include_once WB_PATH . '/framework/module.functions.php';
// include the module language file depending on the backend language of the current user
if (!(include get_module_language_file($mod_dir))) {
// load outputfilter-functions
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php';
// obtain module directory
$mod_dir = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
require WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $mod_dir . '/info.php';
// include module.functions.php
include_once WB_PATH . '/framework/module.functions.php';
// load outputfilter-functions
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/functions.php";
opf_io_mkdir(WB_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . '/opf_plugins');
opf_io_unlink($mod_dir . '/debug_config.php');
opf_io_unlink($mod_dir . '/config_init.php');
opf_io_unlink($mod_dir . '/precheck.php');
if (file_exists(WB_PATH . '/modules/practical_module_functions/pmf.php')) {
    // load Practical Module Functions
    include_once WB_PATH . '/modules/practical_module_functions/pmf.php';
    $opf = pmf_init(0, basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
    // unregister this module since we do not use pmf anymore
    pmf_mod_unregister($opf, basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
opf_db_run_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mod_outputfilter_dashboard_settings`");
opf_io_rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/naturaldocs_txt');
// install or upgrade example plugins
$install_file = '/plugin_install.php';
$info_file = 'plugin_info.php';
// Check version
if (file_exists($install_dir . $plugin_directory)) {
    $old_version = opf_plugin_info_read($install_dir . $plugin_directory . '/' . $info_file, 'plugin_version');
    $new_version = opf_plugin_info_read($temp_unzip . $info_file, 'plugin_version');
    if (version_compare($old_version, $new_version, '>')) {
        $upload_message = sprintf($text_failed, $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ALREADY_INSTALLED']);
        @unlink($temp_dir . $temp_file);
// Cleanup temp
$plugin_dir = $install_dir . $plugin_directory . '/';
// unzip plugin directly to $plugin_dir
$list = $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $plugin_dir);
if (!$list) {
    $upload_message = sprintf($text_failed, $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_UNZIP_FAILED']);
    @unlink($temp_dir . $temp_file);
// delete archive
@unlink($temp_dir . $temp_file);
// chmod new files
foreach (opf_io_filelist($plugin_dir) as $file) {
// run install-script
if (file_exists($plugin_dir . $install_file)) {
$filter = str_replace(WB_URL, '{SYSVAR:WB_URL}', $filter);
if ($filter['plugin'] == '' && $filter['userfunc'] == 0) {
    $export_message = sprintf($text_failed, $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_NO_EXPORT']);
    return FALSE;
if ($filter['plugin'] != '' && !file_exists($plugin_dir . $filter['plugin'])) {
    $export_message = sprintf($text_failed, $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_NO_SUCH_DIR']);
    return FALSE;
// get name for zip-archive
if ($filter['plugin'] != '') {
    $temp_file = 'opf_export_' . $filter['plugin'] . '.zip';
} else {
    $temp_file = 'opf_export_' . $temp_name . '.zip';
opf_io_mkdir($temp_dir . $temp_name);
// Setup PclZip
$archive = new PclZip($temp_dir . $temp_file);
// plugin-filter
if ($filter['plugin'] != '') {
    // get human readable dump
    $filter_dump = opf_dump_var($filter);
    // get filter-data serialised
    $filter_ser = serialize($filter);
    $filter_ser = opf_escape_string($filter_ser);
    $file_install = <<<EOD
if(!defined('WB_PATH')) die(header('Location: index.php'));
// experimental feature, export human-readable:
// if this fails to import, try the serialized version:
function opf_upload_check($field, $fileext = array('.jpg', '.png', '.gif'), $type = 'image', $maxsize = 0)
    global $LANG;
    if (!is_array($fileext)) {
        $fileext = explode(',', $fileext);
    // check for error
    if (!isset($_FILES[$field]) || empty($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) {
        return array('status' => FALSE, 'result' => $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_NO_UPLOAD']);
    if ($_FILES[$field]['error'] || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'])) {
        return array('status' => FALSE, 'result' => sprintf($LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_PHP_ERR'], $_FILES[$field]['error']));
    // get cleaned filename
    $filename = opf_clean_filename($_FILES[$field]['name']);
    // check user-supplied args
    if ($maxsize > 0 && $_FILES[$field]['size'] > $maxsize) {
        return array('status' => FALSE, 'result' => sprintf($LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_UPLOAD_SIZE'], $maxsize));
    if (!empty($fileext)) {
        $ext = '';
        if (!is_array($fileext)) {
            $fileext = array($fileext);
        preg_match('~\\.\\w+$~D', $filename, $match);
        if (isset($match[0])) {
            $ext = strtolower($match[0]);
        if (!in_array($ext, $fileext)) {
            return array('status' => FALSE, 'result' => sprintf($LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_UPLOAD_EXT'], $fileext));
    if ($type && is_string($type)) {
        if (function_exists('__opf_upload_check_' . $type)) {
            $filter = '__opf_upload_check_' . $type;
        } elseif (function_exists('opf_upload_usercheck_' . $type)) {
            $filter = 'opf_upload_usercheck_' . $type;
        } else {
            die(sprintf($LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_SECURITY_BREACH'], 'opf_upload_check'));
        $res = $filter($_FILES[$field]);
        if (!$res) {
            return array('status' => FALSE, 'result' => sprintf($LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_UPLOAD_TYPE'], $type));
    } else {
        die(sprintf($LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_SECURITY_BREACH'], 'opf_upload_check'));
    // store info in DB and move file
    $section_id = 0;
    $id = uniqid(mt_rand(100000000, 999999999), TRUE);
    $dest = __OPF_UPLOAD_DIRNAME . $id;
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'], $dest)) {
        return array('status' => TRUE, 'result' => $id);
    return array('status' => FALSE, 'result' => $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_ERR_UPLOAD_FAILED']);
if ($filter['plugin'] != '') {
    $filter_file = $filter['file'];
    $filter_file = str_replace('{OPF:PLUGIN_PATH}', OPF_PLUGINS_PATH . $filter['plugin'], $filter_file);
    $filter_file = str_replace('{SYSVAR:WB_PATH}', WB_PATH, $filter_file);
    if (file_exists($filter_file)) {
        $filter['func'] = file_get_contents($filter_file);
        $filter['file'] = '';
        rm_full_dir($plugin_dir . $filter['plugin']);
        $filter['plugin'] = '';
    } else {
        $convert_message = sprintf($text_failed, $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_NO_SUCH_DIR']);
        return FALSE;
} else {
    if (file_exists($plugin_dir . $plugin_name) || !opf_io_mkdir($plugin_dir . $plugin_name) || !is_writable($plugin_dir . $plugin_name)) {
        $convert_message = sprintf($text_failed, $LANG['MOD_OPF']['TXT_WRITE_DENIED'], $plugin_dir . $plugin_name);
        return FALSE;
    // create a plugin-filter
    $filter['plugin'] = $plugin_name;
    // get human readable dump
    $filter_func = $filter['func'];
    $filter['func'] = '';
    $filter['file'] = '{OPF:PLUGIN_PATH}/filter.php';
    $filter_dump = opf_dump_var($filter);
    // get filter-data serialised
    $filter_ser = serialize($filter);
    $filter_ser = opf_escape_string($filter_ser);
    $file_info = <<<EOD