function opf_preload_filter_definitions()
    global $database;
    global $opf_FILTERS;
    // global storage of all filter-definitions
    global $opf_HEADER;
    // global storage of all css- and js-files to put into <head>
    global $opf_BODY;
    // global storage of all javascript-calls to put into <body>
    global $opf_PAGECHILDS;
    // store all child--page-relations
    global $opf_PAGES;
    // global storage of page-data
    global $opf_MODULES;
    // global storage of modules
    if (isset($opf_FILTERS) && is_array($opf_FILTERS)) {
        return FALSE;
    $opf_FILTERS = $opf_HEADER = $opf_BODY = $opf_PAGECHILDS = $opf_PAGES = $opf_MODULES = array();
    // fetch page-data
    if (!($pages = opf_db_query("SELECT *" . " FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages`" . " ORDER BY `level`,`position` ASC"))) {
        $pages = array();
    $pages_act = array();
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $pages_act[(int) $page['page_id']] = $page;
    $opf_PAGES = $pages_act;
    // fetch filter-data
    $filters = opf_select_filters();
    if (is_array($filters)) {
        foreach ($filters as $filter) {
            $filter['helppath'] = unserialize($filter['helppath']);
            $filter['desc'] = unserialize($filter['desc']);
            $filter['modules'] = unserialize($filter['modules']);
            $filter['pages'] = unserialize($filter['pages']);
            $filter['pages_parent'] = unserialize($filter['pages_parent']);
            $filter['pages_parent'] = opf_update_pages_parent($filter['pages_parent']);
            $filter['current'] = FALSE;
            $filter['activated'] = FALSE;
            $filter['failed'] = FALSE;
            $filter['additional_values'] = unserialize($filter['additional_values']);
            $opf_FILTERS[$filter['name']] = $filter;
    // fetch module-data
    $opf_MODULES = opf_list_target_modules(TRUE);
    // fetch child--page-relations
    foreach ($opf_PAGES as $page) {
        $page_id = (int) $page['page_id'];
        $opf_PAGECHILDS[$page_id] = array($page_id);
    foreach ($opf_PAGES as $subpage) {
        if ($subpage['parent'] == 0) {
        $trail = explode(',', $subpage['page_trail']);
        while ($trail) {
            $pid = array_pop($trail);
            foreach ($trail as $p) {
                //if(!in_array($pid, $opf_PAGECHILDS[$p]))
                // much more expensive than the array_unique()-calls below!
                $opf_PAGECHILDS[$p][] = $pid;
    // clean $opf_PAGECHILDS -- this is much cheaper than the in_array()-calls above!
    $opf_PAGECHILDS_unique = array();
    foreach ($opf_PAGECHILDS as $p) {
        $opf_PAGECHILDS_unique[] = array_unique($p);
    $opf_PAGECHILDS = $opf_PAGECHILDS_unique;
 $docu_patch_url = '/modules/outputfilter_dashboard/docs/files/' . $lang . '/install_opf-txt.html';
 if (!file_exists(WB_PATH . $docu_patch_url)) {
     $docu_patch_url = '/modules/outputfilter_dashboard/docs/files/' . 'EN' . '/install_opf-txt.html';
 // set language for help-browser
 $help_lang = LANGUAGE;
 if ($help_lang == 'NO') {
     $help_lang = 'NB';
 if (!file_exists("{$ModPath}/docs/files/" . $help_lang . '/intro-txt.html')) {
     $help_lang = 'EN';
 // get list of filters for template
 $filterlist = array();
 $types = opf_get_types();
 $filters = opf_select_filters();
 if (!is_array($filters)) {
     $filters = array();
 $old_type = '';
 // remember last type in foreach below, to draw a separator if type changed
 foreach ($filters as $filter) {
     // we need the next str_replace to allow \ ' " in the name for use with javascript
     $filter['name_js_quoted'] = str_replace(array('\\', '&#039;', '&quot;'), array('\\\\', '\\&#039;', '\\&quot;'), $filter['name']);
     $filter['desc'] = opf_fetch_entry_language(unserialize($filter['desc']));
     $filter['helppath'] = opf_fetch_entry_language(unserialize($filter['helppath']));
     $filter['desc'] = '<small>' . opf_correct_umlauts(htmlspecialchars(substr($filter['desc'], 0, 40))) . '...</small>';
     // mark last added filter
     if ($filter['id'] == $id) {
         $filter['last_touched'] = TRUE;
     } else {