function nc_widgetclass_import($import) { global $db, $nc_core; $file = file_get_contents($import['tmp_name']); $xml = new SimpleXmlElement($file, LIBXML_NOCDATA); $widgetclass = array(); $widgetclass['Name'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->Name; $widgetclass['Keyword'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->Keyword; $widgetclass['Description'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->Description; $widgetclass['Category'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->Category; $widgetclass['InDevelop'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->InDevelop; $widgetclass['Template'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->Template; $widgetclass['Settings'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->Settings; $widgetclass['AddForm'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->AddForm; $widgetclass['EditForm'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->EditForm; $widgetclass['WidgetDisallow'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->WidgetDisallow; $widgetclass['Update'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->Update; $widgetclass['File_Mode'] = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->File_Mode; if ($xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->File_Mode) { $_REQUEST['fs'] = 1; } if (!$nc_core->NC_UNICODE) { $widgetclass = $nc_core->utf8->array_utf2win($widgetclass); } $id = $nc_core->widget->add_widgetclass($widgetclass, 1); if (!empty($xml->fields->field)) { $query = "INSERT INTO `Field` (`Field_Name`, `Description`, `Format`, `NotNull`, `Priority`, `DoSearch`, `DefaultState`, `Inheritance`, `Widget_Class_ID`, `TypeOfEdit_ID`, `TypeOfData_ID`) VALUES "; foreach ($xml->fields->field as $field) { $query_arr[] = "('" . (string) $field->Field_Name . "', '" . (string) $field->Description . "', '" . (string) $field->Format . "', " . (string) $field->NotNull . ", " . (string) $field->Priority . ", " . (string) $field->DoSearch . ", '" . (string) $field->DefaultState . "', " . (string) $field->Inheritance . ", " . $id . ", " . (string) $field->TypeOfEdit_ID . ", " . (string) $field->attributes()->type_of_data_id . ")"; } $query .= implode(',', $query_arr); if (!$nc_core->NC_UNICODE) { $query = $nc_core->utf8->utf2win($query); } $db->query($query); } $tar = (string) $xml->tar_data; $ID = (string) $xml->widgetclasses->widgetclass->ID; if (isset($tar)) { include_once $nc_core->DOCUMENT_ROOT . $nc_core->ADMIN_PATH . ""; $tar_name = $nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . 'widget_import_' . $ID . '_temp.tgz'; file_put_contents($tar_name, base64_decode(trim($tar))); nc_tgz_extract($tar_name, $nc_core->TMP_FOLDER); if (is_writable($nc_core->WIDGET_TEMPLATE_FOLDER . $id)) { if ($handle = opendir($nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $ID)) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { rename($nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $ID . '/' . $entry, $nc_core->WIDGET_TEMPLATE_FOLDER . $id . '/' . $entry); } } closedir($handle); } @rmdir($nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $ID); } else { return false; } unlink($tar_name); } return $id; }
public function tar_extract($file) { require_once nc_core('ADMIN_FOLDER') . ''; $archive_path = trim(str_replace(nc_core('DOCUMENT_ROOT'), '', $file), '/'); $tmp_path = dirname($archive_path) . '/' . uniqid(); $abs_tmp_path = nc_core('DOCUMENT_ROOT') . '/' . $tmp_path; mkdir($abs_tmp_path); nc_tgz_extract($archive_path, $tmp_path); $files = scandir($abs_tmp_path); if (count($files) == 3) { $result_path = nc_core('DOCUMENT_ROOT') . '/' . dirname($archive_path) . '/' . $files[2] . '-' . uniqid(); $this->move_files($abs_tmp_path . '/' . $files[2], $result_path); remove_dir($abs_tmp_path); } else { $result_path = $abs_tmp_path; } unlink($file); return $result_path; }
protected function import_file() { require_once $this->nc_core->ADMIN_FOLDER . ''; $file_nodes = $this->xpath->query("files/file"); foreach ($file_nodes as $node) { $path = $node->getAttribute('path'); $file = $node->getAttribute('file'); $type = $node->getAttribute('type'); $raw = base64_decode($node->nodeValue); $new_path = $this->before_extract($path, $file); $new_path = $new_path ? $new_path : $path; $full_path = $this->nc_core->DOCUMENT_ROOT . $new_path; $archive_name = md5(uniqid()); $archive_file = $this->nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $archive_name . '.tgz'; file_put_contents($archive_file, $raw); nc_tgz_extract($archive_file, $this->nc_core->TMP_FOLDER); unlink($archive_file); $this->result['import_file'] = $this->move_files($this->nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $file, $full_path); if (file_exists($this->nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $file)) { remove_dir($this->nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $file); } $this->after_extract($path, $file); } }
function ReadBackUP($backupfile, $images, $netcat_files, $sqldump, $modules, $dump, $netcat_template) { global $HTTP_TEMPLATE_PATH, $DOCUMENT_ROOT, $SUB_FOLDER, $HTTP_FILES_PATH, $HTTP_ROOT_PATH, $HTTP_IMAGES_PATH, $TMP_FOLDER; if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_ROOT_PATH . "tmp/", $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { return $err = "."; } $err = 0; if (!$dump) { if ($err = decompressDumpTGZ1($backupfile)) { return $err; } } else { if ($err = decompressDumpTGZ2($backupfile)) { return $err; } } //Unpack images if ($images) { if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_IMAGES_PATH, $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { return $err = "."; } if (!nc_tgz_extract($TMP_FOLDER . "images.tgz", $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $SUB_FOLDER)) { $err = "Error while images extracting"; } } //Unpack netcat_files if ($netcat_files) { if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_FILES_PATH, $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { return $err = "."; } if (!nc_tgz_extract($TMP_FOLDER . "netcat_files.tgz", $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $SUB_FOLDER)) { $err = "Error while netcat_files extracting"; } } if ($netcat_template) { if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_TEMPLATE_PATH, $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { return $err = "."; } if (!nc_tgz_extract($TMP_FOLDER . "netcat_template.tgz", $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $SUB_FOLDER)) { $err = "Error while netcat_template extracting"; } } //Restore MySQL dump if ($sqldump) { if (!SQLFromFile($TMP_FOLDER . "netcat.sql")) { $err = "Error while MySQL dump extracting"; } } //Unpack modules if ($modules) { if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_ROOT_PATH . "modules/", $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { return $err = "."; } if (!nc_tgz_extract($TMP_FOLDER . "modules.tgz", $DOCUMENT_ROOT . $SUB_FOLDER)) { $err = "Error while modules extracting"; } } DeleteFilesInDirectory($TMP_FOLDER); return $err; }
break; } $patch_file_data = nc_activation_get_files(); // get gzip file $patch_file_tgz = !empty($patch_file_data) ? $patch_file_data['_FILE'] : ""; if (!$patch_file_tgz) { break; } if (!file_exists($TMP_FOLDER . $patch_file_tgz)) { break; } if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_ROOT_PATH . "tmp/", $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { break; } // this temporary file will be deleted in the end of this function or in InstallationAborted() if (!nc_tgz_extract($TMP_FOLDER . $patch_file_tgz, $TMP_FOLDER) && !file_exists($TMP_FOLDER . "id.txt")) { InstallationAborted(TOOLS_PATCH_ERR_EXTRACT, 'activation'); } // check files in patch if (!CheckDeps('patch')) { InstallationAborted(TOOLS_PATCH_INFO_NOTINSTALLED . ".<br>", 'activation'); } // other version if ($VersionID != $VERSION_ID) { InstallationAborted(str_replace(array("%REQUIRE", "%EXIST"), array($VersionID, $VERSION_ID), TOOLS_PATCH_INVALIDVERSION), 'activation'); } // other system if ($SystemID && $SystemID != $SYSTEM_ID) { list($required_sys_name, $required_sys_color) = nc_system_name_by_id($SystemID); list($installed_sys_name, $installed_sys_color) = nc_system_name_by_id($SYSTEM_ID); InstallationAborted(str_replace(array("%REQUIRE", "%EXIST"), array($required_sys_name, $installed_sys_name), TOOLS_PATCH_INVALIDVERSION) . "<br>", 'activation');
BeginHtml($Title2, $Title2, "http://" . $DOC_DOMAIN . "/settings/modules/"); $perm->ExitIfNotAccess(NC_PERM_MODULE, 0, 0, 0, 1); if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_ROOT_PATH . "tmp/", $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { break; } if (!checkPermissions($HTTP_ROOT_PATH . "modules/", $DOCUMENT_ROOT)) { break; } if (!$_FILES['FilePatch']['tmp_name']) { //nc_print_status(TOOLS_MODULES_ERR_NOTUPLOADED, 'error'); InstallationAborted(TOOLS_MODULES_ERR_NOTUPLOADED, 'module'); } $ModuleFile = tempnam($TMP_FOLDER, "module"); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['FilePatch']['tmp_name'], $ModuleFile); // this temporary file will be deleted in the end of this function or in InstallationAborted() if (!nc_tgz_extract($ModuleFile, $TMP_FOLDER) && !file_exists($TMP_FOLDER . "id.txt")) { //print TOOLS_MODULES_ERR_EXTRACT; InstallationAborted(TOOLS_MODULES_ERR_EXTRACT, 'module'); } $InstallFile = $TMP_FOLDER . "install.php"; if (!is_readable($InstallFile)) { //nc_print_status(TOOLS_MODULES_ERR_CANTOPEN." install.php.", 'error'); InstallationAborted(TOOLS_MODULES_ERR_CANTOPEN . " install.php.", 'module'); } else { require $InstallFile; } if (!CheckDeps('module')) { InstallationAborted(); } CheckFiles(); if (!nc_version_control($VERSION_ID)) {
function ParseClassFile($file) { // system superior object $nc_core = nc_Core::get_object(); include_once $nc_core->DOCUMENT_ROOT . $nc_core->ADMIN_PATH . ""; $db =& $nc_core->db; $db->captured_errors = array(); $VersionNumber = $nc_core->get_settings("VersionNumber"); $fs = $nc_core->input->fetch_get_post('fs'); $insert_flag = "%INSERT_ID%"; $xml2array = xml2array(file_get_contents($file)); $xml_data = $xml2array['data']; // STEP 1: System version check $tpl_version = $xml_data['version']; if (!$tpl_version) { nc_print_status(CONTROL_CLASS_IMPORT_ERROR_NO_VERSION_ID, 'info'); return false; } if (!nc_version_control($tpl_version)) { nc_print_status(sprintf(CONTROL_CLASS_IMPORT_ERROR_VERSION_ID, $tpl_version, $VersionNumber), 'info'); return false; } if ($fs && !isset($xml_data['tar_data'])) { nc_print_status(CONTROL_CLASS_IMPORT_ERROR_NO_FILES, 'info'); return false; } $path_for_file_mode = array(); $sql_data = $xml_data['sql_data']; $class_query = $sql_data['class']; if (!$nc_core->NC_UNICODE) { $query = $nc_core->utf8->utf2win($class_query); } $res1 = $db->query($class_query); if ($res1) { $insert_id = $db->insert_id; $path_for_file_mode[$insert_id] = "/{$insert_id}/"; } else { nc_print_status(CONTROL_CLASS_IMPORT_ERROR_CLASS_IMPORT, 'info'); return false; } $new_tpl_ids = array(); $xmlTemplates = $sql_data['templates']['template']; if (isset($xmlTemplates['value'])) { $templates[0] = $xmlTemplates; } else { $templates = $xmlTemplates; } if (!empty($templates)) { foreach ($templates as $query) { if (!$nc_core->NC_UNICODE) { $query = $nc_core->utf8->utf2win($query); } // replace ID $query = str_replace($insert_flag, $insert_id, $query); if (!$fs && strpos($query, '%CDATA_START%')) { $query = str_replace('%CDATA_START%', '<![CDATA[', $query); $query = str_replace('%CDATA_END%', ']]>', $query); } if (!$db->query($query)) { nc_print_status(CONTROL_CLASS_IMPORT_ERROR_CLASS_TEMPLATE_IMPORT, 'info'); $db->query("DELETE FROM `Class` WHERE `Class_ID` = '" . $insert_id . "'"); return false; } $path_for_file_mode[$db->insert_id] = "/{$insert_id}/{$db->insert_id}/"; $new_tpl_ids[] = $db->insert_id; } } foreach ($path_for_file_mode as $id => $path) { $SQL = "UPDATE `Class` \n SET `File_Path` = '{$path}' \n WHERE `Class_ID` = {$id}"; $db->query($SQL); } // STEP 5: create MessageXX table $create_message = $sql_data['message_tbl']; $create_message = str_replace($insert_flag, $insert_id, $create_message); $create_message = str_replace('%%MYSQL_CHARSET%%', $nc_core->MYSQL_CHARSET, $create_message); $res2 = $db->query($create_message); if ($res2 != 0) { nc_print_status(CONTROL_CLASS_IMPORT_ERROR_MESSAGE_TABLE, 'info'); $db->query("DELETE FROM `Class` WHERE `Class_ID` = '" . $insert_id . "' OR `ClassTemplate` = '" . $insert_id . "'"); return false; } $xmlFields = $sql_data['fields']['field']; if (!is_array($xmlFields)) { $xmlFields = (array) $xmlFields; } foreach ($xmlFields as $query) { if (!$nc_core->NC_UNICODE) { $query = $nc_core->utf8->utf2win($query); } $query = str_replace($insert_flag, $insert_id, $query); if ($query) { $res3 = $db->query($query); if ($db->captured_errors) { nc_print_status(CONTROL_CLASS_IMPORT_ERROR_FIELD, 'info'); $db->query("DELETE FROM `Class` WHERE `Class_ID` = '" . $insert_id . "' OR `ClassTemplate` = '" . $insert_id . "'"); $db->query("DROP TABLE `Message" . $insert_id . "`"); $db->query("DELETE FROM `Field` WHERE `Class_ID` = '" . $insert_id . "'"); return false; } } } if (isset($xml_data['tar_data'])) { $tar = $xml_data['tar_data']; $tar_name = $nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . 'import_class_' . $insert_id . '_' . mktime() . '.tgz'; file_put_contents($tar_name, base64_decode(trim($tar))); nc_tgz_extract($tar_name, $nc_core->TMP_FOLDER); rename($nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $xml_data['class_id'], $nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $insert_id); $xmlTplIds = $xml_data['tpl_ids']['tpl_id']; if (!is_array($xmlTplIds)) { $xmlTplIds = (array) $xmlTplIds; } foreach ($xmlTplIds as $i => $tpl_id) { rename($nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $insert_id . '/' . $tpl_id, $nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $insert_id . '/' . $new_tpl_ids[$i]); } rename($nc_core->TMP_FOLDER . $insert_id, $nc_core->CLASS_TEMPLATE_FOLDER . $insert_id); unlink($tar_name); } return $insert_id; }