Example #1
 public function update_data()
     $this->load->model('tags_model', 'tags', true);
     $this->load->model('links_model', 'links', true);
     $this->load->model('images_model', 'images', true);
     $config = $this->config->item('upload');
     $file = file('/srv/www/themoviepostersite.com/posters.csv');
     $data = '';
     $views = array();
     foreach ($file as $key => $value) {
         $csv = str_getcsv($value);
         $data['id'] = $csv[0];
         $data['title'] = $csv[1];
         $data['filename'] = $csv[2];
         $num_views = $csv[3];
         $data['created_on'] = mysql_to_unix($csv[4]);
         $views['created_on'] = $csv[5];
         $data['group_id'] = $csv[6];
         $data['thumbnail'] = $csv[7];
         $data['path_to_file'] = $config['upload_path'] . $data['id'];
         //legacy path
         $tags = explode(", ", $csv[9]);
         foreach ($tags as $k => $v) {
             $tag['tag'] = $v;
             $id = $this->tags->get_insert_id();
             $tag_link['itemid'] = $id;
             $tag_link['item'] = 'tag';
             $tag_link['pinupid'] = $data['id'];
Example #2
 public function _get_updateddate($Date)
     if (empty($Date)) {
         return null;
     return mysql_to_unix($Date);
Example #3
 public function edit()
     $id = abs((int) $this->uri->segment(4));
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('Start_time', 'start', 'required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('End_time', 'end', 'required');
         //validasi date
         $start = $this->input->post('Start_time');
         $end = $this->input->post('End_time');
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE || $this->validate_date($start) == FALSE || $this->validate_date($end) == FALSE || (mysql_to_unix($end) - mysql_to_unix($start)) / 86400 <= 0) {
             $this->data['user'] = $this->access->get_user($id);
             $this->data['title'] = 'Edit Akses Satker';
             $this->data['template'] = 'manajemen_akses/edit';
             //				$this->session->set_flashdata('message_type', 'error');
             //				$this->session->set_flashdata('message1', 'Data salah input');
             $this->load->view('backend/index', $this->data);
         } else {
             $this->access->update_date($start, $end, $id);
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message_type', 'success');
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Data berhasil diperbaharui');
     } else {
Example #4
 function retorno()
     $data['title'] = "Relatórios - Controle de Estoque";
     $data['headline'] = "Relatório";
     $data['include'] = 'Relatorio_retorno';
     $this->load->model('MRelatorio', '', TRUE);
     $qry = $this->MRelatorio->getConsumoProduto($_POST);
     $table = $this->table->generate($qry);
     $tmpl = array('table_open' => '<table id="tabela" class="relatorio">');
     $this->table->set_heading('Produto', 'Quantidade', 'Data');
     $table_row = array();
     $data['qry'] = array();
     foreach ($qry->result() as $produto) {
         $table_row = NULL;
         $table_row[] = $produto->nome_produto;
         $table_row[] = $produto->quantidade_pedida;
         $data_human = mysql_to_pt($produto->data_pedido);
         $table_row[] = $data_human;
         $data['qry'][] = array(mysql_to_unix($produto->data_pedido) * 1000, $produto->quantidade_pedida);
     $table = $this->table->generate();
     $data['data_table'] = $table;
     $this->load->view('template', $data);
Example #5
 function view_forum($forumID = 0)
     $forumID = intval($forumID);
     $forum = $this->forum_model->getForum($forumID);
     // Check if topic exists
     if (!empty($forum)) {
         $forum['topic_list'] = array();
         // Get a list of posts which have no parents (topics) in this forum
         foreach ($this->post_model->getTopicsInForum($forumID) as $topic) {
             $topic['post_count'] = count($this->post_model->getPostsInTopic($topic['postID']));
             $topic['last_post'] = $this->post_model->getLastPost('topic', $topic['postID']);
             // Convert to unix and see how long ago it was posted
             $timespan = timespan(mysql_to_unix($topic['last_post']['post_date']));
             // If its set and doesnt contain the word days in the timespan
             if (isset($forum['last_post']['post_date']) && !strpos($timespan, 'Day')) {
                 $topic['last_post']['post_date'] = $timespan;
             } else {
                 $topic['last_post']['post_date'] = $topic['last_post']['post_date'];
             $forum['topic_list'][] = $topic;
         $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $forum);
         $this->layout->title('Forums > ' . $this->data['forum_name']);
         $this->layout->create('view_forum', $this->data);
     } else {
         show_error('The Forum doesn\'t exist!');
         $this->layout->create('message', $this->data);
Example #6
 function get_cliente_by_id($id)
     $query = $this->db->get_where("clientes", array("idcliente" => $id));
     if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
         $c = $query->row_array();
         if ($c['fecnac'] == "" || is_null($c['fecnac'])) {
             $c['fecnac'] = "No especificado";
         } else {
             $c['fecnac'] = mdate("%d-%m-%Y", mysql_to_unix($c['fecnac']));
         $c['fecnac2'] = $c['fecnac'];
         $c['sexo'] = $c['sexo'] == 0 ? "Masculino" : "Femenino";
         $c['ocupacion'] = $c['ocupacion'] == "" || is_null($c['ocupacion']) ? "No especificado" : $c['ocupacion'];
         $c['direccion'] = $c['direccion'] == "" || is_null($c['direccion']) ? "No especificado" : $c['direccion'];
         $c['colonia'] = $c['colonia'] == "" || is_null($c['colonia']) ? "No especificada" : $c['colonia'];
         $c['cp'] = $c['cp'] == "" || is_null($c['cp']) ? "No especificado" : $c['cp'];
         $c['ciudad'] = $c['ciudad'] == "" || is_null($c['ciudad']) ? "No especificada" : $c['ciudad'];
         $c['estado'] = $c['estado'] == "" || is_null($c['estado']) ? "No especificado" : $c['estado'];
         $c['telefono1'] = $c['telefono1'] == "" || is_null($c['telefono1']) ? "No especificado" : $c['telefono1'];
         $c['telefono2'] = $c['telefono2'] == "" || is_null($c['telefono2']) ? "" : $c['telefono2'];
         $c['email'] = $c['email'] == "" || is_null($c['email']) ? "No especificado" : $c['email'];
         $c['enfermedad'] = $c['enfermedad'] == "" || is_null($c['enfermedad']) ? "No especificado" : $c['enfermedad'];
         $c['avisar'] = $c['avisar'] == "" || is_null($c['avisar']) ? "No especificado" : $c['avisar'];
         $c['aviparen'] = $c['aviparen'] == "" || is_null($c['aviparen']) ? "No especificado" : $c['aviparen'];
         $c['avidom'] = $c['avidom'] == "" || is_null($c['avidom']) ? "No especificado" : $c['avidom'];
         $c['avitel'] = $c['avitel'] == "" || is_null($c['avitel']) ? "No especificado" : $c['avitel'];
         $c['vence'] = $c['vence'] == "" || is_null($c['vence']) ? null : $c['vence'];
         return $c;
     return false;
Example #7
function comments($comments, $object_id, $object, $usernames, $format, $return = 'agilan/index')
    $string = "";
    $string .= "<ol class='comments'>";
    if (isset($comments[$object_id]) && count($comments[$object_id]) > 0) {
        foreach ($comments[$object_id] as $kk => $ll) {
            $CID = $ll->user_id;
            $CU = $usernames[$ll->user_id];
            $stamp = mysql_to_unix($ll->created);
            $string .= "<li><b>" . $CU . ":</b> <small>" . $ll->comment . "<br/>" . mdate($format, $stamp) . "</small></li>";
    } else {
        $string .= nbs();
    $string .= "<li class='last'>";
    $string .= form_open('comments/index');
    $input = array('name' => 'comment', 'id' => 'comment', 'size' => 35);
    $string .= form_input($input);
    $string .= form_hidden('object', $object);
    $string .= form_hidden('object_id', $object_id);
    $string .= form_hidden('return_url', $return);
    $string .= form_submit('add comment', 'comment');
    $string .= form_close();
    $string .= "</li>";
    $string .= "</ol>";
    echo $string;
 function index()
     $ga = new ga();
     $this->ga->authen('*****@*****.**', 'rain2512', 'ga:98468001');
     if ($_GET) {
         $now = Date2DB($_GET['date']);
     } else {
         $now = date("Y-m-d");
     $lastmonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-29 days', mysql_to_unix($now)));
     //Summery: visitors, unique visit, pageview, time on site, new visits, bounce rates
     $data['summery'] = $this->ga->getSummery($lastmonth, $now);
     //All time summery: visitors, page views
     $data['allTimeSummery'] = $this->ga->getAllTimeSummery();
     //Last 10 days visitors (for graph)
     $data['visits'] = $this->ga->getVisits($lastmonth, $now, 30);
     //Top 10 search engine keywords
     $data['topKeywords'] = $this->ga->getTopKeyword($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 visitor countries
     $data['topCountries'] = $this->ga->getTopCountry($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 page views
     $data['topPages'] = $this->ga->getTopPage($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 referrer websites
     $data['topReferrer'] = $this->ga->getTopReferrer($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 visitor browsers
     $data['topBrowsers'] = $this->ga->getTopBrowser($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 visitor operating systems
     $data['topOs'] = $this->ga->getTopOs($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     $this->template->build("index", $data);
Example #9
 function retorno_compra()
     $data['title'] = "Relatórios - Controle de Estoque";
     $data['headline'] = "Relatório";
     $data['include'] = 'relatorio_retorno';
     $this->load->model('MRelatorio', '', TRUE);
     $qry = $this->MRelatorio->getCompraProduto();
     $table = $this->table->generate($qry);
     $tmpl = array('table_open' => '<table id="tabela" class="relatorio">');
     $this->table->set_heading('Número Nota', 'Fornecedor', 'Data da Nota', 'Valor Total');
     $table_row = array();
     $data['qry'] = array();
     foreach ($qry->result() as $nota) {
         $table_row = NULL;
         $table_row[] = $nota->numero_nota;
         $this->load->model('MFornecedor', '', TRUE);
         $fornecedor = $this->MFornecedor->getFornecedor($nota->id_fornecedor)->result();
         $table_row[] = $fornecedor[0]->razao_social;
         $table_row[] = mysql_to_pt($nota->data_nota);
         $table_row[] = ' ';
         $data['qry'][] = array(mysql_to_unix($nota->data_nota) * 1000, $fornecedor[0]->razao_social);
     $table = $this->table->generate();
     $data['data_table'] = $table;
     $this->load->view('template3', $data);
Example #10
 private function set_vars($row)
     if (!is_array($row)) {
         return trigger_error('$comic->set_vars($row) must be called with an array as the argument!');
     global $scdb;
     $this->title = $row['title'];
     $this->image = $row['image'];
     $this->info = $row['info'];
     $this->cat = (int) $row['cat'];
     $this->category = $this->cat_info($this->cat);
     $this->transcript = $row['transcript'];
     $this->time = $row['time'];
     $this->stamp = (int) mysql_to_unix($this->time);
     $this->views = (int) $row['views'] + 1;
     $this->ID = (int) $row['ID'];
     $this->PID = (int) $row['PID'];
     $user_info = $this->user_info($row['author']);
     $this->author = $user_info->nicename;
     $this->author_full = $user_info->name;
     // keep until i've changed all calls to $this->type to $this->category->nicename
     $this->type = $this->category->nicename;
     $this->first = (int) $scdb->get_var("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$scdb->comics}` WHERE `cat` = '{$this->cat}' ORDER BY `ID` ASC LIMIT 1");
     $this->last = (int) $scdb->get_var("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$scdb->comics}` WHERE `cat` = '{$this->cat}' AND `time` <= '" . NOW . "' ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT 1");
     if ($this->ID !== $this->first) {
         $this->prev = (int) $scdb->get_var("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$scdb->comics}` WHERE `ID` < '{$this->ID}' AND `cat` = '{$this->cat}' ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT 1");
     if ($this->ID !== $this->last) {
         $this->next = (int) $scdb->get_var("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$scdb->comics}` WHERE `ID` > '{$this->ID}' AND `cat` = '{$this->cat}' ORDER BY `ID` ASC LIMIT 1");
 public function inc_statistic()
     $ga = new ga();
     $this->ga->authen('*****@*****.**', 'rain2512', 'ga:98468001');
     //	$ga->authen('*****@*****.**','rain2512','ga:98468001');
     $now = date("Y-m-d");
     $lastmonth = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-1 month', mysql_to_unix($now)));
     $data["today"] = $this->ga->getSummery($now, $now);
     $data["month"] = $this->ga->getSummery($lastmonth, $now);
     $data["alltime"] = $this->ga->getAllTimeSummery();
     $lastmonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));
     //Summery: visitors, unique visit, pageview, time on site, new visits, bounce rates
     $data['summery'] = $this->ga->getSummery($lastmonth, $now);
     //All time summery: visitors, page views
     $data['allTimeSummery'] = $this->ga->getAllTimeSummery();
     //Last 10 days visitors (for graph)
     $data['visits'] = $this->ga->getVisits(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-10 days')), $now, 10);
     //Top 10 search engine keywords
     $data['topKeywords'] = $this->ga->getTopKeyword($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 visitor countries
     $data['topCountries'] = $this->ga->getTopCountry($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 page views
     $data['topPages'] = $this->ga->getTopPage($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 referrer websites
     $data['topReferrer'] = $this->ga->getTopReferrer($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 visitor browsers
     $data['topBrowsers'] = $this->ga->getTopBrowser($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     //Top 10 visitor operating systems
     $data['topOs'] = $this->ga->getTopOs($lastmonth, $now, 10);
     $this->load->view("inc_statistic", $data);
Example #12
  * Replace all of the default date fields.
  * @param String	The tagdata to be parsed
  * @param Object	The channel parser object
  * @param Mixed		The results from the preparse method
  * @return String	The processed tagdata
 public function replace($tagdata, EE_Channel_data_parser $obj, $date_vars)
     $prefix = $obj->prefix();
     $tag = $obj->tag();
     $data = $obj->row();
     $dates = array($prefix . 'entry_date' => $data['entry_date'], $prefix . 'edit_date' => mysql_to_unix($data['edit_date']), $prefix . 'recent_comment_date' => $data['recent_comment_date'] != 0 ? $data['recent_comment_date'] : '', $prefix . 'expiration_date' => $data['expiration_date'] != 0 ? $data['expiration_date'] : '', $prefix . 'comment_expiration_date' => $data['comment_expiration_date'] != 0 ? $data['comment_expiration_date'] : '');
     // "week_date"
     // Subtract the number of days the entry is "into" the week to get zero (Sunday)
     // If the entry date is for Sunday, and Monday is being used as the week's start day,
     // then we must back things up by six days
     $offset = 0;
     if (strtolower(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('start_day')) == 'monday') {
         $day_of_week = ee()->localize->format_date('%w', $data['entry_date']);
         if ($day_of_week == '0') {
             $offset = -518400;
             // back six days
         } else {
             $offset = 86400;
             // plus one day
     $dates['week_date'] = $data['entry_date'] - ee()->localize->format_date('%w', $data['entry_date'], TRUE) * 60 * 60 * 24 + $offset;
     $tagdata = ee()->TMPL->parse_date_variables($tagdata, $dates);
     $dates = array($prefix . 'gmt_date' => $data['entry_date'], $prefix . 'gmt_entry_date' => $data['entry_date'], $prefix . 'gmt_edit_date' => mysql_to_unix($data['edit_date']));
     $tagdata = ee()->TMPL->parse_date_variables($tagdata, $dates, FALSE);
     return $tagdata;
Example #13
function datediff($datefrom, $dateto = FALSE)
    $startDate = mysql_to_unix($datefrom);
    $lastDate = $dateto ? mysql_to_unix($dateto) : now();
    $differnce = $startDate - $lastDate;
    $differnce = $differnce / (60 * 60 * 24);
    return (int) $differnce;
Example #14
 public function get_timespan($time)
     $time = mysql_to_unix($time);
     //$time -= -3600;
     return $this->time_since($time);
     //return $time;
     //return timespan($time, $now);
Example #15
 public function post_comments($post_id = 0)
     // load date_helper from CI's app singleton
     $comments = $this->db->where('post_id', (int) $post_id)->order_by('created DESC')->get('comments')->result_array();
     return array_map(function ($a) {
         $a['time_ago'] = timespan(mysql_to_unix($a['created']), time(), 2);
         return $a;
     }, $comments);
Example #16
 function updpet_lock($arr)
     $ownerdataobj = $this->user_io_m->init('id_user', getAccountUserId());
     //$expdate=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime('+'.$arr['totday']."days"));
     if ($arr['totday'] > 1) {
         $day = "days";
     } else {
         $day = 'day';
     $checkrecord = $this->getPetLockRecord($arr['iduser']);
     if (mysql_to_unix($checkrecord->lockexp_date) > mysql_to_unix(mysqlDate())) {
         //if this pet had locked and not expire date
         $sql = "UPDATE " . TBL_PET . " \r\n\t\t\t\tSET lockstatus=1 ,id_petlock=" . $arr['lockid'] . ",userprice=" . $arr['totprice'] . "/2,\r\n\t\t\t\taddlock_date=NOW(),intr=" . $arr['totday'] . "*24,\r\n\t\t\t\tlockexp_date=ADDDATE(lockexp_date,'" . $arr['totday'] . "')\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id_user="******" AND id_owner=" . getAccountUserId();
     } else {
         $sql = "UPDATE " . TBL_PET . " \r\n\t\t\t\tSET lockstatus=1 ,id_petlock=" . $arr['lockid'] . ",userprice=" . $arr['totprice'] . "/2,\r\n\t\t\t\taddlock_date=NOW(),intr=" . $arr['totday'] . "*24,\r\n\t\t\t\tlockexp_date=ADDDATE(NOW(),'" . $arr['totday'] . "')\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id_user="******" AND id_owner=" . getAccountUserId();
     debug("update tbl pet");
     //For lock history added on dt-30-12-10
     $petinfo = $this->user_io_m->init('id_user', $arr['iduser']);
     $lock_sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_LOCKHISTORY . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(owner,pet,owner_email,pet_email,id_lock,pet_amount,owner_amount,lock_time,time_from,time_to,ip) \r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('" . $ownerdataobj->username . "','" . $petinfo->username . "','" . $ownerdataobj->email . "','" . $petinfo->email . "'," . $arr['lockid'] . "," . $arr['totprice'] . "/2," . $arr['totprice'] . "/2," . $arr['totday'] . "*24,NOW(),ADDDATE(NOW(),'" . $arr['totday'] . "'),'" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "')";
     debug("update lock history");
     //For lock history ended on dt-30-12-10
     $user_amount = $arr['totprice'] * $GLOBALS['global']['LOCKPET']['user'] / 100;
     $site_amount = $arr['totprice'] * $GLOBALS['global']['LOCKPET']['site'] / 100;
     $sql_trans = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_TRANSACTION . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(id_user,id_owner,facevalue,amount,trans_type,site_amt,user_amt,trans_date,ip) \r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(" . $arr['iduser'] . "," . $ownerdataobj->id_user . ",0," . $arr['totprice'] . "," . $GLOBALS['global']['TRANS_TYPE']['petlock'] . "," . $site_amount . "," . $user_amount . ",NOW(),'" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "')";
     debug("update transaction history");
     //update wall
     $sql_wall = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_WALL . " \r\n\t\t\t(id_user,action_to,trans_type,description,post_code,add_date_post) \r\n\t\t\tVALUES\r\n\t\t\t(" . $ownerdataobj->id_user . ",'" . $arr['petname'] . "'," . $GLOBALS['global']['TRANS_TYPE']['petlock'] . ",'with " . $arr['lockname'] . " for " . $arr['totday'] . " {$day}','" . $GLOBALS['global']['CHATTER_CODE']['pet_locked'] . "',NOW())";
     $id_wall = $this->db->insert_id();
     $this->user_io_m->postItemOnFbTt($id_wall, TIMELINE_LOCKPET);
     debug("update wall");
     //update cash to pet
     //$ucase = $arr['totprice']/2;
     $sql_updu = "UPDATE " . TBL_USER . " SET cash= cash+" . $user_amount . " WHERE id_user="******"update cash pet");
     //update cash to admin
     $sql_upda = "UPDATE " . TBL_USER . " SET cash= cash+" . $site_amount . " WHERE id_admin=1";
     debug("update cash admin");
     //update cash to owner
     $sql_updo = "UPDATE " . TBL_USER . " SET cash=cash-" . $arr['totprice'] . " WHERE id_user="******"update cash owner");
     return true;
 function timediff($last_time, $first_time = false)
     // convert to unix timestamps
     $last_time = mysql_to_unix($last_time);
     if ($first_time) {
         $first_time = mysql_to_unix($first_time);
     } else {
         $first_time = now();
         // default now
     // perform subtraction to get the difference (in seconds) between times
     $time_diff = $last_time - $first_time;
     // return the difference
     return $time_diff;
Example #18
 function mysql_to_human($fecha = '', $tiempo = FALSE, $seconds = FALSE)
     if ($fecha != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         $time = mysql_to_unix($fecha);
         $r = date('d', $time) . '/' . date('m', $time) . '/' . date('Y', $time) . ' ';
         if ($tiempo) {
             $r .= date('H', $time) . ':' . date('i', $time);
             if ($seconds) {
                 $r .= ':' . date('s', $time);
     } else {
         $r = '';
     return $r;
Example #19
 function _cron_unlockpet()
     $res = $this->db->where('lockstatus', 1)->get(TBL_PET)->result();
     $unlockid = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) {
         if (mysql_to_unix($res[$i]->lockexp_date) < mysql_to_unix(mysqlDate())) {
             $unlockid[] = $res[$i]->id_pet;
     if (count($unlockid)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($unlockid); $i++) {
             $sql = "UPDATE " . TBL_PET . " SET lockstatus=0,addlock_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00',userprice=0,id_petlock=0,lockexp_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00',intr=0 WHERE id_pet=" . $unlockid[$i];
 function submitBuyPeepedAccess()
     $userdataobj = getAccountUserDataObject(true);
     $id_user = $this->input->post('id_user', 0);
     $sellerdataobj = $this->user_io_m->init('id_user', $id_user);
     $days = $this->input->post('days', 0);
     $amountfee = $days * $sellerdataobj->peep_access;
     $cash = $userdataobj->cash;
     if ($cash < $amountfee) {
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 'ERROR', 'message' => 'Your balance is not enough to access peeped.'));
     if ($days < 1) {
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 'ERROR', 'message' => 'Unknown error.'));
     $data['id_buyer'] = getAccountUserId();
     $data['id_user'] = $id_user;
     $data['amount'] = $amountfee;
     $data['ip'] = $this->geo_lib->getIpAddress();
     $data['access_days'] = $days;
     $data['buy_date'] = mysqlDate();
     $data['exp_date'] = sysDateTimeFormat(mysql_to_unix($data['buy_date']) + 86400 * $days, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $id_history = $this->mod_io_m->insert_map($data, TBL_PEEPBOUGHT_HISTORY);
     $site_amt = $amountfee * ($GLOBALS['global']['PEEP_PRICE']['site'] / 100);
     $user_amt = $amountfee * ($GLOBALS['global']['PEEP_PRICE']['user'] / 100);
     $transaction_data = array();
     $transaction_data['id_owner'] = getAccountUserId();
     $transaction_data['id_user'] = $data['id_user'];
     $transaction_data['amount'] = $data['amount'];
     $transaction_data['trans_type'] = $GLOBALS['global']['TRANS_TYPE']['buy_peeped'];
     $transaction_data['site_amt'] = $site_amt;
     $transaction_data['user_amt'] = $user_amt;
     $transaction_data['trans_date'] = mysqlDate();
     $transaction_data['ip'] = $this->geo_lib->getIpAddress();
     $transaction_id = $this->mod_io_m->insert_map($transaction_data, TBL_TRANSACTION);
     if ($transaction_id) {
         $this->db->query("UPDATE " . TBL_USER . " SET cash= cash +'" . $site_amt . "' WHERE id_admin=1");
         $this->db->query("UPDATE " . TBL_USER . " SET cash= cash -'" . $data['amount'] . "' WHERE id_user='******'");
         $this->db->query("UPDATE " . TBL_USER . " SET cash= cash +'" . $user_amt . "' WHERE id_user='******'id_user'] . "'");
     $CMCHATMSG = str_replace(array('$u1', '$u2', '$p3'), array($userdataobj->username, $sellerdataobj->username, $amountfee), language_translate('hook_chat_buy_peep_access'));
     echo json_encode(array('result' => 'ok', 'message' => 'Buy peeped access successfully.', 'CMCHATMSG' => $CMCHATMSG));
     $this->email_sender->juzonSendEmail_JUZ_WHO_BOUGHT_WHO_PEEPED_ME($transaction_data['id_owner'], $transaction_data['id_user'], $transaction_data['amount']);
 function mysql_to_th($datetime = '', $format = 'S', $time = FALSE)
     if ($datetime == '0000-00-00' || $datetime == '') {
         return false;
     if ($format == 'F') {
         $month_th = array(1 => 'มกราคม', 2 => 'กุมภาพันธ์', 3 => 'มีนาคม', 4 => 'เมษายน', 5 => 'พฤษภาคม', 6 => 'มิถุนายน', 7 => 'กรกฏาคม', 8 => 'สิงหาคม', 9 => 'กันยายน', 10 => 'ตุลาคม', 11 => 'พฤศจิกายน', 12 => 'ธันวาคม');
     } else {
         $month_th = array(1 => 'ม.ค.', 2 => 'ก.พ.', 3 => 'มี.ค.', 4 => 'เม.ย', 5 => 'พ.ค.', 6 => 'มิ.ย', 7 => 'ก.ค.', 8 => 'ส.ค.', 9 => 'ก.ย.', 10 => 'ต.ค.', 11 => 'พ.ย.', 12 => 'ธ.ค.');
     $datetime = mysql_to_unix($datetime);
     $r = date('d', $datetime) . ' ' . $month_th[date('n', $datetime)] . ' ' . (date('Y', $datetime) + 543);
     if ($time) {
         $r .= ' - ' . date('H', $datetime) . ':' . date('i', $datetime) . ' น.';
     return $r;
 * Formatted Invoice Date
 * Returns a localized date when fed "YYYY-MM-DD"
 * @access	public
 * @param	string	The date to read (YYYY-MM-DD)
 * @param	int		The number of days in the future
 * @return	integer
function formatted_invoice_date($date = '', $days_from_now = 0)
    if ($date == '') {
        return '';
        // if there is no date given, just return nothing
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $date = mysql_to_unix($date) + $days_from_now * 60 * 60 * 24;
    if ($CI->config->item('invoice_date_format') == 'day_month_year') {
        // 1 January 2009
        $formatted_date = date('j ', $date) . $CI->lang->line('cal_' . strtolower(date('F', $date))) . date(' Y', $date);
    } else {
        // Januray 1, 2009
        $formatted_date = $CI->lang->line('cal_' . strtolower(date('F', $date))) . date(' j, Y', $date);
    return $formatted_date;
Example #23
 function _formatField($Field, $Data)
     if (isset($this->columnFormat[$Field])) {
         switch ($this->columnFormat[$Field]) {
             case 'date':
                 if (!is_numeric($Data)) {
                     $Data = mysql_to_unix($Data);
                 return date($this->columnFormatOption[$Field], $Data);
                 $Fn = $this->columnFormat[$Field];
                 if (is_callable($Fn)) {
                     return $Fn($Data);
     return $Data;
Example #24
File: time.php Project: GStepOne/CI
 function test()
     ini_set('date.timezone', 'PRC');
     //people republic of china
     //  echo timezone_menu("UP8");
     // $datestring = "Year: %Y Month: %m Day: %d - %h:%i %a";
     $time = time();
     // echo standard_date("DATE_ATOM", $time);
     $timestamp = local_to_gmt($time);
     //转化为时间戳 gmt greenwich mean time 格林尼治时间
     //$timezone="PRC";//people republic of china
     //  echo gmt_to_local($timestamp,$timezone,true);
     $mysql = '20061124092345';
     $unix = mysql_to_unix($mysql);
     $past_time = '19900926092633';
     $a = strtotime($past_time);
     echo local_to_gmt($past_time);
     // $time=time();
     echo timespan($past_time, $time);
     ///$past_time 一定是个时间戳
Example #25
      <div class="box">     
        <div class="post-img">
          <a href="<?php 
    echo site_url("/view/" . $post->post_id);
" class="post-hover">
            <span class="title"><?php 
    echo character_limiter($post->post_title, 12);
            <span class="desc"><?php 
    echo word_limiter($post->post_text, 20);
    echo strftime('%B %d, %Y', mysql_to_unix($post->post_date));
          <img src="<?php 
    echo cdn_url(getThumb($post->post_image_path));
"  alt="<?php 
    echo $post->post_title;
" />
        <div class="post-tools">
          <p class="ico"><a href="" class="comments"><?php 
    echo $post->post_reply_count;
Example #26
  * Get Stream Metadata
  * Returns an array of the following data:
  * name 			The stream name
  * slug 			The streams slug
  * namespace 		The stream namespace
  * db_table 		The name of the stream database table
  * raw_size 		Raw size of the stream database table
  * size 			Formatted size of the stream database table
  * entries_count	Number of the entries in the stream
  * fields_count 	Number of fields assigned to the stream
  * last_updated		Unix timestamp of when the stream was last updated
  * @access	public
  * @param	mixed $stream object, int or string stream
  * @param	string $namespace namespace if first param is string
  * @return	object
 public function get_stream_metadata($stream, $namespace = null)
     $stream = $this->get_stream($stream, $namespace);
     $data = array();
     $data['name'] = $stream->stream_name;
     $data['slug'] = $stream->stream_slug;
     $data['namespace'] = $stream->stream_namespace;
     // Get DB table name
     $data['db_table'] = $stream->stream_prefix . $stream->stream_slug;
     // Get the table data
     $info = $this->CI->db->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '" . $this->CI->db->dbprefix($data['db_table']) . "'")->row();
     // Get the size of the table
     $data['raw_size'] = $info->Data_length;
     $data['size'] = byte_format($info->Data_length);
     // Last updated time
     $data['last_updated'] = !$info->Update_time ? $info->Create_time : $info->Update_time;
     $data['last_updated'] = mysql_to_unix($data['last_updated']);
     // Get the number of rows (the table status data on this can't be trusted)
     $data['entries_count'] = $this->CI->db->count_all($data['db_table']);
     // Get the number of fields
     $data['fields_count'] = $this->CI->db->select('id')->where('stream_id', $stream->id)->get(ASSIGN_TABLE)->num_rows();
     return $data;
Example #27
File: sent.php Project: ui-gus/gus
//needs threading for responses/etc
echo $this->pdata['header'];
echo $this->pdata['content'];
echo "<font size =6 color = '#474747'>Your Sent Messages</font>";
echo "<br /><br />";
echo anchor("pm/compose", "new   |");
echo anchor("pm/index", "inbox   |");
echo "sent   |";
echo anchor("pm/archive", "archives");
echo "<br /><br />";
$TABLE = array();
//time format!
$format = "%m/%d/%Y %h:%i %a";
if (count($messages)) {
    foreach ($messages as $key => $msg) {
        $stamp = mysql_to_unix($msg->created);
        $TABLE[] = $this->User->get_name($msg->from_id);
        $TABLE[] = $this->User->get_name($msg->to_id);
        $TABLE[] = anchor("pm/view_message1/" . $msg->id, $msg->subject);
        $TABLE[] = mdate($format, $stamp);
    $tmpl = array('table_open' => "<table class='messages'><tr valign='bottom'><th>From</th><th>To</th><th>Subject</th><th>Date/Time</th></tr>", 'row_start' => "<tr valign='top'>");
    $pretty = $this->table->make_columns($TABLE, 4);
    echo $this->table->generate($pretty);
} else {
    echo "No messages in sent folder!";
echo $this->pdata['footer'];
Example #28
                <input type="hidden" name="metaficha" value="0"/>

if (UsuarioBackendSesion::usuario()->tieneRol('publicador')) {
                    <tr id="fecha" style="display: table-row;">
                        <td class="titulo"><label for="postulacion_start">Fecha de actualización <span class="red">*</span></label></td>
    $updatedDate = $ficha->updated_data_at ? $ficha->updated_data_at : $ficha->updated_at;
                            <input type="text" name="updated_data_at" class="fecha_de_actualizacion" readonly="readonly" value="<?php 
    echo strftime('%d-%m-%Y', mysql_to_unix($updatedDate));
" placeholder="24-02-2013" />
                            <div class="error_date" style="color: red; display: none;">Debe elegir un periodo válido para la fecha</div>
                    <td class="titulo">Servicio <span class="red">*</span></td>
                        <select data-placeholder="Seleccione un Servicio" name="servicio_codigo" class="chzn-select">
                            <option value=""></option>
foreach ($servicios as $servicio) {
Example #29
    echo $e->Tarea->nombre;
                <p>Estado: <?php 
    echo $e->pendiente == 0 ? 'Completado' : 'Pendiente';
    echo $e->created_at ? 'Inicio: ' . strftime('%c', mysql_to_unix($e->created_at)) : '';
    echo $e->ended_at ? 'Término: ' . strftime('%c', mysql_to_unix($e->ended_at)) : '';
                <p>Asignado a: <?php 
    echo !$e->usuario_id ? 'Ninguno' : !$e->Usuario->registrado ? 'No registrado' : '<abbr class="tt" title="' . $e->Usuario->displayInfo() . '">' . $e->Usuario->displayUsername() . '</abbr>';
                <p><a href="<?php 
    echo site_url('backend/seguimiento/ver_etapa/' . $e->id);
">Revisar detalle</a></p> 
Example #30
echo $TotalYear;
    <div class="col-xs-3">
        <span>All Time</span><strong><?php 
echo $TotalAlltime;
$Table = new ifx_Table2($TableData);
$DateCol = new ifx_TColumn('createddate', 'Date', $Table);
$DateCol->formatter(function ($Row, $Date) {
    return date('d-m-y', mysql_to_unix($Date));
$OrderID = new ifx_TColumn('nice_id', 'Order ID', $Table);
$Customer = new ifx_TColumn(null, 'Customer', $Table);
$Customer->formatter(function ($Row) {
    return $Row->firstname . ' ' . $Row->lastname;
})->sortable(true, 'concat(firstname, lastname)');
$Email = new ifx_TColumn('email', 'E-Mail Address', $Table);
$Total = new ifx_TColumn(null, 'Total', $Table);
$Total->formatter(function ($Row) {
    return '£' . number_format($Row->total + $Row->postage, 2);
})->sortable(true, 'total+postage');
$Status = new ifx_TColumn(null, 'Status', $Table);
$Status->formatter(function ($Row) {
    if (!is_null($Row->nextstatusid)) {
        $Link = ' [<a href="/site-admin/orders/updateorderstatus/' . $Row->order_id . '/' . $Row->nextstatusid . '/">' . $Row->nextstatusnoun . '</a>]';