public function draw() { $start = 3; foreach ($this->tabs as $i => $tab) { $attrs = NCURSES_A_UNDERLINE; ncurses_wmove($this->window, 0, $start); // ncurses_wvline($this->window, NCURSES_A_NORMAL, 1); if ($i === $this->active) { $attrs += NCURSES_A_REVERSE; } if ($tab->hasAlert()) { ncurses_wcolor_set($this->window, 0); } if ($attrs) { ncurses_wattron($this->window, $attrs); } $tabName = sprintf("[F%d] %s", $i + 1, $tab->name); ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->window, 0, $start + 1, $tabName); if ($attrs) { ncurses_wattroff($this->window, $attrs); } // ncurses_wvline($this->window, NCURSES_A_NORMAL, 1); $start += strlen($tabName) + 3; if ($i === $this->active) { $tab->draw(); ncurses_top_panel($tab->panel->panel); } } }
/** * Draw list items * * @param null $current * * @internal param int $select * @return void */ public function drawList($current = null) { $current = $this->current; // Current more than last visible item if ($current > $this->firstPos + $this->getMaxY() && count($this->items) > $current) { $this->firstPos = $current; } if ($this->getMaxY() > count($this->items)) { $lastPos = count($this->items); } else { $lastPos = $this->firstPos + $this->getMaxY(); } for ($i = $this->firstPos; $i < $lastPos; $i++) { $attrs = 0; $item = $this->items[$i]; if ($i === $current) { $attrs += NCURSES_A_REVERSE; } if (isset($item['bold']) && $item['bold']) { $attrs += NCURSES_A_BOLD; } if ($attrs) { ncurses_wattron($this->getWindow(), $attrs); } $title = str_pad($item['title'], $this->getMaxX() - 2, ' '); ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->getWindow(), $i + 1, 1, $title); if ($attrs) { ncurses_wattroff($this->getWindow(), $attrs); } } }
public function setTitle($title) { $this->border(); ncurses_wattron($this->getWindow(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->window, 0, 2, $title); ncurses_wattroff($this->getWindow(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE); }
public function title($text) { ncurses_wborder($this->resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_wattron($this->resource, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->resource, 0, 2, '[' . $text . ']'); ncurses_wattroff($this->resource, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function render() { foreach ($this->varList as $name => $var) { ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $this->printText("<<4>>{$name} ▸\n"); ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); } }
/** * Construct */ public function start() { ncurses_keypad($this->getWindow(), true); ncurses_noecho(); $this->setBorder(); ncurses_wattron($this->getWindow(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->getWindow(), 0, 1, $this->title); ncurses_wattroff($this->getWindow(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->getWindow(), 2, 2, $this->text); $this->processing(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function render() { foreach ($this->constants as $cat => $values) { // retrieve current position $x = null; $y = null; ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x); // category name ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $catText = $this->isElementExpanded($cat) ? "{$cat} ▾" : "{$cat} ▸"; $this->printText("<<4>>{$catText}\n"); ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $this->setExpandableElementPositionY($cat, $y); if (!$this->isElementExpanded($cat)) { continue; } // category constants if (!empty($values)) { $maxLength = 0; foreach ($values as $name => $value) { $maxLength = max($maxLength, strlen($name)); } foreach ($values as $name => $value) { $name = str_pad($name, $maxLength, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); switch (gettype($value)) { case "string": $value = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), array("\\n", "\\r", "\\t"), $value); break; case "bool": case "boolean": $value = $value ? "true" : "false"; $value = "<<2>>{$value}"; break; case "null": case "NULL": $value = "<<2>>null"; break; } $this->printText(" <<3>>{$name} : <<0>>{$value}\n"); } } else { // no constants $this->_firePhp->log("* empty *"); } } }
/** * Draws the menu on the workspace. * * @param int $workspace The workspace window handle for curses */ function draw($workspace) { $wh = $this->_wh; ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, NCC_FRAME); ncurses_wborder($wh, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, NCC_TITLE); ncurses_wattron($wh, NCURSES_A_BOLD); $left = floor(($this->_w - 2) / 2 - (strlen($this->_title) + 2) / 2); ncurses_mvwaddstr($wh, 0, $left, ' ' . $this->_title . ' '); ncurses_wattroff($wh, NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, NCC_TEXT); $i = $this->_scroll; $sm = count($this->_items) - ($this->_h - 2); if ($sm < 0) { $sm = 0; } for ($n = 0; $n < $this->_h - 2; $n++) { if ($n + $i < count($this->_items)) { $str = " " . $this->_itemsidx[$n + $i]; } else { $str = ""; } $str .= str_repeat(' ', $this->_w - 2 - strlen($str)); if ($n + $i == $this->_selected) { ncurses_wattron($wh, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } $str = substr($str, 0, $this->_w - 2); ncurses_mvwaddstr($wh, $n + 1, 1, $str); ncurses_wattroff($wh, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, NCC_MORE); if ($i > 0) { ncurses_wmove($wh, 1, $this->_w - 1); ncurses_waddch($wh, NCURSES_ACS_UARROW | NCURSES_A_BOLD); } if ($sm - $i > 0) { ncurses_wmove($wh, $this->_h - 2, $this->_w - 1); ncurses_waddch($wh, NCURSES_ACS_DARROW | NCURSES_A_BOLD); } ncurses_wrefresh($wh); ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, 0); ncurses_move(-1, 1); ncurses_refresh(); }
/** * */ function draw($workspace) { $wh = $this->_wh; ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, NCC_FRAME); ncurses_wborder($wh, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, NCC_TITLE); ncurses_wattron($wh, NCURSES_A_BOLD); $left = floor(($this->_w - 2) / 2 - (strlen($this->_title) + 2) / 2); ncurses_mvwaddstr($wh, 0, $left, ' ' . $this->_title . ' '); ncurses_wattroff($wh, NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, NCC_TEXT); for ($n = 0; $n < $this->_h - 2; $n++) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($wh, $n + 1, 1, str_repeat(" ", $this->_w - 2)); } ncurses_wrefresh($wh); ncurses_wcolor_set($wh, 0); ncurses_move(-1, 1); ncurses_refresh(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function render() { if (null === $this->dataProfilerManager || 0 == count($this->dataProfilerManager)) { return; } foreach ($this->dataProfilerManager as $idProfiler => $profiler) { // retrieve current position $x = null; $y = null; ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x); // print profiler name and total execution time for that profiler $totalTime = count($profiler) ? $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs() : 0; $totalTime = number_format($totalTime, 4, ".", " "); $title = $profiler->getDataSourceName() . " <<5>>(total execution time : {$totalTime} s)"; $symbol = $this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler) ? "▾" : "▸"; ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $this->printText("<<4>>{$title} <<4>>{$symbol}\n"); ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $this->setExpandableElementPositionY($idProfiler, $y); if (!$this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler)) { continue; } // print profiles if (count($profiler)) { foreach ($profiler as $i => $query) { $this->printText(" "); ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE); $i = str_pad($i, 6, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $this->printText("<<6>>#{$i}\n"); ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE); // print query $queryText = $profiler->getFormatter()->formatPlain($query->getQueryText()); $queryText = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $queryText); $queryText = str_replace("\t", " ", $queryText); $queryText = explode("\n", $queryText); foreach ($queryText as $queryLine) { $this->printText(" {$queryLine}\n"); } $this->printText(" \n"); // query params if ($query->getQueryParams()) { $maxLength = 0; foreach ($query->getQueryParams() as $paramName => $paramValue) { $maxLength = max($maxLength, strlen($paramName)); } foreach ($query->getQueryParams() as $paramName => $paramValue) { $paramType = "object" == gettype($paramValue) ? get_class($paramValue) : gettype($paramValue); switch ($paramType) { case "string": case "integer": case "long": case "float": case "double": // leave value as is break; case "bool": case "boolean": $paramValue = $paramValue ? "true" : "false"; break; case "null": case "NULL": case "array": default: $paramValue = ""; } $paramName = str_pad($paramName, $maxLength, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $this->printText(" <<5>>{$paramName} => <<2>>({$paramType}) <<5>>{$paramValue}\n"); } $this->printText(" \n"); } // query stats $startTime = $query->getStartMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime; $endTime = $query->getEndMicrotime() ? $query->getEndMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime : 0; $queryTime = $this->formatQueryTime($startTime, $endTime); $startMemory = $query->getStartMemoryUsage(true); $endMemory = $query->getEndMemoryUsage(true); $startPeakMemory = $query->getStartPeakMemoryUsage(true); $endPeakMemory = $query->getEndPeakMemoryUsage(true); $queryMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startMemory, $endMemory, "Memory usage"); $queryPeakMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startPeakMemory, $endPeakMemory, "Memory peak usage"); $queryStats = array("{$queryTime[0]} | {$queryMemory[0]} | {$queryPeakMemory[0]}", "{$queryTime[1]} | {$queryMemory[1]} | {$queryPeakMemory[1]}", "{$queryTime[2]} | {$queryMemory[2]} | {$queryPeakMemory[2]}", "{$queryTime[3]} |"); foreach ($queryStats as $statLine) { $this->printText(" {$statLine}\n"); } $this->printText(" \n"); } } } }
public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; ncurses_wattron($this->getWindow(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->getWindow(), 0, 2, ' ' . $title . ' '); ncurses_wattroff($this->getWindow(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $this->setChanged(true); }
/** * Write an individual buffer command to the screen * * Probably never needs to be called directly */ public function playBufferItem($item) { // Adjust offset $item['y'] -= $this->scrollTop; // Skip this item if it's offscreen if ($item['y'] < 1) { return $this; } if ($item['y'] >= $this->height - 1) { return $this; } $optionMapping = ['reverse' => NCURSES_A_REVERSE, 'bold' => NCURSES_A_BOLD]; foreach ($optionMapping as $option => $ncursesAttribute) { if (isset($item['options'][$option]) && $item['options'][$option]) { ncurses_wattron($this->window, $ncursesAttribute); } } ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->window, $item['y'], $item['x'], $item['str']); foreach ($optionMapping as $option => $ncursesAttribute) { if (isset($item['options'][$option]) && $item['options'][$option]) { ncurses_wattroff($this->window, $ncursesAttribute); } } return $this; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function render() { if (null === $this->profilerManager || 0 == count($this->profilerManager)) { return; } $this->profileParamsList = array(); foreach ($this->profilerManager as $idProfiler => $profiler) { // retrieve current position $x = null; $y = null; ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x); // print profiler name and total execution time for that profiler $totalTime = count($profiler) ? $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs() : 0; $totalTime = number_format($totalTime, 4, ".", " "); $title = $profiler->getProfilerName() . " <<5>>(total execution time : {$totalTime} s)"; $symbol = $this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler) ? "▾" : "▸"; ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $this->printText("<<4>>{$title} <<4>>{$symbol}\n"); ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD); $this->setExpandableElementPositionY($idProfiler, $y); if (!$this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler)) { continue; } // print profiles if (count($profiler)) { foreach ($profiler as $i => $profile) { $funcName = $profile->getCallingFunction(); $file = $profile->getCallingFile(); $line = $profile->getCallingLine(); $comment = $profile->getComment(); $this->printText(" "); ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE); $this->printText("<<6>>#{$i} {$funcName}\n"); ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE); // base infos $this->printText(" <<2>>Start file : <<0>>{$file}\n"); $this->printText(" <<2>>Start line : <<0>>{$line}\n"); if ($comment) { $this->printText(" <<2>>Comment : <<0>>{$comment}\n"); } $this->printText(" \n"); // args $x = null; $y = null; ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x); $this->printText(" <<4>>Params ▸\n"); $this->printText(" \n"); $this->profileParamsList[$y] = $profile->getParams(); // query stats $startTime = $profile->getStartMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime; $endTime = $profile->getEndMicrotime() ? $profile->getEndMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime : 0; $profileTime = $this->formatQueryTime($startTime, $endTime); $startMemory = $profile->getStartMemoryUsage(true); $endMemory = $profile->getEndMemoryUsage(true); $startPeakMemory = $profile->getStartPeakMemoryUsage(true); $endPeakMemory = $profile->getEndPeakMemoryUsage(true); $profileMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startMemory, $endMemory, "Memory usage"); $profilePeakMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startPeakMemory, $endPeakMemory, "Memory peak usage"); $profileStats = array("{$profileTime[0]} | {$profileMemory[0]} | {$profilePeakMemory[0]}", "{$profileTime[1]} | {$profileMemory[1]} | {$profilePeakMemory[1]}", "{$profileTime[2]} | {$profileMemory[2]} | {$profilePeakMemory[2]}", "{$profileTime[3]} |"); foreach ($profileStats as $statLine) { $this->printText(" {$statLine}\n"); } $this->printText(" \n"); // stack trace $stackTrace = $profile->getCallingTrace(); $num = count($stackTrace) - 1; $numLength = strlen($num); foreach ($stackTrace as $event) { $numString = str_pad($num, $numLength, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $this->printText(" <<0>>#{$numString} <<1>>{$event['func']}\n"); $this->printText(" <<2>>File :<<0>> {$event['file']}\n"); $this->printText(" <<2>>Line :<<0>> {$event['line']}\n"); $this->printText(" \n"); $num--; } } } } }
function _strokeAllMenuItems(&$win) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->menu_total; $i++) { if ($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 2); } // output Checkbox -- (optional) if ($this->mode == "checklist") { $sel = $this->menu_list[$i]['selected'] == true ? "û" : " "; ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x'], "[" . $sel . "]"); ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x'] + 4, ""); $desc_offset = 5; } else { ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x'], ""); $desc_offset = 2; } // output menu item label $len = strlen($this->menu_list[$i]['label']); for ($n = 0; $n < $len; $n++) { $char = substr($this->menu_list[$i]['label'], $n, 1); $ord = ord($char); if ($char == $this->menu_list[$i]['hot']) { if ($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 6); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 7); } ncurses_wattron($win, NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_waddch($win, $ord); ncurses_wattroff($win, NCURSES_A_BOLD); } else { if ($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 2); } ncurses_waddch($win, $ord); } } // output menu item description if ($this->menu_cursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 2); } ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menu_list[$i]['y'], $this->menu_list[$i]['x'] + $this->menu_label_width + $desc_offset, $this->menu_list[$i]['desc']); } }
/** * * * @param string $ps_source * @param string $ps_mapping * @param array $pa_options * user_id = user to execute import for * description = Text describing purpose of import to be logged. * showCLIProgressBar = Show command-line progress bar. Default is false. * format = Format of data being imported. MANDATORY * useNcurses = Use ncurses library to format output * logDirectory = path to directory where logs should be written * logLevel = KLogger constant for minimum log level to record. Default is KLogger::INFO. Constants are, in descending order of shrillness: * KLogger::EMERG = Emergency messages (system is unusable) * KLogger::ALERT = Alert messages (action must be taken immediately) * KLogger::CRIT = Critical conditions * KLogger::ERR = Error conditions * KLogger::WARN = Warnings * KLogger::NOTICE = Notices (normal but significant conditions) * KLogger::INFO = Informational messages * KLogger::DEBUG = Debugging messages * dryRun = do import but don't actually save data * environment = an array of environment values to provide to the import process. The keys manifest themselves as mappable tags. * forceImportForPrimaryKeys = list of primary key ids to force mapped source data into. The number of keys passed should equal or exceed the number of rows in the source data. [Default is empty] * transaction = transaction to perform import within. Will not be used if noTransaction option is set. [Default is to create a new transaction] * noTransaction = don't wrap the import in a transaction. [Default is false] */ public static function importDataFromSource($ps_source, $ps_mapping, $pa_options = null) { ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors = 0; ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed = 0; ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped = 0; ca_data_importers::$s_import_error_list = array(); $opa_app_plugin_manager = new ApplicationPluginManager(); $va_notices = $va_errors = array(); $pb_no_transaction = caGetOption('noTransaction', $pa_options, false, array('castTo' => 'bool')); $pa_force_import_for_primary_keys = caGetOption('forceImportForPrimaryKeys', $pa_options, null); if (!($t_mapping = ca_data_importers::mappingExists($ps_mapping))) { return null; } $o_event = ca_data_import_events::newEvent(isset($pa_options['user_id']) ? $pa_options['user_id'] : null, $pa_options['format'], $ps_source, isset($pa_options['description']) ? $pa_options['description'] : ''); $o_trans = null; if (!$pb_no_transaction) { if (!($o_trans = caGetOption('transaction', $pa_options, null))) { $o_trans = new Transaction(); } $t_mapping->setTransaction($o_trans); } $po_request = caGetOption('request', $pa_options, null); $pb_dry_run = caGetOption('dryRun', $pa_options, false); $pn_file_number = caGetOption('fileNumber', $pa_options, 0); $pn_number_of_files = caGetOption('numberOfFiles', $pa_options, 1); $o_config = Configuration::load(); if (!is_array($pa_options) || !isset($pa_options['logLevel']) || !$pa_options['logLevel']) { $pa_options['logLevel'] = KLogger::INFO; } if (!is_array($pa_options) || !isset($pa_options['logDirectory']) || !$pa_options['logDirectory'] || !file_exists($pa_options['logDirectory'])) { if (!($pa_options['logDirectory'] = $o_config->get('batch_metadata_import_log_directory'))) { $pa_options['logDirectory'] = "."; } } if (!is_writeable($pa_options['logDirectory'])) { $pa_options['logDirectory'] = caGetTempDirPath(); } $o_log = new KLogger($pa_options['logDirectory'], $pa_options['logLevel']); $vb_show_cli_progress_bar = isset($pa_options['showCLIProgressBar']) && $pa_options['showCLIProgressBar'] ? true : false; $o_progress = caGetOption('progressBar', $pa_options, new ProgressBar('WebUI')); if ($vb_show_cli_progress_bar) { $o_progress->setMode('CLI'); $o_progress->set('outputToTerminal', true); } if ($vb_use_ncurses = isset($pa_options['useNcurses']) && $pa_options['useNcurses'] ? true : false) { $vb_use_ncurses = caCLIUseNcurses(); } $vn_error_window_height = null; $vn_max_x = $vn_max_y = null; if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_init(); $r_screen = ncurses_newwin(0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_border(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_getmaxyx($r_screen, $vn_max_y, $vn_max_x); $vn_error_window_height = $vn_max_y - 8; $r_errors = ncurses_newwin($vn_error_window_height, $vn_max_x - 4, 4, 2); ncurses_wborder($r_errors, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_wattron($r_errors, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_errors, 0, 1, _t(" Recent errors ")); ncurses_wattroff($r_errors, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); $r_progress = ncurses_newwin(3, $vn_max_x - 4, $vn_max_y - 4, 2); ncurses_wborder($r_progress, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_wattron($r_progress, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_progress, 0, 1, _t(" Progress ")); ncurses_wattroff($r_progress, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); $r_status = ncurses_newwin(3, $vn_max_x - 4, 1, 2); ncurses_wborder($r_status, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_wattron($r_status, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_status, 0, 1, _t(" Import status ")); ncurses_wattroff($r_status, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_refresh(0); ncurses_wrefresh($r_progress); ncurses_wrefresh($r_errors); ncurses_wrefresh($r_status); } $o_log->logInfo(_t('Started import of %1 using mapping %2', $ps_source, $t_mapping->get("importer_code"))); $t = new Timer(); $vn_start_time = time(); $va_log_import_error_opts = array('startTime' => $vn_start_time, 'window' => $r_errors, 'log' => $o_log, 'request' => $po_request, 'progressCallback' => isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback']) ? $ps_callback : null, 'reportCallback' => isset($pa_options['reportCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['reportCallback']) ? $ps_callback : null); global $g_ui_locale_id; // constant locale set by index.php for web requests $vn_locale_id = isset($pa_options['locale_id']) && (int) $pa_options['locale_id'] ? (int) $pa_options['locale_id'] : $g_ui_locale_id; $o_dm = $t_mapping->getAppDatamodel(); $o_progress->start(_t('Reading %1', $ps_source), array('window' => $r_progress)); if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) { $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, 0, 100, _t('Reading %1', $ps_source), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), 0, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors); } // Open file $ps_format = isset($pa_options['format']) && $pa_options['format'] ? $pa_options['format'] : null; if (!($o_reader = $t_mapping->getDataReader($ps_source, $ps_format))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t("Could not open source %1 (format=%2)", $ps_source, $ps_format), $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } if (!$o_reader->read($ps_source, array('basePath' => $t_mapping->getSetting('basePath')))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t("Could not read source %1 (format=%2)", $ps_source, $ps_format), $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished reading input source at %1 seconds', $t->getTime(4))); $vn_num_items = $o_reader->numRows(); $o_progress->setTotal($vn_num_items); $o_progress->start(_t('Importing from %1', $ps_source), array('window' => $r_progress)); if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) { $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, 0, $vn_num_items, _t('Importing from %1', $ps_source), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), 0, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors); } // What are we importing? $vn_table_num = $t_mapping->get('table_num'); if (!($t_subject = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_table_num))) { // invalid table if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } $t_subject->setTransaction($o_trans); $vs_subject_table_name = $t_subject->tableName(); $t_label = $t_subject->getLabelTableInstance(); $t_label->setTransaction($o_trans); $vs_label_display_fld = $t_subject->getLabelDisplayField(); $vs_subject_table = $t_subject->tableName(); $vs_type_id_fld = $t_subject->getTypeFieldName(); $vs_idno_fld = $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD'); // get mapping rules $va_mapping_rules = $t_mapping->getRules(); // get mapping groups $va_mapping_groups = $t_mapping->getGroups(); $va_mapping_items = $t_mapping->getItems(); // // Mapping-level settings // $vs_type_mapping_setting = $t_mapping->getSetting('type'); $vn_num_initial_rows_to_skip = $t_mapping->getSetting('numInitialRowsToSkip'); if (!in_array($vs_import_error_policy = $t_mapping->getSetting('errorPolicy'), array('ignore', 'stop'))) { $vs_import_error_policy = 'ignore'; } if (!in_array($vs_existing_record_policy = $t_mapping->getSetting('existingRecordPolicy'), array('none', 'skip_on_idno', 'skip_on_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno', 'merge_on_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels', 'merge_on_idno_with_replace', 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'overwrite_on_idno', 'overwrite_on_preferred_labels', 'overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels'))) { $vs_existing_record_policy = 'none'; } // Analyze mapping for figure out where type, idno, preferred label and other mandatory fields are coming from $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_idno_mapping_item_id = null; $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids = array(); $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids = array(); $va_mandatory_fields = $t_subject->getMandatoryFields(); foreach ($va_mapping_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) { $vs_destination = $va_item['destination']; if (sizeof($va_dest_tmp = explode(".", $vs_destination)) >= 2) { if ($va_dest_tmp[0] == $vs_subject_table && $va_dest_tmp[1] == 'preferred_labels') { if (isset($va_dest_tmp[2])) { $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids[$vn_item_id] = $va_dest_tmp[2]; } else { $va_preferred_label_mapping_ids[$vn_item_id] = $vs_label_display_fld; } continue; } } switch ($vs_destination) { case 'representation_id': if ($vs_subject_table == 'ca_representation_annotations') { $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id; } break; case "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_type_id_fld}": $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id; break; case "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_idno_fld}": $vn_idno_mapping_item_id = $vn_item_id; break; } foreach ($va_mandatory_fields as $vs_mandatory_field) { if ($vs_mandatory_field == $vs_type_id_fld) { continue; } // type is handled separately if ($vs_destination == "{$vs_subject_table}.{$vs_mandatory_field}") { $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids[$vs_mandatory_field] = $vn_item_id; } } } $va_items_by_group = array(); foreach ($va_mapping_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) { $va_items_by_group[$va_item['group_id']][$va_item['item_id']] = $va_item; } $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished analyzing mapping at %1 seconds', $t->getTime(4))); // // Set up environment // $va_environment = caGetOption('environment', $pa_options, array(), array('castTo' => 'array')); if (is_array($va_environment_config = $t_mapping->getEnvironment())) { foreach ($va_environment_config as $vn_i => $va_environment_item) { $va_env_tmp = explode("|", $va_environment_item['value']); if (!($o_env_reader = $t_mapping->getDataReader($ps_source, $ps_format))) { break; } if (!$o_env_reader->read($ps_source, array('basePath' => ''))) { break; } $o_env_reader->nextRow(); switch (sizeof($va_env_tmp)) { case 1: $vs_env_value = $o_env_reader->get($va_environment_item['value'], array('returnAsArray' => false)); break; case 2: $vn_seek = (int) $va_env_tmp[0]; $o_reader->seek($vn_seek > 0 ? $vn_seek - 1 : $vn_seek); $o_env_reader->nextRow(); $vs_env_value = $o_env_reader->get($va_env_tmp[1], array('returnAsArray' => false)); $o_reader->seek(0); break; default: $vs_env_value = $va_environment_item['value']; break; } $va_environment[$va_environment_item['name']] = $vs_env_value; } } // // Run through rows // $vn_row = 0; ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed = 0; while ($o_reader->nextRow()) { $va_mandatory_field_values = array(); $vs_preferred_label_for_log = null; if ($vn_row < $vn_num_initial_rows_to_skip) { // skip over initial header rows $vn_row++; continue; } $vn_row++; $t->startTimer(); $o_log->logDebug(_t('Started reading row %1 at %2 seconds', $vn_row, $t->getTime(4))); $t_subject = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_table_num); if ($o_trans) { $t_subject->setTransaction($o_trans); } $t_subject->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); // Update status display if ($vb_use_ncurses && ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($r_status, 1, 2, _t("Items processed/skipped: %1/%2", ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . _t("Errors: %1 (%2)", ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors, sprintf("%3.1f", ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors / ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed * 100) . "%") . str_repeat(" ", 6) . _t("Mapping: %1", $ps_mapping) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . _t("Source: %1", $ps_source) . str_repeat(" ", 5) . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . str_repeat(" ", 5)); ncurses_refresh(0); ncurses_wrefresh($r_status); } // // Get data for current row // $va_row = array_merge($o_reader->getRow(), $va_environment); // // Apply rules // foreach ($va_mapping_rules as $va_rule) { if (!isset($va_rule['trigger']) || !$va_rule['trigger']) { continue; } if (!isset($va_rule['actions']) || !is_array($va_rule['actions']) || !sizeof($va_rule['actions'])) { continue; } $vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_rule['trigger'], $va_row); if (!ExpressionParser::hadError() && (bool) $vm_ret) { foreach ($va_rule['actions'] as $va_action) { if (!is_array($va_action) && strtolower($va_action) == 'skip') { $va_action = array('action' => 'skip'); } switch ($vs_action_code = strtolower($va_action['action'])) { case 'set': $va_row[$va_action['target']] = $va_action['value']; // TODO: transform value using mapping rules? break; case 'skip': default: if ($vs_action_code != 'skip') { $o_log->logInfo(_t('Row was skipped using rule "%1" with default action because an invalid action ("%2") was specified', $va_rule['trigger'], $vs_action_code)); } else { $o_log->logDebug(_t('Row was skipped using rule "%1" with action "%2"', $va_rule['trigger'], $vs_action_code)); } continue 4; break; } } } } // // Perform mapping and insert // // Get minimal info for imported row (type_id, idno, label) // Get type if ($vn_type_id_mapping_item_id) { // Type is specified in row $vs_type = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_type_id_mapping_item_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment)); } else { // Type is constant for all rows $vs_type = $vs_type_mapping_setting; } // Get idno $vs_idno = null; if ($vn_idno_mapping_item_id) { // idno is specified in row $vs_idno = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment)); if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default']) && !strlen($vs_idno)) { $vs_idno = $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['default']; } if (!is_array($vs_idno) && $vs_idno[0] == '^' && preg_match("!^\\^[^ ]+\$!", $vs_idno)) { // Parse placeholder when it's at the beginning of the value if (!is_null($vm_parsed_val = BaseRefinery::parsePlaceholder($vs_idno, $va_row, $va_item, null, array('reader' => $o_reader, 'returnAsString' => true)))) { $vs_idno = $vm_parsed_val; } } // Apply prefix/suffix *AFTER* setting default if ($vs_idno && isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix'])) { $vs_idno = $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['prefix'] . $vs_idno; } if ($vs_idno && isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix'])) { $vs_idno .= $va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['suffix']; } if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) { $vs_idno = caProcessTemplate($va_mapping_items[$vn_idno_mapping_item_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], $va_row); } } else { $vs_idno = "%"; } $vb_idno_is_template = (bool) preg_match('![%]+!', $vs_idno); // get preferred labels $va_pref_label_values = array(); foreach ($va_preferred_label_mapping_ids as $vn_preferred_label_mapping_id => $vs_preferred_label_mapping_fld) { $vs_label_val = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id], $o_reader, array('environment' => $va_environment)); // If a template is specified format the label value with it so merge-on-preferred_label doesn't fail if (isset($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) { $vs_label_val = caProcessTemplate($va_mapping_items[$vn_preferred_label_mapping_id]['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], $va_row); } $va_pref_label_values[$vs_preferred_label_mapping_fld] = $vs_label_val; } $vs_display_label = isset($va_pref_label_values[$vs_label_display_fld]) ? $va_pref_label_values[$vs_label_display_fld] : $vs_idno; // // Look for existing record? // if (is_array($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys) && sizeof($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys) > 0) { $vn_id = array_shift($pa_force_import_for_primary_keys); if (!$t_subject->load($vn_id)) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of forced primary key \'%1\' does not exist', $vn_id)); ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped++; continue; // skip because primary key does not exist } } elseif ($vs_existing_record_policy != 'none') { switch ($vs_existing_record_policy) { case 'skip_on_idno': if (!$vb_idno_is_template) { $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids'))); if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped++; continue 2; // skip because idno matched } } break; case 'skip_on_preferred_labels': $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids'))); if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped import because of existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped++; continue 2; // skip because label matched } break; case 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels': case 'merge_on_idno': case 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace': case 'merge_on_idno_with_replace': if (!$vb_idno_is_template) { $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids'))); if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) { $t_subject->load($va_ids[0]); $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Merged with existing record matched on identifer by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); break; } } if (in_array($vs_existing_record_policy, array('merge_on_idno', 'merge_on_idno_with_replace'))) { break; } // fall through if merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels // fall through if merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels case 'merge_on_preferred_labels': case 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace': $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids'))); if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) { $t_subject->load($va_ids[0]); $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Merged with existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); } break; case 'overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels': case 'overwrite_on_idno': if (!$vb_idno_is_template && $vs_idno) { $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, $t_subject->getProperty('ID_NUMBERING_ID_FIELD') => $vs_idno, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids'))); if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) { $t_subject->load($va_ids[0]); $t_subject->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => true)); if ($t_subject->numErrors()) { ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Could not delete existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); // Don't stop? } else { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Overwrote existing record matched on identifier by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); $t_subject->clear(); break; } } } if ($vs_existing_record_policy == 'overwrite_on_idno') { break; } // fall through if overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels // fall through if overwrite_on_idno_and_preferred_labels case 'overwrite_on_preferred_labels': $va_ids = call_user_func_array($t_subject->tableName() . "::find", array(array('type_id' => $vs_type, 'preferred_labels' => $va_pref_label_values, 'deleted' => 0), array('returnAs' => 'ids'))); if (is_array($va_ids) && sizeof($va_ids) > 0) { $t_subject->load($va_ids[0]); $t_subject->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => true)); if ($t_subject->numErrors()) { ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Could not delete existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); // Don't stop? } else { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Overwrote existing record matched on label by policy %2', $vs_idno, $vs_existing_record_policy)); break; } $t_subject->clear(); } break; } } $o_progress->next(_t("Importing %1", $vs_idno), array('window' => $r_progress)); if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) { $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, $vn_num_items, _t("[%3/%4] Processing %1 (%2)", caTruncateStringWithEllipsis($vs_display_label, 50), $vs_idno, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, $vn_num_items), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors); } $vb_output_subject_preferred_label = false; $va_content_tree = array(); foreach ($va_items_by_group as $vn_group_id => $va_items) { $va_group = $va_mapping_groups[$vn_group_id]; $vs_group_destination = $va_group['destination']; $va_group_tmp = explode(".", $vs_group_destination); if (sizeof($va_items) < 2 && sizeof($va_group_tmp) > 2) { array_pop($va_group_tmp); } $vs_target_table = $va_group_tmp[0]; if (!($t_target = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_target_table, true))) { // Invalid target table $o_log->logWarn(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because target %3 is invalid', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_target_table)); continue; } if ($o_trans) { $t_target->setTransaction($o_trans); } $va_group_buf = array(); foreach ($va_items as $vn_item_id => $va_item) { if ($vb_use_as_single_value = caGetOption('useAsSingleValue', $va_item['settings'], false)) { // Force repeating values to be imported as a single value $va_vals = array(ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_item, $o_reader, array('delimiter' => caGetOption('delimiter', $va_item['settings'], ''), 'returnAsArray' => false))); } else { $va_vals = ca_data_importers::getValueFromSource($va_item, $o_reader, array('returnAsArray' => true, 'environment' => $va_environment)); } if (!sizeof($va_vals)) { $va_vals = array(0 => null); } // consider missing values equivalent to blanks // Do value conversions foreach ($va_vals as $vn_i => $vm_val) { if (isset($va_item['settings']['default']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['default']) && !strlen($vm_val)) { $vm_val = $va_item['settings']['default']; } // Apply prefix/suffix *AFTER* setting default if ($vm_val && isset($va_item['settings']['prefix']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['prefix'])) { $vm_val = $va_item['settings']['prefix'] . $vm_val; } if ($vm_val && isset($va_item['settings']['suffix']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['suffix'])) { $vm_val .= $va_item['settings']['suffix']; } if (!is_array($vm_val) && $vm_val[0] == '^' && preg_match("!^\\^[^ ]+\$!", $vm_val)) { // Parse placeholder if (!is_null($vm_parsed_val = BaseRefinery::parsePlaceholder($vm_val, $va_row, $va_item, $vn_i, array('reader' => $o_reader, 'returnAsString' => true)))) { $vm_val = $vm_parsed_val; } } if (isset($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate']) && strlen($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate'])) { $vm_val = caProcessTemplate($va_item['settings']['formatWithTemplate'], array_replace($va_row, array((string) $va_item['source'] => ca_data_importers::replaceValue($vm_val, $va_item))), array('getFrom' => $o_reader)); } if (isset($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'])) { if (is_array($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'])) { foreach ($va_item['settings']['applyRegularExpressions'] as $vn_regex_index => $va_regex) { if (!strlen($va_regex['match'])) { continue; } $vm_val = preg_replace("!" . str_replace("!", "\\!", $va_regex['match']) . "!" . (isset($va_regex['caseSensitive']) && (bool) $va_regex['caseSensitive'] ? '' : 'i'), $va_regex['replaceWith'], $vm_val); } } } $va_vals[$vn_i] = $vm_val; if ($o_reader->valuesCanRepeat()) { $va_row[$va_item['source']][$vn_i] = $va_row[mb_strtolower($va_item['source'])][$vn_i] = $vm_val; } else { $va_row[$va_item['source']] = $va_row[mb_strtolower($va_item['source'])] = $vm_val; } } // Process each value $vn_c = -1; foreach ($va_vals as $vn_i => $vm_val) { $vn_c++; if (isset($va_item['settings']['convertNewlinesToHTML']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['convertNewlinesToHTML'] && is_string($vm_val)) { $vm_val = nl2br($vm_val); } // Get location in content tree for addition of new content $va_item_dest = explode(".", $va_item['destination']); $vs_item_terminal = $va_item_dest[sizeof($va_item_dest) - 1]; if (isset($va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes']) && !in_array($vs_type, $va_item['settings']['restrictToTypes'])) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because of type restriction', $vs_idno, $vn_row)); continue 4; } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 is empty', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id)); continue 4; } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfValue'])) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 matches value %5', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id)); continue 4; } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && !in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipRowIfNotValue'])) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped row %2 because value for %3 in group %4 is not in list of values', $vs_idno, $vn_row, $vs_item_terminal, $vn_group_id, $vm_val)); continue 4; } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 is empty', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal)); continue 3; } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']) && strlen(trim($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression']))) { if ($vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression'], $va_row)) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because expression %3 is true', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfExpression'])); continue 3; } } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfValue'])) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 matches value %4', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal, $vm_val)); continue 3; } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue']) && strlen($vm_val) && !in_array($vm_val, $va_item['settings']['skipGroupIfNotValue'])) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped group %2 because value for %3 matches is not in list of values', $vs_idno, $vn_group_id, $vs_item_terminal)); continue 3; } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']) && strlen(trim($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression']))) { if ($vm_ret = ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression'], $va_row)) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped mapping because expression %2 is true', $vs_idno, $va_item['settings']['skipIfExpression'])); continue 2; } } if (isset($va_item['settings']['skipIfEmpty']) && (bool) $va_item['settings']['skipIfEmpty'] && !strlen($vm_val)) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Skipped mapping because value for %2 is empty', $vs_idno, $vs_item_terminal)); continue 2; } if ($vn_type_id_mapping_item_id && $vn_item_id == $vn_type_id_mapping_item_id) { continue; } if ($vn_idno_mapping_item_id && $vn_item_id == $vn_idno_mapping_item_id) { continue; } if (is_null($vm_val)) { continue; } // Get mapping error policy $vb_item_error_policy_is_default = false; if (!isset($va_item['settings']['errorPolicy']) || !in_array($vs_item_error_policy = $va_item['settings']['errorPolicy'], array('ignore', 'stop'))) { $vs_item_error_policy = 'ignore'; $vb_item_error_policy_is_default = true; } // if (isset($va_item['settings']['relationshipType']) && strlen($vs_rel_type = $va_item['settings']['relationshipType']) && $vs_target_table != $vs_subject_table) { $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_relationship_type'] = $vs_rel_type; } // Is it a constant value? if (preg_match("!^_CONSTANT_:[\\d]+:(.*)!", $va_item['source'], $va_matches)) { $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $va_matches[1]; // Set it and go onto the next item if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) { $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val; } continue; } // Perform refinery call (if required) per value if (isset($va_item['settings']['refineries']) && is_array($va_item['settings']['refineries'])) { foreach ($va_item['settings']['refineries'] as $vs_refinery) { if (!$vs_refinery) { continue; } if ($o_refinery = RefineryManager::getRefineryInstance($vs_refinery)) { $va_refined_values = $o_refinery->refine($va_content_tree, $va_group, $va_item, $va_row, array('mapping' => $t_mapping, 'source' => $ps_source, 'subject' => $t_subject, 'locale_id' => $vn_locale_id, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'reader' => $o_reader, 'valueIndex' => $vn_i)); if (!$va_refined_values || is_array($va_refined_values) && !sizeof($va_refined_values)) { continue 2; } if ($o_refinery->returnsMultipleValues()) { foreach ($va_refined_values as $va_refined_value) { $va_refined_value['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy; if (!is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) { $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array(); } $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array_merge($va_group_buf[$vn_c], $va_refined_value); $vn_c++; } } else { $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy; $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $va_refined_values; $vn_c++; } if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) { $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val; } continue 2; } else { ca_data_importers::logImportError(_t('[%1] Invalid refinery %2 specified', $vs_idno, $vs_refinery)); } } } if ($vs_target_table == $vs_subject_table_name && ($vs_k = array_search($vn_item_id, $va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids)) !== false) { $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_k] = $vm_val; } $vn_max_length = !is_array($vm_val) && isset($va_item['settings']['maxLength']) && (int) $va_item['settings']['maxLength'] ? (int) $va_item['settings']['maxLength'] : null; if (isset($va_item['settings']['delimiter']) && $va_item['settings']['delimiter']) { if (!is_array($va_item['settings']['delimiter'])) { $va_item['settings']['delimiter'] = array($va_item['settings']['delimiter']); } if (sizeof($va_item['settings']['delimiter'])) { foreach ($va_item['settings']['delimiter'] as $vn_index => $vs_delim) { $va_item['settings']['delimiter'][$vn_index] = preg_quote($vs_delim, "!"); } $va_val_list = preg_split("!(" . join("|", $va_item['settings']['delimiter']) . ")!", $vm_val); // Add delimited values foreach ($va_val_list as $vs_list_val) { $vs_list_val = trim(ca_data_importers::replaceValue($vs_list_val, $va_item)); if ($vn_max_length && mb_strlen($vs_list_val) > $vn_max_length) { $vs_list_val = mb_substr($vs_list_val, 0, $vn_max_length); } $va_group_buf[$vn_c] = array($vs_item_terminal => $vs_list_val, '_errorPolicy' => $vs_item_error_policy); $vn_c++; } $vn_row++; continue; // Don't add "regular" value below } } if ($vn_max_length && mb_strlen($vm_val) > $vn_max_length) { $vm_val = mb_substr($vm_val, 0, $vn_max_length); } switch ($vs_item_terminal) { case 'preferred_labels': case 'nonpreferred_labels': if ($t_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_target_table, true)) { $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$t_instance->getLabelDisplayField()] = $vm_val; } if ($o_trans) { $t_instance->setTransaction($o_trans); } if (!$vb_item_error_policy_is_default || !isset($va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'])) { if (is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) { $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy; } } if ($vs_item_terminal == 'preferred_labels') { $vs_preferred_label_for_log = $vm_val; } break; default: $va_group_buf[$vn_c][$vs_item_terminal] = $vm_val; if (!$vb_item_error_policy_is_default || !isset($va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'])) { if (is_array($va_group_buf[$vn_c])) { $va_group_buf[$vn_c]['_errorPolicy'] = $vs_item_error_policy; } } break; } } // end foreach($va_vals as $vm_val) } foreach ($va_group_buf as $vn_group_index => $va_group_data) { $va_ptr =& $va_content_tree; foreach ($va_group_tmp as $vs_tmp) { if (!is_array($va_ptr[$vs_tmp])) { $va_ptr[$vs_tmp] = array(); } $va_ptr =& $va_ptr[$vs_tmp]; if ($vs_tmp == $vs_target_table) { // add numeric index after table to ensure repeat values don't overwrite each other $va_parent =& $va_ptr; $va_ptr[] = array(); $va_ptr =& $va_ptr[sizeof($va_ptr) - 1]; } } $va_ptr = $va_group_data; } } // // Process out self-relationships // if (is_array($va_content_tree[$vs_subject_table])) { $va_self_related_content = array(); foreach ($va_content_tree[$vs_subject_table] as $vn_i => $va_element_data) { if (isset($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])) { $va_self_related_content[] = $va_element_data; unset($va_content_tree[$vs_subject_table][$vn_i]); } } if (sizeof($va_self_related_content) > 0) { $va_content_tree["related.{$vs_subject_table}"] = $va_self_related_content; } } $vn_row++; $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished building content tree for %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4))); $o_log->logDebug(_t("Content tree is\n%1", print_R($va_content_tree, true))); // // Process data in subject record // //print_r($va_content_tree); //die("END\n\n"); //continue; $opa_app_plugin_manager->hookDataImportContentTree(array('mapping' => $t_mapping, 'content_tree' => &$va_content_tree, 'idno' => &$vs_idno, 'transaction' => &$o_trans, 'log' => &$o_log, 'reader' => $o_reader, 'environment' => $va_environment, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row)); //print_r($va_content_tree); //die("done\n"); if (!sizeof($va_content_tree) && !str_replace("%", "", $vs_idno)) { continue; } if (!$t_subject->getPrimaryKey()) { $o_event->beginItem($vn_row, $t_subject->tableNum(), 'I'); $t_subject->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); $t_subject->set($vs_type_id_fld, $vs_type); if ($vb_idno_is_template) { $t_subject->setIdnoWithTemplate($vs_idno); } else { $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_idno, array('assumeIdnoForRepresentationID' => true, 'assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true)); // assumeIdnoStubForLotID forces ca_objects.lot_id values to always be considered as a potential idno_stub first, before use as a ca_objects.lot_id } // Look for parent_id in the content tree $vs_parent_id_fld = $t_subject->getProperty('HIERARCHY_PARENT_ID_FLD'); foreach ($va_content_tree as $vs_table_name => $va_content) { if ($vs_table_name == $vs_subject_table) { foreach ($va_content as $va_element_data) { foreach ($va_element_data as $vs_element => $va_element_content) { switch ($vs_element) { case $vs_parent_id_fld: if ($va_element_content[$vs_parent_id_fld]) { $t_subject->set($vs_parent_id_fld, $va_element_content[$vs_parent_id_fld], array('treatParentIDAsIdno' => true)); } break; } } } } } foreach ($va_mandatory_field_mapping_ids as $vs_mandatory_field => $vn_mandatory_mapping_item_id) { $t_subject->set($vs_mandatory_field, $va_mandatory_field_values[$vs_mandatory_field], array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true)); } $t_subject->insert(); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not insert new record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } continue; } $o_log->logDebug(_t('Created idno %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4))); } else { $o_event->beginItem($vn_row, $t_subject->tableNum(), 'U'); // update $t_subject->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); if ($vb_idno_is_template) { $t_subject->setIdnoWithTemplate($vs_idno); } else { $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_idno, array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true)); // assumeIdnoStubForLotID forces ca_objects.lot_id values to always be considered as a potential idno_stub first, before use as a ca_objects.lot_di } $t_subject->update(); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not update matched record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } continue; } $t_subject->clearErrors(); if (sizeof($va_preferred_label_mapping_ids) && $t_subject->getPreferredLabelCount() > 0) { $t_subject->removeAllLabels(__CA_LABEL_TYPE_PREFERRED__); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could not update remove preferred labels from matched record"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); return false; } } } $o_log->logDebug(_t('Updated idno %1 at %2 seconds', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4))); } if ($vs_idno_fld && ($o_idno = $t_subject->getIDNoPlugInInstance())) { $va_values = $o_idno->htmlFormValuesAsArray($vs_idno_fld, $t_subject->get($vs_idno_fld)); if (!is_array($va_values)) { $va_values = array($va_values); } if (($vs_proc_idno = join($o_idno->getSeparator(), $va_values)) && $vs_proc_idno != $vs_idno) { $t_subject->set($vs_idno_fld, $vs_proc_idno); $t_subject->update(); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("Could update idno"), array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } continue; } } } $va_elements_set_for_this_record = array(); foreach ($va_content_tree as $vs_table_name => $va_content) { if ($vs_table_name == $vs_subject_table) { foreach ($va_content as $vn_i => $va_element_data) { foreach ($va_element_data as $vs_element => $va_element_content) { if (is_array($va_element_content)) { $vs_item_error_policy = $va_element_content['_errorPolicy']; unset($va_element_content['_errorPolicy']); } else { $vs_item_error_policy = null; } $t_subject->clearErrors(); $t_subject->setMode(ACCESS_WRITE); switch ($vs_element) { case 'preferred_labels': $t_subject->addLabel($va_element_content, $vn_locale_id, isset($va_element_content['type_id']) ? $va_element_content['type_id'] : null, true); if ($t_subject->numErrors() == 0) { $vb_output_subject_preferred_label = true; } if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add preferred label to %2. Record was deleted because no preferred label could be applied: ", $vs_idno, $t_subject->tableName()), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); $t_subject->delete(true, array('hard' => false)); if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy %1', $vs_import_error_policy)); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } continue 5; } break; case 'nonpreferred_labels': $t_subject->addLabel($va_element_content, $vn_locale_id, isset($va_element_content['type_id']) ? $va_element_content['type_id'] : null, false); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add non-preferred label to %2:", $vs_idno, $t_subject->tableName()), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } break; default: if ($t_subject->hasField($vs_element)) { $t_subject->set($vs_element, $va_element_content[$vs_element], array('assumeIdnoStubForLotID' => true)); $t_subject->update(); break; } if ($vs_subject_table == 'ca_representation_annotations' && $vs_element == 'properties') { foreach ($va_element_content as $vs_prop => $vs_prop_val) { $t_subject->setPropertyValue($vs_prop, $vs_prop_val); } break; } if (is_array($va_element_content)) { $va_element_content['locale_id'] = $vn_locale_id; } if (!isset($va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element]) && !$va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element] && in_array($vs_existing_record_policy, array('merge_on_idno_with_replace', 'merge_on_preferred_labels_with_replace', 'merge_on_idno_and_preferred_labels_with_replace'))) { $t_subject->removeAttributes($vs_element, array('force' => true)); } $va_elements_set_for_this_record[$vs_element] = true; $t_subject->addAttribute($va_element_content, $vs_element, null, array('showRepeatCountErrors' => true, 'alwaysTreatValueAsIdno' => true)); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Failed to add value for %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, $vs_element, ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } $t_subject->update(); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Invalid %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, $vs_element, ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } break; } } } } else { // related $vs_table_name = preg_replace('!^related\\.!', '', $vs_table_name); foreach ($va_content as $vn_i => $va_element_data) { $va_match_on = caGetOption('_matchOn', $va_element_data, null); $vb_dont_create = caGetOption('_dontCreate', $va_element_data, null); $va_data_for_rel_table = $va_element_data; $va_nonpreferred_labels = isset($va_data_for_rel_table['nonpreferred_labels']) ? $va_data_for_rel_table['nonpreferred_labels'] : null; unset($va_data_for_rel_table['preferred_labels']); unset($va_data_for_rel_table['_relationship_type']); unset($va_data_for_rel_table['_type']); unset($va_data_for_rel_table['_parent_id']); unset($va_data_for_rel_table['_errorPolicy']); unset($va_data_for_rel_table['_matchOn']); $va_data_for_rel_table = array_merge($va_data_for_rel_table, ca_data_importers::_extractIntrinsicValues($va_data_for_rel_table, $vs_table_name)); $t_subject->clearErrors(); switch ($vs_table_name) { case 'ca_objects': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_object_lots': $vs_idno_stub = null; if (is_array($va_element_data['idno_stub'])) { $vs_idno_stub = isset($va_element_data['idno_stub']['idno_stub']) ? $va_element_data['idno_stub']['idno_stub'] : ''; } else { $vs_idno_stub = isset($va_element_data['idno_stub']) ? $va_element_data['idno_stub'] : ''; } if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectLotID($vs_idno_stub, $va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno_stub']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object lot with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_entities': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getEntityID($va_element_data['preferred_labels'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related entity with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_places': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getPlaceID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related place with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_collections': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getCollectionID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, $vs_rel_type, null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related collection with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, $vs_rel_type), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_occurrences': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getOccurrenceID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, $vs_rel_type, null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related occurrence with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, $vs_rel_type), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_storage_locations': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getStorageLocationID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_parent_id'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related storage location with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_list_items': $va_data_for_rel_table['is_enabled'] = 1; $va_data_for_rel_table['preferred_labels'] = $va_element_data['preferred_labels']; if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getListItemID($va_element_data['_list'], $va_element_data['idno'] ? $va_element_data['idno'] : null, $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related list item with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_object_representations': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getObjectRepresentationID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels, 'matchMediaFilesWithoutExtension' => true))) { $t_subject->linkRepresentation($vn_rel_id, null, null, null, null, array('type_id' => trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), 'is_primary' => true)); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related object representation with:", $vs_idno), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } // // if (($vs_subject_table_name == 'ca_objects') && $va_element_data['media']['media']) { // unset($va_data_for_rel_table['media']); // // foreach($va_data_for_rel_table as $vs_key => $vm_val) { // // Attributes, including intrinsics are in two-level format, eg. idno is $va_attributes['idno']['idno'] // // but addRepresentations() expects intrinsics to be single level (eg. $va_attributes['idno']) so // // we do some rewriting here // if (is_array($vm_val) && isset($vm_val[$vs_key])) { // $va_data_for_rel_table[$vs_key] = $vm_val[$vs_key]; // } // } // // if (!($t_subject->addRepresentation($va_element_data['media']['media'], isset($va_element_data['_type']) ? $va_element_data['_type'] : caGetDefaultItemID('object_representation_types'), $vn_locale_id, 0, 0, true, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on)))) { // $vs_error = join("; ", $t_subject->getErrors()); // ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); // if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { // $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); // if($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } // if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } // return false; // } // } // } break; case 'ca_loans': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getLoanID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related loan with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; case 'ca_movements': if ($vn_rel_id = DataMigrationUtils::getMovementID($va_element_data['preferred_labels']['name'], $va_element_data['_type'], $vn_locale_id, $va_data_for_rel_table, array('dontCreate' => $vb_dont_create, 'matchOn' => $va_match_on, 'log' => $o_log, 'transaction' => $o_trans, 'importEvent' => $o_event, 'importEventSource' => $vn_row, 'nonPreferredLabels' => $va_nonpreferred_labels))) { if (!($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['_relationship_type']) && !($vs_rel_type = $va_element_data['idno']['_relationship_type'])) { break; } $t_subject->addRelationship($vs_table_name, $vn_rel_id, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type']), null, null, null, null, array('interstitialValues' => $va_element_data['_interstitial'])); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related movement with relationship %2:", $vs_idno, trim($va_element_data['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } break; } if (is_array($va_element_data['_related_related']) && sizeof($va_element_data['_related_related'])) { foreach ($va_element_data['_related_related'] as $vs_rel_rel_table => $va_rel_rels) { foreach ($va_rel_rels as $vn_i => $va_rel_rel) { if (!($t_rel_instance = $o_dm->getInstanceByTableName($vs_table_name))) { $o_log->logWarn(_t("[%1] Could not instantiate related table %2", $vs_idno, $vs_table_name)); continue; } if ($o_trans) { $t_rel_instance->setTransaction($o_trans); } if ($t_rel_instance->load($vn_rel_id)) { if ($t_rel_rel = $t_rel_instance->addRelationship($vs_rel_rel_table, $va_rel_rel['id'], $va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])) { $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Related %2 (%3) to related %4 with relationship %5', $vs_idno, $o_dm->getTableProperty($vs_rel_rel_table, 'NAME_SINGULAR'), $va_rel_rel['id'], $t_rel_instance->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR'), trim($va_rel_rel['_relationship_type']))); } else { if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add related %2 (%3) to related %4 with relationship %5:", $vs_idno, $o_dm->getTableProperty($vs_rel_rel_table, 'NAME_SINGULAR'), $va_rel_rel['id'], $t_rel_instance->getProperty('NAME_SINGULAR'), trim($va_rel_rel['_relationship_type'])), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); } } } } } } } } } // $t_subject->update(); // // if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Invalid %2; values were %3: ", $vs_idno, 'attributes', ca_data_importers::formatValuesForLog($va_element_content)), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { // ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); // if ($vs_item_error_policy == 'stop') { // $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to mapping error policy')); // if($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } // // $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); // // if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } // return false; // } // } // $o_log->logDebug(_t('Finished inserting content tree for %1 at %2 seconds into database', $vs_idno, $t->getTime(4))); if (!$vb_output_subject_preferred_label && $t_subject->getPreferredLabelCount() == 0) { $t_subject->addLabel(array($vs_label_display_fld => '???'), $vn_locale_id, null, true); if ($vs_error = DataMigrationUtils::postError($t_subject, _t("[%1] Could not add default label", $vs_idno), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ERROR__, array('dontOutputLevel' => true, 'dontPrint' => true))) { ca_data_importers::logImportError($vs_error, $va_log_import_error_opts); if ($vs_import_error_policy == 'stop') { $o_log->logAlert(_t('Import stopped due to import error policy')); if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_FAILURE__, _t('Failed to import %1', $vs_idno)); if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } return false; } } } $o_log->logInfo(_t('[%1] Imported %2 as %3 ', $vs_idno, $vs_preferred_label_for_log, $vs_subject_table_name)); $o_event->endItem($t_subject->getPrimaryKey(), __CA_DATA_IMPORT_ITEM_SUCCESS__, _t('Imported %1', $vs_idno)); ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed++; } $o_log->logInfo(_t('Import of %1 completed using mapping %2: %3 imported/%4 skipped/%5 errors', $ps_source, $t_mapping->get('importer_code'), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_skipped, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors)); //if ($vb_show_cli_progress_bar) { $o_progress->finish(); //} if ($po_request && isset($pa_options['progressCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['progressCallback'])) { $ps_callback($po_request, $pn_file_number, $pn_number_of_files, $ps_source, $vn_num_items, $vn_num_items, _t('Import completed'), time() - $vn_start_time, memory_get_usage(true), ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed, ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors); } if (isset($pa_options['reportCallback']) && ($ps_callback = $pa_options['reportCallback'])) { $va_general = array('elapsedTime' => time() - $vn_start_time, 'numErrors' => ca_data_importers::$s_num_import_errors, 'numProcessed' => ca_data_importers::$s_num_records_processed); $ps_callback($po_request, $va_general, ca_data_importers::$s_import_error_list, true); } if ($vb_use_ncurses) { ncurses_end(); } if ($pb_dry_run) { if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->rollback(); } $o_log->logInfo(_t('Rollback successful import run in "dry run" mode')); } else { if ($o_trans) { $o_trans->commit(); } } return true; }
/** * Prints a text to the pad * @param string $text text to print * @param int $color [optional] text color. One of the VarDumpNcurses::COLOR_* constants. Defaults to VarDumpNcurses::COLOR_DEFAULT. * @return int number of characters printed */ protected function printRawText($text, $color = VarDumpNcurses::COLOR_DEFAULT) { if ($this->disablePrint) { return; } // if the line being printed is the one pointed by the cursor, highlight it if ($this->posY == $this->highlightedPositionY && $this->cursorHighlight) { $color += 10; } // verify if the color must be bolded $bold = false; if (in_array($color, $this->boldColorList)) { ncurses_wattron($this->pad, NCURSES_A_BOLD); $bold = true; } // print the text line by line // each line is checked for its visibility // we save the current Y position to be able to restore it $lines = explode("\n", $text); $nLines = count($lines); $posY = $this->posY; foreach ($lines as $k => $line) { if ($this->isBeingPrintedOutside(1)) { // the line is outside of the viewport // we increment the current Y position and skip drawing it $this->posY++; continue; } elseif ($k !== $nLines - 1) { // re-add the newline character for each line but the last $line .= "\n"; } ncurses_wcolor_set($this->pad, $color); ncurses_waddstr($this->pad, $line); $this->posY++; } $this->posY = $posY; // unbold if ($bold) { ncurses_wattroff($this->pad, NCURSES_A_BOLD); } return strlen($text); }
function dlg_input($params = array()) { ############################################################################################### $title = isset($params['title']) ? $params['title'] : NULL; $max_length = isset($params['max_len']) ? (int) $params['max_len'] : 10; $dlg_rows = isset($params['dlg_cols']) ? (int) $params['dlg_cols'] : 3; $dlg_cols = isset($params['dlg_cols']) ? (int) $params['dlg_cols'] : 40; $parent_cols = isset($params['cols']) ? (int) $params['cols'] : NULL; $parent_rows = isset($params['rows']) ? (int) $params['rows'] : NULL; $dlg_x = (int) (($parent_cols - $dlg_cols) / 2); if ($dlg_x < 0) { $dlg_x = 0; } $dlg_y = (int) (($parent_rows - $dlg_rows) / 2); if ($dlg_y < 0) { $dlg_y = 0; } if ($max_length <= 0 || $dlg_rows <= 0 || $dlg_cols <= 0) { trigger_error('wrong params'); return NULL; } $dlg_window = ncurses_newwin($dlg_rows, $dlg_cols, $dlg_y, $dlg_x); if (empty($dlg_window)) { return NULL; } ncurses_wborder($dlg_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if ($title) { ncurses_wattron($dlg_window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($dlg_window, 0, 2, ' ' . $title . ' '); ncurses_wattroff($dlg_window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } ncurses_curs_set(1); ncurses_wmove($dlg_window, 2, 2); ncurses_wrefresh($dlg_window); $do_getch = 1; $input_val = ''; $input_char = ''; $input_len = 0; $cursor_x = 2; $cursor_y = 1; ncurses_wmove($dlg_window, $cursor_y, $cursor_x); ncurses_noecho(); ncurses_keypad($dlg_window, TRUE); while ($do_getch) { $key_code = ncurses_wgetch($dlg_window); if ($key_code == XCURSES_KEY_CR || $key_code == XCURSES_KEY_LF) { $do_getch = 0; } elseif ($key_code == NCURSES_KEY_BACKSPACE) { if ($input_len > 0) { $input_len--; $input_val = substr($input_val, 0, $input_len); $cursor_x--; ncurses_mvwaddstr($dlg_window, $cursor_y, $cursor_x, ' '); ncurses_wmove($dlg_window, $cursor_y, $cursor_x); } } elseif ($key_code < XCURSES_KEY_PRINTABLE_MIN || $key_code > XCURSES_KEY_PRINTABLE_MAX) { continue; } elseif ($input_len < $max_length) { $input_val .= $input_char = chr($key_code); $input_len++; $cursor_x++; ncurses_waddstr($dlg_window, $input_char); } } ncurses_delwin($dlg_window); return $input_val; }
/** * Displays all Menu Items (or Checklist) to screen * @param $win */ protected function strokeAllMenuItems(&$win) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->menuTotal; $i++) { if ($this->menuCursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 2); } // output Checkbox -- (optional) if ($this instanceof NcursesChecklist) { // for checklist type menus $sel = $this->menuList[$i]['selected'] == true ? 'X' : ' '; ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menuList[$i]['y'], $this->menuList[$i]['x'], '[' . $sel . ']'); ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menuList[$i]['y'], $this->menuList[$i]['x'] + 4, ''); $desc_offset = 5; } else { ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menuList[$i]['y'], $this->menuList[$i]['x'], ''); $desc_offset = 2; } // output menu item label $len = strlen($this->menuList[$i]['label']); for ($n = 0; $n < $len; $n++) { $char = substr($this->menuList[$i]['label'], $n, 1); $ord = ord($char); if ($char == $this->menuList[$i]['hot']) { // highlight char that is the hotkey //SET HOTKEY COLOR ON SELECTED ITEM if ($this->menuCursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 7); } ncurses_wattron($win, NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_waddch($win, $ord); ncurses_wattroff($win, NCURSES_A_BOLD); } else { if ($this->menuCursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 2); } ncurses_waddch($win, $ord); } } // output menu item description if ($this->menuCursor == $i) { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 5); } else { ncurses_wcolor_set($win, 2); } ncurses_mvwaddstr($win, $this->menuList[$i]['y'], $this->menuList[$i]['x'] + $this->menuLabelWidth + $desc_offset, $this->menuList[$i]['desc']); } }
ncurses_attroff(NCURSES_A_REVERSE); // create a lower window which is dynamically sized... $lower_frame_window = ncurses_newwin(10, $columns - 3, $lines - 11, 1); ncurses_wborder($lower_frame_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // border it $lower_main_window = ncurses_newwin(8, $columns - 5, $lines - 10, 2); $main_list_window = ncurses_newwin($lines - 12, $columns - 3, 1, 1); ncurses_wborder($main_list_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // border it if ($currently_selected == "") { $currently_selected = 0; } for ($a = 0; $a < count($tr_return); $a++) { $out = $tr_return[$a]; if ($currently_selected == intval($a)) { ncurses_wattron($main_list_window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($main_list_window, 1 + $a, 1, $out); ncurses_wattroff($main_list_window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } else { ncurses_mvwaddstr($main_list_window, 1 + $a, 1, $out); } } if ($y == ENTER_KEY) { $newout = explode(" ", $check_me); $rwhois_return = rwhois(trim($newout[3])); $a = 0; while (list($key, $val) = each($rwhois_return)) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($lower_main_window, 1 + $a, 1, $key . " - " . $val); $a++; } } elseif ($y == ESCAPE_KEY) {
Managing senior programmers is like herding cats (Dave Platt) EOT; $lines = explode("\n", $quotes); $n_lines = count($lines); $window_width = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_lines; $i++) { $window_width = max($window_width, strlen($lines[$i])); } $window_width += 4; $x_coords = array(10, 14, 18); $y_coords = array(10, 12, 8); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $windows[$i] = ncurses_newwin(4 + $n_lines, $window_width, $y_coords[$i], $x_coords[$i]); ncurses_wborder($windows[$i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ncurses_wattron($windows[$i], NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($windows[$i], 0, 2, ' window #' . $i . ' '); ncurses_wattroff($windows[$i], NCURSES_A_REVERSE); for ($j = 0; $j < $n_lines; $j++) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($windows[$i], 2 + $j, 2, $lines[$j]); } ncurses_wrefresh($windows[$i]); $panels[$i] = ncurses_new_panel($windows[$i]); } ncurses_update_panels(); ncurses_curs_set(0); ncurses_noecho(); $i = 0; $k = NULL; while (XCURSES_KEY_ESC != $k) { $k = ncurses_getch();
function ncurses_show_text($title, $text, $question, $keys = TRUE) { // prepare text $textH = count($text); $textW = 1; $textLEN = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $textH; $i++) { $textLEN[$i] = strlen($text[$i]); if ($textLEN[$i] > $textW) { $textW = $textLEN[$i]; } } // create text pad (invisible window) $textWIN = ncurses_newpad($textH, $textW); // fill it with text for ($i = 0; $i < $textH; $i++) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($textWIN, $i, 0, $text[$i]); } // prepare question $questionH = count($question); $questionLastW = strlen($question[$questionH - 1]); // initialize... $posX = $posY = 0; $screenH = $screenW = 0; // loop around... while (1) { // get actual screen size $oldH = $screenH; $oldW = $screenW; ncurses_getmaxyx(STDSCR, $screenH, $screenW); // something changed? if ($screenH != $oldH || $screenW != $oldW) { if ($oldH > 0) { ncurses_delwin($upperWIN); ncurses_delwin($lowerWIN); } ncurses_erase(); ncurses_refresh(STDSCR); $upperWIN = ncurses_newwin($screenH - (2 + $questionH), $screenW, 0, 0); $lowerWIN = ncurses_newwin(2 + $questionH, $screenW, $screenH - (2 + $questionH), 0); $upperH = $screenH - (4 + $questionH); $upperW = $screenW - 2; $copyH = $upperH > $textH ? $textH : $upperH; $copyW = $upperW > $textW ? $textW : $upperW; // border lower window ncurses_wborder($lowerWIN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // print text in lower window for ($i = 0; $i < $questionH; $i++) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($lowerWIN, $i + 1, 1, $question[$i]); } } // check and fix positions if ($posY < 0 || $upperH >= $textH) { $posY = 0; } else { if ($upperH + $posY > $textH) { $posY = $textH - $upperH; } } if ($posX < 0 || $upperW >= $textW) { $posX = 0; } else { if ($upperW + $posX > $textW) { $posX = $textW - $upperW; } } // border upper window ncurses_wborder($upperWIN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // draw title and info line ncurses_wattron($upperWIN, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, 0, 2, ' ' . $title . ' '); if ($upperH < $textH) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $upperH + 1, 2, ' line ' . ($posY + 1) . '-' . ($posY + $copyH) . '/' . $textH . ' '); } ncurses_wattroff($upperWIN, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); // draw < and > at left/right side when horizontal scrolling is nesseccary if ($upperW < $textW) { for ($i = 0; $i < $copyH; $i++) { if ($textLEN[$i + $posY] > $copyW + $posX) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $i + 1, $screenW - 1, '>'); } if ($posX > 0 && $textLEN[$i + $posY] > 0) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $i + 1, 0, '<'); } } } // draw upper window ncurses_wrefresh($upperWIN); // copy a part of the text (pad) to the screen ncurses_prefresh($textWIN, $posY, $posX, 1, 1, $upperH, $upperW); // move cursor to end of last line of question ncurses_wmove($lowerWIN, $questionH, $questionLastW + 1); // draw lower window ncurses_wrefresh($lowerWIN); // get a character and do... $char = ncurses_getch(); if (is_array($keys) && array_search($char, $keys) !== FALSE) { break; } else { if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_UP) { $posY--; } else { if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_DOWN) { $posY++; } else { if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_LEFT) { $posX--; } else { if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT) { $posX++; } else { if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_PPAGE) { $posY -= $copyH - 1; } else { if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_NPAGE) { $posY += $copyH - 1; } else { if ($char == 362) { // HOME $posX = 0; } else { if ($char == 385) { // END $posX = 99999; } else { if ($char == 410 || $char == -1) { // these "characters" are pressed on resizing } else { if ($keys === TRUE) { break; } } } } } } } } } } } } //end loop // free all resources ncurses_delwin($textWIN); ncurses_delwin($upperWIN); ncurses_delwin($lowerWIN); // return the pressed character return $char; }
function menu_select($params) { ################################################################################################### if (!is_array($params) || empty($params)) { trigger_error('wrong params'); return NULL; } $menu = isset($params['items']) ? $params['items'] : NULL; $rows = isset($params['rows']) ? (int) $params['rows'] : 0; $cols = isset($params['cols']) ? (int) $params['cols'] : 0; $selected = isset($params['selected']) ? (int) $params['selected'] : 0; $centered = empty($params['centered']) ? 0 : 1; $y_menu = isset($params['y']) ? (int) $params['y'] : 0; $x_menu = isset($params['x']) ? (int) $params['x'] : 0; if (!is_array($menu) || empty($menu) || $rows <= 0 || $cols <= 0 || $y_menu < 0 || $x_menu < 0) { trigger_error('wrong params'); return NULL; } $keys = array_keys($menu); $values = array(); $current = 0; $width = 0; $height = count($menu) + 2; foreach ($menu as $value) { $width = max($width, strlen($value)); } $i = 0; foreach ($menu as $k => $v) { $values[$i] = ' ' . $v . str_repeat(' ', 1 + $width - strlen($v)); if ($k == $selected) { $current = $i; } $i++; } $width += 4; if ($centered) { $y_menu = $rows - $height >> 1; $x_menu = $cols - $width >> 1; } $window = ncurses_newwin($height, $width, $y_menu, $x_menu); if (empty($window)) { trigger_error('unable to create window'); return NULL; } ncurses_wborder($window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for ($a = 0; $a < count($values); $a++) { if ($a == $current) { ncurses_wattron($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, 1 + $a, 1, $values[$a]); if ($a == $current) { ncurses_wattroff($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } } ncurses_wrefresh($window); ncurses_keypad($window, TRUE); ncurses_curs_set(0); do { $key = ncurses_wgetch($window); $move = 0; switch ($key) { case NCURSES_KEY_UP: if ($current > 0) { $move = -1; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_DOWN: if ($current < count($values) - 1) { $move = 1; } break; case XCURSES_KEY_LF: case XCURSES_KEY_CR: $result = $keys[$current]; break; case XCURSES_KEY_ESC: ncurses_flushinp(); $result = ''; break; } if ($move) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, 1 + $current, 1, $values[$current]); $current += $move; ncurses_wattron($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, 1 + $current, 1, $values[$current]); ncurses_wattroff($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wrefresh($window); } } while (!isset($result)); ncurses_delwin($window); return $result; }
/** * Prints a text to the pad * @param string $text text to print * @param int $color [optional] text color. One of the VarDumpNcurses::COLOR_* constants. Defaults to VarDumpNcurses::COLOR_DEFAULT. * @return int number of characters printed */ protected function printRawText($text, $color = VarDumpNcurses::COLOR_DEFAULT) { if ($this->internalWriteEnabled) { return $this->printRawTextInternal($text); } // verify if the color must be bolded $bold = false; if (in_array($color, $this->boldColorList)) { ncurses_wattron($this->pad, NCURSES_A_BOLD); $bold = true; } // print the text ncurses_wcolor_set($this->pad, $color); ncurses_waddstr($this->pad, $text); // unbold if ($bold) { ncurses_wattroff($this->pad, NCURSES_A_BOLD); } return strlen($text); }
/** * Draws a string at current position * @param string $string String * @param integer $attributes Ncurses attributes (eg. NCURSES_A_REVERSE) * @see for available attributes (WA_LOW => NCURSES_A_LOW) * @return Window This object */ public function drawStringHere($string, $attributes = 0) { ncurses_wattron($this->windowResource, $attributes); ncurses_waddstr($this->windowResource, $string); ncurses_wattroff($this->windowResource, $attributes); return $this; }
/** * Refresh the footer window */ protected function refreshFooter() { $length = 1; $labels = array("F1" => "Help", "F2" => "Var dump", "F3" => "Stack trace", "Q" => "Quit"); if (null === $this->rendererStackTrace) { unset($labels["F3"]); } ncurses_werase($this->windowFooter); // write an empty space ncurses_wattron($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wcolor_set($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_COLOR_CYAN); ncurses_waddstr($this->windowFooter, " "); ncurses_wattroff($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); // write key/labels foreach ($labels as $key => $label) { ncurses_wcolor_set($this->windowFooter, 0); ncurses_waddstr($this->windowFooter, $key); ncurses_wattron($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wcolor_set($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_COLOR_CYAN); ncurses_waddstr($this->windowFooter, "{$label} "); ncurses_wattroff($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); $length += strlen($key); $length += strlen($label); $length += 1; } // fill the line $fillStr = str_repeat(" ", $this->windowFooterWidth - $length); ncurses_wattron($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wcolor_set($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_COLOR_CYAN); ncurses_waddstr($this->windowFooter, $fillStr); ncurses_wattroff($this->windowFooter, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wrefresh($this->windowFooter); }
function menu_check_list($params) { ############################################################################################### if (!is_array($params) || empty($params)) { trigger_error('wrong_params'); return NULL; } $menu = isset($params['items']) ? $params['items'] : NULL; $rows = isset($params['rows']) ? (int) $params['rows'] : 0; $cols = isset($params['cols']) ? (int) $params['cols'] : 0; $centered = empty($params['centered']) ? 0 : 1; $y_menu = isset($params['y']) ? (int) $params['y'] : 0; $x_menu = isset($params['x']) ? (int) $params['x'] : 0; if (!is_array($menu) || empty($menu) || $rows <= 0 || $cols <= 0 || $y_menu < 0 || $x_menu < 0) { trigger_error('wrong params'); return NULL; } $keys = array_keys($menu); $n_menu = count($keys); $items = array(); $checked = array(); $current = 0; $width = 0; $height = $n_menu + 2; $i = 0; $k = NULL; $i_checked = NULL; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_menu; $i++) { $k = $keys[$i]; $i_checked = isset($menu[$k][1]) && $menu[$k][1] == 1 ? 1 : 0; $items[$i] = ' [' . ($i_checked ? '*' : ' ') . '] ' . $menu[$k][0]; $width = max($width, strlen($items[$i])); $checked[$i] = $i_checked; } for ($i = 0; $i < $n_menu; $i++) { $items[$i] = $items[$i] . str_repeat(' ', 2 + $width - strlen($items[$i])); } $width += 4; if ($centered) { $r = $rows - $height >> 1; $c = $cols - $width >> 1; } $window = ncurses_newwin($height, $width, $r, $c); if (empty($window)) { trigger_error('unable to create window'); return NULL; } ncurses_wborder($window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $n_items = count($items); for ($i = 0; $i < $n_items; $i++) { if ($i == $current) { ncurses_wattron($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, 1 + $i, 1, $items[$i]); if ($i == $current) { ncurses_wattroff($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } } ncurses_wrefresh($window); ncurses_keypad($window, TRUE); ncurses_noecho(); ncurses_curs_set(0); $do_loop = 1; $save_result = 0; while ($do_loop) { $key = ncurses_wgetch($window); $move = 0; switch ($key) { case NCURSES_KEY_UP: if ($current > 0) { $move = -1; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_DOWN: if ($current < $n_menu - 1) { $move = 1; } break; case XCURSES_KEY_LF: case XCURSES_KEY_CR: $do_loop = 0; $save_result = 1; break; case XCURSES_KEY_SPACE: if ($checked[$current]) { $checked[$current] = 0; $items[$current] = ' [ ] ' . substr($items[$current], 5); } else { $checked[$current] = 1; $items[$current] = ' [*] ' . substr($items[$current], 5); } ncurses_wattron($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, 1 + $current, 1, $items[$current]); ncurses_wattroff($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wrefresh($window); break; case XCURSES_KEY_ESC: ncurses_flushinp(); $do_loop = 0; break; } if ($move) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, 1 + $current, 1, $items[$current]); $current += $move; ncurses_wattron($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, 1 + $current, 1, $items[$current]); ncurses_wattroff($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wrefresh($window); } } ncurses_delwin($window); $result = NULL; if ($save_result) { for ($i = 0; $i < $n_menu; $i++) { $result[$keys[$i]] = $checked[$i]; } } return $result; }
function dialog($params) { ############################################################################################### if (empty($params) || !is_array($params)) { trigger_error('params must be non-empty array'); return NULL; } $message = isset($params['message']) ? $params['message'] : ''; $buttons = !empty($params['buttons']) && is_array($params['buttons']) ? $params['buttons'] : array('OK'); $n_buttons = count($buttons); for ($i = 0; $i < $n_buttons; $i++) { $buttons[$i] = ' ' . $buttons[$i] . ' '; } $parent_rows = isset($params['rows']) && $params['rows'] > 0 ? (int) $params['rows'] : 25; $parent_cols = isset($params['cols']) && $params['cols'] > 0 ? (int) $params['cols'] : 80; if (empty($message) || empty($buttons) || $parent_rows <= 0 || $parent_cols <= 0) { trigger_error('wrong params'); return NULL; } $message_lines = split("\n", $message); $message_width = 0; $n_message_lines = count($message_lines); for ($i = 0; $i < $n_message_lines; $i++) { $message_width = max(strlen($message_lines[$i]), $message_width); } $buttons_delim = ' '; $buttons_delim_len = strlen($buttons_delim); $buttons_len = strlen(implode($buttons_delim, $buttons)); $width = 4 + max($buttons_len + 2 * $buttons_delim_len, $message_width); $height = 4 + $n_message_lines; $dlg_y = $parent_rows > $height ? $parent_rows - $height >> 1 : 1; $dlg_x = $parent_cols > $width ? $parent_cols - $width >> 1 : 1; $window = ncurses_newwin($height, $width, $dlg_y, $dlg_x); if (empty($window)) { trigger_error('unable to create window'); return NULL; } ncurses_wborder($window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $i_x = 0; $i_y = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_message_lines; $i++) { $i_y = 1 + $i; $i_x = 1 + ($width - 2 - strlen($message_lines[$i]) >> 1); ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, $i_y, $i_x, rtrim($message_lines[$i])); } $buttons_data = array(); $buttons_shift_x = 1 + ($width - 1 - $buttons_len >> 1); $buttons_shift_y = 2 + $n_message_lines; $i_title = ''; $i_x = $buttons_shift_x; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_buttons; $i++) { $i_title = $buttons[$i]; $buttons_data[] = array('x' => $i_x, 's' => $i_title); if (0 == $i) { ncurses_wattron($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, $buttons_shift_y, $i_x, $i_title); if (0 == $i) { ncurses_wattroff($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); } $i_x += strlen($i_title) + $buttons_delim_len; } ncurses_wrefresh($window); ncurses_keypad($window, TRUE); ncurses_curs_set(0); ncurses_noecho(); $result = -1; $do_loop = 1; $move = 0; $current = 0; while ($do_loop) { $key = ncurses_wgetch($window); $move = 0; switch ($key) { case NCURSES_KEY_LEFT: if ($current > 0) { $move = -1; } break; case NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT: if ($current < $n_buttons - 1) { $move = 1; } break; case XCURSES_KEY_LF: case XCURSES_KEY_CR: $result = $current; $do_loop = 0; break; case XCURSES_KEY_ESC: $do_loop = 0; break; } if (0 == $do_loop) { ncurses_flushinp(); } elseif ($move) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, $buttons_shift_y, $buttons_data[$current]['x'], $buttons_data[$current]['s']); $current += $move; ncurses_wattron($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_mvwaddstr($window, $buttons_shift_y, $buttons_data[$current]['x'], $buttons_data[$current]['s']); ncurses_wattroff($window, NCURSES_A_REVERSE); ncurses_wrefresh($window); } } ncurses_delwin($window); return $result; }
ncurses_mvwaddstr($bl, $ligne, 24, sprintf("%15s", "Ouverte")); ncurses_wattroff($bl, NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 0); } $ligne++; } $result = pg_query($db, "select count(*) as nb_sonde, sum(case when date_trunc('minute', last_update) = (select date_trunc('minute', max(last_update)) from onewire) then 1 else 0 end ) as nb_sonde_ok, sum(case when date_trunc('minute', last_update) != (select date_trunc('minute', max(last_update)) from onewire) then 1 else 0 end ) as nb_sonde_ko, date_trunc('minute', max(last_update)) as last_update, case when (select date_trunc('minute', max(last_update)) from onewire) < current_timestamp - interval '1 min' then 1 else 0 end as alerte, current_timestamp - interval '1 min' from onewire;") or die('Erreur SQL sur recuperation des valeurs: ' . pg_error()); $maj = pg_fetch_array($result); if ($maj['nb_sonde_ok'] == $maj['nb_sonde']) { ncurses_mvwaddstr($bl, 13, 2, "Maj : "); ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 2); ncurses_mvwaddstr($bl, 13, 8, $maj['last_update'] . " " . $maj['nb_sonde_ok'] . "/" . $maj['nb_sonde'] . " sondes"); ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 0); } else { ncurses_mvwaddstr($bl, 13, 2, "Maj : "); ncurses_wattron($bl, NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 1); ncurses_mvwaddstr($bl, 13, 8, $maj['last_update'] . " " . $maj['nb_sonde_ok'] . "/" . $maj['nb_sonde'] . " sondes"); ncurses_wattroff($bl, NCURSES_A_BOLD); ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 0); } // nb_sonde | nb_sonde_ok | nb_sonde_ko | last_update | alerte | ?column? //----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+--------+------------------------------- // 35 | 35 | 0 | 2013-04-29 23:10:02 | 0 | 2013-04-29 21:11:27.299489+00 /* $tmp=9; ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 1); ncurses_mvwaddstr($bl, $tmp, 2, "RED"); ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 2); ncurses_mvwaddstr($bl, $tmp, 6, "GREEN"); ncurses_wcolor_set($bl, 3);