Example #1
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["display_bio"] = array("name" => "Display Author Bio", "desc" => "Select to display the author's bio at the bottom of the post.", "id" => "display_bio", "tab" => "blog", "default" => "1", "label" => "Display Bio", "info" => "<p>The author bio will be displayed at the bottom of the post. This information is coming from the <strong>Profile</strong> page located under <strong>Users >> Your Profile</strong>.</p>", "type" => "checkbox");
// Design
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["design_tab"] = array("name" => __('Design', 'nimbus'), "id" => "design_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "design", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_bg_color", "html" => "<p>Please use the WordPress core <a href='" . admin_url() . "themes.php?page=custom-background'>Background</a> setting under Appearance >> Background.</p>", "tab" => "design", "type" => "item_html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_background_pattern"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Pattern Overlay', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the pattern overlay you for the background of your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_background_pattern", "default" => "stripes.png", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_patterns());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Content Column Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the main content column.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["header_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Header Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "header_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#dde1dd', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["header_bottom_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Header Bottom Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the bottom border color for the Header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "header_bottom_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#c8ccc8', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["menu_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Menu Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Menu.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "menu_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["buttons_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Button Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Buttons.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "buttons_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["buttons_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Buttons Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the stroke color for the buttons.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "buttons_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#aeaeae', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_thickness"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Thickness', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the thickness of borders (in pixals) that suround all images within the content area of your website. Set to zero for no border.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_thickness", "default" => "1", "type" => "text", "tab" => "design", "classes" => "minitext");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_padding_thickness"] = array("name" => __('Image Padding', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the padding for all images in content area. Set to zero for no padding.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_padding_thickness", "default" => "4", "type" => "text", "tab" => "design", "classes" => "minitext");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the one pixel stroke color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#b6b6b6', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the four pixel border color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_type"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Type', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the boder type for theme images in the content area', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_type", "default" => "solid", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_image_border_types());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["widget_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Sidebar Widget Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the one pixel stroke color for widget areas.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "widget_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#aeaeae', "type" => "color");
// Typography
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["typography_tab"] = array("name" => __('Typography', 'nimbus'), "id" => "typography_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "typography", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_style"] = array("name" => __('Body Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set <strong>Body</strong> font style. This is the default font that will be used in most instances on your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "14px", "line" => "1.4em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "200", "color" => "#808080", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["link_color"] = array("name" => __('Link Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the default link color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "link_color", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#5a9897', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["link_hover_color"] = array("name" => __('Link Hover Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set link hover color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "link_hover_color", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#3c7372', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["logo_style"] = array("name" => __('Default Logo Typography', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set typography preferences for the text logo that is displayed when no image logo exists.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "logo_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "36px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Lobster", "style" => "700", "color" => "#385a59", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["logo_text_shadow"] = array("name" => __('Default Logo Text Shadow Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Text shadow color on the default logo.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "logo_text_shadow", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_style"] = array("name" => __('Navigation Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the navigation menu font style will be default on all monitors larger then 1200px', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "14px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#767676", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_size_large"] = array("name" => __('Navigation Font at 980px - 1200px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 980px - 1200px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_size_large", "default" => "100", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_size_mid"] = array("name" => __('Navigation Font at 768px-979px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 768px-979px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_size_mid", "default" => "100", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_hover"] = array("name" => __('Navigation Font Hover Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the hover color for the main menu items', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_hover", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#000000', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_current"] = array("name" => __('Navigation Font Current Page Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the current page color for the main menu items', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_current", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#5a9897', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["sub_menu_style"] = array("name" => __('Sub Navigation Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the sub navigation menu font style', 'nimbus'), "id" => "sub_menu_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "14px", "line" => "1.2em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#767676", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_blog_meta_style"] = array("name" => __('Blog Meta Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the font styles for the Blog Meta line that includes the categories and author information', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_blog_meta_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "11px", "line" => "1.2em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "400", "color" => "#808080", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_mobile_dd_toggle_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Mobile Dropdown Menu Toggle Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the border color for the toggle button in the mobile menu.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_mobile_dd_toggle_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#dddddd', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_mobile_dd_toggle_detail_color"] = array("name" => __('Mobile Dropdown Menu Toggle Detail Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the detail color for the toggle button in the mobile menu.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_mobile_dd_toggle_detail_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#7E7E7E', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Banner Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_banner_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage Banner Border Color (if applicable)', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the border color for the frontpage banner.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_banner_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#cccccc', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_banner_border_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage Banner Padding Color (if applicable)', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the inner border color for the frontpage banner.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_banner_border_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Frontpage Row Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_featured_content_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage Featured Items Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the backgound color for the frontpage featured items row.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_featured_content_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_content_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage Content Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the backgound color for the frontpage content row.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_content_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#f2f2f2', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_content_sidebar_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage Content Row Sidebar Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the backgound color for the frontpage content row sidebar.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_content_sidebar_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_blog_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage Blog Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the backgound color for the frontpage blog row.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_blog_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Blog Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_blog_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Blog Item Bottom Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the bottom border color for the small blog items, the category row, and other blog related features.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_blog_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#cccccc', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_blog_border_type"] = array("name" => __('Blog Item Bottom Border Type', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the boder type for the small blog items, the category row, and other blog related features', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_blog_border_type", "default" => "dotted", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_image_border_types());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Widget and Sidebar Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_widget_title_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Widget Title Bottom Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the bottom border color for the widget titles.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_widget_title_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#cccccc', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_widget_title_border_type"] = array("name" => __('Widget Title Bottom Border Type', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the boder type for the widget titles', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_widget_title_border_type", "default" => "dotted", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_image_border_types());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Footer Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_footer_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Footer Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the backgound color for the footer row.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_footer_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#f2f2f2', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Blockquote Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_blockquote_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Blockquote Left Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the left border color for the blockquote element.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_blockquote_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#000000', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Button and Shortcode Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_button_color"] = array("name" => __('Button Colors', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the default button colors to use across website. Check out our shortcodes for limitless color and appearance options. See Shortcodes tab.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_button_color", "default" => "btn-default", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_button_styles());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("type" => "close_tab");
/* * *************************************************************************************************** */
// Typography
/* * *************************************************************************************************** */
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["typography_tab"] = array("name" => __('Typography', 'nimbus'), "id" => "typography_tab", "tab" => "tab", "url" => "typography", "icon" => "fa-font", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "typography", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Body Typography Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_style"] = array("name" => __('Body Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set <strong>Body</strong> font style. This is the default font that will be used in most instances on your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "15px", "line" => "1.7em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "400", "color" => "#121212", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "typography", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Link Typography Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["link_color"] = array("name" => __('Link Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the default link color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "link_color", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#1990e0', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_bg_color", "html" => "<p>Please use the WordPress core <a href='" . admin_url() . "themes.php?page=custom-background'>Background</a> setting under Appearance >> Background.</p>", "tab" => "design", "type" => "item_html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["header_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Header Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the header area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "header_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#f0f0f0', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["dd_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Dropdown Menu Backgound Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the dropdown menus.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "dd_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#464646', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["dd_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Dropdown Menu Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the border color for the dropdown menus.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "dd_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#535353', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["ribbon_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Ribbon Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the ribbon that spans the header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "ribbon_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["ribbon_content_shadow_color"] = array("name" => __('Ribbon and Content Drop Shadow', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the drop shadow color for the ribbon and content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "ribbon_content_shadow_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#555555', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["action_bg_color_top"] = array("name" => __('Action Text Gradient Color Top', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the top of the gradient in the action text area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "action_bg_color_top", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["action_bg_color_bottom"] = array("name" => __('Action Text Gradient Color Bottom', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the bottom of the gradient in the action text area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "action_bg_color_bottom", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#f1f1f1', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["action_border_color_bottom"] = array("name" => __('Action Text Bottom Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the color for the bottom border of the action text area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "action_border_color_bottom", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#e8e8e8', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the one pixel stroke color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#b6b6b6', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the four pixel border color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_type"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Type', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the boder type for theme images in the content area', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_type", "default" => "solid", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_image_border_types());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_shadow_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Drop Shadow Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the drop shadow color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_shadow_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#c5c5c5', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["banner_image_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Banner Image Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the one pixel stroke color for theme images in the frontpage banner area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "banner_image_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#b6b6b6', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["banner_image_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Banner Image Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the four pixel border color for theme images in the frontpage banner  area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "banner_image_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["banner_image_border_type"] = array("name" => __('Banner Image Border Type', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the boder type for theme images in the frontpage banner  area', 'nimbus'), "id" => "banner_image_border_type", "default" => "solid", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_image_border_types());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["banner_image_shadow_color"] = array("name" => __('Banner Image Drop Shadow Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the drop shadow color for theme images in the frontpage banner  area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "banner_image_shadow_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#c5c5c5', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_footer_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Footer Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the footer area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_footer_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("type" => "close_tab");
// Typography
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["typography_tab"] = array("name" => __('Typography', 'nimbus'), "id" => "typography_tab", "tab" => "tab", "url" => "typography", "icon" => "fa-font", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("html" => "<h1>" . __('Typography Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_style"] = array("name" => __('Body Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set <strong>Body</strong> font style. This is the default font that will be used in most instances on your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "13px", "line" => "1.4em", "face" => "Arial", "style" => "normal", "color" => "#535353", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["link_color"] = array("name" => __('Link Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the default link color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "link_color", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#0077ff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["link_hover_color"] = array("name" => __('Link Hover Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set link hover color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "link_hover_color", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#0077ff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["logo_style"] = array("name" => __('Default Logo Typography', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set typography preferences for the text logo that is displayed when no image logo exists.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "logo_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "33px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Bebas", "style" => "normal", "color" => "#262626", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["head_contact_style"] = array("name" => __('Contact Info in Header', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set typography preferences for the contact info in the header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "head_contact_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "11px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Arial", "style" => "normal", "color" => "#535353", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_style"] = array("name" => __('Navigation Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the navigation menu font style', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "20px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "PT Sans Narrow", "style" => "normal", "color" => "#535353", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["sub_menu_style"] = array("name" => __('Sub Navigation Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the sub navigation menu font style', 'nimbus'), "id" => "sub_menu_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "18px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "PT Sans Narrow", "style" => "normal", "color" => "#e1e1e1", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["action_style"] = array("name" => __('Action Text Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set font preferences for the action text on the frontpage.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "action_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "22px", "line" => "1.5em", "face" => "PT Sans", "style" => "normal", "color" => "#454545", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_typography_one"] = array("name" => __('Font for [nimbus_typography_one] Shortcode ', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the font that will be used for the [nimbus_typography_one] alternate typography shortcode.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_typography_one", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("face" => "PT Sans"), "type" => "pro");