echo $r[5]; ?> ' target="_blank"><img src='.<?php echo $r[4]; ?> ' /></a> <h2><a href="./<?php echo $r[10]; ?> ">@<?php echo $r[10]; ?> </a></h2> <Div class='b_p_s' align="center"> <span id="fh"><i style="color:#bbb;">Feeds:</i><b style="text-decoration:blink;"> <?php echo numfeeds($conc, $r[0]); ?> </b></span> <span id="fh"><i style="color:#bbb;">Dinning with:</i> <?php echo numff($conc, $r[0], 1); ?> </span> <span id="fh"><i style="color:#bbb;">Dinning with me:</i> <?php echo numff($conc, $r[0], 2); ?> </span> <?php $n = 0; function strlen_($attrib, $v) { if ($attrib == "Quote") {
// exit(); } if (isset($u) && strlen($u) > 4) { $u = strclean($u); $con = new db(); $conc = $con->c(); $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT id,user,name,img1,sex,bio,bg,bgcolor,web FROM users WHERE id = '{$u}' OR user = '******'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($q) == 0) { $con->close_db_con($conc); exit("<div class='m_s_g' align='center'>This user '{$u}' doest not exist.</div>"); } $r = mysqli_fetch_array($q); $q = NULL; $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT * FROM follow WHERE u1 = {$r['0']}"); $ff = mysqli_num_rows($q); $feeds = numfeeds($conc, $r[0]); $q = NULL; $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT `post`.`id`,`post`.`user`,`post`.`post`,`post`.`date`,`users`.`img1`,`users`.`user`,`users`.`name` ,`post`.`client`,`post`.`rid`,`post`.`type` FROM post INNER JOIN users ON (`post`.`user` = `users`.`id`) WHERE `post`.`user` = {$r['0']} ORDER BY `post`.`id` DESC LIMIT 0,3"); while ($rr = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) { $post .= post($rr[0], $uid, $rr[1], $rr[5], $rr[6], $rr[4], $rr[3], $rr[2], "pop", $rr[8], $rr[9], $rr[7]); } $q = NULL; $q = mysqli_query($conc, "SELECT * FROM follow WHERE u2 = {$r['0']}"); $ffl = mysqli_num_rows($q); $sex = intval($r[4]) > 0 ? "<br/>Sex: <b>" . $sex_array[$r[4]] . "</b>" : ""; $bio = strlen($r[5]) > 0 ? "<br/>Quote: <b>‘{$r['5']}’</b>" : ""; $url = strlen($r[7]) > 0 ? "Website: <b><a href='http://{$r['8']}'>{$r['8']}</a></b>" : ""; $r[6] = strlen($r[6]) > 3 ? $r[6] : "/profile_bg/default.jpg"; $tag_tag = isFollowing($conc, $uid, $r[0]) ? "title='undine with {$r['1']}' class='unff'" : "title='dine with {$r['1']}' class='ff'"; $follow = $uid != $r[0] && $uid != 0 ? "<img height='32' width='32' src='" . PTH . "/img/spacer.gif' {$tag_tag} onclick='return ff(event,{$r['0']});' /> " : ""; $smsg = $r[0] != $uid && $uid != 0 && isFollowing($conc, $r[0], $uid) ? "<img height='32' width='32' src='" . PTH . "/img/spacer.gif' class='msg' title='Send Message' onclick='modal_msg({$r['0']},\"{$r['1']}\")' />" : "";