/** * Fetches summary from trakt.tv for the movie. * Accept a title (the-big-lebowski-1998), a IMDB id, or a TMDB id. * * @param string $movie Title or IMDB id. * @param bool $array Return the full array or just the IMDB id. * * @return bool|mixed * * @access public */ public function traktMoviesummary($movie = '', $array = false) { if (!empty($this->APIKEY)) { $MovieJson = nzedb\utility\getUrl('http://api.trakt.tv/movie/summary.json/' . $this->APIKEY . '/' . str_replace(array(' ', '_', '.'), '-', str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $movie))); if ($MovieJson !== false) { $MovieJson = json_decode($MovieJson, true); if (isset($MovieJson['status']) && $MovieJson['status'] === 'failure') { return false; } if ($array) { return $MovieJson; } elseif (isset($MovieJson["imdb_id"])) { return $MovieJson["imdb_id"]; } } } return false; }
/** * Get a URL or file image and convert it to string. * * @param string $imgLoc URL or file location. * * @return bool|mixed|string */ protected function fetchImage($imgLoc) { $img = false; if (strpos(strtolower($imgLoc), 'http:') === 0) { $img = nzedb\utility\getUrl($imgLoc); } else { if (is_file($imgLoc)) { $img = @file_get_contents($imgLoc); } } if ($img !== false) { $im = @imagecreatefromstring($img); if ($im !== false) { imagedestroy($im); return $img; } } return false; }
/** * Request for current status (summary) information. Parts of informations returned by this method can be printed by command "nzbget -L". * * @return array The status. * * @access public */ public function status() { $data = nzedb\utility\getUrl($this->fullURL . 'status'); $retVal = false; if ($data) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($data); if ($xml) { foreach ($xml->params->param->value->struct->member as $member) { $value = (array) $member->value; $value = array_shift($value); if (!is_object($value)) { $retVal[(string) $member->name] = $value; } } } } return $retVal; }
public function getRageMatch($showInfo) { $title = $showInfo['cleanname']; // Full search gives us the akas. $xml = nzedb\utility\getUrl($this->xmlFullSearchUrl . urlencode(strtolower($title))); if ($xml !== false) { $arrXml = @nzedb\utility\objectsIntoArray(simplexml_load_string($xml)); if (isset($arrXml['show']) && is_array($arrXml)) { // We got a valid xml response $titleMatches = $urlMatches = $akaMatches = array(); if (isset($arrXml['show']['showid'])) { // We got exactly 1 match so lets convert it to an array so we can use it in the logic below. $newArr = array(); $newArr[] = $arrXml['show']; unset($arrXml); $arrXml['show'] = $newArr; } foreach ($arrXml['show'] as $arr) { $tvrlink = ''; // Get a match percentage based on our name and the name returned from tvr. $titlepct = $this->checkMatch($title, $arr['name']); if ($titlepct !== false) { $titleMatches[$titlepct][] = array('title' => $arr['name'], 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr); } // Get a match percentage based on our name and the url returned from tvr. if (isset($arr['link']) && preg_match('/tvrage\\.com\\/((?!shows)[^\\/]*)$/i', $arr['link'], $tvrlink)) { $urltitle = str_replace('_', ' ', $tvrlink[1]); $urlpct = $this->checkMatch($title, $urltitle); if ($urlpct !== false) { $urlMatches[$urlpct][] = array('title' => $urltitle, 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr); } } // Check if there are any akas for this result and get a match percentage for them too. if (isset($arr['akas']['aka'])) { if (is_array($arr['akas']['aka'])) { // Multuple akas. foreach ($arr['akas']['aka'] as $aka) { $akapct = $this->checkMatch($title, $aka); if ($akapct !== false) { $akaMatches[$akapct][] = array('title' => $aka, 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr); } } } else { // One aka. $akapct = $this->checkMatch($title, $arr['akas']['aka']); if ($akapct !== false) { $akaMatches[$akapct][] = array('title' => $arr['akas']['aka'], 'showid' => $arr['showid'], 'country' => $this->countryCode($arr['country']), 'genres' => $arr['genres'], 'tvr' => $arr); } } } } // Reverse sort our matches so highest matches are first. krsort($titleMatches); krsort($urlMatches); krsort($akaMatches); // Look for 100% title matches first. if (isset($titleMatches[100])) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found 100% match: "' . $titleMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"'); } return $titleMatches[100][0]; } // Look for 100% url matches next. if (isset($urlMatches[100])) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found 100% url match: "' . $urlMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"'); } return $urlMatches[100][0]; } // Look for 100% aka matches next. if (isset($akaMatches[100])) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found 100% aka match: "' . $akaMatches[100][0]['title'] . '"'); } return $akaMatches[100][0]; } // No 100% matches, loop through what we got and if our next closest match is more than TvRage::MATCH_PROBABILITY % of the title lets take it. foreach ($titleMatches as $mk => $mv) { // Since its not 100 match if we have country info lets use that to make sure we get the right show. if (isset($showInfo['country']) && !empty($showInfo['country']) && !empty($mv[0]['country'])) { if (strtolower($showInfo['country']) != strtolower($mv[0]['country'])) { continue; } } if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found ' . $mk . '% match: "' . $titleMatches[$mk][0]['title'] . '"'); } return $titleMatches[$mk][0]; } // Same as above but for akas. foreach ($akaMatches as $ak => $av) { if (isset($showInfo['country']) && !empty($showInfo['country']) && !empty($av[0]['country'])) { if (strtolower($showInfo['country']) != strtolower($av[0]['country'])) { continue; } } if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Found ' . $ak . '% aka match: "' . $akaMatches[$ak][0]['title'] . '"'); } return $akaMatches[$ak][0]; } if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->pdo->log->primary('No match found on TVRage trying Trakt.'); } return false; } else { if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->pdo->log->primary('Nothing returned from tvrage.'); } return false; } } else { return -1; } }
} else { $genre = $tvrShow['genres']['genre']; } } $country = ''; if (isset($tvrShow['country']) && !empty($tvrShow['country'])) { $country = $tvrage->countryCode($tvrShow['country']); } $rInfo = $tvrage->getRageInfoFromPage($rageid); $desc = ''; if (isset($rInfo['desc']) && !empty($rInfo['desc'])) { $desc = $rInfo['desc']; } $imgbytes = ''; if (isset($rInfo['imgurl']) && !empty($rInfo['imgurl'])) { $img = nzedb\utility\getUrl($rInfo['imgurl']); if ($img !== false) { $im = @imagecreatefromstring($img); if ($im !== false) { $imgbytes = $img; } } } $pdo->queryDirect(sprintf("UPDATE tvrage SET description = %s, genre = %s, country = %s, imgdata = %s WHERE rageid = %d", $pdo->escapeString(substr($desc, 0, 10000)), $pdo->escapeString(substr($genre, 0, 64)), $pdo->escapeString($country), $pdo->escapeString($imgbytes), $rageid)); $name = $pdo->query("Select releasetitle from tvrage where rageid = " . $rageid); echo $pdo->log->primary("Updated: " . $name[0]['releasetitle']); $diff = floor((microtime(true) - $starttime) * 1000000); if (1000000 - $diff > 0) { echo $pdo->log->alternate("Sleeping"); usleep(1000000 - $diff); }
/** * Resume all NZB's in the SAB queue. * * @return bool|mixed */ public function resumeAll() { return nzedb\utility\getUrl($this->url . "api?mode=resume" . "&apikey=" . $this->apikey); }
/** * Process releases for requestID's. * * @return int How many did we rename? */ protected function _processReleases() { // Array to store results. $requestArray = array(); if ($this->_releases instanceof Traversable) { // Loop all the results. foreach ($this->_releases as $release) { $this->_release['name'] = $release['name']; // Try to find a request ID for the release. $requestId = $this->_siftReqId(); // If there's none, update the release and continue. if ($requestId === self::REQID_ZERO) { $this->_requestIdNotFound($release['id'], self::REQID_NONE); if ($this->echoOutput) { echo '-'; } continue; } // Change etc to teevee. if ($release['groupname'] === 'alt.binaries.etc') { $release['groupname'] = 'alt.binaries.teevee'; } // Send the release ID so we can track the return data. $requestArray[$release['id']] = array('reqid' => $requestId, 'ident' => $release['id'], 'group' => $release['groupname'], 'sname' => $release['searchname']); } } // Check if we requests to send to the web. if (count($requestArray) < 1) { return 0; } // Mock array for isset check on server. $requestArray[0] = array('ident' => 0, 'group' => 'none', 'reqid' => 0); // Do a web lookup. $returnXml = nzedb\utility\getUrl($this->pdo->getSetting('request_url'), 'post', 'data=' . serialize($requestArray)); $renamed = 0; // Change the release titles and insert the PRE's if they don't exist. if ($returnXml !== false) { $returnXml = @simplexml_load_string($returnXml); if ($returnXml !== false) { // Store the returned identifiers so we can check which releases we didn't find a request id. $returnedIdentifiers = array(); $groupIDArray = []; foreach ($returnXml->request as $result) { if (isset($result['name']) && isset($result['ident']) && (int) $result['ident'] > 0) { $this->_newTitle['title'] = (string) $result['name']; $this->_requestID = (int) $result['reqid']; $this->_release['id'] = (int) $result['ident']; // Buffer groupID queries. $this->_release['groupname'] = $requestArray[(int) $result['ident']]['group']; if (isset($groupIDarray[$this->_release['groupname']])) { $this->_release['group_id'] = $groupIDArray[$this->_release['groupname']]; } else { $this->_release['group_id'] = $this->groups->getIDByName($this->_release['groupname']); $groupIDArray[$this->_release['groupname']] = $this->_release['group_id']; } $this->_release['gid'] = $this->_release['group_id']; $this->_release['searchname'] = $requestArray[(int) $result['ident']]['sname']; $this->_insertIntoPreDB(); if ($this->_preDbID === false) { $this->_preDbID = 0; } $this->_newTitle['id'] = $this->_preDbID; $this->_updateRelease(); $renamed++; if ($this->echoOutput) { echo '+'; } $returnedIdentifiers[] = (string) $result['ident']; } } // Check if the WEB didn't send back some titles, update the release. if (count($returnedIdentifiers) > 0) { foreach ($returnedIdentifiers as $identifier) { if (array_key_exists($identifier, $requestArray)) { unset($requestArray[$identifier]); } } } unset($requestArray[0]); foreach ($requestArray as $request) { $addDate = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(adddate) AS adddate FROM releases WHERE id = %d', $request['ident'])); $status = self::REQID_NONE; if ($addDate !== false && !empty($addDate['adddate'])) { if ((bool) (intval((time() - (int) $addDate['adddate']) / 3600) > $this->_request_hours)) { $status = self::REQID_OLD; } } else { $status = self::REQID_OLD; } $this->_requestIdNotFound($request['ident'], $status); if ($this->echoOutput) { echo '-'; } } } } return $renamed; }
/** * Try to find a IMDB id on yahoo.com * * @return bool */ protected function yahooSearch() { $buffer = nzedb\utility\getUrl("http://search.yahoo.com/search?n=10&ei=UTF-8&va_vt=title&vo_vt=any&ve_vt=any&vp_vt=any&vf=all&vm=p&fl=0&fr=fp-top&p=intitle:" . urlencode('intitle:' . implode(' intitle:', explode(' ', preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', preg_replace('/\\W/', ' ', $this->currentTitle)))) . ' intitle:' . $this->currentYear) . '&vs=' . urlencode('www.imdb.com/title/')); if ($buffer !== false) { $this->yahooLimit++; if ($this->doMovieUpdate($buffer, 'Yahoo.com', $this->currentRelID) !== false) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Make a request to RT. * * @param string $function The type of request. * @param array $params Extra HTTP parameters. * * @return string JSON data from RT. */ private function _makeCall($function, $params = array()) { return trim(nzedb\utility\getUrl(RottenTomato::API_URL . $function . '?limit=' . mt_rand(15, 20) . '&apikey=' . $this->_apikey . (!empty($params) ? '&' . http_build_query($params) : ''))); }