Example #1
  * Do not instantinate this directly, use {@link grading_manager::get_controller()}
  * @param stdClass $context the context of the form
  * @param string $component the frankenstyle name of the component
  * @param string $area the name of the gradable area
  * @param int $areaid the id of the gradable area record
 public function __construct(stdClass $context, $component, $area, $areaid)
     global $DB;
     $this->context = $context;
     list($type, $name) = normalize_component($component);
     $this->component = $type . '_' . $name;
     $this->area = $area;
     $this->areaid = $areaid;
function coursereport_engagement_get_plugin_info($manager, $component)
    list($type, $name) = normalize_component($component);
    $plugins = $manager->get_plugins();
    if (isset($plugins[$type][$name])) {
        return $plugins[$type][$name];
    } else {
        return null;
  * Return generator for given plugin
  * @param string $component
  * @return mixed plugin data generator
 public function get_plugin_generator($component)
     list($type, $plugin) = normalize_component($component);
     if ($type !== 'mod' and $type !== 'block') {
         throw new coding_exception("Plugin type {$type} does not support generators yet");
     $dir = get_plugin_directory($type, $plugin);
     if (!isset($this->generators[$type . '_' . $plugin])) {
         $lib = "{$dir}/tests/generator/lib.php";
         if (!(include_once $lib)) {
             throw new coding_exception("Plugin {$component} does not support data generator, missing tests/generator/lib");
         $classname = $type . '_' . $plugin . '_generator';
         $this->generators[$type . '_' . $plugin] = new $classname($this);
     return $this->generators[$type . '_' . $plugin];
Example #4
 function definition()
     $mform = $this->_form;
     $current = $this->_customdata['current'];
     $mform->addElement('header', 'filtersettings', get_string('filter', 'report_customlang'));
     // Component
     $options = array();
     foreach (report_customlang_utils::list_components() as $component => $normalized) {
         list($type, $plugin) = normalize_component($normalized);
         if ($type == 'core' and is_null($plugin)) {
             $plugin = 'moodle';
         $options[$type][$normalized] = $component . '.php';
     $mform->addElement('selectgroups', 'component', get_string('filtercomponent', 'report_customlang'), $options, array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'size' => 7));
     // Customized only
     $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'customized', get_string('filtercustomized', 'report_customlang'));
     $mform->setType('customized', PARAM_BOOL);
     $mform->setDefault('customized', 0);
     // Only helps
     $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'helps', get_string('filteronlyhelps', 'report_customlang'));
     $mform->setType('helps', PARAM_BOOL);
     $mform->setDefault('helps', 0);
     // Modified only
     $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'modified', get_string('filtermodified', 'report_customlang'));
     $mform->setType('filtermodified', PARAM_BOOL);
     $mform->setDefault('filtermodified', 0);
     // Substring
     $mform->addElement('text', 'substring', get_string('filtersubstring', 'report_customlang'));
     $mform->setType('substring', PARAM_RAW);
     // String identifier
     $mform->addElement('text', 'stringid', get_string('filterstringid', 'report_customlang'));
     $mform->setType('stringid', PARAM_STRINGID);
     // Show strings - submit button
     $mform->addElement('submit', 'submit', get_string('filtershowstrings', 'report_customlang'));
  * Return generator for given plugin or component.
  * @param string $component the component name, e.g. 'mod_forum' or 'core_question'.
  * @return component_generator_base or rather an instance of the appropriate subclass.
 public function get_plugin_generator($component)
     list($type, $plugin) = normalize_component($component);
     $cleancomponent = $type . '_' . $plugin;
     if ($cleancomponent != $component) {
         debugging("Please specify the component you want a generator for as " . "{$cleancomponent}, not {$component}.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
         $component = $cleancomponent;
     if (isset($this->generators[$component])) {
         return $this->generators[$component];
     $dir = get_component_directory($component);
     $lib = $dir . '/tests/generator/lib.php';
     if (!$dir || !is_readable($lib)) {
         throw new coding_exception("Component {$component} does not support " . "generators yet. Missing tests/generator/lib.php.");
     include_once $lib;
     $classname = $component . '_generator';
     if (!class_exists($classname)) {
         throw new coding_exception("Component {$component} does not support " . "data generators yet. Class {$classname} not found.");
     $this->generators[$component] = new $classname($this);
     return $this->generators[$component];
 public function test_deprecated_normalize_component()
     // Moodle core.
     $this->assertSame(array('core', null), normalize_component('core'));
     $this->assertSame(array('core', null), normalize_component(''));
     $this->assertSame(array('core', null), normalize_component('moodle'));
     // Moodle core subsystems.
     $this->assertSame(array('core', 'admin'), normalize_component('admin'));
     $this->assertSame(array('core', 'admin'), normalize_component('core_admin'));
     $this->assertSame(array('core', 'admin'), normalize_component('moodle_admin'));
     // Activity modules and their subplugins.
     $this->assertSame(array('mod', 'workshop'), normalize_component('workshop'));
     $this->assertSame(array('mod', 'workshop'), normalize_component('mod_workshop'));
     $this->assertSame(array('workshopform', 'accumulative'), normalize_component('workshopform_accumulative'));
     $this->assertSame(array('mod', 'quiz'), normalize_component('quiz'));
     $this->assertSame(array('quiz', 'grading'), normalize_component('quiz_grading'));
     $this->assertSame(array('mod', 'data'), normalize_component('data'));
     $this->assertSame(array('datafield', 'checkbox'), normalize_component('datafield_checkbox'));
     // Other plugin types.
     $this->assertSame(array('auth', 'mnet'), normalize_component('auth_mnet'));
     $this->assertSame(array('enrol', 'self'), normalize_component('enrol_self'));
     $this->assertSame(array('block', 'html'), normalize_component('block_html'));
     $this->assertSame(array('block', 'mnet_hosts'), normalize_component('block_mnet_hosts'));
     $this->assertSame(array('local', 'amos'), normalize_component('local_amos'));
     $this->assertSame(array('local', 'admin'), normalize_component('local_admin'));
     // Unknown words without underscore are supposed to be activity modules.
     $this->assertSame(array('mod', 'whoonearthwouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'), normalize_component('whoonearthwouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'));
     // Module names can not contain underscores, this must be a subplugin.
     $this->assertSame(array('whoonearth', 'wouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'), normalize_component('whoonearth_wouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'));
     $this->assertSame(array('whoonearth', 'would_come_withsuchastupidnameofcomponent'), normalize_component('whoonearth_would_come_withsuchastupidnameofcomponent'));
Example #7
 * Adds log entry into upgrade_log table
 * @param string $plugin frankenstyle component name
 * @param string $info short description text of log entry
 * @param string $details long problem description
 * @param string $backtrace string used for errors only
 * @return void
function upgrade_log($type, $plugin, $info, $details=null, $backtrace=null) {
    global $DB, $USER, $CFG;

    if (empty($plugin)) {
        $plugin = 'core';

    list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($plugin);
    $component = is_null($pluginname) ? $plugintype : $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname;

    $backtrace = format_backtrace($backtrace, true);

    $currentversion = null;
    $targetversion  = null;

    //first try to find out current version number
    if ($plugintype === 'core') {
        $currentversion = $CFG->version;

        $version = null;
        $targetversion = $version;

    } else if ($plugintype === 'mod') {
        try {
            $currentversion = $DB->get_field('modules', 'version', array('name'=>$pluginname));
            $currentversion = ($currentversion === false) ? null : $currentversion;
        } catch (Exception $ignored) {
        $cd = get_component_directory($component);
        if (file_exists("$cd/version.php")) {
            $module = new stdClass();
            $module->version = null;
            $targetversion = $module->version;

    } else if ($plugintype === 'block') {
        try {
            if ($block = $DB->get_record('block', array('name'=>$pluginname))) {
                $currentversion = $block->version;
        } catch (Exception $ignored) {
        $cd = get_component_directory($component);
        if (file_exists("$cd/version.php")) {
            $plugin = new stdClass();
            $plugin->version = null;
            $targetversion = $plugin->version;

    } else {
        $pluginversion = get_config($component, 'version');
        if (!empty($pluginversion)) {
            $currentversion = $pluginversion;
        $cd = get_component_directory($component);
        if (file_exists("$cd/version.php")) {
            $plugin = new stdClass();
            $plugin->version = null;
            $targetversion = $plugin->version;

    $log = new stdClass();
    $log->type          = $type;
    $log->plugin        = $component;
    $log->version       = $currentversion;
    $log->targetversion = $targetversion;
    $log->info          = $info;
    $log->details       = $details;
    $log->backtrace     = $backtrace;
    $log->userid        = $USER->id;
    $log->timemodified  = time();
    try {
        $DB->insert_record('upgrade_log', $log);
    } catch (Exception $ignored) {
        // possible during install or 2.0 upgrade
Example #8
  * @return bool false if the version.php file does not declare required information
 protected function validate_version_php()
     if (!isset($this->assertions['plugintype'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('Required plugin type must be set before calling this');
     if (!isset($this->assertions['moodleversion'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('Required Moodle version must be set before calling this');
     $fullpath = $this->extractdir . '/' . $this->rootdir . '/version.php';
     if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
         // This is tolerated for themes only.
         if ($this->assertions['plugintype'] === 'theme') {
             $this->add_message(self::DEBUG, 'missingversionphp');
             return true;
         } else {
             $this->add_message(self::ERROR, 'missingversionphp');
             return false;
     $this->versionphp = array();
     $info = $this->parse_version_php($fullpath);
     if ($this->assertions['plugintype'] === 'mod') {
         $type = 'module';
     } else {
         $type = 'plugin';
     if (!isset($info[$type . '->version'])) {
         if ($type === 'module' and isset($info['plugin->version'])) {
             // Expect the activity module using $plugin in version.php instead of $module.
             $type = 'plugin';
             $this->versionphp['version'] = $info[$type . '->version'];
             $this->add_message(self::INFO, 'pluginversion', $this->versionphp['version']);
         } else {
             $this->add_message(self::ERROR, 'missingversion');
             return false;
     } else {
         $this->versionphp['version'] = $info[$type . '->version'];
         $this->add_message(self::INFO, 'pluginversion', $this->versionphp['version']);
     if (isset($info[$type . '->requires'])) {
         $this->versionphp['requires'] = $info[$type . '->requires'];
         if ($this->versionphp['requires'] > $this->assertions['moodleversion']) {
             $this->add_message(self::ERROR, 'requiresmoodle', $this->versionphp['requires']);
             return false;
         $this->add_message(self::INFO, 'requiresmoodle', $this->versionphp['requires']);
     if (isset($info[$type . '->component'])) {
         $this->versionphp['component'] = $info[$type . '->component'];
         list($reqtype, $reqname) = normalize_component($this->versionphp['component']);
         if ($reqtype !== $this->assertions['plugintype']) {
             $this->add_message(self::ERROR, 'componentmismatchtype', array('expected' => $this->assertions['plugintype'], 'found' => $reqtype));
             return false;
         if ($reqname !== $this->rootdir) {
             $this->add_message(self::ERROR, 'componentmismatchname', $reqname);
             return false;
         $this->add_message(self::INFO, 'componentmatch', $this->versionphp['component']);
     if (isset($info[$type . '->maturity'])) {
         $this->versionphp['maturity'] = $info[$type . '->maturity'];
         if ($this->versionphp['maturity'] === 'MATURITY_STABLE') {
             $this->add_message(self::INFO, 'maturity', $this->versionphp['maturity']);
         } else {
             $this->add_message(self::WARNING, 'maturity', $this->versionphp['maturity']);
     if (isset($info[$type . '->release'])) {
         $this->versionphp['release'] = $info[$type . '->release'];
         $this->add_message(self::INFO, 'release', $this->versionphp['release']);
     return true;
  * Checks if the given component's directory is writable
  * For the purpose of the deployment, the web server process has to have
  * write access to all files in the component's directory (recursively) and for the
  * directory itself.
  * @see worker::move_directory_source_precheck()
  * @param string $component normalized component name
  * @return boolean
 protected function component_writable($component)
     list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
     $directory = get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $pluginname);
     if (is_null($directory)) {
         throw new coding_exception('Unknown component location', $component);
     return $this->directory_writable($directory);
Example #10
 * Returns the active providers for the user specified, based on capability
 * @param int $userid id of user
 * @return array An array of message providers
function message_get_providers_for_user($userid) {
    global $DB, $CFG;

    $systemcontext = context_system::instance();

    $providers = get_message_providers();

    // Remove all the providers we aren't allowed to see now
    foreach ($providers as $providerid => $provider) {
        if (!empty($provider->capability)) {
            if (!has_capability($provider->capability, $systemcontext, $userid)) {
                unset($providers[$providerid]);   // Not allowed to see this

        // Ensure user is not allowed to configure instantmessage if it is globally disabled.
        if (!$CFG->messaging && $provider->name == 'instantmessage') {

        // If the component is an enrolment plugin, check it is enabled
        list($type, $name) = normalize_component($provider->component);
        if ($type == 'enrol') {
            if (!enrol_is_enabled($name)) {

    return $providers;
Example #11
  * Returns a localized name of a given plugin
  * @param string $plugin name of the plugin, eg mod_workshop or auth_ldap
  * @return string
 public function plugin_name($plugin)
     list($type, $name) = normalize_component($plugin);
     return $this->pluginsinfo[$type][$name]->displayname;
  * Validates a submitted rating
  * @param array $params submitted data
  *            context => object the context in which the rated items exists [required]
  *            component => The component the rating belongs to [required]
  *            ratingarea => The ratingarea the rating is associated with [required]
  *            itemid => int the ID of the object being rated [required]
  *            scaleid => int the scale from which the user can select a rating. Used for bounds checking. [required]
  *            rating => int the submitted rating
  *            rateduserid => int the id of the user whose items have been rated. NOT the user who submitted the ratings. 0 to update all. [required]
  *            aggregation => int the aggregation method to apply when calculating grades ie RATING_AGGREGATE_AVERAGE [optional]
  * @return boolean true if the rating is valid. False if callback wasnt found and will throw rating_exception if rating is invalid
 public function check_rating_is_valid($params)
     if (!isset($params['context'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('The context option is a required option when checking rating validity.');
     if (!isset($params['component'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('The component option is now a required option when checking rating validity');
     if (!isset($params['ratingarea'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('The ratingarea option is now a required option when checking rating validity');
     if (!isset($params['itemid'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('The itemid option is now a required option when checking rating validity');
     if (!isset($params['scaleid'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('The scaleid option is now a required option when checking rating validity');
     if (!isset($params['rateduserid'])) {
         throw new coding_exception('The rateduserid option is now a required option when checking rating validity');
     list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($params['component']);
     //this looks for a function like forum_rating_validate() in mod_forum lib.php
     //wrapping the params array in another array as call_user_func_array() expands arrays into multiple arguments
     $isvalid = plugin_callback($plugintype, $pluginname, 'rating', 'validate', array($params), null);
     //if null then the callback doesn't exist
     if ($isvalid === null) {
         $isvalid = false;
         debugging('rating validation callback not found for component ' . clean_param($component, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT));
     return $isvalid;
Example #13
try {
    $autologinguest = true;
    $setwantsurltome = true;
    $preventredirect = true;
    require_login($course, $autologinguest, $cm, $setwantsurltome, $preventredirect);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    if (isguestuser()) {
    } else {

// Work out which component in Moodle we want (from the frankenstyle name)
$componentdir = get_component_directory($componentname);
list($type, $plugin) = normalize_component($componentname);

// Call the component to check/update the feed and tell us the path to the cached file
$pathname = null;

if (file_exists($componentdir)) {
    $functionname = $plugin.'_rss_get_feed';

    if (function_exists($functionname)) {
        // $pathname will be null if there was a problem (eg user doesn't have the necessary capabilities)
        // NOTE:the component providing the feed must do its own capability checks and security
        $pathname = $functionname($context, $args);
Example #14
  * Sets the component.
  * This method shouldn't be public, changing the component once it has been set potentially
  * invalidates permission checks.
  * A coding_error is now thrown if code attempts to change the component.
  * @param string $component
 public function set_component($component) {
     if (!empty($this->component) && $this->component !== $component) {
         throw new coding_exception('You cannot change the component of a comment once it has been set');
     $this->component = $component;
     list($this->plugintype, $this->pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
Example #15
  * Decode the request from the Moodle Plugins directory
  * @param string $request submitted via 'installaddonrequest' HTTP parameter
  * @return stdClass|bool false on error, object otherwise
 protected function decode_remote_request($request)
     $data = base64_decode($request, true);
     if ($data === false) {
         return false;
     $data = json_decode($data);
     if (is_null($data)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($data->name) or !isset($data->component) or !isset($data->version)) {
         return false;
     $data->name = s(strip_tags($data->name));
     if ($data->component !== clean_param($data->component, PARAM_COMPONENT)) {
         return false;
     list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($data->component);
     if ($plugintype === 'core') {
         return false;
     if ($data->component !== $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname) {
         return false;
     // Keep this regex in sync with the one used by the download.moodle.org/api/x.y/pluginfo.php
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $data->version)) {
         return false;
     return $data;
Example #16
 * Returns the active providers for the user specified, based on capability
 * @param int $userid id of user
 * @return array An array of message providers
function message_get_providers_for_user($userid)
    global $DB, $CFG;
    $providers = get_message_providers();
    // Ensure user is not allowed to configure instantmessage if it is globally disabled.
    if (!$CFG->messaging) {
        foreach ($providers as $providerid => $provider) {
            if ($provider->name == 'instantmessage') {
    // If the component is an enrolment plugin, check it is enabled
    foreach ($providers as $providerid => $provider) {
        list($type, $name) = normalize_component($provider->component);
        if ($type == 'enrol' && !enrol_is_enabled($name)) {
    // Now we need to check capabilities. We need to eliminate the providers
    // where the user does not have the corresponding capability anywhere.
    // Here we deal with the common simple case of the user having the
    // capability in the system context. That handles $CFG->defaultuserroleid.
    // For the remaining providers/capabilities, we need to do a more complex
    // query involving all overrides everywhere.
    $unsureproviders = array();
    $unsurecapabilities = array();
    $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
    foreach ($providers as $providerid => $provider) {
        if (empty($provider->capability) || has_capability($provider->capability, $systemcontext, $userid)) {
            // The provider is relevant to this user.
        $unsureproviders[$providerid] = $provider;
        $unsurecapabilities[$provider->capability] = 1;
    if (empty($unsureproviders)) {
        // More complex checks are not required.
        return $providers;
    // Now check the unsure capabilities.
    list($capcondition, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($unsurecapabilities), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
    $params['userid'] = $userid;
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT rc.capability, 1\n\n              FROM {role_assignments} ra\n              JOIN {context} actx ON actx.id = ra.contextid\n              JOIN {role_capabilities} rc ON rc.roleid = ra.roleid\n              JOIN {context} cctx ON cctx.id = rc.contextid\n\n             WHERE ra.userid = :userid\n               AND rc.capability {$capcondition}\n               AND rc.permission > 0\n               AND (" . $DB->sql_concat('actx.path', "'/'") . " LIKE " . $DB->sql_concat('cctx.path', "'/%'") . " OR " . $DB->sql_concat('cctx.path', "'/'") . " LIKE " . $DB->sql_concat('actx.path', "'/%'") . ")";
    if (!empty($CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid)) {
        $frontpagecontext = context_course::instance(SITEID);
        list($capcondition2, $params2) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($unsurecapabilities), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $params = array_merge($params, $params2);
        $params['frontpageroleid'] = $CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid;
        $params['frontpagepathpattern'] = $frontpagecontext->path . '/';
        $sql .= "\n             UNION\n\n            SELECT DISTINCT rc.capability, 1\n\n              FROM {role_capabilities} rc\n              JOIN {context} cctx ON cctx.id = rc.contextid\n\n             WHERE rc.roleid = :frontpageroleid\n               AND rc.capability {$capcondition2}\n               AND rc.permission > 0\n               AND " . $DB->sql_concat('cctx.path', "'/'") . " LIKE :frontpagepathpattern";
    $relevantcapabilities = $DB->get_records_sql_menu($sql, $params);
    // Add back any providers based on the detailed capability check.
    foreach ($unsureproviders as $providerid => $provider) {
        if (array_key_exists($provider->capability, $relevantcapabilities)) {
            $providers[$providerid] = $provider;
    return $providers;
Example #17
 * Opens and parses/checks a VMoodle instance definition file
 * @param string $location 
function vmoodle_parse_csv_nodelist($nodelistlocation = '')
    global $CFG;
    $vnodes = array();
    if (empty($nodelistlocation)) {
        $nodelistlocation = $CFG->dataroot . '/vmoodle/nodelist.csv';
    // Decode file.
    $csv_encode = '/\\&\\#44/';
    if (isset($CFG->local_vmoodle_csvseparator)) {
        $csv_delimiter = '\\' . $config->csvseparator;
        $csv_delimiter2 = $config->csvseparator;
        if (isset($CFG->CSV_ENCODE)) {
            $csv_encode = '/\\&\\#' . $CFG->CSV_ENCODE . '/';
    } else {
        $csv_delimiter = "\\;";
        $csv_delimiter2 = ";";
     * File that is used is currently hardcoded here !
     * Large files are likely to take their time and memory. Let PHP know
     * that we'll take longer, and that the process should be recycled soon
     * to free up memory.
    if (function_exists('apache_child_terminate')) {
    // Make arrays of valid fields for error checking.
    $required = array('vhostname' => 1, 'name' => 1, 'shortname' => 1, 'vdatapath' => 1, 'vdbname' => 1, 'vdblogin' => 1, 'vdbpass' => 1);
    $optional = array('description' => 1, 'vdbhost' => 1, 'vdbpersist' => 1, 'vtemplate' => 1, 'services' => 1, 'enabled' => 1, 'mnet' => 1);
    $optionalDefaults = array('mnet' => 1, 'vdbtype' => 'mysqli', 'vdbhost' => $CFG->dbhost, 'vdbpersist' => $CFG->dboptions['dbpersist'], 'vdbprefix' => 'mdl_', 'vtemplate' => '', 'enabled' => 1, 'services' => 'default');
    $patterns = array();
    $metas = array('auth_.*', 'block_.*', 'mod_.*', 'local_.*', 'report_.*', 'format_.*', 'config_.*');
    // Get header (field names).
    $textlib = new core_text();
    if (!($fp = fopen($nodelistlocation, 'rb'))) {
        cli_error(get_string('badnodefile', 'local_vmoodle', $nodelistlocation));
    // Jump any empty or comment line.
    $text = fgets($fp, 1024);
    $i = 0;
    while (vmoodle_is_empty_line_or_format($text, $i == 0)) {
        $text = fgets($fp, 1024);
    $headers = explode($csv_delimiter2, $text);
    // Check for valid field names.
    foreach ($headers as $h) {
        $header[] = trim($h);
        $patternized = implode('|', $patterns) . "\\d+";
        $metapattern = implode('|', $metas);
        if (!(isset($required[$h]) or isset($optionalDefaults[$h]) or isset($optional[$h]) or preg_match("/{$patternized}/", $h) or preg_match("/{$metapattern}/", $h))) {
            cli_error(get_string('invalidfieldname', 'error', $h));
        if (isset($required[trim($h)])) {
            $required[trim($h)] = 0;
    // Check for required fields.
    foreach ($required as $key => $value) {
        if ($value) {
            // Required field missing.
            cli_error(get_string('fieldrequired', 'error', $key));
    $linenum = 2;
    // Since header is line 1.
    // Take some from admin profile, other fixed by hardcoded defaults.
    while (!feof($fp)) {
        // Make a new base record.
        $vnode = new StdClass();
        foreach ($optionalDefaults as $key => $value) {
            $vnode->{$key} = $value;
        // Commas within a field should be encoded as &#44 (for comma separated csv files).
        // Semicolon within a field should be encoded as &#59 (for semicolon separated csv files).
        $text = fgets($fp, 1024);
        if (vmoodle_is_empty_line_or_format($text, false)) {
        $valueset = explode($csv_delimiter2, $text);
        $f = 0;
        foreach ($valueset as $value) {
            // Decode encoded commas.
            $key = $headers[$f];
            // Do we have a global config ?
            if (preg_match('/^config_/', $key)) {
                $smartkey = str_replace('config_', '', $key);
                $vnode->config->{$smartkey} = trim($value);
            // Do we have a plugin config ?
             * plugin configs will come as f.e. "auth_cas|server" key
            if (strpos($key, '|') > 0) {
                list($component, $key) = explode('|', $key);
                list($type, $plugin) = normalize_component($component);
                if (!isset($vnode->{$type})) {
                    $vnode->{$type} = new StdClass();
                if (!isset($vnode->{$type}->{$plugin})) {
                    $vnode->{$type}->{$plugin} = new StdClass();
                $vnode->{$type}->{$plugin}->{$key} = preg_replace($csv_encode, $csv_delimiter2, trim($value));
            $vnode->{$key} = preg_replace($csv_encode, $csv_delimiter2, trim($value));
        $vnodes[] = $vnode;
    return $vnodes;
Example #18
  * Get String returns a requested string
  * @param string $identifier The identifier of the string to search for
  * @param string $component The module the string is associated with
  * @param string|object|array $a An object, string or number that can be used
  *      within translation strings
  * @param string $lang moodle translation language, NULL means use current
  * @return string The String !
 public function get_string($identifier, $component = '', $a = NULL, $lang = NULL)
     // there are very many uses of these time formating strings without the 'langconfig' component,
     // it would not be reasonable to expect that all of them would be converted during 2.0 migration
     static $langconfigstrs = array('strftimedate' => 1, 'strftimedatefullshort' => 1, 'strftimedateshort' => 1, 'strftimedatetime' => 1, 'strftimedatetimeshort' => 1, 'strftimedaydate' => 1, 'strftimedaydatetime' => 1, 'strftimedayshort' => 1, 'strftimedaytime' => 1, 'strftimemonthyear' => 1, 'strftimerecent' => 1, 'strftimerecentfull' => 1, 'strftimetime' => 1);
     if (empty($component)) {
         if (isset($langconfigstrs[$identifier])) {
             $component = 'langconfig';
         } else {
             $component = 'moodle';
     if ($lang === NULL) {
         $lang = current_language();
     $string = $this->load_component_strings($component, $lang);
     if (!isset($string[$identifier])) {
         if ($component === 'pix' or $component === 'core_pix') {
             // this component contains only alt tags for emoticons,
             // not all of them are supposed to be defined
             return '';
         if ($identifier === 'parentlanguage' and ($component === 'langconfig' or $component === 'core_langconfig')) {
             // parentlanguage is a special string, undefined means use English if not defined
             return 'en';
         if ($this->usediskcache) {
             // maybe the on-disk cache is dirty - let the last attempt be to find the string in original sources,
             // do NOT write the results to disk cache because it may end up in race conditions see MDL-31904
             $this->usediskcache = false;
             $string = $this->load_component_strings($component, $lang, true);
             $this->usediskcache = true;
         if (!isset($string[$identifier])) {
             // the string is still missing - should be fixed by developer
             list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
             if ($plugintype == 'core') {
                 $file = "lang/en/{$component}.php";
             } else {
                 if ($plugintype == 'mod') {
                     $file = "mod/{$pluginname}/lang/en/{$pluginname}.php";
                 } else {
                     $path = get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $pluginname);
                     $file = "{$path}/lang/en/{$plugintype}_{$pluginname}.php";
             debugging("Invalid get_string() identifier: '{$identifier}' or component '{$component}'. " . "Perhaps you are missing \$string['{$identifier}'] = ''; in {$file}?", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
             return "[[{$identifier}]]";
     $string = $string[$identifier];
     if ($a !== NULL) {
         // Process array's and objects (except lang_strings)
         if (is_array($a) or is_object($a) && !$a instanceof lang_string) {
             $a = (array) $a;
             $search = array();
             $replace = array();
             foreach ($a as $key => $value) {
                 if (is_int($key)) {
                     // we do not support numeric keys - sorry!
                 if (is_array($value) or is_object($value) && !$value instanceof lang_string) {
                     // we support just string or lang_string as value
                 $search[] = '{$a->' . $key . '}';
                 $replace[] = (string) $value;
             if ($search) {
                 $string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
         } else {
             $string = str_replace('{$a}', (string) $a, $string);
     return $string;
Example #19
  * Load all strings for one component
  * @param string $component The module the string is associated with
  * @param string $lang
  * @param bool $disablecache Do not use caches, force fetching the strings from sources
  * @param bool $disablelocal Do not use customized strings in xx_local language packs
  * @return array of all string for given component and lang
 public function load_component_strings($component, $lang, $disablecache = false, $disablelocal = false)
     global $CFG;
     list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
     if ($plugintype == 'core' and is_null($pluginname)) {
         $component = 'core';
     } else {
         $component = $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname;
     if (!$disablecache) {
         // try in-memory cache first
         if (isset($this->cache[$lang][$component])) {
             return $this->cache[$lang][$component];
         // try on-disk cache then
         if ($this->usediskcache and file_exists($this->cacheroot . "/{$lang}/{$component}.php")) {
             include $this->cacheroot . "/{$lang}/{$component}.php";
             return $this->cache[$lang][$component];
     // no cache found - let us merge all possible sources of the strings
     if ($plugintype === 'core') {
         $file = $pluginname;
         if ($file === null) {
             $file = 'moodle';
         $string = array();
         // first load english pack
         if (!file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/lang/en/{$file}.php")) {
             return array();
         include "{$CFG->dirroot}/lang/en/{$file}.php";
         $originalkeys = array_keys($string);
         $originalkeys = array_flip($originalkeys);
         // and then corresponding local if present and allowed
         if (!$disablelocal and file_exists("{$this->localroot}/en_local/{$file}.php")) {
             include "{$this->localroot}/en_local/{$file}.php";
         // now loop through all langs in correct order
         $deps = $this->get_language_dependencies($lang);
         foreach ($deps as $dep) {
             // the main lang string location
             if (file_exists("{$this->otherroot}/{$dep}/{$file}.php")) {
                 include "{$this->otherroot}/{$dep}/{$file}.php";
             if (!$disablelocal and file_exists("{$this->localroot}/{$dep}_local/{$file}.php")) {
                 include "{$this->localroot}/{$dep}_local/{$file}.php";
     } else {
         if (!($location = get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $pluginname)) or !is_dir($location)) {
             return array();
         if ($plugintype === 'mod') {
             // bloody mod hack
             $file = $pluginname;
         } else {
             $file = $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname;
         $string = array();
         // first load English pack
         if (!file_exists("{$location}/lang/en/{$file}.php")) {
             //English pack does not exist, so do not try to load anything else
             return array();
         include "{$location}/lang/en/{$file}.php";
         $originalkeys = array_keys($string);
         $originalkeys = array_flip($originalkeys);
         // and then corresponding local english if present
         if (!$disablelocal and file_exists("{$this->localroot}/en_local/{$file}.php")) {
             include "{$this->localroot}/en_local/{$file}.php";
         // now loop through all langs in correct order
         $deps = $this->get_language_dependencies($lang);
         foreach ($deps as $dep) {
             // legacy location - used by contrib only
             if (file_exists("{$location}/lang/{$dep}/{$file}.php")) {
                 include "{$location}/lang/{$dep}/{$file}.php";
             // the main lang string location
             if (file_exists("{$this->otherroot}/{$dep}/{$file}.php")) {
                 include "{$this->otherroot}/{$dep}/{$file}.php";
             // local customisations
             if (!$disablelocal and file_exists("{$this->localroot}/{$dep}_local/{$file}.php")) {
                 include "{$this->localroot}/{$dep}_local/{$file}.php";
     // we do not want any extra strings from other languages - everything must be in en lang pack
     $string = array_intersect_key($string, $originalkeys);
     // now we have a list of strings from all possible sources. put it into both in-memory and on-disk
     // caches so we do not need to do all this merging and dependencies resolving again
     $this->cache[$lang][$component] = $string;
     if ($this->usediskcache) {
         file_put_contents("{$this->cacheroot}/{$lang}/{$component}.php", "<?php \$this->cache['{$lang}']['{$component}'] = " . var_export($string, true) . ";");
     return $string;
Example #20
  * @param string $component frankenstyle component name.
  * @return plugin_information|null the corresponding plugin information.
 public function get_plugin_info($component)
     list($type, $name) = normalize_component($component);
     $plugins = $this->get_plugins();
     if (isset($plugins[$type][$name])) {
         return $plugins[$type][$name];
     } else {
         return null;
Example #21
  * Returns the list of gradable areas provided by the given component
  * This performs a callback to the library of the relevant plugin to obtain
  * the list of supported areas.
  * @param string $component normalized component name
  * @return array of (string)areacode => (string)localized title of the area
 public static function available_areas($component)
     global $CFG;
     list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
     if ($component === 'core_grading') {
         return array();
     } else {
         if ($plugintype === 'mod') {
             return plugin_callback('mod', $pluginname, 'grading', 'areas_list', null, array());
         } else {
             throw new coding_exception('Unsupported area location');
Example #22
 public function set_component($component)
     $this->component = $component;
     list($this->plugintype, $this->pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
     return null;
Example #23
  * Gather a list of dndupload handlers from the different mods
  * @param object $course The course this is being added to (to check course_allowed_module() )
 public function __construct($course, $modnames = null)
     global $CFG;
     // Add some default types to handle.
     // Note: 'Files' type is hard-coded into the Javascript as this needs to be ...
     // ... treated a little differently.
     $this->add_type('url', array('url', 'text/uri-list', 'text/x-moz-url'), get_string('addlinkhere', 'moodle'), get_string('nameforlink', 'moodle'), 10);
     $this->add_type('text/html', array('text/html'), get_string('addpagehere', 'moodle'), get_string('nameforpage', 'moodle'), 20);
     $this->add_type('text', array('text', 'text/plain'), get_string('addpagehere', 'moodle'), get_string('nameforpage', 'moodle'), 30);
     // Loop through all modules to find handlers.
     $mods = get_plugin_list_with_function('mod', 'dndupload_register');
     foreach ($mods as $component => $funcname) {
         list($modtype, $modname) = normalize_component($component);
         if ($modnames && !array_key_exists($modname, $modnames)) {
             // Module is deactivated (hidden) at the site level.
         if (!course_allowed_module($course, $modname)) {
             // User does not have permission to add this module to the course.
         $resp = $funcname();
         if (!$resp) {
         if (isset($resp['files'])) {
             foreach ($resp['files'] as $file) {
                 $this->add_file_handler($file['extension'], $modname, $file['message']);
         if (isset($resp['addtypes'])) {
             foreach ($resp['addtypes'] as $type) {
                 if (isset($type['priority'])) {
                     $priority = $type['priority'];
                 } else {
                     $priority = 100;
                 $this->add_type($type['identifier'], $type['datatransfertypes'], $type['addmessage'], $type['namemessage'], $priority);
         if (isset($resp['types'])) {
             foreach ($resp['types'] as $type) {
                 $this->add_type_handler($type['identifier'], $modname, $type['message']);
Example #24
  * Given the list of changes in available updates, pick those to send to site admins
  * @param array $changes as returned by {@link self::compare_responses()}
  * @return array of available_update_info objects to send to site admins
 protected function cron_notifications(array $changes)
     global $CFG;
     $notifications = array();
     $pluginman = plugin_manager::instance();
     $plugins = $pluginman->get_plugins(true);
     foreach ($changes as $component => $componentchanges) {
         if (empty($componentchanges)) {
         $componentupdates = $this->get_update_info($component, array('minmaturity' => $CFG->updateminmaturity, 'notifybuilds' => $CFG->updatenotifybuilds));
         if (empty($componentupdates)) {
         // notify only about those $componentchanges that are present in $componentupdates
         // to respect the preferences
         foreach ($componentchanges as $componentchange) {
             foreach ($componentupdates as $componentupdate) {
                 if ($componentupdate->version == $componentchange['version']) {
                     if ($component == 'core') {
                         // in case of 'core' this is enough, we already know that the
                         // $componentupdate is a real update with higher version
                         $notifications[] = $componentupdate;
                     } else {
                         // use the plugin_manager to check if the reported $componentchange
                         // is a real update with higher version. such a real update must be
                         // present in the 'availableupdates' property of one of the component's
                         // available_update_info object
                         list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
                         if (!empty($plugins[$plugintype][$pluginname]->availableupdates)) {
                             foreach ($plugins[$plugintype][$pluginname]->availableupdates as $availableupdate) {
                                 if ($availableupdate->version == $componentchange['version']) {
                                     $notifications[] = $componentupdate;
     return $notifications;
Example #25
     * Writes strings into a local language pack file
     * @param string $component the name of the component
     * @param array $strings
    protected static function dump_strings($lang, $component, $strings)
        global $CFG;
        if ($lang !== clean_param($lang, PARAM_LANG)) {
            debugging('Unable to dump local strings for non-installed language pack .' . s($lang));
            return false;
        if ($component !== clean_param($component, PARAM_COMPONENT)) {
            throw new coding_exception('Incorrect component name');
        if (!($filename = self::get_component_filename($component))) {
            debugging('Unable to find the filename for the component ' . s($component));
            return false;
        if ($filename !== clean_param($filename, PARAM_FILE)) {
            throw new coding_exception('Incorrect file name ' . s($filename));
        list($package, $subpackage) = normalize_component($component);
        $packageinfo = " * @package    {$package}";
        if (!is_null($subpackage)) {
            $packageinfo .= "\n * @subpackage {$subpackage}";
        $filepath = self::get_localpack_location($lang);
        $filepath = $filepath . '/' . $filename;
        if (!is_dir(dirname($filepath))) {
        if (!($f = fopen($filepath, 'w'))) {
            debugging('Unable to write ' . s($filepath));
            return false;
        fwrite($f, <<<EOF

// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * Local language pack from {$CFG->wwwroot}
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

        foreach ($strings as $stringid => $text) {
            if ($stringid !== clean_param($stringid, PARAM_STRINGID)) {
                debugging('Invalid string identifier ' . s($stringid));
            fwrite($f, '$string[\'' . $stringid . '\'] = ');
            fwrite($f, var_export($text, true));
            fwrite($f, ";\n");
Example #26
 * Returns the version of installed component
 * @param string $component component name
 * @param string $source either 'disk' or 'installed' - where to get the version information from
 * @return string|bool version number or false if the component is not found
function get_component_version($component, $source = 'installed')
    global $CFG, $DB;
    list($type, $name) = normalize_component($component);
    // moodle core or a core subsystem
    if ($type === 'core') {
        if ($source === 'installed') {
            if (empty($CFG->version)) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return $CFG->version;
        } else {
            if (!is_readable($CFG->dirroot . '/version.php')) {
                return false;
            } else {
                $version = null;
                //initialize variable for IDEs
                include $CFG->dirroot . '/version.php';
                return $version;
    // activity module
    if ($type === 'mod') {
        if ($source === 'installed') {
            return $DB->get_field('modules', 'version', array('name' => $name));
        } else {
            $mods = get_plugin_list('mod');
            if (empty($mods[$name]) or !is_readable($mods[$name] . '/version.php')) {
                return false;
            } else {
                $module = new stdclass();
                include $mods[$name] . '/version.php';
                return $module->version;
    // block
    if ($type === 'block') {
        if ($source === 'installed') {
            return $DB->get_field('block', 'version', array('name' => $name));
        } else {
            $blocks = get_plugin_list('block');
            if (empty($blocks[$name]) or !is_readable($blocks[$name] . '/version.php')) {
                return false;
            } else {
                $plugin = new stdclass();
                include $blocks[$name] . '/version.php';
                return $plugin->version;
    // all other plugin types
    if ($source === 'installed') {
        return get_config($type . '_' . $name, 'version');
    } else {
        $plugins = get_plugin_list($type);
        if (empty($plugins[$name])) {
            return false;
        } else {
            $plugin = new stdclass();
            include $plugins[$name] . '/version.php';
            return $plugin->version;
Example #27
  * Update a grade item and, optionally, student grades
  * @param  string $source       The source of the grade update
  * @param  int $courseid        The course id
  * @param  string $component    Component name
  * @param  int $activityid      The activity id
  * @param  int $itemnumber      The item number
  * @param  array  $grades      Array of grades
  * @param  array  $itemdetails Array of item details
  * @return int                  A status flag
  * @since Moodle 2.7
 public static function update_grades($source, $courseid, $component, $activityid, $itemnumber, $grades = array(), $itemdetails = array())
     global $CFG;
     $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_grades_parameters(), array('source' => $source, 'courseid' => $courseid, 'component' => $component, 'activityid' => $activityid, 'itemnumber' => $itemnumber, 'grades' => $grades, 'itemdetails' => $itemdetails));
     list($itemtype, $itemmodule) = normalize_component($params['component']);
     if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_id($itemmodule, $activityid))) {
         throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule');
     $iteminstance = $cm->instance;
     $coursecontext = context_course::instance($params['courseid']);
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $exceptionparam = new stdClass();
         $exceptionparam->message = $e->getMessage();
         $exceptionparam->courseid = $params['courseid'];
         throw new moodle_exception('errorcoursecontextnotvalid', 'webservice', '', $exceptionparam);
     $hidinggrades = false;
     $editinggradeitem = false;
     $editinggrades = false;
     $gradestructure = array();
     foreach ($grades as $grade) {
         $editinggrades = true;
         $gradestructure[$grade['studentid']] = array('userid' => $grade['studentid'], 'rawgrade' => $grade['grade']);
     if (!empty($params['itemdetails'])) {
         if (isset($params['itemdetails']['hidden'])) {
             $hidinggrades = true;
         } else {
             $editinggradeitem = true;
     if ($editinggradeitem && !has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $coursecontext)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('nopermissiontoviewgrades', 'error', '', null, 'moodle/grade:manage required to edit grade information');
     if ($hidinggrades && !has_capability('moodle/grade:hide', $coursecontext) && !has_capability('moodle/grade:hide', $coursecontext)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('nopermissiontoviewgrades', 'error', '', null, 'moodle/grade:hide required to hide grade items');
     if ($editinggrades && !has_capability('moodle/grade:edit', $coursecontext)) {
         throw new moodle_exception('nopermissiontoviewgrades', 'error', '', null, 'moodle/grade:edit required to edit grades');
     return grade_update($params['source'], $params['courseid'], $itemtype, $itemmodule, $iteminstance, $itemnumber, $gradestructure, $params['itemdetails']);
Example #28
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');

// PARAM_STRINGID ensures this is a valid string ID, which should make
// this safe to use.  (Otherwise an attacker could include ../ or the like).
$topic = required_param('topic', PARAM_STRINGID);
$component  = required_param('component', PARAM_SAFEDIR);
$lang = current_language( );

$PAGE->set_url( '/blocks/marginalia/help.php' );
$PAGE->set_pagelayout( 'popup' );
$PAGE->set_context( get_context_instance( CONTEXT_SYSTEM ) );
$PAGE->requires->css( '/blocks/marginalia/help.css' );
echo $OUTPUT->header( );

list( $plugintype, $pluginname ) = normalize_component( $component );
$location = get_plugin_directory( $plugintype, $pluginname );

// Once something matches, break from the while.
// Otherwise fall down to the next case.
	$path = "$location/lang/$lang/help/$topic.html";
	if ( $location && file_exists( $path ) )
		include( $path );
	$path = "$location/lang/en/help/$topic.html";
	if ( $location && file_exists( $path ) )
Example #29
 * This gets the mod/block/course/core etc strings.
 * @param string $component
 * @param int $contextlevel
 * @return string|bool String is success, false if failed
function get_component_string($component, $contextlevel)
    if ($component === 'moodle' or $component === 'core') {
        switch ($contextlevel) {
            // TODO: this should probably use context level names instead
            case CONTEXT_SYSTEM:
                return get_string('coresystem');
            case CONTEXT_USER:
                return get_string('users');
            case CONTEXT_COURSECAT:
                return get_string('categories');
            case CONTEXT_COURSE:
                return get_string('course');
            case CONTEXT_MODULE:
                return get_string('activities');
            case CONTEXT_BLOCK:
                return get_string('block');
    list($type, $name) = normalize_component($component);
    $dir = get_plugin_directory($type, $name);
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
        // plugin not installed, bad luck, there is no way to find the name
        return $component . ' ???';
    switch ($type) {
        // TODO: this is really hacky, anyway it should be probably moved to lib/pluginlib.php
        case 'quiz':
            return get_string($name . ':componentname', $component);
            // insane hack!!!
        // insane hack!!!
        case 'repository':
            return get_string('repository', 'repository') . ': ' . get_string('pluginname', $component);
        case 'gradeimport':
            return get_string('gradeimport', 'grades') . ': ' . get_string('pluginname', $component);
        case 'gradeexport':
            return get_string('gradeexport', 'grades') . ': ' . get_string('pluginname', $component);
        case 'gradereport':
            return get_string('gradereport', 'grades') . ': ' . get_string('pluginname', $component);
        case 'webservice':
            return get_string('webservice', 'webservice') . ': ' . get_string('pluginname', $component);
        case 'block':
            return get_string('block') . ': ' . get_string('pluginname', basename($component));
        case 'mod':
            if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('pluginname', $component)) {
                return get_string('activity') . ': ' . get_string('pluginname', $component);
            } else {
                return get_string('activity') . ': ' . get_string('modulename', $component);
            return get_string('pluginname', $component);
Example #30
 public function test_normalize_component()
     // moodle core
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('moodle'), array('core', null));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('core'), array('core', null));
     // moodle core subsystems
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('admin'), array('core', 'admin'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('core_admin'), array('core', 'admin'));
     // activity modules and their subplugins
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('workshop'), array('mod', 'workshop'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('mod_workshop'), array('mod', 'workshop'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('workshopform_accumulative'), array('workshopform', 'accumulative'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('quiz'), array('mod', 'quiz'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('quiz_grading'), array('quiz', 'grading'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('data'), array('mod', 'data'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('datafield_checkbox'), array('datafield', 'checkbox'));
     // other plugin types
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('auth_mnet'), array('auth', 'mnet'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('enrol_self'), array('enrol', 'self'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('block_html'), array('block', 'html'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('block_mnet_hosts'), array('block', 'mnet_hosts'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('local_amos'), array('local', 'amos'));
     // unknown components are supposed to be activity modules
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('whothefuckwouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'), array('mod', 'whothefuckwouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('whothefuck_wouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'), array('mod', 'whothefuck_wouldcomewithsuchastupidnameofcomponent'));
     $this->assertEqual(normalize_component('whothefuck_would_come_withsuchastupidnameofcomponent'), array('mod', 'whothefuck_would_come_withsuchastupidnameofcomponent'));