<td width="10%" align="right" valign="middle" nowrap> <table> <tr> <td><a href="<?php $next = next_day($curday, $curmonth, $curyear); print "day_view.php?day=" . $next[day] . "&month=" . $next[month] . "&year=" . $next[year]; ?> " class="calendar-link-nav"><?php echo CALENDAR_NEXT_DAY; ?> </a></td> <td><a href="<?php $next = next_day($curday, $curmonth, $curyear); print "day_view.php?day=" . $next[day] . "&month=" . $next[month] . "&year=" . $next[year]; ?> " class="calendar-link-nav"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" style=""></span></a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <div class="toolbar-calendar-div ui-widget ui-state-default"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
$Hour = time(date('H') + 1, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); return date('H', $Hour); } if ((!isset($argv[1]) || $argv[1] != SCHEDULE_KEY) && !check_perms('admin_schedule')) { // authorization, Fix to allow people with perms hit this page. error(403); } if (check_perms('admin_schedule')) { authorize(); View::show_header(); echo '<pre>'; } $DB->query("\n\tSELECT NextHour, NextDay, NextBiWeekly\n\tFROM schedule"); list($Hour, $Day, $BiWeek) = $DB->next_record(); $NextHour = next_hour(); $NextDay = next_day(); $NextBiWeek = next_biweek(); $DB->query("\n\tUPDATE schedule\n\tSET\n\t\tNextHour = {$NextHour},\n\t\tNextDay = {$NextDay},\n\t\tNextBiWeekly = {$NextBiWeek}"); $NoDaily = isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] == 'nodaily'; $sqltime = sqltime(); echo "{$sqltime}\n"; /*************************************************************************\ //--------------Run every time ------------------------------------------// These functions are run every time the script is executed (every 15 minutes). \*************************************************************************/ echo "Ran every-time functions\n"; //------------- Freeleech -----------------------------------------------// //We use this to control 6 hour freeleeches. They're actually 7 hours, but don't tell anyone.
$Values = "('".implode("', '".$sqltime."'), ('",$LogEntries)."', '".$sqltime."')"; $DB->query('INSERT INTO log (Message, Time) VALUES '.$Values); echo "\nDeleted $i torrents for inactivity\n"; } $DB->query("SELECT SimilarID FROM artists_similar_scores WHERE Score<=0"); $SimilarIDs = implode(',',$DB->collect('SimilarID')); if($SimilarIDs) { $DB->query("DELETE FROM artists_similar WHERE SimilarID IN($SimilarIDs)"); $DB->query("DELETE FROM artists_similar_scores WHERE SimilarID IN($SimilarIDs)"); $DB->query("DELETE FROM artists_similar_votes WHERE SimilarID IN($SimilarIDs)"); } $Day = next_day(); } /*************************************************************************\ //--------------Run twice per month -------------------------------------// These functions are twice per month, on the 8th and the 22nd. \*************************************************************************/ if($BiWeek != next_biweek() || $_GET['runbiweek']) { echo "Ran bi-weekly functions\n"; //------------- Cycle auth keys -----------------------------------------// $DB->query("UPDATE users_info SET AuthKey =