Example #1

 *	Add MetaBox to Post edit page
$om_post_meta_box = array('quote' => array('id' => 'om-post-meta-box-quote', 'name' => __('Quote Settings', 'om_theme'), 'fields' => array(array('name' => __('The Quote', 'om_theme'), 'desc' => __('Write your quote in this field', 'om_theme'), 'id' => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . 'quote', 'type' => 'textarea', 'std' => ''), array('name' => __('Quote author', 'om_theme'), 'desc' => '', 'id' => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . 'quote_author', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'link' => array('id' => 'om-post-meta-box-link', 'name' => __('Link Settings', 'om_theme'), 'fields' => array(array('name' => __('The URL', 'om_theme'), 'desc' => __('Insert the URL you wish to link to', 'om_theme'), 'id' => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . 'link_url', 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''))), 'video' => array('id' => 'om-post-meta-box-video', 'name' => __('Video Settings', 'om_theme'), 'fields' => array(array("name" => __('HTML Embed code or link to YouTube, Vimeo, etc.', 'om_theme'), "desc" => __('If your video is hosted by video service insert the link to the video or HTML embed code.<br/>If you want to insert video file from WordPress Media library, use the fields below', 'om_theme'), "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_embed", "type" => "textarea", "rows" => 3, "std" => ''), array("name" => __('Video File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => __('The URL to the video file', 'om_theme'), "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_src", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'video'), array("name" => __('Poster Image', 'om_theme'), "desc" => __('The preivew image, only for self hosted videos', 'om_theme'), "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_poster", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'image'), array("name" => '', "desc" => __('Fields below are not necessary if the "Video File URL" is specified, but can be used as a fallback video sources if the browser does not support format of the video chosen above.', 'om_theme'), "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "videoformat_info", "type" => "info"), array("name" => __('MP4 File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_mp4", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'video'), array("name" => __('M4V File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_m4v", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'video'), array("name" => __('WebM File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_webm", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'video'), array("name" => __('OGV File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_ogv", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'video'), array("name" => __('WMV File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_wmv", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'video'), array("name" => __('FLV File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "video_flv", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'video'))), 'audio' => array('id' => 'om-post-meta-box-audio', 'name' => __('Audio Settings', 'om_theme'), 'fields' => array(array("name" => __('HTML Embed code or link to SoundCloud, etc.', 'om_theme'), "desc" => __('If your audio is hosted by audio service insert the link to the audio or HTML embed code.<br/>If you want to insert audio file from WordPress Media library, use the fields below', 'om_theme'), "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audio_embed", "type" => "textarea", "rows" => 3, "std" => ''), array("name" => __('Audio File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => __('The URL to the audio file', 'om_theme'), "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audio_src", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'audio'), array("name" => '', "desc" => __('Fields below are not necessary if the "Audio File URL" is specified, but can be used as a fallback audio sources if the browser does not support format of the audio chosen above.', 'om_theme'), "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audioformat_info", "type" => "info"), array("name" => __('MP3 File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audio_mp3", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'audio'), array("name" => __('M4A File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audio_m4a", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'audio'), array("name" => __('OGG File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audio_ogg", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'audio'), array("name" => __('WAV File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audio_wav", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'audio'), array("name" => __('WMA File URL', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "audio_wma", "type" => "text_browse", "std" => '', "library" => 'audio'))), 'gallery' => array('id' => 'om-post-meta-box-gallery', 'name' => __('Gallery Settings', 'om_theme'), 'fields' => array(array("name" => __('Gallery mode on the single page', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "gallery_mode", "type" => "select", "std" => '', 'options' => array('' => __('Standard (slider)', 'om_theme'), 'sliced' => __('Sliced', 'om_theme'), 'masonry' => __('Masonry', 'om_theme'))), array("name" => __('Captions', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "gallery_captions", "type" => "select", "std" => '', 'options' => array('' => __('Hide', 'om_theme'), 'true' => __('Display image captions', 'om_theme'))), array("name" => __('Gallery', 'om_theme'), "desc" => '', "id" => OM_THEME_SHORT_PREFIX . "gallery", "type" => "gallery", "std" => ''))));
om_add_common_meta_boxes($om_post_meta_box, array('pagetitle', 'slider', 'header', 'sidebar'), 'om-post-meta-box-');
function om_add_post_meta_box()
    global $om_post_meta_box;
    ommb_add_meta_boxes($om_post_meta_box, 'post');
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'om_add_post_meta_box');
 *	Save MetaBox data
function om_save_post_metabox($post_id)
    global $om_post_meta_box;
    ommb_save_metabox($post_id, $om_post_meta_box);
add_action('save_post', 'om_save_post_metabox');
 *	Load JS Scripts and Styles
function om_post_meta_box_scripts($hook)
    if ('post.php' != $hook && 'post-new.php' != $hook) {
    wp_enqueue_script('om-admin-post-meta', TEMPLATE_DIR_URI . '/admin/js/post-meta.js', array('jquery'));
Example #2

 *	Add MetaBox to Product page
$om_bbpress_meta_box = array();
om_add_common_meta_boxes($om_bbpress_meta_box, array('sidebar'), 'om-bbpress-meta-box-');
function om_add_bbpress_meta_box()
    global $om_bbpress_meta_box;
    if (function_exists('bbp_get_forum_post_type')) {
        ommb_add_meta_boxes($om_bbpress_meta_box, bbp_get_forum_post_type());
add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'om_add_bbpress_meta_box');
 *	Save MetaBox data
function om_save_bbpress_metabox($post_id)
    global $om_bbpress_meta_box;
    ommb_save_metabox($post_id, $om_bbpress_meta_box);
add_action('save_post', 'om_save_bbpress_metabox');