function add($number, $email, $phone, $message)
    global $db, $countrycode;
    $userId = getUser($number);
    $phone = normalizephonenumber($phone);
    $result = $db->query("SELECT number,mail,userName FROM users where number={$phone} OR mail='{$email}'");
    if ($result->num_rows != 0) {
        $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
        $oldPhone = $row["number"];
        $oldName = $row["userName"];
        $oldMail = $row["mail"];
        sendSMS($number, _('Contact information conflict: This number already registered:') . " " . $oldMail . " +" . $oldPhone . " " . $oldName);
    if ($phone < $countrycode . "000000000" || $phone > $countrycode + 1 . "000000000" || !preg_match("/add\\s+([a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+)\\s+\\+?[0-9]+\\s+(.{2,}\\s.{2,})/i", $message, $matches)) {
        sendSMS($number, _('Contact information is in incorrect format. Use:') . " ADD 0901456789 Martin Luther King Jr.");
    $userName = $db->conn->real_escape_string(trim($matches[2]));
    $email = $db->conn->real_escape_string(trim($matches[1]));
    $result = $db->query("INSERT into users SET userName='******',number={$phone},mail='{$email}'");
    sendSMS($number, _('User') . " " . $userName . " " . _('added. They need to read email and agree to rules before using the system.'));
function smscode($number)
    global $db, $gatewayId, $gatewayKey, $gatewaySenderNumber, $connectors;
    $number = normalizephonenumber($number);
    $number = $db->conn->real_escape_string($number);
    $userexists = 0;
    $result = $db->query("SELECT userId FROM users WHERE number='{$number}'");
    if ($result->num_rows) {
        $userexists = 1;
    $smscode = chr(rand(65, 90)) . chr(rand(65, 90)) . " " . rand(100000, 999999);
    $smscodenormalized = str_replace(" ", "", $smscode);
    $checkcode = md5("WB" . $number . $smscodenormalized);
    if (!$userexists) {
        $text = _('Enter this code to register:') . " " . $smscode;
    } else {
        $text = _('Enter this code to change password:'******'{$number}',text='{$text}'");
    $result = $db->query("INSERT INTO history SET userId=0,bikeNum=0,action='REGISTER',parameter='{$number};{$smscodenormalized};{$checkcode}'");
    if (DEBUG === TRUE) {
        response($number, 0, array("checkcode" => $checkcode, "smscode" => $smscode, "existing" => $userexists));
    } else {
        sendSMS($number, $text);
        if (issmssystemenabled() == TRUE) {
            response($number, 0, array("checkcode" => $checkcode, "existing" => $userexists));
        } else {
            response($number, 0, array("checkcode" => $checkcode, "existing" => $userexists));