function test_largo_load_more_posts_cats_home_option() { $this->markTestSkipped('Unable to read the ajax return, even when it is filled with dumb <h1>foo</h1> tags that do not depend upon categories or posts or queries.'); global $wp_action; $preserve = $wp_action; $wp_action = array(); $category = $this->factory->category->create(); of_set_option('cats_home', (string) $category); $posts = $this->factory->post->create_many(10, array('post_category' => $category)); $_POST['paged'] = 0; $_POST['query'] = json_encode(array()); try { $this->_handleAjax("load_more_posts"); } catch (WPAjaxDieStopException $e) { foreach ($this->post_ids as $number) { $pos = strpos($this->_last_response, 'post-' . $number); $this->assertTrue((bool) $pos); } } catch (WPAjaxDieContinueException $e) { foreach ($this->post_ids as $number) { $pos = strpos($this->_last_response, 'post-' . $number); $this->assertTrue((bool) $pos); } } $wp_action = $preserve; }
function testIsActiveHomepageLayout() { // Our test layout should not be active homepage layout to start $this->assertFalse($this->layout->isActiveHomepageLayout()); // After we set the homepage layout option, it should of_set_option('home_template', get_class($this->layout)); $this->assertTrue($this->layout->isActiveHomepageLayout()); }
function test_largo_post_in_series() { // If series are disabled: of_set_option('series_enabled', false); $result = largo_post_in_series(); $this->assertFalse($result); // If series are enabled: of_set_option('series_enabled', 1); $this->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.'); }
function test_largo_social_links() { // this function only creates output if there are >0 social links $fields = array('rss_link', 'facebook_link', 'twitter_link', 'youtube_link', 'flickr_link', 'tumblr_link', 'gplus_link', 'linkedin_link', 'github_link'); foreach ($fields as $field) { of_set_option($field, '\\/' . $field); $this->expectOutputRegex('/http:\\/\\/\\/' . $field . '/'); // This is excessively greedy, it expects any output at all largo_social_links(); of_reset_options(); } }
function test_largo_post_social_links() { // Create a post, go to it. $id = $this->factory->post->create(); $this->go_to('/?p=' . $id); // Test the output of this when no options are set of_set_option('article_utilities', array('facebook' => false, 'twitter' => false, 'print' => false, 'email' => false)); ob_start(); largo_post_social_links(); $ret = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/post-social/', $ret, "The .post-social class was not in the output"); unset($ret); // Test that this outputs the expected data for each of the button types // Twitter of_set_option('article_utilities', array('twitter' => '1', 'facebook' => false, 'print' => false, 'email' => false)); of_set_option('twitter_link', 'foo'); ob_start(); largo_post_social_links(); $ret = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/class="twitter"/', $ret, "The 'twitter' class did not appear in the output"); // @TODO: insert a test for the get_the_author_meta test here $this->assertRegExp('/' . __('Tweet', 'largo') . '/', $ret, "The translation of 'Tweet' was not in the Twitter output"); unset($ret); of_reset_options(); // Facebook of_set_option('article_utilities', array('facebook' => '1', 'twitter' => false, 'print' => false, 'email' => false)); ob_start(); largo_post_social_links(); $ret = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/' . preg_quote(esc_attr(of_get_option('fb_verb')), '/') . '/i', $ret, "The Facebook Verb was not in the Facebook output"); $this->assertRegExp('/' . preg_quote(get_permalink(), '/') . '/', $ret, "The permalink was not in the Facebook output"); unset($ret); of_reset_options(); // Print of_set_option('article_utilities', array('print' => '1', 'twitter' => '1', 'facebook' => false, 'email' => false)); ob_start(); largo_post_social_links(); $ret = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/print/', $ret, "The Print output did not include a print class"); unset($ret); of_reset_options(); // Email of_set_option('article_utilities', array('email' => '1', 'twitter' => false, 'facebook' => false, 'print' => false)); ob_start(); largo_post_social_links(); $ret = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertRegExp('/email/', $ret, "The Email output did not include an email class"); unset($ret); of_reset_options(); }
function test_enabled_widget() { global $wp_widget_factory; /* 1: Test that enabling the option actually registers the widget */ // First, make sure that nothing else registered this widget. unregister_widget('largo_series_posts_widget'); // Set the option of_set_option('series_enabled', '1'); largo_widgets(); // Make sure it's registered and the correct type. $widget_obj = $wp_widget_factory->widgets['largo_series_posts_widget']; $this->assertTrue(is_a($widget_obj, 'WP_Widget')); /* 2: Test that disabling the option actually disabled the registration of the widget */ // Unregister it. unregister_widget('largo_series_posts_widget'); // Set the option of_set_option('series_enabled', false); largo_widgets(); // $wp_widget_factory shouldn't know anything about the disclaimer widget anymore. $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('largo_series_posts_widget', $wp_widget_factory->widgets)); }
/** * Enable the series taxonomy if the series landing pages are in use. * * @return bool If series landing pages (and series) were enabled by this function. */ function largo_enable_series_if_landing_page() { // get a list of post types $types = get_post_types('', 'names'); // Get a list of pages in the 'series' taxonomy if the landing page is registered if (isset($types['cftl-tax-landing'])) { $args = array('post_type' => 'cftl-tax-landing'); $pages = get_pages($args); if ($pages !== false) { // get_pages returns false if no pages found, so if it's not false then there are probably cftl-tax-landing pages of_set_option('series_enabled', '1'); of_set_option('custom_landing_enabled', '1'); return true; } return false; } }
function test_largo_ajax_update_database_true() { // If the install needs updated, this should return json with success == true of_set_option('largo_version', null); try { $this->_handleAjax("largo_ajax_update_database"); } catch (WPAjaxDieContinueException $e) { $resp = json_decode($this->_last_response, true); $this->assertTrue($resp['success'] == true); } }
function test_not_largo_floating_social_button_js() { of_set_option('single_floating_social_icons', false); of_set_option('single_template', 'normal'); $this->go_to('/'); $this->expectOutputString('', "The Floating social buttons js was output to the page when it should not have been."); largo_floating_social_button_js(); }
/** * @todo This test checks for a post before and a post after the considered post */ function test_category() { of_set_option('series_enabled', false); // Some randos before and after $this->factory->post->create(array('post_date' => '2013-01-01 00:00:00')); $this->factory->post->create(array('post_date' => '2015-01-01 00:00:00')); $cp = $this->factory->post->create(array('post_category' => array($this->cat_id))); $lr = new Largo_Related(1, $this->considered); $ids = $lr->ids(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($ids), "Largo_Related returned other than 1 posts"); $this->assertEquals($cp, $ids[0], "Largo_Related did not return the post in the category"); }