comments($comments[$key]->comments, $xhtmlid, $pagename, $subwiki, $cm);
        $commentsresult .= '<div class="ouw_hiddencommentoptions">';
        if ($comments[$key]->count > count($comments[$key]->comments)) {
            $a = new StdClass();
            $a->count = count($comments[$key]->comments);
            $a->link = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . get_string('commentsviewall', 'ouwiki') . '</a>';
            $commentsresult .= '<span>' . get_string('commentsolder', 'ouwiki', $a) . '</span> ';
        } else {
            $commentsresult .= '<span><a href="' . $url . '">' . get_string('commentsviewseparate', 'ouwiki') . '</a></span> ';
        if ($subwiki->cancomment) {
            $commentsresult .= '<a class="ouw_makecomment2" href="' . $url . '#post">' . get_string('commentpostheader', 'ouwiki') . '</a>';
        $commentsresult .= '</div></div>';
        if ($returncomments) {
            $returncomments = $commentsresult;
        } else {
            $result .= $commentsresult;
    return $result;