 $cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
 if (is_object($cart)) {
     $products = $cart->get_products();
     for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($products); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $product = $products[$i];
         $product_id = $product['id'];
         $qty = $product['quantity'];
         $price = abs($product['price']);
         $final_price = abs($product['final_price']);
         $link = str_replace(HASH, $product_id, $product_link);
         $link = str_replace(ATSIGN, $product['name'], $link);
         $link = str_replace(TILDE, olc_get_short_description($product_id), $link);
         $cart_line = $qty . $times . $link . $lparen_long . ltrim(olc_format_price($price, true, true));
         if ($qty > 1) {
             $final_price = $qty * $final_price;
             $cart_line .= SLASH . ltrim(olc_format_price($final_price, true, true));
         $cart_total += $final_price;
         $cart_line .= RPAREN;
         if ($cart_content) {
             $cart_content .= COMMA_BLANK;
         $cart_content .= $cart_line;
     if ($n > 1) {
         $cart_content .= HTML_HR . TEXT_SHOPPING_CART_SUBTOTAL . BLANK . olc_format_price(abs($cart->show_total()), true, true);
     //quantity is hidden - no changes can be made by the user
     $myquantity = $products_quantity . str_replace(HASH, $products_quantity, $hidden_quantity) . str_replace(HASH, $product_id, $hidden_product_id);
     //link to ebay-auction
     $mylink = str_replace(HASH, $auctionid, $ebay_link);
     //as title show ebayicon - so user knows that this is the product bought at ebay
     $myimage = HTML_A_START . $mylink . '">' . $ebay_image . HTML_A_END;
 } else {
     //if product is not a auction - deletebox can be shown
     $mydelete = olc_draw_checkbox_field($cart_delete_text, $product_id, false, $parameter2);
     //quantity box can be shown
     $myquantity = $products_qty;
     $myimage = EMPTY_STRING;
     //link to product
     $mylink = str_replace(HASH, $product_id, $link);
 $module_content[$i] = array($products_element_text => $i, $products_name_text => strip_tags($product[$name_text]), $big_products_id_text => $product_id, $products_qty_text => $myquantity, $products_model_text => $product[$model_text], $products_addon_info_text => $myimage . $mark_stock, $products_tax_text => number_format($product[$tax_text], TAX_DECIMAL_PLACES), $products_image_text => $image, $box_delete_text => $mydelete, $products_link_text => $mylink, $products_price_text => $total_price, $products_single_price_text => olc_format_price($price_single, 1, 1), $products_short_description_text => strip_tags(olc_get_short_description($product_id)), $products_attributes_text => EMPTY_STRING);
 //W. Kaiser - AJAX
 // Product options names
 $product_attributes = $product[$attributes_text];
 $attributes_exist = isset($product_attributes) ? true : false;
 if ($attributes_exist) {
     while (list($option, $value) = each($product_attributes)) {
         $product_option = $product[$option];
         $products_options_value_name = $product_option[$products_options_values_name_text];
         if (strpos($products_options_value_name, "Bitte wählen Sie") === false) {
             if ($do_atribute_stock_check) {
                 $_SESSION[$any_out_of_stock_text] = olc_check_stock_attributes($product_option[$products_attributes_id_text], $products_quantity);
             $price = $product_option[$options_values_price_text];
             if ($price != 0) {
Example #3
     $products_listing = olc_db_fetch_array($products_listing_query);
 if ($products_listing) {
     $products_listing_entries = true;
     $products_id = $products_listing['products_id'];
     $products_name = $products_listing['products_name'];
     if (strlen($products_name) == 0) {
         $products_name = olc_get_products_name($products_id);
     $products_name = str_replace(HTML_BR, BLANK, $products_name);
     $products_name = trim(strip_tags($products_name));
     $products_name = str_replace(HTML_AMP, AMP, $products_name);
     $products_name = str_replace('\\', EMPTY_STRING, $products_name);
     $products_short_description = $products_listing['products_short_description'];
     if (strlen($products_short_description) == 0) {
         $products_short_description = olc_get_short_description($products_id);
     $products_short_description = strip_tags($products_short_description);
     $products_short_description = str_replace(HTML_AMP, AMP, $products_short_description);
     $products_short_description = str_replace('\\', EMPTY_STRING, $products_short_description);
     $products_date_available = $products_listing['products_date_available'];
     if ($show_full_data) {
         $products_image = $products_listing['products_image'];
         if ($products_image) {
             $s = str_replace("\r\n", BLANK, $products_short_description);
             $s = str_replace(NEW_LINE, BLANK, $s);
             $s = str_replace(BLANK . BLANK, BLANK, $s);
             if (IS_IE) {
                 $title = "\n\n";
             } else {
                 $title = " -- ";