Example #1
  * Writes a message to the output.
  * @param string $message A message to write to the output
  * @param bool $newline Whether to add a newline or not
 protected function doWrite($message, $newline)
     //$message = "lol";
     $message = strip_tags($message);
     //ncurses_waddstr($this->window, $message, count($message));
     if ($newline) {
         ncurses_getyx(STDSCR, $curx, $cury);
         ncurses_move($cury + 1, 0);
         // ncurses_addchnstr("\n", 1);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function render()
     foreach ($this->constants as $cat => $values) {
         // retrieve current position
         $x = null;
         $y = null;
         ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x);
         // category name
         ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD);
         $catText = $this->isElementExpanded($cat) ? "{$cat} ▾" : "{$cat} ▸";
         ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD);
         $this->setExpandableElementPositionY($cat, $y);
         if (!$this->isElementExpanded($cat)) {
         // category constants
         if (!empty($values)) {
             $maxLength = 0;
             foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
                 $maxLength = max($maxLength, strlen($name));
             foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
                 $name = str_pad($name, $maxLength, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                 switch (gettype($value)) {
                     case "string":
                         $value = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), array("\\n", "\\r", "\\t"), $value);
                     case "bool":
                     case "boolean":
                         $value = $value ? "true" : "false";
                         $value = "<<2>>{$value}";
                     case "null":
                     case "NULL":
                         $value = "<<2>>null";
                 $this->printText("    <<3>>{$name} : <<0>>{$value}\n");
         } else {
             // no constants
             $this->_firePhp->log("* empty *");
Example #3
 public function handleKey()
     ncurses_getyx(STDSCR, $cury, $curx);
     // Read one character
     $c = ncurses_getch();
     if ($c == NCURSES_KEY_RETURN) {
         $in = trim($this->getInput());
         // Split input to command and arguments
         $command = explode(' ', $in, 2);
         $command[0] = strtolower($command[0]);
         // Empty command - user just pressed enter
         if (strlen($command[0]) == 0) {
         // Command has been given, so:
         // Add to history, clear the prompt, disable scrollback
         array_push($this->history, $in);
         $this->historyScrollback = -1;
         // Add to output so we can see what we are doing
         $this->addOutput('> ' . $in);
         // Command not found
         if (!array_key_exists($command[0], $this->commands)) {
             $this->addOutput('Unknown command: ' . $command[0]);
         // Run the command
         $this->commands[$command[0]]($this, $command[1]);
     } else {
         if ($c == NCURSES_KEY_LEFT) {
             // Move the cursor left
             ncurses_move($cury, $curx - 1);
         } else {
             if ($c == NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT) {
                 // Move the cursor right
                 ncurses_move($cury, $curx + 1);
             } else {
                 if ($c == NCURSES_KEY_UP) {
                     // If the user is not browsing history, start with the last element + 1
                     if ($this->historyScrollback == -1) {
                         // There is no history - we can't open it
                         if (count($this->history) == 0) {
                         $this->historyScrollback = count($this->history);
                     // Move to a previous element
                     // The user scrolled beyond the list - move to the first item
                     if ($this->historyScrollback < 0) {
                         $this->historyScrollback = 0;
                 } else {
                     if ($c == NCURSES_KEY_DOWN) {
                         // User is not browsing the history - we can't go lower
                         if ($this->historyScrollback == -1) {
                         // Disable scrollback when the user went outside the list
                         if ($this->historyScrollback >= count($this->history)) {
                             $this->historyScrollback = -1;
                     } else {
                         if ($c == NCURSES_KEY_BACKSPACE) {
                             // Remove one character to the left of the cursor
                             ncurses_mvdelch($cury, $curx - 1);
                         } else {
                             if ($c == NCURSES_KEY_DC) {
                                 // Remove one character at the cursor
                             } else {
                                 if (ctype_print($c)) {
                                     // Just print out an ordinary character
                                     ncurses_move($cury, $curx + 1);
 public function log($msg, $color = self::CLR_DEFAULT)
     ncurses_getmaxyx($this->windows['log'], $y, $x);
     ncurses_getyx($this->windows['log'], $cy, $cx);
     // cursor xy
     if ($cy > $y - 3) {
         ncurses_wborder($this->windows['log'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
         $cy = 0;
     $msg = mb_substr($msg, 0, $x - 2);
     $color and ncurses_wcolor_set($this->windows['log'], $color);
     ncurses_mvwaddstr($this->windows['log'], $cy + 1, 1, $msg);
     $color and ncurses_wcolor_set($this->windows['log'], self::CLR_DEFAULT);
     // никак скроллить не выходит
     #ncurses_insdelln (1);
     #ncurses_scrl (-2); // вообще 0 реакции
     #ncurses_insertln ();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function render()
     if (null === $this->profilerManager || 0 == count($this->profilerManager)) {
     $this->profileParamsList = array();
     foreach ($this->profilerManager as $idProfiler => $profiler) {
         // retrieve current position
         $x = null;
         $y = null;
         ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x);
         // print profiler name and total execution time for that profiler
         $totalTime = count($profiler) ? $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs() : 0;
         $totalTime = number_format($totalTime, 4, ".", " ");
         $title = $profiler->getProfilerName() . " <<5>>(total execution time : {$totalTime} s)";
         $symbol = $this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler) ? "▾" : "▸";
         ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD);
         $this->printText("<<4>>{$title} <<4>>{$symbol}\n");
         ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD);
         $this->setExpandableElementPositionY($idProfiler, $y);
         if (!$this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler)) {
         // print profiles
         if (count($profiler)) {
             foreach ($profiler as $i => $profile) {
                 $funcName = $profile->getCallingFunction();
                 $file = $profile->getCallingFile();
                 $line = $profile->getCallingLine();
                 $comment = $profile->getComment();
                 $this->printText("    ");
                 ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
                 $this->printText("<<6>>#{$i} {$funcName}\n");
                 ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
                 // base infos
                 $this->printText("        <<2>>Start file : <<0>>{$file}\n");
                 $this->printText("        <<2>>Start line : <<0>>{$line}\n");
                 if ($comment) {
                     $this->printText("        <<2>>Comment    : <<0>>{$comment}\n");
                 $this->printText(" \n");
                 // args
                 $x = null;
                 $y = null;
                 ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x);
                 $this->printText("        <<4>>Params ▸\n");
                 $this->printText(" \n");
                 $this->profileParamsList[$y] = $profile->getParams();
                 // query stats
                 $startTime = $profile->getStartMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime;
                 $endTime = $profile->getEndMicrotime() ? $profile->getEndMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime : 0;
                 $profileTime = $this->formatQueryTime($startTime, $endTime);
                 $startMemory = $profile->getStartMemoryUsage(true);
                 $endMemory = $profile->getEndMemoryUsage(true);
                 $startPeakMemory = $profile->getStartPeakMemoryUsage(true);
                 $endPeakMemory = $profile->getEndPeakMemoryUsage(true);
                 $profileMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startMemory, $endMemory, "Memory usage");
                 $profilePeakMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startPeakMemory, $endPeakMemory, "Memory peak usage");
                 $profileStats = array("{$profileTime[0]} | {$profileMemory[0]} | {$profilePeakMemory[0]}", "{$profileTime[1]} | {$profileMemory[1]} | {$profilePeakMemory[1]}", "{$profileTime[2]} | {$profileMemory[2]} | {$profilePeakMemory[2]}", "{$profileTime[3]} |");
                 foreach ($profileStats as $statLine) {
                     $this->printText("        {$statLine}\n");
                 $this->printText(" \n");
                 // stack trace
                 $stackTrace = $profile->getCallingTrace();
                 $num = count($stackTrace) - 1;
                 $numLength = strlen($num);
                 foreach ($stackTrace as $event) {
                     $numString = str_pad($num, $numLength, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                     $this->printText("        <<0>>#{$numString} <<1>>{$event['func']}\n");
                     $this->printText("            <<2>>File :<<0>> {$event['file']}\n");
                     $this->printText("            <<2>>Line :<<0>> {$event['line']}\n");
                     $this->printText(" \n");
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function render()
     if (null === $this->dataProfilerManager || 0 == count($this->dataProfilerManager)) {
     foreach ($this->dataProfilerManager as $idProfiler => $profiler) {
         // retrieve current position
         $x = null;
         $y = null;
         ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x);
         // print profiler name and total execution time for that profiler
         $totalTime = count($profiler) ? $profiler->getTotalElapsedSecs() : 0;
         $totalTime = number_format($totalTime, 4, ".", " ");
         $title = $profiler->getDataSourceName() . " <<5>>(total execution time : {$totalTime} s)";
         $symbol = $this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler) ? "▾" : "▸";
         ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD);
         $this->printText("<<4>>{$title} <<4>>{$symbol}\n");
         ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_BOLD);
         $this->setExpandableElementPositionY($idProfiler, $y);
         if (!$this->isElementExpanded($idProfiler)) {
         // print profiles
         if (count($profiler)) {
             foreach ($profiler as $i => $query) {
                 $this->printText("    ");
                 ncurses_wattron($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
                 $i = str_pad($i, 6, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                 ncurses_wattroff($this->getPadResource(), NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
                 // print query
                 $queryText = $profiler->getFormatter()->formatPlain($query->getQueryText());
                 $queryText = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $queryText);
                 $queryText = str_replace("\t", "    ", $queryText);
                 $queryText = explode("\n", $queryText);
                 foreach ($queryText as $queryLine) {
                     $this->printText("        {$queryLine}\n");
                 $this->printText(" \n");
                 // query params
                 if ($query->getQueryParams()) {
                     $maxLength = 0;
                     foreach ($query->getQueryParams() as $paramName => $paramValue) {
                         $maxLength = max($maxLength, strlen($paramName));
                     foreach ($query->getQueryParams() as $paramName => $paramValue) {
                         $paramType = "object" == gettype($paramValue) ? get_class($paramValue) : gettype($paramValue);
                         switch ($paramType) {
                             case "string":
                             case "integer":
                             case "long":
                             case "float":
                             case "double":
                                 // leave value as is
                             case "bool":
                             case "boolean":
                                 $paramValue = $paramValue ? "true" : "false";
                             case "null":
                             case "NULL":
                             case "array":
                                 $paramValue = "";
                         $paramName = str_pad($paramName, $maxLength, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
                         $this->printText("        <<5>>{$paramName} => <<2>>({$paramType}) <<5>>{$paramValue}\n");
                     $this->printText(" \n");
                 // query stats
                 $startTime = $query->getStartMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime;
                 $endTime = $query->getEndMicrotime() ? $query->getEndMicrotime() - $this->startMicrotime : 0;
                 $queryTime = $this->formatQueryTime($startTime, $endTime);
                 $startMemory = $query->getStartMemoryUsage(true);
                 $endMemory = $query->getEndMemoryUsage(true);
                 $startPeakMemory = $query->getStartPeakMemoryUsage(true);
                 $endPeakMemory = $query->getEndPeakMemoryUsage(true);
                 $queryMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startMemory, $endMemory, "Memory usage");
                 $queryPeakMemory = $this->formatQueryMemory($startPeakMemory, $endPeakMemory, "Memory peak usage");
                 $queryStats = array("{$queryTime[0]} | {$queryMemory[0]} | {$queryPeakMemory[0]}", "{$queryTime[1]} | {$queryMemory[1]} | {$queryPeakMemory[1]}", "{$queryTime[2]} | {$queryMemory[2]} | {$queryPeakMemory[2]}", "{$queryTime[3]} |");
                 foreach ($queryStats as $statLine) {
                     $this->printText("        {$statLine}\n");
                 $this->printText(" \n");
Example #7
  * Move the cursor's position on the screen.
  * @param int $x The cursors' position on the x axis.
  * @param int $y The cursor's position on the y axis.
  * @return void
 public function move($x, $y)
     ncurses_move($x, $y);
     ncurses_getyx(STDSCR, $this->y, $this->x);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function printRawText($text, $color = ExceptionRendererNcurses::COLOR_DEFAULT)
     // if the current position is pointed by the cursor, change the text color to display a white background
     $x = null;
     $y = null;
     ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x);
     if ($y == $this->cursorPositionY) {
         $color += 10;
     // print text
     parent::printRawText($text, $color);
     // calculate max Y position
     ncurses_getyx($this->getPadResource(), $y, $x);
     if ("\n" == substr($text, -1)) {
         $y -= 1;
     $this->maxY = max($this->maxY, $y);