function init($args = array())
     if ($this->params['force_secure'] && HTTPS_AVAILABLE && !on_secure_page()) {
         header('Location: ' . get_current_url(securest_available_protocol()));
     // Check for an existing database connection so we can restore it when we're done
     $this->db_conn = get_current_db_connection_name();
 function init($args = array())
     // force secure form due to a bug that causes images not to work in unsecure environment
     if (!on_secure_page()) {
 function Session_PHP()
     if (defined('REASON_SESSION_TIMEOUT')) {
         $this->expires = REASON_SESSION_TIMEOUT * 60;
     ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1) or trigger_error('Unable to set use_cookies ini');
     ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 86400);
     foreach ($this->errors as $err_num => $err) {
         if (!defined($err['name'])) {
             define($err['name'], $err_num);
     $this->secure_session_flag = HTTPS_AVAILABLE ? 1 : 0;
     $this->secure_if_available = !HTTPS_AVAILABLE || on_secure_page();
 private function _match_protocol($url)
     if (defined('ZENCODER_HTTPS_ENABLED') && ZENCODER_HTTPS_ENABLED && on_secure_page()) {
         if (strpos($url, 'http://') === 0) {
             return 'https://' . substr($url, 7);
     return $url;
 * redirects the current url to force a secure session
 *If the current page is insecure, this function will header to the secure version of the page and die
 * @return void
function force_secure()
	if (!on_secure_page())
		$url = get_current_url( 'https' );
		header('Location: '.$url);
Example #6
 public function init($args = array())
     $head_items =& $this->parent->head_items;
     $head_items->add_javascript(JQUERY_URL, true);
     // do we need to do this?
     $head_items->add_javascript(WEB_JAVASCRIPT_PATH . 'login/focus.js');
     // Search engines should not be indexing versions of the index page with specific destinations
     if (isset($this->request['dest_page'])) {
         $head_items->add_head_item('meta', array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => 'none'));
     $this->current_url = get_current_url();
     $this->on_secure_page_if_available = !HTTPS_AVAILABLE || on_secure_page();
     if (isset($this->request['redir_link_text'])) {
         $this->redir_link_text = $this->request['redir_link_text'];
     $this->dest_page = $this->localize_destination_page();
     $this->sess =& get_reason_session();
     $this->logged_in = false;
     // A session exists
     if ($this->sess->exists()) {
         if ($this->verbose_logging) {
             error_log('LOGIN: Session exists');
         if (!$this->sess->has_started()) {
             if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                 error_log('LOGIN: Session started');
         // user is logging out
         if (isset($this->request['logout'])) {
             if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                 error_log('LOGIN: do_logout');
             // Set the test cookie here, so they can log back in again
         } elseif (!$this->sess->get('username')) {
             if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                 error_log('LOGIN: Destroying bad session');
             header('Location: ' . get_current_url());
         } else {
             if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                 error_log('LOGIN: do_logged_in');
     } else {
         if ($this->verbose_logging) {
             error_log('LOGIN: No Session');
         // In the process of logging in
         if ($this->login_in_progress()) {
             if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                 error_log('LOGIN: Login in progress');
             if ($this->test_cookie_exists()) {
                 if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                     error_log('LOGIN: Test cookie exists');
             } else {
                 if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                     error_log('LOGIN: NO test cookie');
                 $this->status_msg = 'It appears that you do not have cookies enabled.  Please enable cookies and try logging in again';
         } else {
             if ($this->verbose_logging) {
                 error_log('LOGIN: No login in progress');
             if (isset($this->request['code'])) {
                 $s =& get_reason_session();
                 $this->msg = $s->get_error_msg($this->request['code']);
             if (isset($this->request['msg_uname'])) {
Example #7
 * Get the absolute url for the site, given a reason entity or id for a site or page.
 * @author Nathan White
 * @param mixed entity or entity_id corresponding to a page or site
 * @return mixed string absolute url if successful; else null
function reason_get_site_url($page_or_site_entity_or_id)
    $entity = is_numeric($page_or_site_entity_or_id) ? new entity($page_or_site_entity_or_id) : $page_or_site_entity_or_id;
    $type = $entity->has_value('type') ? $entity->get_value('type') : false;
    if ($type == id_of('minisite_page') || $type == id_of('site')) {
        $site = $type == id_of('minisite_page') ? $entity->get_owner() : $entity;
        $domain = $site->has_value('domain') && $site->get_value('domain') ? $site->get_value('domain') : REASON_HOST;
        $base_url = $site->get_value('base_url');
        if (on_secure_page()) {
            if (isset($GLOBALS['_reason_domain_settings'][$domain]['HTTPS_AVAILABLE'])) {
                $secure = $GLOBALS['_reason_domain_settings'][$domain]['HTTPS_AVAILABLE'];
            } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['_default_domain_settings']['HTTPS_AVAILABLE'])) {
                $secure = $GLOBALS['_default_domain_settings']['HTTPS_AVAILABLE'];
            } else {
                $secure = $domain == REASON_HOST ? HTTPS_AVAILABLE : false;
        } else {
            $secure = false;
        return $secure ? 'https://' . $domain . $base_url : 'http://' . $domain . $base_url;
    } else {
        trigger_error('reason_get_site_url was not passed a valid site or page entity (or entity id) - a site url could not be built.');
        return null;
	function show_news_item(&$news_item)
		$title = $news_item->get_value('release_title');
		$parameters = $news_item->get_value('parameters');
		$link = (strpos($news_item->get_value('page_url'), 'http') === false) // if it is not absoulte build the host for backwards compatibility
				? '//' . REASON_HOST . $news_item->get_value('page_url')
				: $news_item->get_value('page_url'); // else it is what it is - an absolute multidomain safe URL
		if (!on_secure_page()) $link = alter_protocol($link, 'https', 'http'); // attempt to link over http if the home page is requested that way
		if (!empty($parameters))
			if ($this->textonly) $parameters['textonly'] = 1;
			foreach ($parameters as $k=>$v)
				$param[$k] = $v;
			$link .= '?' . implode_with_keys('&',$param);
		echo '<a href="'. $link . '">'.$title.'</a>';
Example #9
 function init($args = array())
     $head_items =& $this->parent->head_items;
     $head_items->add_javascript(JQUERY_URL, true);
     $head_items->add_javascript(WEB_JAVASCRIPT_PATH . 'login/focus.js');
     $this->current_url = get_current_url();
     $this->on_secure_page_if_available = !HTTPS_AVAILABLE || on_secure_page();
     if (empty($this->request['dest_page'])) {
         // in standalone mode, once the user has successfully logged in, they will be bounced back to the page
         // they came from if there was one.  otherwise, they will see a successful login message
         if ($this->params['login_mode'] == 'standalone') {
             if (empty($this->request['popup'])) {
                 // we have a referer.  remember for later.
                 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                     $this->dest_page = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
                 } else {
                     // we have no valid information on where to go back to.  this will happen if a user goes
                     // directly to the login page without clicking on a link.  in this case, there will be no
                     // jumping and a message saying you are logged in will appear along side the logout link.
         } else {
             $this->dest_page = $this->current_url;
     } else {
         // Search engines should not be indexing versions of the index page with specific destinations
         $head_items->add_head_item('meta', array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => 'none'));
         $this->dest_page = $this->request['dest_page'];
     if (!empty($this->request['redir_link_text'])) {
         $this->redir_link_text = $this->request['redir_link_text'];
     $this->dest_page = $this->localize_destination_page();
     $this->sess =& get_reason_session();
     $this->logged_in = false;
     // A session exists
     if ($this->sess->exists()) {
         if (!$this->sess->has_started()) {
         // user is logging out
         if (!empty($this->request['logout'])) {
             $username = $this->sess->get('username');
             $this->msg = 'You are now logged out';
             $this->log_authentication_event('logout succeeded', $username);
             if (empty($this->request['noredirect'])) {
                 $parts = parse_url($this->dest_page);
                 $port = isset($parts['port']) && !empty($parts['port']) ? ":" . $parts['port'] : '';
                 $query = isset($parts['query']) && !empty($parts['query']) ? '?' . $parts['query'] : '';
                 $fragment = isset($parts['fragment']) ? '#' . $parts['fragment'] : '';
                 $loc = 'http://' . $parts['host'] . $port . $parts['path'] . $query . $fragment;
                 header('Location: ' . $loc);
         } elseif (!$this->sess->get('username')) {
             header('Location: ' . get_current_url());
         } else {
             $this->logged_in = true;
             $this->msg = 'You are logged in as ' . $this->sess->get('username') . '.';
             if (!empty($this->dest_page)) {
                 if ($this->dest_page != get_current_url()) {
                     $dest_txt = $this->_get_dest_page_text();
                     $cleaned_dest_page = htmlspecialchars($this->dest_page);
                     $this->msg_extra = '<p>Proceed to <a href="' . $cleaned_dest_page . '" title="' . $cleaned_dest_page . '">' . htmlspecialchars($dest_txt) . '</a></p>';
     } else {
         // trying to login
         if (!empty($this->request['username']) and !empty($this->request['password'])) {
             if ($this->test_cookie_exists()) {
                 $auth = new directory_service($this->params['auth_service']);
                 // succesful login
                 if ($auth->authenticate($this->request['username'], $this->request['password'])) {
                     $this->logged_in = true;
                     $this->sess->set('username', trim($this->request['username']));
                     $this->log_authentication_event('login succeeded', $this->request['username']);
                     // pop user back to the top of the page.  this makes sure that the session
                     // info is available to all modules
                     if (!empty($this->dest_page)) {
                         $parts = parse_url($this->dest_page);
                         $port = isset($parts['port']) && !empty($parts['port']) ? ":" . $parts['port'] : '';
                         $query = isset($parts['query']) && !empty($parts['query']) ? '?' . $parts['query'] : '';
                         $fragment = isset($parts['fragment']) ? '#' . $parts['fragment'] : '';
                         $loc = securest_available_protocol() . '://' . $parts['host'] . $port . $parts['path'] . $query . $fragment;
                         header('Location: ' . $loc);
                     if (!empty($this->request['popup'])) {
                         $this->close_window = true;
                         $this->msg = 'You are now logged in. Please close this window.';
                 } else {
                     $this->log_authentication_event('login failed', $this->request['username']);
                     $this->msg = 'The username and password you provided do not match.  Please try again.';
             } else {
                 $this->msg = 'It appears that you do not have cookies enabled.  Please enable cookies and try logging in again';
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->request['code'])) {
                 $s =& get_reason_session();
                 $this->msg = $s->get_error_msg($this->request['code']);
             if (!empty($this->request['msg_uname'])) {
                 $msg_id = id_of($this->request['msg_uname'], true, false);
                 if (!empty($msg_id)) {
                     $msg_ent = new entity($msg_id);
                     if ($msg_ent->get_value('type') == id_of('text_blurb')) {
                         $this->msg .= $msg_ent->get_value('content');
function draw_google_map($gmaps)
    $protocol = HTTPS_AVAILABLE && on_secure_page() ? 'https' : 'http';
    $aspectRatio = defined('GOOGLE_MAPS_ASPECT_RATIO') ? GOOGLE_MAPS_ASPECT_RATIO : 1.333333;
    foreach ($gmaps as $gmap) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $protocol . '://"></script>';
        echo '
		<script type="text/javascript">
		var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
		var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
		var map;
		var zoomLevel = ' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_zoom_level') . ';
		google.maps.visualRefresh = true;
		function initialize() {
		if (document.getElementById("map_canvas").offsetWidth < 275) {
			zoomLevel = zoomLevel - 1;   // for smaller canvases zoom out one level.
			var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_latitude') . ',' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_longitude') . ');
			var myOptions = {
				zoom: zoomLevel,
				center: latLng,
				mapTypeControlOptions: {mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE],
					style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU},
				mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
				mapTypeControl: true,
				streetViewControl: false
			map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
			var arrayOfMsids = ["' . preg_replace("|\\s|", '","', $gmap->get_value('google_map_msid')) . '"];';
        if ($gmap->get_value('google_map_show_campus_template') == "yes" && $campusTemplateID != '') {
            // campus map id in dedicated google account
            echo 'arrayOfMsids.splice(0, 0, "' . $campusTemplateID . '");';
        echo 'var nyLayer = [];
			setLayers(arrayOfMsids, nyLayer);';
        if ($gmap->get_value('google_map_show_primary_pushpin') == "show") {
            echo 'var primaryPushpin = new google.maps.Marker({position: new google.maps.LatLng(' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_primary_pushpin_latitude') . ', ' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_primary_pushpin_longitude') . '),map: map});';
        echo '}
		function setMapCanvasWidthHeigth() {
			var defaultWidth = "460px";
			if (document.getElementById("map_canvas").offsetHeight <= 0 && document.getElementById("map_canvas").offsetWidth <= 0) {
				document.getElementById("map_canvas").style.width = defaultWidth;
				document.getElementById("map_canvas").style.height=Math.floor(defaultWidth/' . $aspectRatio . ').toString().concat("px");
			else if (document.getElementById("map_canvas").offsetHeight <= 0) {
				document.getElementById("map_canvas").style.height=Math.floor(document.getElementById("map_canvas").offsetWidth/' . $aspectRatio . ').toString().concat("px");
			else if (document.getElementById("map_canvas").offsetWidth <= 0) {
				document.getElementById("map_canvas").style.width=Math.floor(document.getElementById("map_canvas").offsetHeight*' . $aspectRatio . ').toString().concat("px");
		function setLayers(arrayOfMsids, nyLayer) {
			for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfMsids.length; i++) {
				nyLayer[i] = new google.maps.KmlLayer(\'' . $protocol . '://\' + arrayOfMsids[i] + \'&msa=0&output=kml\',
					suppressInfoWindows: false,
					map: map,
		function calculateRoute() {
			if (document.getElementById("map_from").value != "") {
			} else {
			var map_from = document.getElementById("map_from").value;
			var map_to = new google.maps.LatLng(' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_destination_latitude') . ',' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_destination_longitude') . ');
			var request = {
				origin: map_from,
				destination: map_to,
				travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING
			directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
				if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
		function resetDirections() {
			var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_latitude') . ',' . $gmap->get_value('google_map_longitude') . ');
			directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
		google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, \'load\', initialize);
		</script>' . "\n";
        echo '<div id="map_canvas"></div><br/>' . "\n";
        if ($gmap->get_value('google_map_show_directions') == 'show') {
            echo 'From:<br/><input type="text" name="map_from" id="map_from">' . "\n";
            echo '<input type="submit" value="Get Directions" onClick="calculateRoute()">' . "\n";
            echo '<input type="button" value="Reset" id="map_reset" onClick="resetDirections()">' . "\n";
            echo '<div id="directionsPanel"><p><span id="totalDistance"></span></p></div><br/>' . "\n";
 function equalize_protocol($url)
     if (on_secure_page() && substr($url, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
         $url = 'https://' . substr($url, 7);
     return $url;
Example #12
	 * Returns an absolute url with our best guess at the appropriate protocol
	 * @return string absolute url with a "smart" protocol choice
	function get_url()
		return (on_secure_page()) ? $this->get_url_most_secure() : $this->get_url_http();
Example #13
function final_response($code, $message)
    if (is_array($message) || is_object($message)) {
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        $message = json_encode($message);
    } else {
        header('Content-Type: text/plain');
    echo trim($message) . "\n";
if (HTTPS_AVAILABLE && !on_secure_page()) {
    final_response(403, "This script must be accessed over a secure " . "connection.");
    final_response(405, "This script must be accessed via a POST request.");
    final_response(503, "This site is currently undergoing maintenance. " . "Uploads cannot be accepted at this time.");
// When Flash is running as an NPAPI plugin under Windows, it does not send
// the correct cookies with HTTP requests, but instead sends whatever cookies
// are associated with its IE plugin version. SWFUpload instances are made to
// pass the session ID explicitly to work around this.
$reason_session =& get_reason_session();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['reason_sid'])) {
Example #14
    function on_every_time()
        $protocol = HTTPS_AVAILABLE && on_secure_page() ? 'https' : 'http';
        echo '<link href="' . $protocol . '://" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' . "\n";
        echo '<style type="text/css">
      				#map_canvas {
					width: 600px;
					height: 400px;
					#googlemapprimarypushpinlatitudeRow {display: none;}  /* hack to avoid changing hidden input field */
					#googlemapprimarypushpinlongitudeRow {display: none;}
					#googlemapdestinationlatitudeRow {display: none;}  /* hack to avoid changing hidden input field */
					#googlemapdestinationlongitudeRow {display: none;}
					</style>' . "\n";
        echo '
			<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $protocol . '://"></script>
			<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $protocol . '://"></script>
			<script type="text/javascript">
			google.maps.visualRefresh = true;
			function initialize() {
				var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(' . $this->get_value('google_map_latitude') . ',' . $this->get_value('google_map_longitude') . ');
		        var myOptions = {
					zoom:' . $this->get_value('google_map_zoom_level') . ',
					center: latLng,
					mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
					mapTypeControl: false,
					streetViewControl: false
		        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(\'map_canvas\'), myOptions);
		        var arrayOfMsids = ["' . preg_replace("|\\s|", '","', $this->get_value('google_map_msid')) . '"];
		        if (document.disco_form.google_map_show_campus_template.options[document.disco_form.google_map_show_campus_template.options.selectedIndex].value == "yes"
		        	&& "' . $campusTemplateID . '" != \'\') {
					arrayOfMsids.splice(0, 0, "' . $campusTemplateID . '");
		        var nyLayer = [];
		        setLayers(arrayOfMsids, nyLayer, map);
		        var primaryPushpin = new google.maps.Marker({position: new google.maps.LatLng(' . $this->get_value('google_map_primary_pushpin_latitude') . ', ' . $this->get_value('google_map_primary_pushpin_longitude') . '),map: map,draggable:true});
		        //var primaryPushpin = new StyledMarker({styleIcon:new StyledIcon(StyledIconTypes.MARKER,{color:"B0C4DE"}),position:new google.maps.LatLng(' . $this->get_value('google_map_primary_pushpin_latitude') . ', ' . $this->get_value('google_map_primary_pushpin_longitude') . '),map:map,draggable:true});
		        if (document.getElementById("radio_google_map_show_primary_pushpin_0").checked) {
		        	showMarker(primaryPushpin, 0);
		        } else {
		        	showMarker(primaryPushpin, 1);
		        var destMarker = new StyledMarker({styleIcon:new StyledIcon(StyledIconTypes.BUBBLE,{color:"#cccccc",text:"To"}),position:new google.maps.LatLng(' . $this->get_value('google_map_destination_latitude') . ', ' . $this->get_value('google_map_destination_longitude') . '),map:map,draggable:true});
		        if (document.getElementById("radio_google_map_show_directions_0").checked) {
		        	showMarker(destMarker, 0);
		        } else {
		        	showMarker(destMarker, 1);
				google.maps.event.addListener(map, \'dragend\', function(e) {
				google.maps.event.addListener(map, \'zoom_changed\', function(e) {
					document.disco_form.google_map_zoom_level.value = map.getZoom();
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.disco_form.google_map_zoom_level, \'change\', function(e) {
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.disco_form.google_map_latitude, \'change\', function(e) {
					var cntr = new google.maps.LatLng(Math.min(85.0511, Math.max(-85.0511, parseFloat(document.disco_form.google_map_latitude.value))), parseFloat(document.disco_form.google_map_longitude.value));
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.disco_form.google_map_longitude, \'change\', function(e) {
					var cntr = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(document.disco_form.google_map_latitude.value), parseFloat(document.disco_form.google_map_longitude.value));
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById("radio_google_map_show_primary_pushpin_0"), \'change\', function(e) {
					showMarker(primaryPushpin, 0);
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById("radio_google_map_show_primary_pushpin_1"), \'change\', function(e) {
					showMarker(primaryPushpin, 1);
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(primaryPushpin, \'dragend\', function(e) {
					var dragEnd = e.latLng;
					document.disco_form.google_map_primary_pushpin_latitude.value =;
					document.disco_form.google_map_primary_pushpin_longitude.value = dragEnd.lng();
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById("radio_google_map_show_directions_0"), \'change\', function(e) {
					showMarker(destMarker, 0);
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById("radio_google_map_show_directions_1"), \'change\', function(e) {
					showMarker(destMarker, 1);
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(destMarker, \'dragend\', function(e) {
					var dragEnd = e.latLng;
					document.disco_form.google_map_destination_latitude.value =;
					document.disco_form.google_map_destination_longitude.value = dragEnd.lng();
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.disco_form.google_map_show_campus_template, \'change\', function(e) {
					for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfMsids.length; i++) {
					arrayOfMsids.splice(0, arrayOfMsids.length);
					nyLayer.length = 0;
					arrayOfMsids = document.disco_form.google_map_msid.value.split("\\n");
					if (document.disco_form.google_map_show_campus_template.options[document.disco_form.google_map_show_campus_template.options.selectedIndex].value == "yes"
						&& "' . $campusTemplateID . '" != \'\')
						arrayOfMsids.splice(0, 0, "' . $campusTemplateID . '");
					setLayers(arrayOfMsids, nyLayer, map)
				google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.disco_form.google_map_msid, \'change\', function(e) {
					for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfMsids.length; i++) {
					arrayOfMsids.splice(0, arrayOfMsids.length);
					nyLayer.length = 0;
					arrayOfMsids = document.disco_form.google_map_msid.value.split("\\n");
					if (document.disco_form.google_map_show_campus_template.options[document.disco_form.google_map_show_campus_template.options.selectedIndex].value == "yes"
						&& "' . $campusTemplateID . '" != \'\')
						arrayOfMsids.splice(0, 0, "' . $campusTemplateID . '");
		        	setLayers(arrayOfMsids, nyLayer, map)
			function updateMarkerPosition(latLng) {
				document.disco_form.google_map_latitude.value =;
				document.disco_form.google_map_longitude.value = latLng.lng();
			function setLayers(arrayOfMsids, nyLayer, map) {
				for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfMsids.length; i++) {
		        	nyLayer[i] = new google.maps.KmlLayer(\'' . $protocol . '://\' + arrayOfMsids[i] + \'&msa=0&output=kml\',
	                	suppressInfoWindows: false,
	                	map: map,
			function showMarker(marker, show) {
				if (show == 0) {
				else {
			google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, \'load\', initialize);			
			</script>' . "\n";
        echo '<div id="map_canvas"></div><br/>' . "\n";