function delivery_start_msg($pi, $user_id) { $ot_info_data = mysql_get_rows('messages', array('where' => "payment_id = '{$pi}' AND msg_type = 1"), 1); $insert_data = array('message' => '<div class="start-order-box"><div class="icon-order-start mb10"></div>Order is started. And it will deliver within ' . $ot_info_data['days'] . ' days.</div>', 'receiver_id' => $user_id, 'msg_type' => 0, 'payment_id' => $pi); insertDB($insert_data, 'messages'); $insert_data['sender_id'] = NULL; return $insert_data; }
$custom = explode('||', $ipn_post_data['custom']); $ipn_encode = json_encode($ipn_post_data); $insert_data = array('user_id' => $agent_id, 'client_id' => $ipn_post_data['option_selection2'], 'item_name' => '', 'quantity' => $ipn_post_data['quantity'], 'amount' => $ipn_post_data['mc_gross'], 'txn_id' => $ipn_post_data['txn_id'], 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($ipn_post_data['payment_date'])), 'payment_status' => $ipn_post_data['payment_status'], 'info_updated' => 1, 'package' => $ipn_post_data['item_name'], 'test_ipn' => $ipn_post_data['test_ipn'], 'unique_key' => $custom[0], 'post_data' => $ipn_encode, 'job_status' => 1, 'bkid' => $outsource_data['id']); $msg_insert_data = array('receiver_id' => $agent_id, 'msg_type' => 1, 'message' => '', 'deliverable' => '', 'days' => ''); // check dmexpert id available from basekit $dmid = ''; if (is_array($def_data) && !is_null($def_data['dmid'])) { $sp_temp_data = mysql_get_rows('service_packages', array('where' => "id = '{$def_data['dmid']}'"), 1); if ($sp_temp_data) { $package_data = $sp_temp_data; $dmid = $def_data['dmid']; } } // dmexpert id available if ($dmid) { $service_data = mysql_get_rows('services', array('where' => "id = '{$package_data['service_id']}'"), 1); if (!is_array($service_data)) { $service_data = array(); } $insert_data['item_name'] = count($service_data) > 0 ? $service_data['name'] : ''; $insert_data['package'] = $package_data['job']; $insert_data['package_id'] = $dmid; $msg_insert_data['message'] = secure_data($package_data['required_data']); $msg_insert_data['deliverable'] = secure_data($package_data['deliverable']); $msg_insert_data['days'] = secure_data($package_data['days_to_complete']); } else { if (is_array($def_data)) { $msg_insert_data['message'] = secure_data($def_data['required_data']); $msg_insert_data['deliverable'] = secure_data($def_data['deliverable']); $msg_insert_data['days'] = secure_data($def_data['days_to_complete']); } else {
<?php include 'config.php'; $allowed_domains = array('localhost', ''); $settings = json_decode(file_get_contents('admin/data/settings.txt')); $email = secure_data($_GET['e']); //echo "<pre>"; print_r($_SERVER); exit; $ref_domain = ''; $referrer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if ($referrer) { $parse = parse_url($referrer); $ref_domain = preg_replace('#^www\\.(.+\\.)#i', '$1', $parse['host']); } if ($email && filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && $ref_domain && in_array($ref_domain, $allowed_domains)) { $user_data = mysql_get_rows('users', array('where' => 'email = "' . $email . '"'), 1); if (!$user_data) { $email_arr = explode('@', $email); $username = $email_arr[0]; $insert_data = array('email' => $email, 'username' => $username, 'password' => md5(rand(5, 6)), 'type' => 2, 'status' => 1, 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $id = insertDB($insert_data, 'users'); } else { $id = $user_data['id']; } $_SESSION['agent'] = $id; header("Location: dashboard.php"); exit; } else { header("Location: login.php"); exit; }
<?php include 'config.php'; checkAjax(); $return_data = array('status' => 0); $section_id = secure_data($_POST['sectionId']); $step_id = secure_data($_POST['stepId']); $enable = secure_data($_POST['changeEnable']); $user_id = $_SESSION['agent']; // Check if record exists or not $is_exists = mysql_get_rows('user_completed_couse', array('where' => "section_id='{$section_id}' AND user_id='{$user_id}'"), 1); if ($is_exists === '') { $section_data = mysql_get_rows('course_sections', array('where' => "id='{$section_id}'"), 1); $insert_values = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'course_id' => $section_data['course_id'], 'section_id' => $section_id); $id = insertDB($insert_values, 'user_completed_couse'); $completed = array(); } else { $id = $is_exists['id']; if (trim($is_exists['completed']) === '') { $completed = array(); } else { $completed = explode(',', trim($is_exists['completed'])); } } if ($enable == 1) { $completed[] = $step_id; array_unique($completed); $str_completed = implode(',', $completed); updateDB("completed = '{$str_completed}'", "WHERE id='{$id}'", 'user_completed_couse'); $return_data['status'] = 1; $return_data['enable'] = 1;
<?php set_time_limit(0); include '../config.php'; $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('../admin/data/home.txt')); $bkid = secure_data($_GET['id']); $dmuk = secure_data($_GET['dmuk']); if ($bkid !== '' && $dmuk !== '') { $properties = array('where' => "md5(bkid) = '{$bkid}' AND md5(unique_key) = '{$dmuk}'"); $payment_data = mysql_get_rows('payments', $properties, 1); if ($payment_data && !is_null($payment_data['user_id'])) { $user_data = mysql_get_rows('users', array('where' => "id = '{$payment_data['user_id']}'"), 1); $_SESSION['agent'] = $user_data['id']; $url = SITE_URL . "updateinfo.php?uk=" . md5($payment_data['unique_key']) . "&id=" . md5($payment_data['id']); header("Location: " . $url); exit; } else { header("Location: " . SITE_URL); die; } } else { header("Location: " . SITE_URL); die; }
<?php include 'config.php'; include 'includes/paypalconfig.php'; $settings = json_decode(file_get_contents('admin/data/settings.txt')); $custom = explode('||', secure_data($_POST['custom'])); $payment_data = mysql_get_rows('payments', array('where' => "unique_key = '{$custom['0']}' AND user_id = '{$custom['1']}'"), 1); if ($payment_data) { header("Location: " . SITE_URL . 'updateinfo.php?uk=' . md5($custom[0]) . '&id=' . md5($payment_data['id'])); } else { header("Location: " . SITE_URL); }
require_once 'config.php'; $id = secure_data($_GET['id']); $uk = secure_data($_GET['uk']); $payment_data = mysql_get_rows('payments', array('where' => "md5(id)='{$id}' AND md5(unique_key)='{$uk}'"), 1); if (!$payment_data) { header("Location: " . SITE_URL . "admin/"); die; } $user_data = mysql_get_rows('users', array('where' => "id='{$payment_data['user_id']}'"), 1); $messages = array(); $overdue = 0; if ($payment_data['info_updated'] == 1) { $msg_types = implode(',', array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)); $info_data = mysql_get_rows('messages', array('where' => "payment_id='{$payment_data['id']}' AND msg_type='1'"), 1); $messages = mysql_get_rows('messages', array('where' => "payment_id='{$payment_data['id']}' AND msg_type IN ({$msg_types})")); $time = time(); $deliver_time = strtotime($payment_data['order_start_date']) + $info_data['days'] * 86400; if (in_array($payment_data['job_status'], array(2, 4)) && $time > $deliver_time) { $overdue = 1; } } if (!is_array($messages)) { $messages = array(); } ?> <div id="page-wrapper"> <div class="loader-parent clearfix mb20"> <h1 class="page-header">Outsource Info</h1> <div class="well well-msg clearfix"> <div class="message-box-container text-left"><div class="message-container"></div></div>
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('../admin/data/home.txt')); $return_data = array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'An error occured'); $post_data = $_POST; $bkodata = $post_data['post_data']; $allowed_domains = array('localhost', ''); $ref_domain = ''; $referrer = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if ($referrer) { $parse = parse_url($referrer); $ref_domain = preg_replace('#^www\\.(.+\\.)#i', '$1', $parse['host']); } if ($ref_domain && in_array($ref_domain, $allowed_domains) && $post_data['access'] === md5('basekit-to-dmexpert-api')) { $job_type = isset($bkodata['ostatus']) && $bkodata['ostatus'] ? $bkodata['ostatus'] : ''; $user_data = mysql_get_rows('users', array('where' => "email = '{$post_data['email']}'"), 1); if ($user_data) { $payment_data = mysql_get_rows('payments', array('where' => "bkid = '{$bkodata['pi']}' AND user_id = '{$user_data['id']}'"), 1); if ($payment_data) { $v = new Validator($bkodata, array(), 'en', DOC_ORG_ROOT . 'lang/'); if (!in_array($job_type, array(5, 6))) { $v->rule('required', ['message']); } if ($v->validate()) { $msg_type = 0; if ($job_type !== '') { if ($job_type == 2 && $payment_data['order_started'] == 0) { $msg_type = 2; } elseif ($job_type == 4 && in_array($payment_data['job_status'], array(3))) { $msg_type = 4; } elseif ($job_type == 5 && in_array($payment_data['job_status'], array(3))) { $msg_type = 5; } elseif ($job_type == 6) {
<?php include '../config.php'; include '../includes/validation.php'; $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('../admin/data/home.txt')); $return_data = array('status' => 0); $v = new Validator($_POST, array(), 'en', DOC_ORG_ROOT . 'lang/'); $v->rule('required', ['username', 'email', 'password']); $v->rule('email', 'email'); if ($v->validate()) { $email = secure_data($_POST['email']); $is_exists = mysql_get_rows('users', array('where' => "email = '{$email}'"), 1); if (!$is_exists) { $username = secure_data($_POST['username']); $password = secure_data($_POST['password']); // Password must be in md5 $insert_data = array('username' => $username, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'type' => 2, 'status' => 1, 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); insertDB($insert_data, 'users'); } $return_data['status'] = 1; } echo json_encode($return_data);
$insert_data[1] = delivery_start_msg($pi, $user_id); $info_data = mysql_get_rows('messages', array('where' => "payment_id='{$payment_data['id']}' AND msg_type='1'"), 1); $return_data['od'] = $order_date; $return_data['dd'] = 'Before ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($order_date) + $info_data['days'] * 86400); } elseif ($job_type == 4 && in_array($payment_data['job_status'], array(3))) { updateDB("job_status = 4", "WHERE id = '{$pi}'", 'payments'); $info_data = mysql_get_rows('messages', array('where' => "payment_id='{$payment_data['id']}' AND msg_type='1'"), 1); $return_data['dd'] = 'Before ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($payment_data['order_start_date']) + $info_data['days'] * 86400); } elseif ($job_type == 5 && in_array($payment_data['job_status'], array(3))) { updateDB("job_status = 5", "WHERE id = '{$pi}'", 'payments'); } elseif ($job_type == 6) { updateDB("job_status = 6", "WHERE id = '{$pi}'", 'payments'); $return_data['dd'] = '-'; } if (in_array($job_type, array(2, 4, 5, 6)) && !is_null($payment_data['bkid']) && $payment_data['bkid'] !== '') { $user_data = mysql_get_rows('users', array('where' => "id='{$user_id}'"), 1); $curl_pay_data = $payment_data; unlink($curl_pay_data['post_data']); $curl_data = array('job_type' => $job_type, 'time' => $time, 'bkid' => $payment_data['bkid'], 'email' => $user_data['email'], 'payment_data' => $curl_pay_data, 'access' => md5('dmexpert-to-basekit-api')); $extra_data = array(CURLOPT_REFERER => ''); $url = BK_URL . 'agent/dashboard/updatemessage'; run_curl($url, $curl_data, $extra_data); } } ob_start(); include "msg_display.php"; $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $return_data['html'] = $html; $return_data['rtype'] = $rtype; $return_data['status'] = 1;
<?php include 'config.php'; if (isset($_POST)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("admin/data/settings.txt")); if (isset($_POST['username']) && $_POST['username'] !== "" && isset($_POST['password']) && $_POST['password'] !== "") { $email = secure_data($_POST['username']); $password = secure_data($_POST['password']); $properties = array('where' => '`email`="' . $email . '" AND `password`="' . md5($password) . '"'); $user_data = mysql_get_rows('users', $properties, 1); if ($user_data) { $_SESSION['agent'] = $user_data['id']; header("Location: dashboard.php"); exit; } //$_SESSION['admin'] = 'true'; //header("Location: index.php"); } } $settings = json_decode(file_get_contents('admin/data/settings.txt')); include 'includes/header_guest.php'; ?> <div class="container" style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; width: 400px;"> <div class="clearfix" style="padding: 10px;"> <form action="" method="post" role="form" class="form-signin"> <h2 class="form-signin-heading">Please sign in</h2> <input type="text" autofocus="" required="" placeholder="Email" name="username" style="margin: 10px 0; width: 100%;" class="form-control"> <input type="password" required="" placeholder="Password" name="password" style="margin: 10px 0; width: 100%;" class="form-control"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" style="margin-top: 10px;">Sign in</button>